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What is Water Hammer?

mxxcon says...

I was expecting completely different content. I thought he would show some sort of actual hammering device which uses water.

But this is just as cool of a topic. Would've been interesting to see in more detail various solutions to address this effect.

Hydrodynamic Levitation! - Veritasium

mxxcon says...

I question this guys claim that he "invented" it. I remember doing this as a kid with my garden hose.

He might have been the one to market it..and even that sounds questionable.

Why you should never pour grease down the drain

The Truth About Popular Culture

The most secure coin in the world

How Donald Trump Tweets

Cherenkov Radiation:Particles Faster Than the Speed of Light

Evidence Of Election Fraud?

Should you shave your Pubes?

mxxcon says...

That's because you haven't smelled mine yet.

sillma said:

Pheromones? I've seen quite a few of sciency clips from credible sources that say humans haven't been observed to have any pheromones.

How to Land a 737 (Nervous Passenger)

mxxcon says...

Even knowing how to use the radio is one degree better than absolutely no knowledge of a plane..

And they gotta implement some sort of remove control/assistance system.
If not straight up remove piloting then remotely light up things that I would need to push/pull/twist...

Chairman_woo said:

@mxxcon Unless a qualified pilot happened to be on the plane it would likely be the senior attendant that takes responsibility yes.

I imagine there is some procedure in place, but the scenario is so massively unlikely and modern avionics so good that there would be little point in doing much if any formal training (I can't see most airlines warranting the expense).

I dare say they might be shown how to work the radio though.

How to Land a 737 (Nervous Passenger)

mxxcon says...

I was following him until he started talking about flaps. From that on is became really complicated.

Aren't flight attendants more qualified at this than random passengers? They gotta go through some sort of basic emergency training...

Why the suspended monorail failed

Korean Girls Try American BBQ For the First Time

California City: The Largest City Never Built

mxxcon says...

Did they say that such a new place to stay have to be a literal desert? Those people probably desire an environment on par with where you are right now..

Dumdeedum said:

If only we had a lot of people from a desert environment looking for a new place to stay!

Is Drinking Tea Good for You?

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