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DEADMAU5's home music studio is amazing

How ancient Romans made stronger concrete than today

Payback says...

Imagine waiting 6 months for a single highrise floor pour to set.

That's why modern concrete isn't as strong. It has to set a Hell of a lot quicker to be cost effective.

Smarter Every Day - Rolling Shutter Explained

Shear Pins are Smart (They're Mechanical Fuses)

Payback says...

He says he's "done for the day" because of it. Probably intends to get a new shear pin "tomorrow" and continue mowing. Depending on how far away everything is, it could be more efficient to avoid two extra tractor trips just to repair a pin.

RFlagg said:

I'm still at a loss on why he's waiting for a ride? Disconnect the tractor from the equipment, drive the tractor back... Heck, I'd think even once the PTO shaft was disconnected, he'd still be able to tow the equipment back using the tractor.

EDIT: Of course, I'd guess it would take a few tools to disconnect the equipment so it could drive back, or tow... so perhaps that's what he's waiting for, tools, not really just a ride, and then tow the tractor and equipment back...

WKB (Member Profile)

Payback says...

Lulz, no.

Siftbot only looks at original posts, and ignores quoted posts. Some of us do a proper channel * assignment initially, like *wilhem then go back and edit the word as a joke.

WKB said:

Haha. I had no idea that was a channel. Is there a list of hidden evocations somewhere?

Atheist Angers Christians With Bible Verse

The Dolly Zoom: More Than A Cheap Trick

Payback says...

First time I actually noticed a dolly zoom, was Poltergeist (Spielberg's, not that new abomination) the scene where the hallway stretches out as the mom is trying to get to the daughter's room.

Tesla's Solar Roof Is Cheaper Than Expected

Payback says...

The asphalt shingle makers will get Trump to shut his ass down. Fuckin' "entrepreneurs". Taking 'murican jerbs by cutting down on oil. Fuckin' bastards.

How The Arecibo Telescope Could Help Save The World

Danny Trejo's Life of Crime to One Prolific Actor

Primitive Technology: Water powered hammer (Monjolo)

4 Revolutionary Riddles

Payback says...

I don't like the train one, as all of the train is moving forward, and the flange, at only one small part of the rotation is moving backward, otherwise it's mostly moving forward faster than the train. It's messy.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Payback says...

Sorry man, this is a dupe.

siftbot said:

Your video, Slower Traffic Keep Right, has made it into the Top 15 New Videos listing. Congratulations on your achievement. For your contribution you have been awarded 1 Power Point.

Disaster That Changed Engineering: Hyatt Regency Collapse

Payback says...

If it was influential, it must have been a real shitshow before. Authorizing a change without "doing the math" just seems contrary to common sense to me.

mentality said:

Engineering is not just about science and theories. There are practical aspects of engineering related to ethics, error prevention, and disaster management that were impacted by this disaster. This incident was highly influential on engineering as a profession.

Disaster That Changed Engineering: Hyatt Regency Collapse

Payback says...

"Disaster that changed engineering"

Didn't change engineering at all, I'd say it changed construction regulations, but not engineering. Whomever changed the plans did it half-assed. It's not engineering's fault, it's the engineer's.

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