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The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug - Official Main Trailer

FlowersInHisHair says...

The kind of sarcastic, awkward "The Office"-style humour they introduced into the first Hobbit movie was a real turn-off for me, as was the sloppy, rushed-looking CGI (there's a scene at Rivendell where they didn't even bother replacing the scale doubles' faces with the actors' faces) and the odd habit of having the characters fall hundreds of feet onto solid rock without breaking any bones (this happens at least three times in An Unexpected Journey).

The Hobbit is a children's book, and doesn't meet the tone of its sequel very well, even after Tolkien's revised edition. It is a lighter book than the Lord of the Rings, in every sense, and the first film showed that it really can't bear the weight of either the padding PJ has added to the story, nor the efforts to bring a more Rings-style feeling of epic seriousness to what is a small, selfish story about some dwarves looking for gold. The epic/serious tone constantly conflicts with the childish slapstick humour, meaning that neither really work.

It would have been much better as a single 2.5-hour film. I dread to think how much wandering about, awkward humour, diversions from the story, too-weighty extracts from the LOTR appendices and (oh goody) dull Elven love story padding is to come in the next 6 hours of this trilogy.

Butt Pudding

chingalera says...

*promote the land of once great warriors now Ronin found wandering through villages collecting coins from used-panty vending machines with really cool tattoos on their backs.

Guy films juvenile kestrel in the backyard when suddenly...

xxovercastxx says...

I think people who hunt for machismo and bragging rights are a bit primitive, but I can still understand where @shang is coming from. Of course there's a thrill to the hunt; it's a challenge, a competition. Just because someone enjoys that thrill doesn't make them a sociopath.

My dad used to hunt when I was little, but he very rarely got anything. Years later he told me he started hunting because it was a way to spend time with his father, but he never really enjoyed shooting animals. At one point he had sat down against a tree to have lunch and a deer snuck up on him while he was eating. He gave her a piece of his sandwich and pet her for a few minutes while she ate it and then she wandered off.

After that, he stopped carrying a gun into the woods and started carrying a camera. From then on he was taking a different kind of shot, but the thrill of the hunt was still there.

Skater punched by kid's mom

braindonut says...

Well, the only thing that makes me think the mother was a douchebag is that she walked up slowly, yelling at the dude.

The other lady acted much more like a caring, attentive parent. She ran up, checked on the kid, made sure he was ok, then started talking to the dude.

The mother walked up slowly, yelling at the dude...

If that was my kid, I'd be running over. I'd make sure he was ok. Then maybe yell at the guy.

And, fwiw, being that I saw rails in the background where that kid was knocked over, it does seem like the dude was in the skating area...

If I were taking my little kid to the park, I wouldn't let him wander near the skate park unless I was paying close attention to him. He was all by himself out there - accident waiting to happen.

It's shitty when accidents happen. But clearly that mom is just an angry, shitty person.

RFlagg (Member Profile)

Little Girl and her Carpenter Pet Bee

MilkmanDan says...

I'm with Jinx. Plus, in my experience any animal with enough brain cells to actually contemplate its own situation like that (say, dogs or cats) will refuse to eat if it feels that its time has come and it is physically unable or not allowed to wander off and die in peace.

In other words, while I'm surprised that the bee is physically capable of that lifespan, I don't think it is capable of feeling that it is being cruelly held in some sort of "Johnny Got His Gun" nightmare life. And if it was, it would also be capable of refusing the food offered to it.

Sen. Warren verbally smacks down CNBC's "Squawk Box"

Chairman_woo says...

Awesome. She's like a "Bizarro" universe Sarah Palin!

That Adam smith bloke has a lot to answer for. There is an "invisible hand" in the market but unfortunately it's inherently attached to a set of absolute cunts!

I agree with this lady, that hand needs a good slap every time it steps out of line. If you don't keep wandering hands in check sooner or later your going to get finger fucked! (repeatedly)

Woman pulls porcupine quills from raven's face

oritteropo says...

Bonus raven vid - Nevermore! (also wokka wokka wokka)

yt user BaroqueKeyboardist put it best:

Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,
By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore,
`Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,' I said, `art sure no craven.
Ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the nightly shore -
Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!'
Quoth the raven, `Say nevermore, wokka wokka wokka wokka'

Girl Gets Tackled by Baby Goats

00Scud00 says...

@ant Yeah, I was waiting for the mob to finally wander away leaving only a pile of bones and torn clothing. Mountain Piranha Goats, cuteness is their primary weapon.

Two faced kitten Born in Oregon

chingalera says...

Nah man, a barn-cat isn't necessarily inbred. A barn cat is a simply a cat on the property whose main job ain't sittin' on laps and wandering around the house rather, it stays outside and keeps the rodent population in check.

cluhlenbrauck said:

aka inbred

Game of Thrones Season 3: Inside the Red Wedding

Yogi says...

I know I'm gonna get ripped apart, but I didn't care about the Red Wedding. After the initial shock of watching a pregnant woman get stabbed in the stomach, I was over it. This guy has one move, build up some stuff and then destroy it and watch the ripples. It's not a clever way of destroying something, it's informed by his love of Medieval Times. Also this probably doesn't bother anyone else but the special effects and the fact that a person just sits there while being stabbed instead of at least doubling over in pain is ridiculous. You get more defense out of people in Rwanda from machete strikes, and blood doesn't come out of a neck like that, just watch hockey skate accidents!

I loved Seasons 1 and 2, Season 3 was dragging on and on with me only really caring about the Adventures of Ygritte and Jon Snow, and Aryas little stuff. Actually the pairing of Jamie and that huge woman was pretty cool for a bit but I also got tired of what a sad sack he was.

I have two problems with Game of Thrones though that I think people will agree with, so read this if you already hate everything I wrote.

ONE: There's not enough of it. I'm not talking about Khaleesi wandering the desert, I'm talking about character development. These are HUGE books with tons of scenes, I gotta think that somewhere along the line a character or two is developed with some small things rather than BIG 3 minute scenes. I want the series to be 20 episodes long, 2 hours and episode. I know people want action and every episode has to matter but aren't the books written in POV format? Why not have some POV parts in the show with some personal narrative!

TWO: The fucking praise it receives. I get there's a lot of book readers and it's a very good series, but it's not the second coming. This isn't even the best thing on TV right now, and it certainly isn't better than The Wire. Game of Thrones has a bunch of Emmys, The Wire has only two Nominations...they didn't even WIN ANYTHING! Could that be because Game of Thrones has like One black guy...who's obsessed with raping a white woman by the way, interesting there.

Oh and The Wire is Real, that shit really fucking happens everyday still. Yet this week people are crying like pussies because their favorite characters get got. Even though I'm a huge fan, I'm kind of embarrassed after this episode to be associated with a lot of the internet. I mean I thought it was cool when Buffy died the second time, it wasn't the end of the fucking world though. Also Buffy came back to life, so good reference to use right? Right?! Ahhh shut up.

Missing Man Accidentally Found by Live News Team

Trancecoach says...

I once met an elderly man who was walking along the expressway. Turned out, he had wandered away from home; a a result of his dementia.
I contacted the authorities and eventually his family came and got him. A part of me wondered if he was just "putting it on," and was just looking for an excuse to escape his family... Still, it was probably not a wise decision to walk along the expressway, if that was his intention.

London in 1927

artician says...

This was more intriguing than I'd expected.

I'm not that fascinated by old imagery (though definitely interested, and seeing such almost makes my mind wander in the same way old fairy-tales used to).

As someone from this generation, I work to see these realities, and our history in general, encapsulate these eras and peoples in some simulative aspect, so we can truly experience them.

Granted it will be even less than a carbon copy of the reality that was, but only so much as viewing the ghosts of history burnt to images by light.

Cargo Plane Falls Out Of The Sky

chingalera says...

I suppose that indirectly, anyone can claim responsibility for this and any flight that's pulled-off with hitches that end in disaster-No, yes, NO.... the Taliban?? Get real, Finster, it's a U.S. air force base in Afghanistan-If they let Taliban wander in to sabotage shit it ain't gonna be a shifting load and a stall that takes out an air-freighter-This was an accident and there are no terrorists except maybe the ones in your head.

Deano said:

Wouldn't it make more sense to be realistic about the possibility of the Taliban firing missiles? Does that happen enough that every takeoff has to perform what sounds like a risky maneuver?

Pulling up that fast with a heavy load seems a high risk approach.

I suppose, that indirectly, the Taliban can claim some credit for this.

Doug Stanhope on civil unions for gay couples

volumptuous says...

Doug, while he means well, isn't very articulate.

His message was confused (at one point sounding like he was against civil unions) he was boneheaded, attacked the city council and then ended his wandering diatribe with "I'm out".


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