Electricity and Magnetism

I started my first day of the course today.  I actually have to "crash" since I was waitlisted when I signed up for the course.  I'm number 1 on the waitlist so hopefully that helps.  This isn't about that though, this is about the beginning California's institutions of higher education's ruin.

 What we have here is a situation where a number of factors are coming together to put an extremely heavy burden on colleges and community colleges in California.

The first factor: Budget.  We all know California isn't doing too hot now in terms of our budget.  This means there will be cuts in parts of the budget that somebody deemed "less important".  Instead of continually feeding money into institutions that help people become educated so that they can make a living and pay taxes, they cut out classes, teachers, and entire programs altogether.  This puts the first strain on the schools.

The second factor: Now that the budget has been cut at the senior college/university,they must cut courses, and full on programs.  But guess what...they don't change the requirements needed to graduate with a degree that includes those programs.  For example, they cut out the Art 100 series of classes from UCSD but they still require them to graduate with an art degree.  Well guess where those students are going to go to pick these courses up...the already student-saturated community college district which has ALREADY taken a budget hit

The third factor: High unemployment rate.  You have a lot of people unemployed and deciding that now would be a good time to modify their own life path.  Herds of the unemployed have decided to hit the books once again.  To which I say: "well done", however our system is running out of resources.

So this is why when I signed up on the first day that was scheduled to me, within the first hour that I was allowed to sign up, I was immediately tossed onto 3rd on the wait list.  Usually, after a couple of months, one that was #10 on the waiting queue would get their chance to enroll.  These days, I moved 2 spots in just as many months.

inflatablevagina says...

This is a subject in which I can get really heated about. Not so much California but every state. I am in Texas and I feel the same way. Education gets cut before anything else. We fight these wars that will never end.. war on terror.. war on drugs... but we can't fight a war on stupidity? Why would anyone think that funneling billions of dollars into the first two lost causes is better than educating the people to make better decisions? So what if someone wants to smoke crack? I'm not doing it. Crackheads won't teach my kids. Who will though? Teachers are already underpaid and under appreciated. So we cut education spending to the point where it is more difficult to get an education that it is to do anything else. People who are more educated commit less crimes. Isn't that another benefit to society? I want to slit my wrists when I hear about the money we are spending on "Abstinence Only" education when there are fucking schools and kids out there without books! Do ANYTHING but spend our dollars on that bullshit. People will only get more dumb and easier to control..... that rings of a conspiracy theory, doesn't it?

videosiftbannedme says...

But yes, the edu-ma-cation system is pretty much FUBAR nowadays. They're raising tuition rates here in the dustbowl, as well as cutting programs, positions, etc. I'm just glad that this is my last semester (technically) and then I get my degree. Want to hear the real kicker though? Because I'm a member of Phi Theta Kappa, I have access to over 37 million in transfer scholarships...but the two four-year university systems here won't accept any transfer scholarships issued by PTK. Oh well...fine, don't take my money. Just one more reason not to go for a four-year in this state.

Fucking joke.

gwiz665 says...

Education is the underpinning of a civilized society. Without it all the rest will fall. The US will realize this when it is too late and the rest of the world has surpassed them. Education is the LAST place to trim a budget.

United States => The grunts of the world.

peggedbea says...

thinker 247 and i have epic plans to crash teabagging parties... my sign will read "i refuse to pay to educate your kids, but i will enthusiastically pay to send your kids to war or prison!"

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