Weekly Achievements for 03Apr22 thru 09Apr22
#1 Video
Feel It Still - a Frug by Buttle
Racing Drone Tours Tesla's New Berlin Gigafactory by eric3579

Herd of sheep drone footage is a beautiful thing to watch by eric3579

The Dick Head WORDLE producer at the NYT by eric3579

Top 15 Videos
Self Defense by ant
The instigator by ant

Glass Octopus by eric3579

Swimming under a frozen lake by eric3579

Poimo is an inflatable electric scooter that by C-note

The magnetic slime robot by C-note

Jon Batiste - FREEDOM by eric3579

How To Fill My Wife’s Beaver by eric3579

Rammstein - Zick Zack (Official Video) by Zawash

Simultaneous Tragedy: Fire at Evergreen Packaging by w1ndex

GAY! - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody by BSR

Trucks: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) by w1ndex

You don't know 'You' by luxintenebris reached #4
Drivers navigating Russian landmines left on a bridge by eric3579

We Solved It. How do these rocks move on their own by BSR

Bucha After The Russians Left - WARNING DEATH by newtboy

Comedian's Reaction to Will Smith Slapping Chris Rock by eric3579

Haboob by eric3579

quick history of planned parenthood and birth control by luxintenebris reached #7
When I’m On Cocaine … by newtboy

armed to the max by luxintenebris reached #7
Sound City by BSR

Overwhelming RPG mechanics by ant

Nebraska rejects abortion bill by luxintenebris reached #8
Sesame Street: A Tribute to Emilio Delgado by ant

There I Ruined It short: Every Non-word in "Smooth Criminal" by moonsammy

Honest Trailers | Spider-Man: No Way Home by ant

How 'Dune' Composer Hans Zimmer Created Oscar-Winning Score by BSR

Top Comments
I don't feel so alone anymore. by BSR
To save everyone the click... Definition of Sardoodledom ... by noims

But I always yelled "SORRY mom I deserved that!" while... by cloudballoon

There is simply no reason for anyone to go on Fox anymore.... by robdot

Further proof Putin made the wrong decision. Sean Penn... by bobarino

Most Votes Cast
Racing Drone Tours Tesla's New Berlin Gigafactory by eric3579
The instigator by ant

Jon Batiste - FREEDOM by eric3579

Self Defense by ant

Trucks: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) by w1ndex

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