Taking Some Time Off

It's no mystery that I've been a bit disappointed with recent events. It's been over 3 years and I need a break. We're heading down to Currumbin Beach, sitting in the sun, playing my guitar and welcoming 40. See you all on the flip side, Lucky has the con.
gwiz665 says...

Hitler didn't take any vacations... you're worse than Hitler!

Heh, naw, have fun and record some videos of yourself on the guitar.. someone will surely sift it.

videosiftbannedme says...

Work to live, don't live to work. That's my motto. I guess Happy Birthday congrats are in order too. You have a damn good time out there. Have a lot of 's.

That goes for everyone else too. Go have some fun will ya?

gwiz665 says...

You lift 40 tons,
what do you get,
a sift full of whiners
and a big server-debt

St. Peter don'tcha call my cause I can't leave
I owe my soul to a guy named steve (jobs)

Happy B-day, glorious leader. May your fossilized records be preserved for a long long time.

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