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Some guy engineers his own 9/11 experiments

rychan says...

>> ^imstellar28:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since July 18th, 2009" class="profilelink">guymontage
Who said you have to be an engineer? What I said is I very much doubt anyone in this thread is qualified to comment on the consequences of a plane hitting a skyscraper. To think you can just waltz in here and quote "Inertia" because you heard it in 8th grade science class is just ridiculous.
What argument is rcyhan making? The guy in the experiment started with the hypothesis "thermite can cut steel" and then conducted an experiment and proved that yes, it can cut steel. What is not scientific about that? As far as I understand it, that is the exact implementation of the scientific method. The fact that the conclusion is "widely known" (rychans words) has no bearing on this video. Clearly, it is not "widely known" if a mainstream television show is conducting experiments and concludes that thermite can not, in fact, cut steel.
Everyone on the internet thinks they are an expert, but who in this thread even has a college degree much less one in civil engineering? Even if someone has a degree in civil engineering who has the experience with skyscrapers or even the particular design of this tower? It's retarded to think anyone here is anything even resembling an expert on the physics of this particular situation.

He claims much more than "Thermite can cut steel". He implies that there are widespread media biases or conspiracies. He implies that the official explanation for the WTC collapse is wrong and that his experiments support this claim. If he narrowly tailored his claims I would have no problem with this video. It has fun explosions, after all.

Some guy engineers his own 9/11 experiments

bcglorf says...

>> ^imstellar28:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since July 18th, 2009" class="profilelink">guymontage
Who said you have to be an engineer? What I said is I very much doubt anyone in this thread is qualified to comment on the consequences of a plane hitting a skyscraper. To think you can just waltz in here and quote "Inertia" because you heard it in 8th grade science class is just ridiculous.
What argument is rcyhan making? The guy in the experiment started with the hypothesis "thermite can cut steel" and then conducted an experiment and proved that yes, it can cut steel. What is not scientific about that? As far as I understand it, that is the exact implementation of the scientific method. The fact that the conclusion is "widely known" (rychans words) has no bearing on this video. Clearly, it is not "widely known" if a mainstream television show is conducting experiments and concludes that thermite can not, in fact, cut steel.
Everyone on the internet thinks they are an expert, but who in this thread even has a college degree much less one in civil engineering? Even if someone has a degree in civil engineering who has the experience with skyscrapers or even the particular design of this tower? It's retarded to think anyone here is anything even resembling an expert on the physics of this particular situation.

My physics went up to a minor on my undergraduate degree. Even in high school though the potential energy of millions of tonnes of concrete at a certain height is already taught. That is more energy than any bomb or load of jet fuel anyone can get their hands on, and it's all rigged to unload itself straight down.

The truther that are idiots are the ones insisting that the planes weren't the cause of the collapse. If you distrust and loath the government enough to believe they were behind the attacks, if you are a rational, scientific person you will conclude that the government organized the plane crashes to take out the towers. All the insistence that was merely a cover for explosives already planted inside is insanity. If the government wanted to commit the act, they would just plant the explosives and set them off. It wouldn't have even been the first time terrorists tried to use explosives to collapse the buildings. The ONLY thing adding the planes into the mix would do is make it infinitely more prone to failure and discovery.

Then you have the unscientific beliefs that people trumpet as reasons they believe the towers were rigged beforehand:
-Jet fuel can't melt steel! Meanwhile commercial steel furnaces are widely sold that are designed to do exactly that.
-The buildings collapsed at near free fall speed, no resistance! Go see the explosives free building demolition video here on the sift. Same speed of collapse, with just the upper supports pulled out by some cranes outside.
-Everyone knows the planes couldn't have been enough to collapse the buildings! Meanwhile, 10's of thousands of engineers the world over didn't bat an eye at the finding that the fires could cause the collapse. That's a lot of professionals in on the conspiracy.
-Blocking investigation of the real story! Meanwhile google scholar is filled with endless numbers of publicly available journal articles that speak to every loony idea the conspiracy crowd can throw out there.

If you believe the government worked with someone to crash planes into the towers that's one thing. If you believe the whole idea that the planes couldn't possibly have caused the collapse and the government must have wired it with explosives before hand, you believe something idiotic and need your head shaken.

Some guy engineers his own 9/11 experiments

imstellar28 says...


Who said you have to be an engineer? What I said is I very much doubt anyone in this thread is qualified to comment on the consequences of a plane hitting a skyscraper. To think you can just waltz in here and quote "Inertia" because you heard it in 8th grade science class is just ridiculous.

What argument is rcyhan making? The guy in the experiment started with the hypothesis "thermite can cut steel" and then conducted an experiment and proved that yes, it can cut steel. What is not scientific about that? As far as I understand it, that is the exact implementation of the scientific method. The fact that the conclusion is "widely known" (rychans words) has no bearing on this video. Clearly, it is not "widely known" if a mainstream television show is conducting experiments and concludes that thermite can not, in fact, cut steel.

Everyone on the internet thinks they are an expert, but who in this thread even has a college degree much less one in civil engineering? Even if someone has a degree in civil engineering who has the experience with skyscrapers or even the particular design of this tower? It's retarded to think anyone here is anything even resembling an expert on the physics of this particular situation.

Someone troll a piano player. Crush their ego with this song

Someone troll a piano player. Crush their ego with this song

Someone troll a piano player. Crush their ego with this song

The Band - The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down

TDS: Tom Coburn: International A**hole of Mystery

quantumushroom says...

Oh good, more Leibowitz bigotry.

See people aren't naturally this has to be drilled into them to not care about other human beings and it takes a lot.

People have a right not to care about everyone, and to care about one group or cause more than another. Sending money to Haiti is one step removed from simply tossing it in a lit furnace. There is no infrastructure and no legitimate government there. Besides, these countries don't need any more imperialist American dollars.

But hey, if you feel that strongly about this, waltz down to your local unemployment office (always crowded thanks to obamanomics!) and explain to them why a billion dollars of their tax monies should go towards making zero difference in the Toilet of the Western Hemisphere.

BP Refuses To Let Journalists Film Coastline

Quill42 says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:

Listen people. If it is a public beach, the government has no authority to keep you out; only if it is a state of emergency. That means something dangerous to people is taking place. The oil spill is not directly dangerous to humans, ergo they cannot keep people out.
If it is a private beach they have no authority to keep people out, because the beach does not belong to them; it belongs to whatever municipality the beach falls in.

I honestly don't know what the deal is here, but I can guess. Back in 1989, after the Exxon spill, Congress passed a law that basically put the entire responsibility on oil companies to clean up their own mess. The government oversees it, but we expect the company to have planned ahead, have the expertise, pay for the equipment, etc. It sort of makes sense then that the company gets some say in the procedure. If one of the rules is meant to prevent gawkers from getting in the way of clean-up crews, then I suppose it makes sense. Obviously, they can fly over the site (as many people have) or send crews to the beaches, the just can't expect to send a bunch of boats into the middle of the slick. It isn't much different than police roping off a scene - you can stand outside it and take pictures, but you can't expect to waltz in the middle.

As far as the government's authority goes, that thing about "only if it is a state of emergency. That means something dangerous to people is taking place." is completely wrong. The federal government certainly has the authority to keep people out of the water affected by the spill regardless of whether it is a public or private beach. There's no question here. The better issue is whether they improperly delegated the power to a private party (BP), but it looks like they made sure to have coast guard officials present.

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