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Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Week 1 Summary

newtboy says...

Nice, way to not answer the question, as usual. Instead you pretend Rosenbalm followed and menaced Rittenhouse, even though every shred of evidence including the location of the shooting and statement from Rittenhouse say the opposite. It’s ok, we know you think it’s ok to hunt certain groups of people. You don’t have to say it publicly.

Rittenhouse first chased/followed him for blocks from the parking lot he “guarded”, armed, brandishing his weapon and pointing it at Rosenbaum. When Rosenbaum stopped retreating, Rittenhouse shot him in the head.

In his testimony, McGinniss said that as Rosenbaum lunged, Rittenhouse “kind of dodged around” with his weapon and then leveled the gun and fired.

Binger repeatedly tried to get McGinniss to say Rosenbaum was not “lunging” but “falling” when he was shot, as McGinniss said in a media interview days after the shooting,
McGinniss said: “He was lunging, falling. I would use those as synonymous terms in this situation because basically, you know, he threw his momentum towards the weapon.”
So, his unbiased testimony is the unarmed victim was lunging for the weapon after being shot in the head….not falling….or they’re the same thing.

bobknight33 said:

Lets see,
This guy got shot when he pointed his gut at Rit

1 guy got shot after hitting him with skateboard and tried to pull the guy away
The other guy said to Rit and his fried that he was going to kill them earlier. When he had the opportunity he chased Rit down and Rit defended himself.

Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Week 1 Summary

newtboy says...

So, Bob. What about the victim’s right to defend themself from an armed aggressor who had followed them for blocks and was confronting him with weapon cocked and at the ready? He should have shot Rittenhouse in the head when he allegedly pointed, but didn’t shoot his gun, right? That would have solved everything, no charges to be brought, no lawsuit for pedonazi’s parents, no harm, no foul, right? Pure self defense, not even a need to report it, right?

Rittenhouse hunted him for blocks. Chasing him down with an assault rifle as the victim retreated. Then murdered him when he stopped running away. Just want it on the record, you think that’s fine, as is shooting anyone who tries to stop you from leaving the scene of a murder you just committed. Go on. Say it. It’s fine to hunt and kill people you don’t like.
Now…is it fine if the shooter is black and the victim is a baby faced white Republican boy? Pretty sure I know the real answer already.

Trumpist crowds are dangerous and criminal. If they need to get shot up by liberals who get scared by their aggressiveness….. self defense! Aim for the head, guys, and claim you tried a non deadly area to shoot. There’s nothing up there to hurt.

bobknight33 said:


Prosecution's Main Witness ( victim) Admits Kyle Rittenhouse Acted in Self-Defense

Having a illegally owned a gun and self defense are 2 different crimes

as else mentioned" Evidence wise though, it looks like self defense, after breaking many laws and putting himself in harms way, is still factually part of the night.

Let's talk about people defeating the Texas tip website....

newtboy says...

I love the idea, echoed by the Supreme Court, that if this methodology is found to be legal, there’s nothing at all stopping states from using it to outlaw things protected by the constitution, like arms, religions, hate speech, anything the state legislature decides is unwanted, and using cash prizes to incentivize citizens into enforcing them. One can only hope Republicans see the truth in that prognostication and quickly move to make these laws constitutionally invalid….otherwise these laws will quickly invalidate the constitution.

Edit: If California decides the bounty on anyone owning an “assault style weapon” is $1000000, what’s to stop them? What’s to stop Austonians and Houstonians voting for the same thing in Texas? Suddenly it doesn’t sound like such a great idea…..right? Republicans only love the constitution when it’s convenient….so we have to make it convenient (or make end running around it unthinkable).

Taiwan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

StukaFox says...

I don't know, but there's a few things that concern me:

1. Underestimating your advisory. We did this with Japan in the lead up to WW2. Great powers always fight the last war they won. In our case, that's WW2. China learned from the war they lost as well: WW2, and they're not going to make the same mistakes twice.

2. Ambiguous defense posture. This is how England got dragged into WW1 due to an uncertain position if Germany invaded France. Germany gambled that England wouldn't get involved because it had no spoken mutual defense agreement with France. Had the defense pact been made readily clear, it's possible Germany wouldn't have invaded.

2. Use it or lose it weapons. In WW1, one of the main issues with the initial invasion was train schedules. Things had to go perfectly to get men and material to the front line and any hiccup could delay a military victory. Once the very first German troop train left the station, there was no way to stop the invasion. Now we've got a situation where a war over Taiwan would be won or lost in about an hour of the first shot. China knows that should the US get involved, China's military assets are going to be blown up and fast. This puts China in a situation where they might choose the launch everything in a maximum impact first strike. Faced with overwhelming damage, the US would be forced to make some hard choices about how to respond. Would it go nuclear? It's according to how much Taiwan means to us.

"It won't happen". Go to Europe and see how many tombstones bear that inscription.

I'd say 50/50.

bobknight33 said:


What % do yo think China will invade Taiwan under this administration?

60% chance?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Your people are pleading guilty to everything you blamed on liberals.

A man from Texas pled guilty to shooting into a Minneapolis police station during the 2020 George Floyd protests. He wanted to sow chaos so he fired an AK-47 style weapon into the police station, hoping the protesters would be blamed.

A man named Ivan Harrison hunter 24 was in Minneapolis protesting the killing of George Floyd. The Texas man pleaded guilty on September 30th to a federal riot charge. He admitted he traveled to Minneapolis after George Floyd died to sew mayhem. Ivan Harrison Hunter 24 admitted he traveled from the San Antonio area to Minneapolis after Floyd's death and fired 13 shots from an AK-47 style semi-automatic rifle into the Minneapolis Police Department's third precinct building on May 28, 2020. footage taken that night shows the hunter in a skull mask giving someone a high five after firing the shots and yelling justice for Floyd. Hunter admitted he traveled to Minneapolis to sow chaos during the protest following George Floyd's death. He is a self-proclaimed member of boogaloo boys, the far-right anti-government extremist group…members appeared at black lives matter protests, committed crimes, and pretended they were BLM protesters.
Boogaloor's believe a second civil war known as the boogaloo is imminent. and will result in the overthrow of what they believe is a corrupt political system.

Your Trumpists, Bob. Not BLM, not ANTIFA, but Trumptards pretending to be BLM shooting police, starting fires, setting off bombs, looting, fighting, drive by’s, riots….you want these to stop….stop your friends. They’re responsible.

China’s New Bio Weapon Targets Race and Ethnicity

WmGn says...

laowhy86, who made the underlying video, lists his sources in his YouTube description as:


I've not checked the video's claims against his sources, but didn't hear anything about bioweapons or the PRC/CCP's interest in them that seemed surprising.

The video did strike me as partisan: I have no doubt that the USG is also working on weaponizing precision medicine. While I don't like partisan presentations, I recognize that may be acceptable to keep a topic tractable (thus, "Chinese genetic bioweapons" v "all genetic bioweapons").

I think this is a very important topic, so would like to see the _ideas_ discussed - not just our political differences exposed.

Can anyone expressing concerns about the original video indicate which _ideas_ they think are incorrect or overstated? (I'm not interested in the partisan aspect of the video: I'm aware of that already.)

The attempted US coup

Undercover: EXPOSING MAGA Hypocrisy on Afghanistan

newtboy says...

The end of the war and resumption of the Third Indochina War would precipitate the Vietnamese boat people and the larger Indochina refugee crisis, which saw millions of refugees leave Indochina (mainly southern Vietnam), an estimated 250,000 of whom perished at sea.
The war exacted an enormous human cost: estimates of the number of Vietnamese soldiers and civilians killed range from 966,000 to 3 million. Some 275,000–310,000 Cambodians, 20,000–62,000 Laotians, and 58,220 U.S. service members also died in the conflict, and a further 1,626 remain missing in action. -wiki

So, millions fleeing as refugees, hundreds of thousands died in their attempts to escape, tens of thousands of allies killed by the VC, far more weapons, vehicles, and equipment left abandoned (and less of it decommissioned) to the enemy and a similar abandonment of the government we had been supporting. The scale of Vietnam was exponentially larger, so were the losses when we retreated. How is Kabul worse than that?

Please explain in detail how Kabul is worse. My've got nothing.

TangledThorns said:

Kabul isn't like Saigon... it's worse. Biden bots still gonna hump the potato's leg tho.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh no....Trump backing racist right wing terrorists Proud Boys and other far right violent groups are rioting in the streets of Portland, shooting pepper ball guns, spraying bear mace, shooting guns, shooting large fireworks at people, brawling with weapons, attacking press, and setting fires.

Police are standing back and have said publicly that except for life threatening incidents they won't even show tacit approval of the terrorists rioting. (Proud Boys are a right wing terrorist organization in case you missed it)

Trump's "good people" are now the ones "burning down cities". Own it.

Taliban flaunt weapons, dollars after US flees

newtboy says...

Better a useful tool than a useless fool....fool. (and every sentence needs a verb, Bob. When you can't even write in what you claim is your native language, you might refrain from insulting those who can. This is why graduating the 8th grade isn't enough education. It makes you an ignorant idiot no reasonable person will listen to.)

First, Open the Books is not a trustworthy or unbiased source of information. was founded in 2011 (to try to embarrass Obama) by its chief executive officer Adam Andrzejewski, an Illinois entrepreneur and past Republican candidate for governor, with former United States Republican Senator Dr. Tom Coburn as the honorary chairman. It's highly partisan and biased.

Most of those vehicles and weapons we did leave/are leaving, like the cash, were in the hands of the Afghanis when Trump sounded retreat last spring. To "secure/remove/destroy" them we either have to stay and support the government (too late, would have needed to start before releasing the Taliban's army last March), or go to war with the Afghan government and seize it by force, they wouldn't just hand it back...duh.
We aren't "leaving them behind", we gave them to the government that Trump abandoned last spring when he released 5000 hard core Taliban fighters from prison (more than the original Daesh) with no conditions (and without consulting with the Afghan government) and allowed them free reign to destroy the Afghan government while we sat by, not even really preparing to leave but not helping the Afghanis....and he apparently told them they could do whatever they want except attack the retreating Americans, and they did....but sure, that's Biden's fault. 🤦‍♂️

Biden failed to be prepared for the speed of the fall of their government, a failure to be sure, but Trump all but ensured it would be fast and that we would be unprepared. Biden should have been evacuating our allies and helpers since Jan 21....Trump should have started the evacuation of Afghanis in March 2020 but instead his administration wouldn't even consider letting them come to America, so there was no process or staffed department when Biden took over and stopped Trump's attempted civil war and dealt with the out of control Trumpidemic, just a round file and a blind eye for all refugee applications. Recently Biden's administration changed this, creating programs and staffing to accommodate the refugees and convincing our allies to accept many in Europe, something Trump didn't even try.

Trump didn't do anything to get this equipment out of the country for a year either, did he? His plan was to be out 100 days after he left office, but nothing was in the works to make it happen...Too busy campaigning, pushing fraud frauds, and starting coups.

Try again.

bobknight33 said:

Newtboy you such a TOOL

The only blame is that Biden did not secure / remove/ destroy these.

Total Failure on Biden's watch.

U.S. military is leaving behind 75,000 vehicles, 600,000 weapons and 208 airplanes/helicopters in Afghanistan as the Taliban takes control of the country, according to the watchdog group Open the Books.

Taliban flaunt weapons, dollars after US flees

bobknight33 says...

Newtboy you such a TOOL

The only blame is that Biden did not secure / remove/ destroy these.

Total Failure on Biden's watch.

U.S. military is leaving behind 75,000 vehicles, 600,000 weapons and 208 airplanes/helicopters in Afghanistan as the Taliban takes control of the country, according to the watchdog group Open the Books.

newtboy said:

Good thing Biden stopped nearly another $10 Billion from being available to them through banking and the IMF, now they’re just left with the enormous piles of cash and weapons Trump shipped to the region for bribing locals to be on our side and other unethical spending he wanted off the books.

@bobknight33 doesn’t seem to know where this cash and weapons came from….it wasn’t Biden, he’s not been sending more weapons and more pallets of cash during the draw down/retreat. These were in the hands of the Afghanistan government, put there by the previous administration, largely as bribe money.

Reminds me of when Bush sent $12 billion in cash to Iraq with similar intentions and $9 billion of it went missing.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani had fled the country with four cars and a helicopter full of cash and had to leave huge piles of cash behind on the tarmac as it would not all fit in, the RIA news agency reported.

Taliban flaunt weapons, dollars after US flees

newtboy says...

Good thing Biden stopped nearly another $10 Billion from being available to them through banking and the IMF, now they’re just left with the enormous piles of cash and weapons Trump shipped to the region for bribing locals to be on our side and other unethical spending he wanted off the books.

@bobknight33 doesn’t seem to know where this cash and weapons came from….it wasn’t Biden, he’s not been sending more weapons and more pallets of cash during the draw down/retreat. These were in the hands of the Afghanistan government, put there by the previous administration, largely as bribe money.

Reminds me of when Bush sent $12 billion in cash to Iraq with similar intentions and $9 billion of it went missing.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani had fled the country with four cars and a helicopter full of cash and had to leave huge piles of cash behind on the tarmac as it would not all fit in, the RIA news agency reported.

As US Withdraws from Afghanistan, Refugees Must Be Evacuated

bobknight33 says...

The 1/2 ass withdraw lays at the feet of Biden.

Biden had the power to delay to the point when all weapons vehicles etc is disarmed or destroyed.

Also Biden left all the helpers who should be pulled out, left being only to be raped and killed.

Now the purging will begin.

Epic Fail.

Cancer Patient’s Husband Has A Message For Anti Vaxers

luxintenebris says...

FL & TX account for 40% of all the new hospitalizations. Yet, they are against mask mandates. Against their fellow lawmakers, citizens, and school administrators who KNOW masks are necessary. FOR THE GOP it is a political weapon.

What is poignant is all the teachers that have and will die. IF given a thought for a moment, the flu season was unusually low last season. In our area, it was almost non-existent. We know masks check the spread of the COVID virus but now there is a possibility it could cut the flu infection risks, too!

Now isn't it worth it? Because COVID attacks the lungs and has already spun off a lambda variant. Why double up the chance parents, teachers, and their children could get at a double shot of respiratory illnesses?!

THINK OF IT: all those immune-compromised folks who got their shots. If it was so dangerous, then where was the storm for Gramma? If it doesn't work- who is in the hospitals? If it's a 'freedom' issue then what freedom will be there for those infected? Didn't we just come from a shutdown? Why is this EVEN A DEBATE?!!! Why is doing so OBVIOUSLY right so anti-right?

Don't let what you don't know to keep you from doing what you do know is the right way to go.

After all, folks like myself have to live w/the risk of new GOP members living to vote, to make more awful laws, and how many of them will mirror what we have now? The horror...the horror...

"Mostly Fair" Media

newtboy says...

On Jan 6,
How many forced entries to federal buildings that you declared terroristic behavior when black people tried it? Thousands.
How many violent physical attacks on police with weapons that you called terrorism when black people did it? Hundreds to thousands.
How many deaths? 5+.
How many Molotov cocktails on scene fortunately stopped from being used to burn the capitol? Over a dozen.
How many live explosives planted as deadly distractions? Sounds like over a dozen.

What's the overall cost of the Trump insurrection failure? Just repairs and the deployment of the national guard cost over $550 million for one incident. We won't know the full cost for years if ever. Yes, the summer riots full cost including troop and police deployment is near $2 BILLION, but remember 1/2 of that is right wing counter protesters, and 1/4 was not BLM but opportunists using rallies as cover to riot, so BLM's share of the damages all summer is near $500 million...less that the Jan 6th riot.

Jan 6th was exactly like that. Armed treasonous traitors with guns, knives, mace, spears, handcuff/ziptie restraints, teasers, clubs, firebombs, and explosives planning to murder congress are more dangerous, only an ignorant uneducated racist moron could disagree.

1/2 the violence and damage of summer 2020 was perpetrated AGAINST BLM by right wing groups like proud boys and Boogaloo boys that got caught, so stupid they carried their plans for more terrorism they would blame on BLM with them when they murdered police and set off bombs, another >1/4 were by people rioting near but not with BLM, leaving 1/4 at most BLM and it's supporters, 1/2 the amount right wingers did trying to frame BLM, unequivocally and verifiably.

Such sad, factless arguments you make these days. Those sweet sweet snowflake tears must be blinding you.

bobknight33 said:

How many burning of buildings,
cars and businesses .
how many shootings and deaths

Jan 6 has nothing like that.
BLM and Antifa are more dangerous.

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