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WKB (Member Profile)

Gun Control Explained With Cats

newtboy (Member Profile)

Payback says...

Nothing wrong with what they were saying, the fact they "didn't get it " doesn't really bug me.

newtboy said:

WTF is going on?
That was obviously sarcasm, and an insane rambling contradiction of your clear did it get upvotes?
Second PC attack today from humorless sifters...both getting applauded with multiple upvotes.
I'm scared....hold me.

Brian Cox explains Entropy

Payback says...

Analogies should never be taken literally. They're never exact, otherwise they'd be proof.

Sagemind said:

Well, the wind could NOT EVER blow the wind into the shape of a sand Castle, because both the Humidity and Gravity are working against it. Even if there was rain or moisture that perfectly conditioned the sand to stick to itelf in the perfect consistency, then the wind couldn't quite blow it around in the way it would need to. And of course Gravity would always cause the sand to fall to it's lowest points.

I know I'm being picky here, but this just stood out to me.
Everything else in the video was engaging.

Water Wheels Can Pump Water Over A Mile Without Electricity

Payback says...

That’s really brilliant. The water gets scooped up at the notch on the side, then the water "slides" down in a spiral to the axle and out the other end.

How To Do A Hoverslam - Kerbal Space Program Doesn't Teach

Payback says...

Haven't viewed the video yet, but just common sense tells me no propulsion system is 100% efficient, so the losses over time will be larger, and less efficient in overall fuel use.

It's like the most efficient way to drive a hybrid is to floor the accelerator to get to speed, then try to go as fast as possible, using as little accelerator pedal as possible.

Conversely, the rocket would just be wasting fuel trying to slow down before it had to full burn to stop in time.

I'm just impressed they keep the terminal velocity down enough they don't need to use drogue chute(s).

Why Echidnas Are Evolutionary Misfits

Payback says...

Kept wondering why the thumbnail was making me hungry.

Then I noticed I was reading the title as "Why Enchiladas Are Evolutionary Misfits"

John Green discusses Sawdust Bread

Why Alien Life Would be our Doom | Kurzgesagt

waqar (Member Profile)

Payback says...

...or, you can do what I do and make a ton of inane and pathetic posts in the hopes that you'll randomly hit one that others will find funny or strongly agree with.

newtboy said:

Dear Waqar, to improve your votes and get out of the probationary level faster, post more videos. Popular videos will get votes without you having to ask people, and may be promoted by members to help with that. Good luck!
Welcome to the sift.

Burger King | Whopper Neutrality

A handy guide to what actually constitutes sexual harassment

It's not easy to be a tram driver.

Here's how Trump's nuclear "button" actually works

Sand Master - why you want the right tool for the job

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