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The limits of how far humanity can ever travel - Kurzgesagt

gorillaman says...

Well just for fun, the math says ~24 days to .1c at a constant 1.5G. Obviously in practice those figures are a nonsense, but you can get there. The Project Orion people thought so, at least.

Then you simply coast for a few decades, turn your ship around, and start throwing the nukes out in front of you to slow down. Hell of a way to make an entrance at your destination.

MilkmanDan said:

Interesting. Does that account for the limits of the human body in terms of (long-term) exposure to G-forces from all that acceleration?

I'm sure we could use nukes to propel a craft to very high speeds very quickly, but I'd wager that limiting the acceleration to human tolerance would require that to be spread out over a much longer span of time.

A quick google search suggests that nobody really knows exactly how much we could handle in terms of long-term exposure to acceleration G-forces:
(apparently the highest load we've ever tested on humans is 1.5G for 7 days -- without doing any math I'd wager we'd need a lot faster acceleration than that for a lot longer span of time to get to even 1/10th of c)

The limits of how far humanity can ever travel - Kurzgesagt

gorillaman says...

It's not quite true to say it would take thousands of years to reach our nearest star. If only people weren't pussies about the small matter of exploding hundreds of nuclear bombs in the atmosphere, we could use technology that existed in the fifties to accelerate spacecraft to as much as a tenth of light speed. Proxima Centauri in a matter of decades, no problem.

There's no reason to actually do that; nothing to be learned, nothing to gain in terms of technology or resource exploitation or potential for the future, but god damn it, it would be cool.

A Revolver That Fires More Than 25 Cartridge Types

A Revolver That Fires More Than 25 Cartridge Types

gorillaman says...

Video game weapons all already have this adaptation.

00Scud00 said:

A weapon mod that adds a ton of new weapons and ammo types for a game like Fallout 4 would make something like this a pretty handy thing to have.

Every Frame A Painting - Coen Brothers - Shot | Reverse Shot

gorillaman says...

I'm not certain that "they like to film dialogue from inside the space of the conversation" was one of the first things I noticed about the Coens.

Babymech (Member Profile)

gorillaman says...

Only in the sense that, like the jews, SJWs are a menace that must be ruthlessly opposed and ultimately, happily, exterminated.

I hope you don't find that offensive at all.

Babymech said:

I don't know you, so I have to ask - is that an intentional hint you're giving us that so-called social justice warriors are really Jew vermin? Because that would be fascinating.

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koonnamchok (Member Profile)

How "old school" graphics worked.

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