Desktop Tower Defense: My 2nd Best Score on Medium Difficulty
This is me achieving my second highest score on Medium/Normal level on Desktop Tower Defense. When Dag first made me aware of this game I was addicted for a long time trying to perfect any kind of a solid attack. The only way to achieve high scores, especially on Hard difficulty, is demoed in this video: lots of juggling and very rapidly sending in lots of levels at a time. (I screwed up a little this go-round as a huge pink sperm almost escapes my maze near the end of the video.)
I had all the high scores on the VideoSift group scoreboard and no one else was really playing, so I lost interest.
Then... I noticed one day King Zifnab came along and was systematically knocking down all my high scores (which now I am embarrassed to call "high"). This pushed me to develop a new attack algorithm which I think I've nearly perfected. At the very least I've knocked Prince Zifnab back down below my high scores where he belongs.
Sharing this video was mainly for fun but also to spur you--yes YOU--to get in that game and give it a shot. YOU can DO it.
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