O.C.- The Florida Of California

These are the entitled "Karens" of Orange County who refuse to wear a mask in public places, putting everyone at risk.
These ignorant people think making rich people wear masks is the same as a knee on their neck.
These geniuses also seem to believe cloth masks don't let CO² out or O² in.
I mean look! Little Biff Wilson is wearing his soccer outfit, but he's not playing soccer! FASCISTS!!!

After the second lady pulled the sovereign citizen card out, did the third lady really go to the "you are kneeling on the necks of the people"????????????


Anyone able to find a source for someone suffering asphyxiation or C02 poisoning from wearing a mask?

Yes, the third lady equated having to wear a mask for a while with being killed by police.


And when they get their way and their healthcare system collapses, they'll use a neighboring county's whose population WERE wearing masks, and won't have learned a damn thing.


That's why I support using facial recognition to identify these irresponsible inconsiderate ignoramuses and create a database any hospital can use to deny them Covid care, and that responsible people who get infected can use to identify and sue any Covid Marys.
If they insist on putting everyone at risk over their belief that it's not dangerous, they should be forced to live with any repercussions that might arise.


And when they get their way and their healthcare system collapses, they'll use a neighboring county's whose population WERE wearing masks, and won't have learned a damn thing.


I don't think American hospitals would give up an opportunity to make obscene amounts of money for basic care let alone intensive care.

Having them pay insurance premiums or be put in a separate insurance category (high risk fuckwit) would probably make more sense.


That's why I support using facial recognition to identify these irresponsible inconsiderate ignoramuses and create a database any hospital can use to deny them Covid care, and that responsible people who get infected can use to identify and sue any Covid Marys.
If they insist on putting everyone at risk over their belief that it's not dangerous, they should be forced to live with any repercussions that might arise.


What about the Rioters and Protesters of last 2 weeks? Do you support using facial recognition to identify these irresponsible inconsiderate ignoramuses and create a database any hospital can use to deny them Covid care?


That's why I support using facial recognition to identify these irresponsible inconsiderate ignoramuses and create a database any hospital can use to deny them Covid care, and that responsible people who get infected can use to identify and sue any Covid Marys.
If they insist on putting everyone at risk over their belief that it's not dangerous, they should be forced to live with any repercussions that might arise.


They don't deserve denied care unless they're in crowds unmasked, then yes, but I also support prosecuting them, since the organized people caught doing damage and sparking riots so far are right wing extremists, actually right wing terrorists with all the accompanying bombs and plans to destroy America, that sounds great. Anyone actually doing damage (beyond simple reversible vandalism like paint on glass), lighting fires, beating peaceful people, driving/shooting into crowds, or instigating others to do so aren't protesters....nor are they cops, identify them too, first actually. Round them all up and lock them up together.

Of course, you agree we should also use them at any white power/other hate group rally and make the lists public, right? They have a right to hate, we have every right to identify and hate them back, and shun them, refuse them service, employment, or housing, right? Being prejudiced is not a protected class.


What about the Rioters and Protesters of last 2 weeks? Do you support using facial recognition to identify these irresponsible inconsiderate ignoramuses and create a database any hospital can use to deny them Covid care?


odd that 'boy who cried wolf' is used by an agent orange fan. enough gall there to down a forest.

the nicest thing a body could accuse you of is being a russian agent. then at least, there would be a valid reason for such an invalid comment.



The biggest "Boy who cried wolf" of our time.


y'all heard of pandora's box? facial recognition is evil - in every sense of the word - that if it becomes reality, it will become a nightmare.

'covid marys' is a nice term. typhoid mary was a carrier of a deadly pathogen - herself be unaffected - that spread the bacteria that infected 53; killed 3 (one of those killed was the daughter of the woman who hired her as a cook). the parallel is obvious.


That's why I support using facial recognition to identify these irresponsible inconsiderate ignoramuses and create a database any hospital can use to deny them Covid care, and that responsible people who get infected can use to identify and sue any Covid Marys.
If they insist on putting everyone at risk over their belief that it's not dangerous, they should be forced to live with any repercussions that might arise.


these people reference 'freedom' as a reason for their desire to become agents of misery. what they have yet to grok is their freedom is reliant on other people. many of those, who might be sicked and/or killed with this failed recognition.

their freedom ends where other's fists begin.


Don't fool yourself, it's been in wide spread use for years, mostly behind the scenes (but publicly at airports and larger events). It makes me want a scramble suit (see A Scanner Darkly).
Since we are already under AI surveillance, more daily, it might as well work for the good of the public, no?

Thanks...I have yet to hear anyone else make the comparison. Obviously I knew who typhoid Mary was....I'm glad to know someone else did too.


y'all heard of pandora's box? facial recognition is evil - in every sense of the word - that if it becomes reality, it will become a nightmare.

'covid marys' is a nice term. typhoid mary was a carrier of a deadly pathogen - herself be unaffected - that spread the bacteria that infected 53; killed 3 (one of those killed was the daughter of the woman who hired her as a cook). the parallel is obvious.


I dread to ask, but why should protesters be denied health care?


What about the Rioters and Protesters of last 2 weeks? Do you support using facial recognition to identify these irresponsible inconsiderate ignoramuses and create a database any hospital can use to deny them Covid care?

newtboyjokingly says...

That's going too far.
It is impressive to be so ignorant that he makes Jethro Clampet look like an Ivy League theoretical physics professor, but Trump level stupidity? That's a step too far.
That would be an insult to a flatworm.


I wouldn't say almost, he's there and passed it IMHO.

luxintenebrisjokingly says...

I got something to say
I killed your baby today
And it doesn't matter much to me
As long as it's dead

Sweet lovely death
I am waiting for your breath
Come sweet death, one last caress

(what bob essentially said - only cooler)



The biggest "Boy who cried wolf" of our time.


Since they've switched from MAGA to KAG (Keep America Great) I believe the correct collective noun for Trump followers is Kagzis.


You're so fucking dumb... You need to keep your Trumpanzee mouth shut. Your time is coming to an end moron.

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