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Finding Best Croissant in Paris Vs. Violent Protests/Riots

The Awesomeness of the World's Greatest Fighter, the F-15

We threw my dog a surprise birthday party

siftbot says...

Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Thursday, April 13th, 2023 10:31pm PDT - promote requested by original submitter BSR.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yes….so does the law. 45+ year old Republican men taking underaged girls you supervise to your home late at night to get them drunk for sex….unethical, immoral, and absolutely illegal. A man wearing a dress and makeup to do comedy, not only not criminal but who the fuck cares?
I can’t wait for the next step, making it illegal for women to wear pants. Those transvestite cross dressing women need to be put in their place. 🤦‍♂️

Not a good thing. A cowardly, self denial thing. The reason republicans are so terrified of transexuals is they are uncontrollably attracted to them but know their friends will ridicule and ostracize them if they are discovered. Joseph’s brothers were jealous of his feminine beauty, not afraid he would sexualize their children.

Both are wrong? Sure…one is a non sexual comedy show for children, the other attempted rape of a child using drugs….to you, equally bad and wrong because you are afraid of those sexy sexy trannies. 🤦‍♂️

In case you aren’t aware, the Bible has transvestites that are considered good people in positions of power, like Joseph…that technicolor dream coat was a bridal dress of the time, his appearance described in feminine terms, he was not just a transvestite, but a transsexual who’s sex was changed in the womb…by god. Lots of child rape too, so much that there’s even child rape BY CHILDREN OF ADULTS! Anything you imagine about drag shows is right there in the Bible, but not in drag shows. But do you want it banned? Of course not, because you don’t really care about anything you whine about.
Also, in case you aren’t aware, there are multiple popular television shows about drag shows on basic cable, so I assume all republicans cancelled their cable? Of course not, that would require some sacrifice to get your way, something your ilk can’t fathom. You only act when it hurts the others but not you.

Nice job ignoring the republicans pulling 100% of funding to libraries out of pure spite because information is just for liberals and most republicans today can’t read anyway. That’s why book banning didn’t even register to you. You find banning information you dislike normal and acceptable, just like you support spreading lies you enjoy. Snowflake, stay in your safe space and leave the outside to adults.

99% of drag shows are non sexual.
No real statistics show trans people molesting children at a higher level than average men. In fact I believe the sex assault rate from the trans community is almost certainly lower than the population, but the frequency of trans people being sexually assaulted is 4 times the average. They’re the victims, not perpetrators.

Churches, on the other hand, are factories for child mollestation. Hundreds to thousands of separate victims per parish, tens of thousands to millions of mollestations. There is no group more likely to be molesters and rapists of children than clergy….NONE.

But you don’t even consider pulling children from these mollestation cabals because you know you don’t care about children being molested, you care about labeling your political enemies child molesters and hide and ignore the majority that are your “team” despite the facts.

bobknight33 said:

So you are saying 1 is a crime and the other shouldn't be.

Both are wrong.
banning all-ages drag shows is a good thing.

Trump to be arrested

newtboy says...

D’oh. Wrong again.
Biggest loser Trump’s favorability dropped to 25% and is still plummeting. Unfavorability rating is now over 60% and rising fast.

When they arrested Trump it made him less powerful and less popular than ever, showing him as a desperate fascist as he called to defund the police, defund the DOJ, suspend the constitution, arrest political enemies without charges, and insisted he should get to pick his judges, anything that lets him cling to power. FTFY

It’s turning out exactly like I predicted….again….and diametrically opposed to your prediction….like always. You NEVER fucking learn. You are incapable of learning.

Edit: Perhaps better-
If they throw out Jones they will make him more powerful and more popular than ever, showing up the Trump regime as desperate fascists willing to do anything to cling to power. Go ahead dickheads, toss out Jones and see how it turns out.

….turned out as a great long weekend for him that elevated his status from unknown to respected national political figure, gained him unanimous support in his district including from former opponents, and once again exposed Republicans as desperate thin skinned hypocritical anti democratic fascists.

MAGA is incapable of learning or self examination. That’s why you can’t understand that Trump is insanely unpopular and seen as a criminal totalitarian by the vast majority of America. Hilariously, the entire Republican Party is tied to him like a damsel on the train tracks, and when the election train comes it’s going to flatten you all. Never has there been a more deserving victim. I hope Trump was worth the next few election cycles for you.

bobknight33 said:

If they arrest Trump they will make him more powerful and more popular than ever, showing up the Biden regime as desperate fascists willing to do anything to cling to power. Go ahead dickheads, arrest Trump and see how it turns out.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Every accusation an admission. Hate and hostility are 99.6% of your personality. It’s not 10% of mine. Good thing your head was otherwise empty or it might explode.

“No protesters go near me or my car.” “I might go to Dallas to shoot looters” “I might have to kill a few people on my way to work they are rioting outside my apartment complex.” All posted before he intentionally drove into a crowd of people and shot one preemptively 5 times with no return fire at all from the victim, proven in court with evidence, not on Twitter with lies and fantasy.

They showed he intentionally ran a red light to turn left into a crowd at speed on camera, then shot the first armed person he saw, who it’s been proven with photo and video of the incident that was presented to the jury never raised his barrel you absolute liar. The only one claiming that is the murderer. That’s not self defense, and the jury saw that clearly. Open carry is legal in Texas, seeing a gun is not grounds to open fire….in any state.

It would have been self defense to shoot him because he used his car as a deadly weapon to attack a crowd full of women and children, then again when he opened fire into the crowd he had just violently assaulted.

Come on over…I’ll gladly shoot you in self defense. No MAGA terrorists get near my home. I’ve got the knife to plant if you don’t bring your own, no problem. This public statement that I plan to do it is also no problem…Newsom will pardon me for killing a MAGA nut. Sounds nutty, don’t it? It’s your position, numb nuts, to you that’s self defense, a better case than his.

1,117,054 US Covid deaths.
-Trump’s own CDC said well over 50% were due to Trump’s (lack of) covid policies, so conservatively 558500 on Trump’s hands by his own estimate (I say he could have avoided 100% by not ending the pandemic response team program, or by simply closing travel from China, not just OF Chinese people)
405,399 American ww2 deaths including non-combat deaths
58,220 American deaths in Vietnam
-Total 463600 deaths from ww2 and Vietnam.

558500 dead from Trump > 463600 dead from war…above your math skills?

>1 million dead -32.9%GDP. 13% unemployment - Trump’s legacy
Covid addressed and under control soon, over +3.5-6% GDP GROWTH, 3.5% unemployment today - Biden’s legacy.

I beg you to disagree with any semblance of a point, not just

PS- Thank you Justice pubic hair Coke for guaranteeing the left wins the next election and likely expands the court after expelling Harlan Crow funded fake Democrats Mansion and Senema. Between this blatant corruption and erosion of established rights like a hose on cotton candy, the extremist far right activist court is illegitimate at this point and remains so until it’s cleansed of ANYONE taking unreported bribes and forced to accept ethics rules and independent enforcement, and can be ignored. Nothing requires Biden to enforce their decisions, and they have no power to.

bobknight33 said:

When will you head explode holding all that hate and hostility.
The Abbot pardon is a good thing. Self defense.
The White BLM crack had was pointing his AK47 at this guy.
Shooting this nut job is called self defense.

Shooting anyone is self defense is just fine with me.

AS for the rest of you delusional story ..
" More deaths than WW2 and Vietnam combined, more destruction of the economy .."

don't knwo what to say except you are way off the deep end . Get back on your meds please else you will be shooting someone .

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

When will you head explode holding all that hate and hostility.
The Abbot pardon is a good thing. Self defense.
The White BLM crack had was pointing his AK47 at this guy.
Shooting this nut job is called self defense.

Shooting anyone is self defense is just fine with me.

AS for the rest of you delusional story ..
" More deaths than WW2 and Vietnam combined, more destruction of the economy .."

don't knwo what to say except you are way off the deep end . Get back on your meds please else you will be shooting someone .

newtboy said:

Today’s MAGA terrorism- Greg Abbot who has telegraphed his intent to pardon a MAGA man who posted repeatedly about his desire to shoot BLM protesters, posted that he was on his way to do it, then went to Austin and murdered one and was convicted of the murder in Texas.

But Greg Abbot likes his politics and hates BLM so murder is just fine with him.
Death, destruction, and debauchery…yep, that’s you bob.

More deaths than WW2 and Vietnam combined, more destruction of the economy than anything ever, more child sex charges, claims of lemon party orgies BY YOUR OWN MEMBERS (Cawthorn), sex trafficking, worshiping the man who admitted he bought miss teen USA to leer at naked young teenaged girls getting changed (also Epstein’s best friend even after his child rape conviction), years of congressional page raping (covered up by other Republicans until it became public knowledge), rapist coach protecting, and a daily stream of unethical, immoral, often criminal activity you simply ignore despite having multiple examples of it rubbed in your face daily.

What do you have to support your similar accusation against Democrats? Public health taken seriously, the economy recovered, unemployment almost too low, and maybe one or two instances of Democratic individuals accused (not even convicted) of sex crimes, and nonsense insanity about Illuminati pizza pedophiles and Hunter Biden being a multi billionaire, made up nonsense blaming every MAGA act of terrorism on the victims (Pelosi), etc….one big nothing burger.

Bonus- According to multiple employees Tesla has been accessing private footage from customer cars including in their homes, naked, having sex. For years employees circulated these private videos in the company as jokes and memes while publicly Elon was insisting there were stringent safeguards in place that would make that kind of thing impossible.
In California, that’s 12 separate crimes every single time the car is on private property (it’s ok to record in public without notification). Criminal investigations are underway.
I can’t imagine what China will do. They absolutely won’t allow an American company to put millions of cameras in China that the company can access and record just like we won’t let them sell Chinese cell phones in America for the same reason. This is going to hurt Tesla more than you can imagine…people don’t like being spied on, neither do countries.

Double Bonus- The trust fund Crow family, that funded the Ginny Thomas Tea Party political lobbying organization and paid her $125 k per year, paid to build the Thomas library wing, took the Thomases on multi $500000 vacations every year along with people with cases before the court, turns out to be one of the most prolific collectors of Nazi memorabilia in America and his brother is apparently running and funding forced sex parties where sex trafficked women are forced to perform public sex acts for his entertainment. Thomas claims he didn’t have to report the tens of millions in gifts because Crow was his friend….they met years after he was appointed as a Supreme Court justice and became friends by Crow buying his “friendship” for millions in unreported bribes. Your people.

Hanni El Khatib - ALIVE (Official Video)

CGP Grey grades state flags

Trump Arrest Deepfakes Are Going Viral

siftbot says...

Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Thursday, April 6th, 2023 1:02am PDT - promote requested by original submitter newtboy.

Trump Arrest Deepfakes Are Going Viral

newtboy says...

Lol….so, it’s to be another cut and paste comment, eh? Too bad you can’t ever think for yourself….except to fantasize about lemon parties it seems. I guess we all know what kind of porn you’re into!

Love the thin skinned downvote too, honestly. A downvote from you is worth 10 upvotes. You missed the Trump indictment commemorative coin video, don’t leave me hanging sweetheart.

You just hate when MAGA tactics get used against MAGA, sends you into a tissy fit every time. LMFAHS! Unlike what you post, these were even honest up front that they were fake, but still made Bobby cwy huat.


You CLAIM $60 million spent investigating Trump/Trump administration (so that number is definitely wrong) and there are hundreds of convictions of dozens of his top administration officials for being unregistered foreign agents, hiding payments by hostile foreign powers (Russia), lying to the FBI, etc. with more uncovered daily. Also clear, documented, now prosecutable obstruction by Trump himself on multiple fronts, and massive tax fraud, business fraud, bank fraud, election interference, sedition, treason, theft, withholding, destruction, copying, and selling top secret classified documents, etc…FAR FROM NOTHING. Keep dreaming…sucker.

*shameless self promote because these pictures are fucking amazing!

bobknight33 said:

The charges are softer than a old mans dick.

Even CNN is WTF on these charges.
DOJ and Election committee and the NY state DA all looked into this and said NOPE , nothing here. Yet NYC DA ran on getting Trump and this is the best he came up with. Recycled nothing burgers.

Yet another nothing burger.

Lets see 60$ million spent to "get Trump" since he came down the escalator and still ZERO.

60$ million and NOTHING to show . This alone speaks volumes that there is no there there.

So many hoping, dreaming that something, anything can be found. If 60$ Million has found nothing perhaps - you and your kind need to rethink this matter.

Dog Bus Party Fun Times - Ozzy Man Quickies

siftbot says...

Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Monday, April 3rd, 2023 8:12pm PDT - promote requested by original submitter BSR.

Tesla Cam captures INSANE crash

newtboy says...

Logically no matter what it should be truck owner. He/she is responsible first and foremost because proper maintenance is the owner’s responsibility and your wheel coming off is proof of improper maintenance.

If they could prove a shop mounted the wheel wrong….forgot lug nuts, used broken studs, put the nuts on finger tight…they could likely sue, but proving that would be impossible without close up video at the shop of the faulty parts/installation.

#3 is possible, but only after proof of a known design flaw that makes the wheel come off is established. Good luck. This is what Tesla is up against with their self driving software, but only after multiple deaths and many crashes.

Most aftermarket parts have limited liability clauses limiting their liability to replacement of the defective part, not even labor. I know my lift kits had multiple warnings and liability releases in the instructions/warranties. Not total immunity if they intentionally sell dangerously defective parts, but definitely a difficult thing to prove.

I’m not a lawyer, but I have them in the immediate family (grandpa), so I have a little bit of an idea how this usually works in court.

visionep said:

I hope everyone escaped without long term injuries.

I wonder how liability works in a case like this.

Possible scenarios:
1. Freak accident, no one is liable.
2. Truck owner is liable, but only because they modified their car from manufacturer spec?
3. Truck manufacturer is liable, faulty construction?
4. State or federal government is liable because of something in the road that make the truck's tire fall off.
5. After market kit provider or after market kit installer is liable because their modification lead to the failure that caused the tire to come off.

I wonder how it all worked out.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Incorrect, you have for years now undeniably (by honest people) been hell bent on exposing all fantasy Democratic fuckery you either made up or believed without evidence… and hell bent on hiding and denying the 99% of anti democratic fuckery that comes from Republicans.

If there are piles, why can’t you find more than one actual case for every 100 I offer you of Republican death destruction and debauchery?

You spend plenty of time and hatred on your silly fact free replies, that’s self evident in your dishonest often racist, allways hateful posts. Pretend you don’t, it only makes you more dishonest. Better, you completely waste your time posting them here where absolutely no one will be fooled, we all know how silly and dishonest you are. I get the benefit of learning a little something every time I debunk some nonsense propaganda you posted.

I have plenty of time, early retirement debt free is nice, but the posts you refer to are simply replies to your hatred and lies. It’s true, I do hate lies and liars, but I don’t spend much time on you. 5 minutes to research and reply while watching TV more often than not. I know the same takes you an hour, usually without the research part. That’s the advantage of actually knowing things. It’s true though, it still takes longer to debunk the fact free stupid lies you spout than it does to spout them….or would if I didn’t think you type at 15 wpm…and I never just disappear when I’m proven wrong (largely because you’ve never proven me wrong about anything salient, but others have and I’m happy to admit it, even thank them).

The economy ALWAYS does better under Democratic control, always worse under Republicans. Laws always become more draconian, more one sided, and more unfairly applied under Republicans. In my lifetime, business always takes precedence over citizen’s rights, health, or even life under Republicans. Your leader actually called for suspending the constitution because he lost the election…and you STILL ridiculously claim Republicans are better. Just absolutely asinine even from a brain dead slug like yourself.

You watch OAN propaganda and believe all of California is skid row, every bit of it, and nothing can convince you differently.

If you can find someone to explain these statistics to you, you’ll see California adds >$93k per person to the economy, N Carolina < $64k per person, and Cali is over 15% of Americans economy, N Carolina 3%. I guess MAGA doesn’t like success.
I live in a state with the biggest, most robust economy in America, that more people want to move to than any other state if they can afford it, where there are services for the indigent and mentally unstable and a >$30 billion SURPLUS last year…more than your state’s entire budget.

Red states are going the wrong direction. Consistently more gun violence, far worse economy, worse unemployment (hardly bad thanks to Biden though), more welfare, more draconian laws, less freedoms, fewer rights. The right has drug their populations down like a lead balloon. You like to point to “democratic cities” but hide when it’s pointed out that states make gun laws and red states are MUCH worse.

You are NOT an independent, bob. Why would you lie such a stupid blatant lie? You are HARD CORE MAGA.
You would want that for your state because having more money and freedom are GOOD THINGS….unless you’re MAGA I guess. Derp.

bobknight33 said:

That's because I'm not hell bent on exposing Democrat fuckery.
There are piles of fuckery on the left - If one were to look.

There is more important things to do in life.

You have nothing to do in life except stew in you hatred. This is self evident in you posts.

All one needs to know is that Democrats are more wrong in how America should be run.

You live in a state totally run by democrats and it is going in the wrong direction.

Most cities in the US are Democrats run and also running in the wrong direction.

Why, as an independent. who votes Republican want that for my state?

Somehow you can't see that.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Absolutely, zero question you’re in a cult, Trump supporters are all in a cult of personality like the David Koreshians, a death cult enamored with weapons and defying the law that unquestioningly follows their bat shit crazy conspiracy theory filled leader. Why do you think he had a rally in Waco on the anniversary of Koresh vs America?

You’ve never once been able to contradict any of the facts I put forth except with debunked propaganda and blatant self serving lies.
I give you references…something you never do except when you attempt to direct people to fake news websites that are actually virus hosting spoofs in Columbia.
You regurgitate Fox, OAN, and Newsmax daily, you’ve never had a thought by yourself. Often your posts are cut and pastes from their websites because you can’t even read well enough to paraphrase them.

You support communist regimes, not Democrats or liberals. I bet you don’t even know what communism is. Biden has been instrumental in saving capitalism and democracy from Trumpism, which destroyed the economy so badly that 4 more years of Trump would have us be communists under Xi or Putin.
Trumpists are terrorists, not Biden supporters. 100% fact. Every single domestic terrorism act in the last 6 years was from the right, including the terroristic threats to the NYDA.

bobknight33 said:

So Trump supporters are a cult. You do suck the dick of fake news too much.

What does that make Biden supporters? Stupid terrorist who think Communism is a better form of government than capitalism?

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