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Mother, Tell Your Children Not to Hear My Words

Adam Carolla's "The Hammer" Movie Trailer

What Do Dogs Dream When They Sleep?

Klein Four Group: Twelve days of Christmas

North American Union: The Truth

9058 says...

Lol Ill take "good book" as slang for the Constitution. I agree that our government now is a shadow of what is use to or claimed to be. However I dont think throwing away sovereignty just yet is a good idea. As Blankfist stated to me once if we were to join in a union the Constitution would be null and void. It would be irrelevant since it was written to do the oppisite. You would have to damn near throw the entire thing out. I think we need to keep working on correcting the bad government we let hijack our country. To not give up on our hope that they arent all idiots like our present leader. Changes have to be made but a union is not needed if we get our act together.

Arnold Schwarzenegger's Commando -- in three minutes

The Story of Everest (classic Mr. Show )

Pat Condell - Trouble With Islam

BicycleRepairMan says...


This isnt about pigment difference in us mammals, its about the insane death-cult of Islam, that, if followed after the doctrine, will turn you into an intolerant lunatic. You need only to open a random page in the Qu'ran to see how hostile Islam is to "the others" ie: people who do not give up their brain,heart and soul to the will of Allah and submit UTTERLY to this god and doctrine. In the eyes of Islam, you MINK, as well as me, and anyone else who doesnt do their best to follow this half-assed bible-copy, are just about the lowest form of life there is, we're even lower than women and dogs, I think.

This has nothing to do with race, there are certainly decent muslims out there, but thats because they mostly ignore the insane teachings of islam,(this can and does only happen because sanity and secularism has grown in the teeth of religion) and adopt a secular, moderate view, there are also heroes, apostates, that almost all of them live under threat of death, because they have done the brave and sensible act of leaving the insane cult of Islam entirely.

Sixpence None the Richer - Don't Dream It's Over

Nasty Gram Over Dead Fudge Packer Video (Sift Talk Post)

James Roe says...

"You were sent a standard legal notice regarding someone who uses your site. Any professional would just remove it. Your NASTY call for insults in really unnecessary. As someone who runs a site you should be bigger than that."

Actually your letter was not a standard legal notice. It did not conform to the standards set forth in the DMCA.

"If Universal Studios had sent you a notice to remove a pirated video whold you have been so insulted?"

If they had requested monetary redress for perceived losses I would have most certainly raked them over the coals on our blog. Even a cursory glance at the site would have let you know that we don't actually host any of the content. As well as shown you that we aren't selling anything.

"And by the way no production company or studio believes stealing films is publicity."

Well that's patently untrue, Jon Stewart and Lorne Michaels, arguably two of the largest names in entertainment, both see copyright infringement, which by the way is NOT stealing as being beneficial to their business models.

"and thanks for acting so quickly!"

Well you are welcome, but you are still sort of missing the point. The video had been pulled from our archives before you ever contacted me. Our own internal moderation system had flagged the video as being dead weeks before I even got your email. In effect I did nothing but respond to your email and throw up this post. Which all sort of goes back to my whole point about you not even bothering to check out the site before you sent us that nastygram.

That said I am sorry if what I said seemed nasty to you, but you in effect sent us a drive by threat. This threat had no basis in the law and could be viewed as extortion. A simple, "Hey I don't know why this on your site but my clients are the owners of the content and we would like it taken down," would have sufficed in the place of a standard DMCA take down which would have also provoked a sift talk thread, albeit a much more mild one asking users to refrain from posting the video. Also your assertion that I should know better as someone who runs a site is a bit fallacious. If the internet community doesn't draw attention to crap like this, copywrong law in the US will never change. We are not YouTube and we have no obligation to kiss ass to content providers. We have and will continue to act hastily to respond to DMCA notices, but I will not give up my right to be indignant about such affronts to decency.

One final addendum, I used the word nastygram because it is the accepted internet vernacular for a take down notice.

Also welcome to the community, I hope you stick around and sift. We can be a surly bunch, but for the most part we are amicable.

Roni Size & Cypress Hill - Child of the West (from Blade 2)

Rush Limbaugh on CBS Evening News

Wumpus says...

"We "defeated" the Soviets? That's funny...I thought they dismantled the Iron Curtain for socio-ecomonic reasons. And that through diplomacy we reached a middle ground.", not exactly. We "defeated" (so-to-speak) the soviets through shear economic power. The arms race between the U.S. and the Soviets was won by the U.S. when the Soviet's communist economic model collapsed under its own weight when the country went bankrupt and could no longer compete.

The Iron Curtain (i.e. The Berlin Wall) was not dismantled through diplomacy. Communists do not give up that kind of power willingly. It came down as the result of a bureaucratic snafu when the East German Minister of Propaganda announced what he thought was the immediate easing of travel restrictions to West Germany. The ensuing rush of citizens to the boarder quickly resulted in the famous news footage of the wall comming down.

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