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Nikita -- Verevki

MP4 Converter – Convert DVD to MP4, Convert Video to MP4 (Scifi Talk Post)

The World's 1st and Hottest iPad DJ

westy says...

what a fucking mupit ,

there is actualy good potentail to use i pads as a decent music app ,

but this is just retarded , the vast majorty of D,Js should just be taken to a cattel shed and shot on the face .

Its such a shame that the word DJ is used for people that can actualy produce music as well as people that can only match the beets up on 2 tracks and then fade between them , ocisoinaly putting in sfx and changing the pitch.

allso the way the women talks about this as if its some cheep alternative ,

fucking using a laptop in live mode with USB devices has exsited for over a decade and has offerd the full dj exsperance with evan more controle than nomral hard ware for under £700.

BF: Bad Company 2 - PC Specific Features

westy says...

Battelfaild games have always been far more saphisticated than modern ware far.

Modern warefare 2 plays like a mix between Golden eye on the N64 and Unreal 2003 with Modern wepons and a wepon unlock system.

Battelfaild Has far more saphisticated game play interms of game enviroments that acomidate team play far better and give far more freedome to the player.

for me modern ware fare is good if u want a quick death mach or a jump in game sessoin where as battelfaild games offer the choise of a quick game or something more stragic.

another grate thing with battelfaild games is that they real accomidate difrent play typs and alow players mid game to swich from sneeky slow paced game play to In your face fast passed actoin.

As for gun unlocks and all that in gneral i think its a bit shitty id rather just have all the guns avalable from the start i dont see the need to have to unlock everything all you end up doing is puting new players at a disadvantage and the fact is after the game has been out for 4 months 70% of the players will have unlocked everything annyway making it piontless.

Ransom-Ware : New Trend in Computer Trojan Infection

KnivesOut says...

>> ^CaveBear:
More importantly is the UNIX variation operating system that resides under OSX. Unix just has strong security.

"Unix just has strong security". FALSE. Any OS is only as strong as the configuration it's given.

Anectodal evidence is anecdotal

If you don't know all the in's and out's of your .conf files, you can setup an amazingly insecure unix box, and think you're as safe as houses.

Gnilley: A game of yelling

Mandtis says...

>> ^westy:
What is it with games designers and fucking hats?
Not that i have a problem with hats per say , but there is certainly a disproportionate amount of games designers that ware hats.

They must be obsessed with Team Fortress 2.

Gnilley: A game of yelling

Ransom-Ware : New Trend in Computer Trojan Infection

Bristol Palin On Oprah "I'm not Having Sex Until..."

westy says...

If you are going to use the bible as your moral cumpus then your pretty much fucked. for one thing its not constant and its easily open to interpretation what it actually says. its allso very clear that its as likely to be the word of god as any of the other religious books out there which is not very.

to use marrige as a bench mark for who you have sex with is a bit stupid , but at the same time just sleeping with annyone can be quite risky.

there is nothing stopping people shagging and still having something more meaningful and romantic as well especaily if they use protectoin and are carfull about it.

the whole marge thing makes sense when there is no contraception or protection against STD,S and having kids is a 1-10 chance of sex , obviously as it would be unfair for a child to have no parents.

This is why going by the bible is stupid , It was written in a time when there was no contraception and people could not control when they had kids.

by perpetuating this whole no sex before marriage thing you end up with more trouble u end up with girls taking it up the ass more or doing strange sexual things that are of more risk and should only be undertaken by sumone with exsperance and alot of confidence as to what they want or know what they are doing and the risks.

The only message should be ONLY HAVE SEX WITH SUM ONE THAT "YOU" RELAY WANT TO don't be pressured into it or feal that you have to. also only do it after having discussed it with them and once you relay know that person.

having said that im sure there are people who want to just go out and have a quick fuck if that's ohnislty what they want and they make that clear to the person they want to fuck then i dont have a problem with it so long as they ware protectoin and reduse STD pregnancy as much as possable.

Its all about honistiy and presenting things truthfully.

Neil deGrasse Tyson rebukes Richard Dawkins

choggie says...

I would love to tie Dawkins to a chair and pummel him with bad grammar for a few days all the while, playing Jimmy Swaggart albums at faster speeds than intended. Consider the press he gets hawking his wares, which are but round and round mind fucks of the this or that concerning the existence or not of a benevolent omni-being...

In the old days they called these men, snake-oil salesmen.

Copying Is Not Theft

westy says...

In the end all things in balance , i don't care if my work gets pirated so long as i can make a reasonable and fair income off it. the i phone game i worked on was on pirate bay within 1 week of release PEEEOOWWW.

Allso there are ways of deriving money from software where copying is beneficial to the developer , Share ware , Flash games.

Legends of Hockey - Gump Worsley

Would you kiss me, if I had HIV?

westy says...

the reason its hard to get it through kissing is because its hard to be infected through your stomach the virus if you had open cut on your face and they also had a cut on there face then they rubbed together there is a chance you could get it still be pritty slim thogh.

the reason people are over coursouse about it is because HIV is associated with the whole "ware protection" and falls under one of the reasons that is propagandized to ware contraception and is presented as if you catch HIV instantly 100% of the time from any contact.

now fact is people should ware contraceptoin as it dose reduce the chances of catching aids sugnificantly , but at the same time you dont just catch aids instantly normaly (although you can) and its far more infectious sexually (vigorous rubbing of the desize against a thin membrane) than it is from other contacts (softly touching against thick skin or stumuch designed to repel viruses , desize, bacteria). Like other STD,s sex is its primary mode of spreading you can still catch other things outside of sex its just normally allot harder.

but from a proper sloppy kiss it would be near imposable. you have to drink over a pint of infected saliva to catch it.

If you could catch it through normal human contact and kissing it would spred like The flue dose , or like sore throughts do , We would be totaly fucked , its actualy resnably hard to catch it , outside of Sex , sharing needels , direct blood contact.

I have ideas, I lack talent... whos with me? (Blog Entry by peggedbea)

Australian Magazine Features 7ft Tall Model On Cover

westy says...

yeah there is a fetish for tall women , some men build miniature cities in there houses so they can watch there women stamp on the buildings and they can pretend there gf is like a god zilla.

as for this lady she looks more like a man not because she is large she just has a rigid face and is less curvy than a normal woman.

you probably need to ware a helmet and a flash light if you were to go exploring down there.

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