What has UsesProzac been up to? (Blog Post)

I haven't been around much. I've been focusing a lot on music. I'm finally pursuing jazz. No more wedding bands or corporate gigs for me! Sitting in for my first time at a jazz jam on Monday. I've prepared Cantaloupe Island and Watermelon Man, both by the illustrious Herbie Hancock. I love you, VideoSift, just haven't had much time for you.

I'm feeling nostalgiac (Blog Post)

It was daylight when you woke up in your ditch. 
You looked up at your sky then. 
That made blue be your color. 
You had your knife there with you too. 
When you stood up there was goo all over your clothes. 
Your hands were sticky. 
You wiped them on your grass, so now your color was green. 
Oh Lord, why did everything always have to keep changing like this. 
You were already getting nervous again. 
Your head hurt and it rang when you stood up. 
Your head was almost empty. 
It always hurt you when you woke up like this. 
You crawled up out of your ditch 
onto your gravel road and began to walk, 
waiting for the rest of your mind to come back to you. 
You can see the car parked far down the road 
and you walked toward it. 
"If God is our Father," you thought, 
"then Satan must be our cousin." 
Why didn't anyone else understand these important things? 
You got to your car and tried all the doors. 
They were locked. 
It was a red car and it was new. 
There was an expensive leather camera case laying on the seat. 
Out across your field, 
you could see two tiny people walking by your woods. 
You began to walk towards them. 
Now red was your color and, of course, 
those little people out there were yours too.

=^.^= Miau (Blog Post)

Ignore this if you don't care about cats or emotions pertaining to them.  

I told my boyfriend if my cat didn't come back in four weeks, I'm getting another cat. That sounds kind of cold, but I need a cat in my life.

My last cat, Gojira, he left when we moved to Maryland last year. My boyfriend's parents let him out without consulting me and he never came back. I'd had him for several years. It was a serious blow to my happiness. I'm still reeling from that and now Tt is gone. I just need another cat to shower love upon. I need another cat to feed tidbits of meat to on the counter, just like a cat shouldn't be doing. <_< I just need a damned cat, OK?? It's not like meth, being addicted to cats won't rot your teeth. Toxiplasmosis can be a bitch, but it's a risk I'm willing to take. Plus, the personality change could be a boon to my social life. Who knows.

A friend of mine had a batch of kittens and keeps posting pictures all over the place. I'm tempted to earmark one for myself. I need a cat from kittenhood. It makes a difference, I think.

We have other cats and I pet them and feed them, but they don't come into my room. They don't prefer me or anything like that. They come to me when they're hungry or want inside/outside. It's not the same. 


A good thing about today, though, which sometimes relates to cats is that I'm the owner of the *cute channel now. It's a really fun, easy channel that can only brighten my day. Nothing crazy gets *cuted. I've not found a single thing to remove. Ah, so simple. 

Our kitty is missing. (Blog Post)

My son's cat from kittenhood has been missing for about three days. He's about 9 months old, still in posession of his balls, so I wonder if he's wandering looking for a girlfriend. Come back home, Tt, at least for a pit stop.

When Tt was about a month old, he was sleeping in the open reclining sofa and inevitably it was closed on him. It was a rough night of labored kitty breathing and tears. He recovered slowly and spent a lot of time asleep on my fuzzy grey robe.

A couple months after that, he got sick, very sick. Likely caught it from the elderly local stray who later died of whatever it was. Wouldn't move from the grey robe, would only eat what was hand fed to him, water that was brought to him. He malingered like that for two weeks then he got better.

A month after that, he came limping inside, nothing broken that I could discern, but very tender in his right foreleg and only got better about a few weeks ago.  

I've had this niggling feeling in the back of my head since I got him that he was living on borrowed time. He was a gift for me after my cat Gojira went away. I'm half apathetic about it. I didn't let myself get wholly attached to Tt. I always think of him as my son's cat. My son named him and they play together inside and out all day. Well, until recently. Come back, Tt. Brennan has been looking for you around the house.


The Dead Pool! (Blog Post)

Why have I never dallied in the dead pool until now.. It's so fun to fix dead videos and the badge is so much nicer than the *deading badge.

Who made the art for the badges? Cos they rock.

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