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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Republicans just killed their chances of even holding seats in November by twice voting against a national right to contraception, because their plan is to ban contraception. This is hugely unpopular, and they just went all in on it publicly. It’s going to be really hard to pretend this isn’t their plan for 2025 when they already tipped their hand today.
For decades they claimed abortion should be a states rights issue, and now that there’s no national right, they are clear they intend to ban it nation wide. Contraception is exactly the same thing, they are already banning contraception in red states and talking about a national ban behind closed doors. Todays votes to preserve their ability to ban contraception nationwide prove it.

Polls are showing fully 1/3 of Republicans don’t support convicted felon Trump to be president, say he’s the wrong candidate…that was before his convictions and before telling the nation to prepare for no contraception and an outright ban on recreational sex…unbiased non partisan polls of Americans done from Canada.

18-37 year old Republican voters are worse, 47% say he shouldn’t be on the ballot.

Hannity tried to feed him answers in a kid glove softball interview and he still couldn’t answer questions, or did answer them by saying “yes, I’m not joking, I do plan to be a dictator for at least a day (then we’ll see if I like it) and I do seriously plan retribution against my political enemies.” (which include my own supporters if they ever question my plans).

Starting next month convicted felon Trump won’t be able to campaign outside his state (Florida?) without getting prior permission from his probation officer! But he’s still the best you’ve got!

Those numbers are going to get worse as reality sinks in that he’s a felon, with all the restrictions and conditions of a felon, and is not only not the best but likely the worst possible candidate, and a loser, who can’t vote, travel between states, leave the country, has to report to his probation officer (if he’s not in prison), etc, and all the bluster about how he can run the country from prison is suddenly reality and they see that’s insanity, and only an actual cultist would be so delusional as to think they couldn’t find a better conservative candidate (Haley likely would have beaten Biden)…too bad for them those cultists have total control of the party. 😂

Oof…convicted felon Trump held a mid day rally in Arizona (so he could go to a San Francisco fundraiser in the evening) during a heat wave and a dozen maga were hospitalized with heat stroke. More proof you are nothing but a vote for him, and you suffering to near death doesn’t even register to him. Guaranteed he won’t be reimbursing the Phoenix fired department that had to use up its resources taking care of convicted felon Trump’s mess.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Post conviction polling already tells another story.
54% of registered voters approve of the verdict. Only 34% disapprove. Nuff said right there.
49% of independents and 15% of republicans say he should end his campaign.
These are vote losses he cannot afford, and foretell a severe lack of enthusiasm down the road.
Edit- multiple other polls now confirm this, every new poll (outside the cult) shows the vast majority of the public thinks the charges were proper, Trump is in fact guilty, and he should drop out. Even republicans, enough republicans and independents are turned off that he now cannot win without large numbers of Democrats voting for him. The polls also mirror his drop vs Biden.

BTW- I am absolutely loving the multiple videos of Trump waiving to crowds that aren’t there over the weekend…one at nascar and one at Trump tower. Waiving at empty spaces and empty cars. Who released the videos from behind him that showed the truth, I wonder! Where IS Melania?!? 😂

Ruh-roe! Reports are there’s evidence convicted felon Trumps campaign and businesses have paid off 9 witnesses in his criminal cases with raises (doubling their salaries), bonuses (in the millions), promotions and hiring their families at exorbitant salaries, stock options, multi million dollar severance packages if they don’t testify, etc. Expect another round of charges against the multiple felon for witness tampering.

EDIT: YEP, THIS NEW SCANDAL IS EXPLODING, WITNESS TAMPERING IS SERIOUS, ESPECIALLY FROM A MULTIPLE CONVICTED FELON. Not the first time either, in 2018 2019 two of his campaign managers were convicted then pardoned by Trump for witness tampering for him in another case, but a third who cooperated with the government investigation was not pardoned. He has a long, undeniable history of witness tampering, which will be used in his trial. Enjoy!

bobknight33 said:

Trump will win 2024 because of this and other trials are political hit jobs and for Bidenomics failure.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 More predictions! Love it. You clearly haven’t noticed your own track record with predictions….hint, you recently said Trump would be acquitted and the DA prosecuted. You said Hillary would be in prison in 2017. Also don’t forget that series of red tsunamis. How’s that going? 😂

Trump will lose AGAIN (he has never won the popular vote except for conviction) because everyone including you cultists know the multiple grand jury directed prosecutions aren’t politically motivated they are based in fact and the law, which he broke daily for his entire adult life, and can finally see that Bidenomics is a massive success with constant low unemployment, wage increases outpacing inflation, inflation low (compared to the rest of the world or what Trump left) and falling, gdp strong and rising…every metric of an economy is great under Biden, you just refuse to admit reality.
The cases also expose the immoral, unethical, narcissistic, disloyal, and incestuous character of the man.

Trumpenomics was the failure…Trump was president in 2020 and let everything go to shit, the economy, the health and longevity of the citizens, the state of the national union, functioning supply chains, the confidence in government, debt and deficit, every metric of a nation became FAR worse under Trump, every single metric. All but debt are better under Bidenomics including deficit (so in a way even debt is better)…most are better even without 2020 included in Trump’s record like unemployment, new businesses, and gdp increases.


The markets jumped up significantly when the verdict was read, it didn’t collapse because Trump became less likely to be elected like the Trumpists predicted. None of your predictions are coming to fruition, yet you keep making them. The advantage of having no memory I suppose, you never have to feel dumb for your ridiculous idiotic past and can convince yourself you have a valid point to make today.


BTW- here’s that guy you think can’t walk or speak…
…He’s going to wipe the floor with dottering rambling and confused Sleepy Don who won’t be able to interrupt constantly….assuming the coward shows up at all, which is highly unlikely…he said he would, indicating he won’t.

bobknight33 said:

Trump will win 2024 because of this and other trials are political hit jobs and for Bidenomics failure.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trumps failed Bronx rally he couldn’t afford or fill Maddison square garden with so held in a small park with a maximum capacity of 3500, 1/2 full being generous (of mostly fans from Florida) with a few thousand at most (his influencers are posting photos of a Obama rally in St Louis in 2008 with 100000 and claiming it’s Trump in the Bronx) and speakers who are out on bail under multiple criminal indictments for murder devolved into a riot in NY when they marched past a covid testing center and lost their minds and attacked it.
Maga grinch danced too long asking for porn and collapsed.
Racist maga superhero shouted slurs at other maggots.
Santos showed up and was treated like a star.

What a criminal clown show maga is.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Violent Trumpist nutjob Pelosi attacker got 30 years…with more state sentencing to be served afterwards. He will never leave prison alive.
This is the guy you claim is Pelosi’s boyfriend for absolutely no reason besides spite and the embarrassment that he is exactly like you with balls enough to follow his convictions and not just whine like a bitch. Another lie you continue to repeat despite knowing full well it’s a lie…no issue for worthless liars like yourself.
Actually, he was also more tied to reality than you are, you are in fact more delusional and gullible than this criminally insane sucker who believed Trumps lies and acted. All those who have are in prison. You are only free because you are a sniveling coward.

Trump, as expected, is too petrified to testify. SHOCKER!!
What a cowardly loser.
He rested his case after one blatantly lying overtly hostile hyper maga witness who was in fact auditioning to be Attorney General in Trump’s Reich. No defense at all, and insulting to the jury, the court, and the idea of holding Trump to any standards at all.
He did not introduce reasonable doubt, his entire testimony was worthless twaddle, blatantly making up things he couldn’t possibly know about like the content of a private phone call he wasn’t on to protect his master.
Guilt is not questionable. His only chance is jury nullification and a hung jury…that is when they know beyond doubt that he’s guilty but vote not guilty for personal/political reasons.
Edit: DJ needed to show the strong support Daddy has in New York so posted a video of the huge crowds cheering on the motorcade….problem is it’s actually a video of Biden’s motorcade, not Trump who has no crowd cheering for him and is apoplectic about it.

HOLY FUCKING SHEEP SHIT! Trump media finally released its financial report, the first not generated by the fraudulent audit mill he tried to trick investors with…just last quarter Trump media LOST $327 MILLION with $700k in revenues. No wonder they were faking their financial reports, that’s Enron level failure. The stock should be going for 4 shares to the dollar, (Edit: actually 6.6…revenue is $3 million, give a generous 10x for $30 million value, 200million shares, that’s 6.6 shares per $1.… but Trumpists are still paying $43! You are all going to be on welfare after it tanks, I hope you mortgaged your house like so many did.
Lost $327 million in one quarter…on track to lose $1.3 BILLION this year, with basically no income, and now no cash (didn’t they only have $30l million in reserve?). D’oh!
The best part is they say in the disclosure that the success of the company is tied directly to Trump’s popularity…and it’s a totally unsuccessful shit show of fraud and massive losses. Um….😂

Amber Heard’s witness lost his mind

newtboy says...

The entire case was a poorly written Hollywood clown show full of ridiculous over acting from everyone involved.

Herd is blacklisted now, Depp is back making movies. Like OJ, can’t we move on yet?

Michael Cohen LIED AGAIN in TRUMP TRIAL says Ex-Lawyer

newtboy says...

What a total fucking disaster he was on the stand. So combative, rude, and over the top, mad doging the judge, yelling, going off topic, rambling, eventually the judge cleared the courtroom and had it out with him and the defense. Cross starts tomorrow. It’s going to be another shit show.
The jury was reportedly rolling their eyes and laughing at him, not with him.
Anonymous sources say Trump insisted he be called, his legal team was dead set against putting him on the stand, for good reason.
This guy wants to be Trumps AG? He can’t even testify in a courtroom.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh…Blanch is failing miserably, again, repeatedly lambasted by the judge for misleading questioning, including in front of the jury after multiple side bars, told to stop and “fix” his line of questioning or the prosecution will be allowed to redress every question he asks, correcting the record from the misrepresentations the defense presented….showing the jury incontrovertibly that the defense is misleading them intentionally to give a false impression in order to escape being rightly found guilty of every charge and that is their only defense because he is guilty.
He failed to “fix” his misleading questioning, which went nowhere because the prosecution’s objections were sustained and the misleading questions went mostly unanswered.
All this twisting of facts and misrepresentation are happening and being corrected in front of the jury, juries do not like being misled. Juries do not like having their intelligence questioned and insulted. Good job Blanch.

Fallout - Official Trailer

moonsammy says...

It was, in fact, quite excellent. Not only that, but the show and game series are canon to each other, unlike most adaptations. The show expands the lore, and answers some big questions that have been around since the games started. TONS of easter eggs for fans, but even those unfamiliar will enjoy the show.

newtboy said:

Just finished season one. Worth watching IMO.
Teased season two at the end, so maybe we’ll get one. Awesome!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

It must be so frustrating that you (maga) have so thoroughly destroyed your credibility that no one even cares about your lies trying to shield the disgraced ex president from crimes he has repeatedly bragged about publicly and now are trying to pretend he didn’t pay a porn star to hide his tryst with her from voters, then falsified business records to hide the payment. Maybe you shouldn’t have spent the last 8 years screaming bloody murder about all the wolves then laughing when help arrived. Now people are hoping there is a wolf and that it eats you and yours…but no one is coming to check.

PS- Where’s Barron?

PPS- since you seek the truth, it’s “it’s” when you are shortening “it is”. “Its” is the possessive word, like "his" and "her," for nouns without gender.

PPPS- Outside court Trump said he had an illegal NDA….likely a slip of the tongue or misstatement, but that’s what he said. He also said “maga is being punked by Ashton Kutcher….I think I know what that means” but he doesn’t, because he is the prank on you, you are being punked by Trump, he absolutely didn’t get that.

Finally some supporters showed up for him and they released a truckload of penis balloons on NY…for the children. (This is a crime and immoral). I’m guessing the anti Trum protestors will bring mushroom tip balloons for Trump soon, the full shaft and balls penis balloons definitely aren’t representative of him.

Alito has been caught with photos of him flying an upside down flag during the attempted coup to signal his support for the fake “stop the steel” (because you can’t spell “steal”) movement that became an anti American anti democratic terrorist gang that tried to end democracy in America on Jan 6. Just like the criminal Thomas. If they both don’t recuse themselves from any Jan 6 case, they may as well disband because they will prove themselves to be not judges but partisan political operatives, and when Dems take the other two thirds of government they will all be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and replaced, including the fraudulently appointed Comey and Kavenaugh. Bye Felicia.


moonsammy says...

Do we know what this is from? Feels like it was ripped from a movie or tv show, before being chopped and filtered by several iterations of internet posting.

UPDATE: I decided to just answer my own damn question. It's 2008's The Onion Movie, the existence of which I just discovered.

Police Hold Woman In Fire Ant Bed On Purpose

moonsammy says...

"While I forgive the officers for their actions that day..."

WTF WHY?!?! I can't begin to imagine they've done anything to show remorse, or that they've learned and will change their behavior. I would go to my grave cursing their names, bunch of sadistic assholes.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh fuck.
Trump’s plane hit a parked plane.
It got people to look at his plane company finances.
In April 2023, for taxes, Trump claimed his private jet LLC was worth $1001. Yes, $1001.00.
In July, Trump re-valued his private plane LLC at $25 million.
He was convicted of exactly that kind of fraud recently, and owes over $450 million for it. CLEARLY he hasn’t learned a thing because he is absolutely still committing business and tax fraud constantly, at every turn, with every dollar he reports.

June 27…what a fun early birthday present…and again in September. Wanna bet Diaper Don comes up with some ridiculous excuse to cancel both? 😂
No teleprompters in debates, can’t blame the teleprompter. What’s his excuse for being incapable of completing a sentence or thought going to be? Biden’s going to mop the floor with him again, if the baby even shows up this time.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I know you brainless ijits are confused by everything.
Someone needs to tell you…co-opting the infantile “let’s go Brandon” and turning it into “Dark Brandon” was genius. Co-opting the factual “Diaper Don” nickname and keeping it “Diaper Don” to show his virility because “real men wear diapers” is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard of.
Typical maga

Bonus- There’s another election interference case being built against Trump for secret payments to pregnant women he fired from his campaign during his 2016 campaign paid through shell companies to hide the payments as “legal services”. Sound familiar? Jason Miller is listed as the father. She got millions (reportedly $4.2).
Just so you know, his trials are only for the KNOWN FELONIES the courts can PROVE he committed. There are dozens if not hundreds of felonies he could be charged with and prosecuted for, but maybe not convicted, often by running out the statute of limitations, not because he didn’t commit the crimes. He isn’t even saying he didn’t do it anymore, he’s saying when he commits felonies it’s not a crime.

Trump lost again in court, lost his latest appeal of his NY gag order, which the courts have repeatedly upheld as reasonable and completely legal despite his tantrums.

I would ask if you are embarrassed for buying the obvious lie about Trump’s NJ crowd, claiming the half full event had 4-5 times the maximum capacity of the venue, but I think you are incapable of embarrassment or you would have gone away in shame years ago.

Woke people be like...

newtboy says...

Learn how to read you complete moron. I showed you the lie and debunked it for you above.

I am sickened that there are so many idiotic ignorami prepared to ignore reality and reason to be in a fascist racist misogynistic anti democratic cult of ignorance. Before maga America was so much better, so much more adult, so much more logical, and incredibly more United, Trump is the great divider.
When an idiot like you claims I’m wrong, that my beliefs are just stupid, it’s great evidence that they are well thought out and correct, because you absolutely never are correct, not even a little bit. How’s that “all in on Tesla in Nov 2021” advice doing? Remember all those red tsunamis coming? Remember the charges coming for Clinton in ‘17? The trade deals that will net us trillions? The wall that will stop immigration and be paid for by Mexico? Jared creating real lasting peace in the Middle East? Remember the lie that the Trump economy was good (only president to lose jobs since Hover, first to have a negative gdp in peacetime EVER, zero investment in America, hundreds of thousands of businesses closed, education in the toilet, biggest government fraud program ever (ppp “loans”)). The “covid is a cold and nothingburger that will go away without issues” theories? 😂

You ARE just sickened because your idiotic easily debunked hate filled propaganda has never gained a single bit of traction here, and is discarded more often than not. You’ve never convinced one person with any of your stupid STUPID nonsensical whining and lying. You only posted because you got discarded, again, and threw a tantrum like the eunuch infant you are.

bobknight33 said:

Show me the Lie
Debunked ? How?

You just sickened because you are being shown that your beliefs are just stupid

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