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How to (Properly) Eat Sushi

chingalera says...

I wonder if I've been eating my damn oatmeal correctly after watching Trevor (given-name, doomed to derision) here...

Best sushi experience-Deep sea charter, catch tunies, filet on deck-Bring rice if ya want, wasabi, good soy-Oh, decent Saki. This is good sushi.

What a Sword Really Sounds Like Being Removed from a Sheath

Teacher Conducts Intense Racism Exercise with her Students

chingalera says...

That's because the institution is a tool for programming and indoctrination used to shape meat while tender rather than train the mind to process information efficiently and instinctively.

Kalle said:

Do something like that today as a teacher and you get sued into oblivion...

Teacher Conducts Intense Racism Exercise with her Students

Teacher Conducts Intense Racism Exercise with her Students

not_blankfist (Member Profile)

Lawrence O'Donnell - What Constitution says about treason

Teacher Conducts Intense Racism Exercise with her Students

chingalera says...

Miss Janes' rockin' that meta-programming...

How many generations would it take to fix the North Korean peoples? One, if you separated the ones just pulled from the matrix from the ones already fried.

Wouldn't take long without the distortion-

bjornenlinda (Member Profile)

chingalera says...

I recall seeing the * ban in that thread and thinking it was a feisty joshing-about...Might I suggest a grain-of-salt approach? It's not that yer Belgian, you collided with a quirky Dane is all!

gwiz665 said:

Hey, I'm sorry for trying to call ban on you. It was over the top, and I apologize.

I really should have read the comment thread before writing.

Low Security Jail In Norway

chingalera says...

I like Velocity5's data-based immigration model and would add preservation of culture and language as a caveat to citizenship, as well as a "3-R's" approach to a welcome mat for new arrivals. Knowledge is power-

Low Security Jail In Norway

Low Security Jail In Norway

chingalera says...

This system works fine for Norway and serves as a model for a humane system of rehabilitation/education/reintegration-This would work as a model for any modern civilized society given a similar petri dish.

Any transition to something similar in the U.S. would take a few generations and maybe something as simple as re-indoctrination of her population through eliminating television and consumer advertising and re-claiming education as a system of human potential and critical thinking rather than a mind-numbing-and-dumbing of young minds and a platform for the roboticism of humanity.

Hardly any violent crime in Canada and this is due mainly to the lack of 24/7 violence and disinformation being pumped-into homes through the cathode-ray nipple....The only wet-nurse that could create a cripple!

Developmental-disability and criminals running the machine has created the big business of "criminal" recidivism in America-The real criminals are in charge of the prisons system apparatus-

For these pieces of human garbage, there should be no-quarter and televised trials should broadcast worldwide for about five solid years should they ever be brought to justice...

The U.S. systems' broken and beyond redemption.

This is what it looks like to learn a language in one year

chingalera says...

You gotta love the way Deutschlanders string fifteen words together in what looks like repeated attempts to break syllabicate this one, "Rechtsschutzversicherungsgesellschaften," which means, "insurance companies providing legal protection." Always makes me giggle to hear these

Wacky frikkin' Germans!

Undercover "Disabled Tour Guides" At Disneyland

Undercover "Disabled Tour Guides" At Disneyland

chingalera says...

My fee for escort would require costumes of my own design to be worn by participating family members, the Mad Tea-Cup Party ride at least 10 times during the course of the day, and a bottomless stein of Bärenjäger on ice.

Oh, and I'd have a reinforced electric wheelchair that would stand-astride two riders-

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