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Neil deGrasse Tyson explains the Earth's ocean tides

newtboy says...

Wow! I actually get to say NDT is wrong, and why!
Because the tide is not only affected by the moon’s varying gravity (its orbit is not a perfect circle) but also the sun, and they are not in a locked position, the bulge height (and slightly its position) varies. That’s why you have different tide levels and need a tide table to know how high (or low) any given tide will be. If he was correct, every high tide would be exactly the same height.

A Place For Trump

newtboy says...

Nice (shocking really) that you have finally accepted your boy will lose this election, but it’s incredibly delusional to believe he will live 8 more years or be capable of standing or speaking in 4…I don’t think he’ll be alive next election, 4 years of prison will be 3.95 years longer than he can take, and he’s facing decades.

Biden/Harris have done infinitely better on the economy…no negative gdp, no double digit unemployment, new businesses outpacing failing business handily, ports open, trade wars ended, roads and bridges and internet and infrastructure invested in heavily which is excellent for the economy short and long term, wages up, inflation down, there’s not a single metric where your sickly fat boy even comes close to a tie, much less comes out ahead…not even if you forget 2020.

You have clearly completely forgotten how certain you were in 2020 that a Biden administration would mean guaranteed depression in 21, then 22, then 23…this year you finally gave up on that fantasy but moved the goal post to 25, and you think anybody’s listening? 😂 Silly silly little boy, people stopped listening to your cries of “WOLF” years ago, only your fellow cultists hear you.

100% of domestic terrorism in the last decade was committed by maggots, some as false flags trying to blame Dems but not most….most were direct attacks against America. There have been dozens if not hundreds since the golden escalator ride.

It’s impossible for something to “start back up” if it never existed, just as it would be impossible for it to “start back up” from maga since the violence has never ended from your criminal terrorist party, neither has the cheating.

Trump will what? End elections? Declare victory despite losing by over 20 points? Go full Nazi? Make homosexuality a death sentence? Hand Alaska to Putin? Direct the army to round up political rivals for extermination? WHAT? 😂
Trump will lose, then go to prison and die there.

Such a delusional little man you are, never coming close to reality or a complete thought, only cut and pasting the Russian produced propaganda prepared for you.

bobknight33 said:

When the economy crashes under the next POTUS, Trump will be a better leader to get America out of the Biden / Harris inflation mess.

Trump will and the Violence from the left will start back up.

Legal Eagle summarises why Americans should vote for Kamala

ReverendTed says...

Boy howdy, I hope he loses again, but even then the problems that allowed his rise (the polarization and bifurcated post-truth echo chamber media) will still exist.
I'd love to believe that him losing would be a wake-up call to the Republican party that you can't nominate someone that sleazy, and you can't enable their little lies early on because it emboldens them to drag you along for their bigger lies later.
But he's doubtless going to get a vast majority of the Republican vote, so I have little hope of that.

I firmly believe that ranked choice voting, or some other similar voting method that doesn't mean voting for the candidate you like best means you're throwing your vote away and handing the election to the candidate you dislike most, is a necessary step in bringing US politics back toward the center.
Also? The Electoral College? It's absurd that we can have an elected president that most people didn't vote for. It's preposterous that half of Texas voters (the Democrats), or half of California voters (the Republicans) don't get a single elector. It's outdated and unnecessary. One citizen, one vote.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oops. So much for Michigan. Disrespectfully 3 hours late because he couldn’t stop blathering on Rogan only to sway to music for 10 minutes again then cut the live speech short by over half because the people who stayed were walking out while he spoke and it made him mad and he was exhausted and didn’t care about them anyway. I wonder…did he strand this crowd without a ride back to the parking lot like he has so many others, only paying for busses to bring people to the event?
Lucky him, his rallies only bring a few thousand people at most that he turned against himself, unlike Harris who brought well over 30000 in Texas.

The live streams were on at the same time….2.2 million watched Harris, 14.7 thousand watched the felon. 1.2 million tried to get tickets for her rally IN TEXAS. He couldn’t fill a 5000 seat arena 2/3 full ANYWHERE.

EXIT POLLING IS >50% Harris <30% Felon.

230 and counting respected practicing doctors (not disgraced Dr Feelgood signing flowery ridiculous letters written by the felon himself) and psychologists have signed an open letter detailing the felon’s untreatable personality disorder - malignant narcissism, which makes him destructive, delusional, deceitful, and dangerous and grossly unfit for leadership in any capacity.

It’s crumbling around you

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yet more corroboration, 13 of the felon’s cabinet members have all signed a letter backing up Kelly, saying they are personally aware and witnessed the felon constantly praise Hitler in the Whitehouse and he is absolutely a fascist by any sane definition or assessment, with more coming.

Yet another fake “disproving” with no actual even disputing the growing mountain of evidence, much less disproving anything.

You have made yourself into such a ridiculous joke.

I still can’t understand why you fantasize about fantasy cat piss. Just like you said you like sticking your dick INTO urinals like you would a woman (if any would let you)…That’s weird, you’re a real weirdo.

ERMERGERD! I hadn’t heard that he now plans to put bat shit crazy brain worm riddled, flat meat sandwich aficionado and science denier RFK jr “In charge of our health”. Get ready for no more health care in America if it happens, he doesn’t believe in it….he thinks you should eat road kill to be healthy and ignore the brain eating parasites.

Oops- JD reminded his crowd that “pissing on my wife’s sister, I’m a black Nazi” Mark Robinson is 100% Trump’s guy, totally his hand picked candidate that he full throatedly endorsed deep, long and hard as his kind of guy, a great guy, a trump-like guy. Another Nazi.

bobknight33 said:

Yet another fake and disproved story.

You are truly stupid and gullible.

I can only imagine the smell of cat piss in your house.


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth….check….all 7 in spades

You shall have no other gods before me: (The first commandment, which states that nothing should dominate your life like money, power, or fame)
You shall not make any idols to worship (like golden statues of yourself)
You shall not take the Lord's name in vain (and probably shouldn’t say you are Jesus or better either)
Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy (every business he owns is open on Sunday)
Honor your father and your mother (admitted publicly his dad redlined and was racist, squandered his fortune)
You shall not kill (definitely killed many as president)
You shall not commit adultery (possibly his favorite)
You shall not steal (also possibly his favorite)
You shall not bear false witness: This means not lying, especially when testifying in court (another contender for his favorite)
You shall not covet your neighbor's goods (😂)

Check, broke all 10, and breaks at least 4 daily.

It’s hilarious to hear people claim they want him because they’re Christian instead of saying “despite being a Christian”. If you really believe, you are sending yourself directly to hell. Your book warned about exactly this…but you obviously can’t read it.

Voter cheating via mail in ballots

newtboy says...

The cheating is all from maga, just like it was proven to be in every one of the last 6 elections.
Remember the 4 election fraud investigations the felon’s White House performed? Remember the results, booby? Sure you do…they all found no Democratic fraud and all found maga fraud (that’s why they went away without making a big deal about their findings), but not enough to sway any elections (or so they claimed) with a few exceptions like Mark Harris who was caught orchestrating a ballot harvesting fraud in N Carolina (your boy) in 2018 but he was caught and you had to hold a new special election at a cost of millions…

Hide and watch. I’ll bet my hair that it’s a maggot who did this again.

“The system is working”….not if 3 fake votes were counted, dipshits.

Harris & Obama denounce 'dangerous' Trump

newtboy says...

😂 Nice try, I know you didn’t see a second of it…in reality the CNN town hall was so bad for the dementia riddled coward who skipped it and good for Harris that Harris converted multiple maggots on live tv, showing them it’s possible and you won’t “suddenly become black” or “become a woman” if you support Harris like your morons have been saying all summer. 😂

CNN “turned”!?! 😂 CNN turned maga in 2020, you know this but without “even cnn says” you have no one to quote so you ignore it. Every time you say it it’s like you are putting on a sign saying “I’m a dishonest baby” and wearing it all day. If you actually watched the CNN analysis you would know it was 75%+ positive, 95%+ positive if you culled the maga morons who would never under any circumstances praise her performance. 100%+ positive if she was judged the same way the twice impeached felonious rapist and fascist pedophile is.

Funny you skipped the non maga commentary discussing the double standards those idiots are applying…summed up well with “you accept him being lawless but insist she must be flawless”. One holds a town hall with Trumpists live and converts many, one has a Q&A session with only vetted maggots but still with no questions just swaying to music for 45 minutes in a stupor.

She summed up the entire race and difference between the candidates perfectly by saying…

“Donald Trump will have an enemies list, and I will have a “to do” list.”

Nothing could be more true. One campaign is 100% grievance and scapegoating with fake issues like CRT and threats to use the military against political rivals (and just spent 4 years proving it), one is focusing on solutions to real issues that actually effect American freedoms and the economy.

Hate to tell you, but the flood of fake right wing polls aren’t going to save him (the same fake polls that predicted the ‘22 red tsunami). Real polls are putting the results at as good as 55% Harris-30% Fascist Felon. Not a single reputable poll has the felon ahead more than the margin of error, and most show her ahead well above the margin of error. I know, you didn’t pass algebra, why am I talking statistics that are clearly too advanced for you? Maybe someone will explain it.

Such a sad little boy. Completely lost the ability to think for yourself, or at all, now you throw tantrums with cut and paste arguments that were losing arguments when they were first attempted and by the time you regurgitate them are debunked in every way and make you look ridiculous. Every lie you attempt relies on your listener to be as ignorant as you are, and that’s nearly impossible without being in a coma so your attempts fall flat every single time.


bobknight33 said:

Fake new trying hard to tank Trump. Wont work.

CNN town hall with VP Harris Tanked so bad that CNN turned on her.

Legal Eagle summarises why Americans should vote for Kamala

Another maga Terrorist Caught In AZ Committing Terrorism

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh no. The “ABC Whistleblower” story maggots went nuts over, said ABC should lose their license and Harris should drop out, Cruz and Greene held congressional hearings about…was another complete fraud. Never was a whistleblower. Never was a bit of evidence. Never were recordings. It was all another complete fabrication by another fly by night right wing website (likely Putin funded).
Just one more fraud in the never ending string of nothing but frauds and criminality from the terroristic maga. Absolutely everything you morons say is a lie. You sold your souls to the Devil and, as usual, got nothing in return but a fish slap to the face. If only you weren’t too stupid to realize it.

Another maga Terrorist Caught In AZ Committing Terrorism

Legal Eagle summarises why Americans should vote for Kamala

newtboy says...

Still not a thought in your head, just cut and paste nonsense. So sad. Probably why your family left you.

Tell me you don’t understand how the American political system works without saying you don’t know how the American political system works. ER-MER-GERD!

The VP doesn’t make policy, dipshit, nor does she write laws! She votes when there’s a tie in the senate and is a mouthpiece for the boss. Obstructionist republicans led the house the entire time, and refused to do anything at all…Despite that, the Biden administration has been quite successful and avoided the guaranteed depression we were sliding into in 2020-21, invested in America’s infrastructure, overcame covid inflation, and did it all while spending a fraction of what the felon added to the debt.

Why didn’t HE do anything he promised…fix social security, Obama care, make taxes a postcard, fix immigration, build a wall and have Mexico pay, infrastructure week, anything but tax cuts for the rich? He was president with a complicit congress….why didn’t HE fulfill more promises…or any that didn’t personally benefit himself?


bobknight33 said:

*telling us you don’t understand the American political system without saying “I don’t understand the American political system”*

Another maga Terrorist Caught In AZ Committing Terrorism

newtboy says...

Like those other two right wing nuts did?…shot at the disgraced ex prez…you still won’t shut up about it or stop blaming the party neither belonged to. Every domestic terrorist in the last decade was a right wing nut, because maga is a terrorist organization.

Nothing to see, just violent political terrorism that would have you screaming bloody murder if the tables were turned, but since he’s maga violent terrorism interfering in the election, shooting at political offices (he didn’t know were empty), and setting traps of provocative signs with razors embedded in their edges to cut anyone trying to remove them and bags of unidentified white powder attached in a way it drops on anyone trying to remove them is a “nothing burger”.
You ijit. You just said that, and you think anyone will ever take you seriously?

bobknight33 said:

Nothing to see here --- At least he shot at DNC at night.

Not even close to shooting at the PREZ

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

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