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How to (Properly) Eat Sushi

chingalera says...

Well fuck me gwiz, I completely missed the situational irony in your description of the hipster's writing process at the coffee haus....Got me!! (Sounded like something I would have imagined you were engaged in and ya totally bamboozled me!!)

We share then in common a disdain for so-lauded or self-appointed "experts" AND hippie-wannabees!!

How to (Properly) Eat Sushi

chingalera says...

Writing a novel on a Macbook at a coffee haus sipping a chai mocha?? Duuuuude, that has hipster written all over it!.....A hipster in geek's clothing who eats his sushi like someone form a trailer park in Alabama!!

How to (Properly) Eat Sushi

chingalera says...

Oh yeah, and Oregon. Lived in Portland before the mainstream Hipster-hijack, back when pretentious hippy-douchebag was in the incubation stages (1991-2).

Yeah, a lotta good sushi to be had there and the primary reason?? Pretentious kids from all over the country flocked to the land of no sunshine to escape the repression of their upbringing brokered by their disillusioned hippie parents who drank the Babylonian Kool-Aid at University (incubator for ineffectual putties), to bask in the aroma of their own farts.

You'd fit right in there gwiz

How to (Properly) Eat Sushi

chingalera says...

@ gwiz and arekin-While I tend to distrust "experts" or any kind, especially the self-described or those deemed worthy by others relying upon them for their "superior knowledge", you can't dismiss a culture's preference for simple details with regard to their culinary heritage. The Japanese imltho, are allowed passes on their anal attention to details regarding their cultural heritage after all, they took two for the team-

My own sushi would not be deemed worthy by most Japanese, but most Americans I serve it to act like they've just seen majolica performed when I prepare it and they partake.

The "right" way offers the experience as closely as it was intended by the culture, and the "wrong" way offers the Hindi version of "Star Wars" as a culinary experience., and I've had some shit sushi in my day, mostly prepared by white people. Oh, and a proper Japanese would never put that fake-ass artificial crab-pollock shit in their handrolls, either!

I like both ways, because I'm a fucking goat and would eat cardboard or tin if prepared suitably. I try to however, prepare and consume sushi according to tradition, and find it the most satisfying for the sushi experience. I am constantly trying to improve upon my rice according to the Japanese standards and practices-If you ace the rice, the rest is a cake-walk.

Oh yeah, and if you drink anything but black coffee, yer effeminate.

What a Sword Really Sounds Like Being Removed from a Sheath

chingalera says...

The Bastard sword-
Wield that longsword well and you are pretty much the bad-boy on the sword-fighting block...Last thing to be uttered from the reciving-end of one was most likely, "You BASsstard!" many a time...

ChaosEngine said:

Oh come on. There is a type of sword called a bastard sword. Clearly that wins. For the name alone!

How to (Properly) Eat Sushi

chingalera says...

I ran a side sushi bar at my cousin's club in Durango for a year, made California rolls and had Yellowfin for Nigiri and Sashim-With my leftovers...I took those home and served 'em in a bowl salad-style to my wife n son, simply cut it up an toss it with some shoyu and wasabi 'n ginger....MMmmMMMgoood, kept us lean n mean!!

Herbs And Empires: A Brief History Of Malaria Drugs

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