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Why Snatch Blocks are AWESOME (How Pulleys Work)

HenningKO says...

Heh, it's funny how Destin goes into his Alabama accent for the old dude on the road, but for the video narration you couldn't tell.

The Language Sounds That Could Exist, But Don't

Bill and Melinda Gates Scholarship Experiment Proves a Point

HenningKO says...

Well, do they "often" do better... meaning "whatever a surprising amount to Melinda Gates is" do better... or "often do better" meaning as a group they perform better and graduate more than un-aided white kids. Since we're talking stats, I'd sure like to clear up the ambiguous language!
90% seems great though.

Where Did Viruses Come From?

HenningKO says...

That was great science popularization...
Here's what a virus is; here are several schools of thought, deepening your knowledge about what a virus is; and ultimately science can't tell you what a virus is until we get more evidence or nail down some definitions.

Millennials in the Workforce, A Generation of Weakness

HenningKO says...

The trap is assuming a particular individual belonging to a group shares all characteristics of the average member of the group. Or that a particular individual acts how they do because they are a member... that's fuckin' bigoted and ugly.

That said, I don't see why we can't generalize about a GROUP. In general, black people have a much tougher experience of this country than white people. In general, people born twenty years after me have a much different cultural, social and material experience than I did. In general, people of 100 years ago were way more outwardly racist than people of today. Are these generalizations unfair? They don't match every single member of the group, so should we stop trying to recognize broad cultural forces at work over time on large populations of people? You certainly are free to argue that any of the particular generalizations he made are inaccurate or even too dangerous to be spread, I saw a few... but to say that the act of generalization IN GENERAL is taboo...?

Historians 100 years from now won't hesitate to lump our primitive asses all together...

ChaosEngine said:

Honestly, I down-voted this for the title alone. The video isn't that terrible, but it falls into this bullshit "generation" trap.

Here's some facts:
baby-boomers? not a thing
Gen x? not a thing
Millenials? also... not a thing

These are all lazy, bullshit shorthand ways of lumping massive groups of people together based on the date they were born and conveniently, the problem is almost always either:
- those lazy kids or
- old people who had it easy.
Funny how the people writing these videos/articles almost never seem to blame their own generation.

FFS, stop generalising large groups of people like this. If you do it based on race, people (rightly) call you a racist. So why is it ok to do it based on age?

Newsflash: some "millennials" are lazy/entitled/whatever. Why? Because they're PEOPLE.

I've worked with "boomers" and "gen x" people who wouldn't know a work ethic if it punched them in the face and I've worked with "millennials" who work their damn asses off, only to find out (as @MilkmanDan pointed out) that companies these days generally give zero fucks about their employees.

A handy guide to what actually constitutes sexual harassment

HenningKO says...

Right, well these are all pretty easy, and the point was exaggeration for comedic effect...

It's not funny, but if one wanted to actually be instructional, the fine line now would be something like: can I ask a woman out a third time after she turned me down twice, the difference between telling a woman "You look great" and "that dress looks great on you" + looking her up and down, should you ever tell a woman you work with you're attracted to her, can I proposition a woman a second time if she's still at my place after a date and said no once? If not, can I ask her to leave then? Can I play that song Baby its cold Outside or Blurred Lines at the office party? Can I tell a joke about sex and should I stop when a woman enters the room, or does that make it worse?

IMO, it's not helpful to pretend it should be obvious and everyone who doesn't get it is a laughable idiot or creep. Or to insist that there's a definite line and you're either a "decent person" or a "complete wanker"... most of us are somewhere in between and vary day to day. Or to say "if it feels wrong it IS wrong"... obviously some men have their feels calibrated differently and would benefit from the rules to being more explicit.

Either that, or the answer to all of these is "depends on the woman..." you just need to get to know them, and even then you probably will make a mistake.

An astonishing old calculator - Numberphile

The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party

Freeman,Caine,Arkin Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions

This musical illusion will blow your mind!

HenningKO says...

Before he gave the secret, I went back and got it the second time. Mind blowing? Eh.
It's similar to when you listen to so-called EVP (electric voice phenomenon, or ghost whispers). You hear it the first time, and you're like... "so what? That was some random noise." Then someone tells you what you're supposed to hear (listen it's saying "Get out now!" wooo creepy!), and after that you can't NOT hear that.

Autocomplete Interview

False facts about Star Trek many think are true

HenningKO says...

Eh, callin' bullshit on Sammy Davis Jr pecking Nancy Sinatra. If that was it, the first interracial KISS still belongs to Uhura and Kirk.

The Horse Horseshoe Boots Viral Algebra Problem

HenningKO says...

As nanrod says, the internet has been though this before... it's not about canonical order of operations or basic math rules... it's about unwarranted assumptions, and to some extent, the specific culture you were taught math in. The only correct answer is "it depends on the assumptions you make"

Pixar created its most complex character for 'Finding Dory'

HenningKO says...

Here's what was possible 9 years ago.
It might look like they're doing the same thing, but no. Hank has to do far more, for far longer, far more slowly. Fast action scenes can hide a lot of your rig's limitations because an animator only has to get it right for a few frames, but Hank has to ACT. Dramatically. While everyone's staring at him. Artician is right, anything would have been possible with enough animator sweat, but you wouldn't sustain for a feature character.

Keegan (of Key&Peele): "Improv actors are at war together"

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