blankfist says...

To me, it's not whether or not the government was involved; it's whether or not the official story is correct. Some of the gathered and reviewed information contesting the official story is intriguing. Not sure why people are called wingnuts for wanting to learn more or challenge current held beliefs.

Do I think Dubya was behind some conspiracy? No. Do I think there could be more to that day than what the government tells me? Absolutely. Do I like to wear lady's underpants? Like a fucking boss.

Psychologic says...

The official story is unlikely to be 100% correct, ever. They might even be intentionally hiding information.

That's a little different than people claiming it was carried out by the government so they could frame Al Queda (or whatever the reasoning was).

blankfist says...

As an aside, this is the one time when statists freely admit government is inefficient and inept. Every other time it's "No, my government is the best and infallible."

NetRunner says...

>> ^blankfist:

As an aside, this is the one time when statists freely admit government is inefficient and inept. Every other time it's "No, my government is the best and infallible."

Not really. Most of the time it's "my government should still try to do what it can to make things right, even if it can't be infallible."

Most of the rest of the time it's simply people pointing out that some level of inefficiency and ineptitude is going to creep into any human endeavor, and the existence of inefficiency or ineptitude doesn't have any bearing on the worthiness of the endeavor itself.

In this case it's mostly just pointing out that if you believe it can successfully conduct a massive conspiracy and keep it secret, you should also believe it can do simpler things (that are much more in its wheelhouse) like manage a national health insurance program, or implement pollution controls.

xxovercastxx says...

The maximum extent to which I'll entertain 9/11 conspiracy theories is to say that they knew these attacks were coming (which is already shown to be at least somewhat true) and they let them happen so they could implement their agenda easier.

I would still be awfully surprised if they managed to mastermind even that.

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