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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Cons are child raping abusers that are led by a rapist that lusts after his daughter, or at least publicly did when she was an underage teenager.

226 Kennesaw Mayor, former councilman Leonard Church (all households required to own a gun) child molestation

227 GOP WA state Sen Joe Fain - accused of rape, accuser inspired by Christine Blasey Ford

228 Federal judge Brett Kavanaugh and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has been credibly accused of sexual assault

229 George H.W. Bush - several groping allegations (though my sister worked in nursing homes & said they used to note DOM (Dirty Old Man) on charts because it was so common for aged men to lose their social control

230 AL GOP Gov. Robert Bentley - sexual harassment

231 Pensacola’s GOP Sheriff Al Harrison convicted of forcing women prisoners to have sex with him.

232 SC celebrity politician Thomas Ravenal, former Republican State Treasurer, sexual assault, assault and battery

233 Colorado Republican House minority leader Mike May’s company sued for sexual discrimination/harassment

234 Republican Sheriff L. PAUL BAILEY of Berrien Co, Michigan oversaw a prison where several inmates were raped and abused.

235 Reagan appointee U.S. District Judge Walter S. Smith Jr. sexual harassment and misconduct

236 SD GOP state Rep. Mathew Wollman resigned after sleeping with interns Plural!

237 Republican NY state Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin - sexual harassment

238 NY Assemblyman Greg Ball - R - sexual harassment and assault several times in NY & TX

239 NY Assemblyman Republican Angela Wozniak sexual harassment, retaliation after staff member breaks off affair

240 Former state representative and gubernatorial candidate Steve Nunn ignored the restraining order had against him for domestic violence and murdered her.

241 GOP Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls gets ONE YEAR for raping a young woman since she was 9 until she was 23.

242 Will Folks, spokesperson for Republican Gov. Mark Sanford (Appalachian Trail) convicted for domestic violence.

243 MN GOP state house candidate Brad Gerten - domestic assault

244 GOP Congressional candidate David "Bull" Gurfein domestic violence

245 University of Massachusetts Republican Club vice president -Bradley S. DeFlumeri domestic violence, violating restraining orders.

246 Carl’s, Jr CEO and big Trump supporter Andrew Puzder lost the opportunity to be Labor Secretary because of domestic violence history, but Trump still wants him in the administraiton

247 Albuquerque Republican Rep. Rory Ogle - domestic violence and assault withdrew from reelection campaign

248 William "Wild Bill" Janklowm Republican governor of SD - two rapes, one as a minor, the other, he took advantage of reservation inability to prosecute whites who commit crimes on reservation.

249 Republican Congressman Dan Burton - sexual harassment and groping

250 Dick Armey, GOP Congressman from Texas - sexual harassment, inappropriate conduct with college students

bobknight33 said:

Liberals are disgusting.

Agents Discover Gold And 1/2 Million In Senator’s Home

newtboy says...

Lol. You’ve got to be kidding! Still?
🤦‍♂️ “You’re” bob. 🤦‍♂️ The word is you’re…as in you are. If contractions are too hard for you, don’t try to use them. This is second grade English stuff even in public schools, and failing to speak English as well as an average third grader can says mountains about your ability to learn facts.
Your own gullibility is constantly on display for all but you to see, paired with your unbelievable ignorance it’s pretty funny quite often. 😂

You don’t see ANY crimes from Trump, even those he’s been convicted of, but because I say it hasn’t yet been PROVEN in court the Menendez cash was bribes, you say I’m denying it. Trump has been found guilty in multiple courts, guilty of fraud, theft, charity theft, lies, rape, racist redlining, tax evasion, etc. So silly bob.

I posted the news about Menendez, dummy. I’m hardly denying it. 🤦‍♂️

I’m pointing out the difference in response to the credible accusations. When they’re against a Democrat like here, Democrats ensure the accused is immediately removed from duty so he can’t continue to sully the office.
When Republicans are accused, Republicans just deny it until they can’t, then ignore it by pointing to someone else and “what about him”ing, even with no evidence against the accused, then pretend the crime isn’t a crime (like stealing top secret military classified documents then hiding them from subpoenas and lying under oath). They absolutely never remove their criminal members from power, only Democrats care about criminal behavior in their ranks enough to vote to remove it. Trump and Santos are both examples of that, but far from the only ones. Republicans don’t expel criminals, they protect them and cry “witch hunt” and never acknowledge all the “witches” that have already been caught, convicted, and put in prison.

Funny, when foreign businessmen just hand Trump hundreds of thousands in cash (or hand his family literally billions as pure bribery) you don’t think twice….you think they just like him? It’s not out of the ordinary for local businessmen to give large sums to politicians….it is odd to give gold bars and cash, but search Trump’s house, what do you think is there? His gold just comes in toilet shape. Trump did take many official gifts to the president from foreign leaders…these also were not his to take, they, like the stolen state secrets, belong to the people, not a person.

Bwaaahahahaaa. School teachers!?! What delusion are you suffering now? I know you distrust teachers, your education level proves it daily. You would do well to get some information from teachers, it might make you realize how idiotic the randos on the internet are selling you nonsense, nor how idiotic you are to believe it. Try a real source, not biased randos that make a living selling lies to idiots. Er mer gerd. You are too funny. Now teachers are the enemy….along with gays, trans, liberals, Asians, refugees, the media, unions, Latinos, centrists, immigrants, natives, RINOS, Ukrainians…who is left in America that isn’t your enemy for something, bob?
I don’t get my current affairs information from “teachers” bob. I learned critical thinking and how to do research and vetting of sources from teachers, you obviously did not.
Maybe read this and learn something…
It wasn’t directly for Trump, it was directly for the benefit of a Republican governor, granted, but it made it far more difficult to charge him with accepting them.

Trump was not POTUS when he illegally stole top secret classified military secrets…he was Ex POTUS. Even the president may not possess top secret classified military documents. Ex presidents cannot have any classified documents, even the current president cannot take them from a SCIF without going through the complete declassification process. You learned what you think you know about the law from the guy who is blatantly breaking it. He’s also a convicted liar…he’s lying about the law….blatantly.
It’s clear you know it and don’t care…facts are for liberals, fantasy is for MAGgots.

If you watch his interviews, he’s gone from “I have every right to take classified documents” to “I declassified them” to”they’re automatically declassified when I take them” to “I think I’m allowed to take them”….but never any excuse for violating multiple subpoenas or for lying to the fbi about still hiding more, or attempting to destroy the evidence, or for showing these sensitive documents to anyone who would listen to him blather, including registered foreign agents for hostile foreign powers (China).

Biden and vP Pence both immediately cooperated when asked to look and return anything they had, despite Biden being the president and legally allowed to personally have most classified documents and the current power to declassify or pardon himself for any breach (according to Trump), Trump lied and actively hid the military secrets he stole in a convoluted scheme to defraud the American people again and sell state secrets for cash and favors from foreign powers like Saudi Arabia.

Every time you claim “witch hunt” they seem to convict dozens of MAGA witches.
The real witch hunt is hunting Joe. Targeting private citizens for congressional investigation after congressional investigation to try to impugn Joe, and so far every one has failed. Just like Clinton. Now the biased persecution has him defending silly gun charges that are absolutely never charged alone and are only ever used to give convicted drug kingpins more time…but still haven’t found a jaywalking case against Joe.

Again, moron, I posted the video about this democrat being caught in a bribery scheme he’s certainly guilty of….I simply said there’s exponentially more evidence against Trump, much already proven in court, and nothing proven against Menendez yet. This causes you to lose your shit and throw a tantrum. 😂

There’s zero evidence Joe Biden committed any crime. None. Years of investigations have turned up nothing at all, nada, zip, zilch. 😂

Every measure of a president disagrees with you. Biden didn’t have a negative gdp for any year. Biden’s policies created 13 million jobs, he didn’t lose 3 million. Biden has strengthened our relationships internationally and stepped away from our enemies. Trump added $8 trillion to the debt, Biden $3 trillion so far…so 1/2. Biden policy ended the epidemic and lowered death rates significantly, Trump policy was so bad that it lowered life expectancy of Americans significantly and created millions of new disabled. Trump promised infrastructure week but never delivered, Biden secured the biggest infrastructure investment since the freeways were built, republicans all voted against it and are now taking credit for all its benifits.

Lol….now Santos is the same as Fetterman? Explain that….again I know you can’t. Fetterman has health issues, but no criminal activity. If health issues are disqualifying, 90% need replacing. (Or is it because he wears sweatshirts and shorts?). But to the right, being a repeated thief from invalid elderly patients, a fugitive, fraud, and liar about everything he’s ever said is only as bad as once having had a stroke you’re now recovered from…no moral or ethical or legal component to your thought process.

You are such a joke, little man. Not one bit serious. Hyper exaggerating anything you think you have on democrats, completely ignoring the fraudulent terroristic child rape gang you belong to. Here’s a reminder…
201 IN state Rep Jud McMillin - a sex video sent from his phone. He claims his phone was lost so he could be a victim to the end, he’s resigned for misconduct before

202 TN State Rep David Hawk convicted for hitting his wife. Now running for Speaker.

203 TN state GOP Rep Mark Lovell - sexual harassment

204 TN State Rep.Jeremy Durham sexual misconduct

205 Alabama Republican Party Executive Committee and former Cullman County Commission Chairman James Graves, 73, 1st-degree sex abuse of 17 year-old-girl

206 Tennessee Republican judicial candidate Chuck Hunter - enticement 14-year-old teen

207 Dr Don Boys is a rape apologist. According to him, it’s not rape unless she screams and there are TWO witnesses. This is a man desperately in need of a ball gag.

208 Wasilla Republican Sen. David Wilson was disciplined for retaliation against a staffer who complained he upskirted her. Investigation ruled that while he did put his phone down by her skirt hem, he failed to get close enough. So attempted upskirting is ok? Explains Kavanaugh

209 Former GOP state house candidate Schaeffer Cox - Domestic Abuse, also soliciting murder, terrorism

210 Sheriff Joe Arpaio ignored 400 sexual assault and abuse cases, allowing rapists and molesters to continue unbothered by anything so troublesome as an investigation

211 Ron Williams II - Trump’s Kobach Voter Fraud commission staffer, also worked on claim Obama DOJ discriminated against white voters - child pornography

212 GOP Fundraiser Michael Centanni - child pornography

213 James City GOP Chair Charles K Young - child pornography

214 Republican Mayor Bill W Nelson of Stillwater NY, - child pornography - LONG history of it.

215 GOP Stockton mayor Anthony Silva - alcohol to minors, playing strip poker - he’s got a big felony trial in Nov for embezzlement, money laundering

216 CA Deputy AG Raymond Liddy, son of G. Gordon Liddy, child pornography. Some RW site call him a Dem because they call all nonpartisans Dems, but here’s over a decade of campaign giving

217 OK GOP State Sen Bryce Marlatt - sexual battery

218 OK GOP state Rep Dan Kirby - sexual harassment

219 Missouri GOP Speaker of the House Rod Jettons - pled guilty to assault, injuring a woman during “rough sex”

220 MT GOP state Rep Jason Priest - domestic violence

221 SC GOP state Rep Nelson Hardwick - accused of assault, pled guilty to sexual harassment

222 SC GOP state Rep Thad Viers, stalking and harassing ex-girlfriend - pled guilty now sentenced for money laundering

223 WI state Rep Bill Kramer - sexual assault

224 Illinois GOP Senate candidate Jack Ryan accused of coercing wife to have sex in front of people at sex clubs - the coercion is the issue. I don’t care about kinks

225 NC Baptist Minister, state Rep and County Commissioner Coy C. Privette - so soliciting prostitutes which would not be a thing, except he paid them by check, then reported the checks as stolen, the louse.

bobknight33 said:

You so full of it. You more gullible than a 5 year old

Local business men just giving Menendez gold and cash -- why just because then like him? How naive.

Thanks to Republicans rewriting the rules on bribery to protect the Trumps - Quit getting you news from school teachers.. They are brainwashed leftest. Full of propaganda.

Trump was caught with hundreds of stolen top secret --
He is the POTUS -- Only POTUS can take documents.. Not Senator Joe Biden, VP Pence etc. -- Witch hunt

The worst kind of person to hear from is a cultist propagandist -- That is you -- supporting a feeble Joe Biden no matter what. Worst POTUS ever.

Santos blind spot-- Sure he is a joke and should be kicked out but same with Fetterman... Yet yo fail to see it..

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I’m going to guess you’ve heard the MAGA plan to get around Trump being banned from the ballot…just write him in.
I’m also going to guess you think it’s a great plan that will win him the presidency…because you like so many MAGgots can’t understand the clear wording in the constitution that bars him from OFFICE, not just the ballot. 😂

I just love hearing about MAGA thinking they’re smart. It always ends in hilarious disaster. More please.

Question….where’s your MAGA outrage about Enrique Tarrio getting 22 years for seditious conspiracy for directing the attacks on the Capitol on Jan 6?

Joe Biggs got 17 years and Dominic Pezolla got 10 for sedition and right wing social media lit up like a Xmas tree complaining how unfair it was, I bet Trump even made a statement about pardoning them (that’s another 14th amendment violation invalidating Trump), but for their dark skinned leader who wasn’t even present at Jan 6 (because he had been arrested for theft and arson of BLM property for stealing a banner from a church and burning it), for Enrique there’s silence…not angry crying and whining like the white guys got.
I wonder why? What’s different about Enrique from the other white defendants that would make his sentence acceptable to MAGA, even funny, while the others that actually committed the seditious violence got far less time and are considered martyrs and heroes?

BTW- it bears noting that the proud boys all refused plea deals that would have gotten them less than 1/2 the prison terms. 😂

Let's talk about the Trump Georgia indictment contents....

newtboy says...

Oh bewby…triggered much? ”I know you are but what am I” is not an adult reply. 😂

Be proud! Your hero the rapist is the absolute best president ever at being indicted. He beat the long standing record 4 times now! In fact, he’s the only record holder in our history. Congratulations! 😂

You idiot…Republicans dismissed the charges against Hillary because after a dozen inquiries and investigations and wasting hundreds of millions they had absolutely nothing, no crimes. They tried time and time and time again, but could come up with nothing, not even enough to get Barr to charge her, even when they held all 3 parts of the federal government. She had a few unlabeled classified documents that were not shown to the public that were classified AFTER she had them in her possession. Trump stole top secret classified folders clearly labeled that they could not be removed from secured facilities then kept them unsecured, showed them to anyone he could, then lied and hid them repeatedly, violating multiple court orders to keep them illegally. There’s no comparison.

Hunger? Are you trying to say Hunter? No charges have been dropped, you utter ignoramus. The tax charges may be moved to DC or California courts from Delaware. A special council was just empaneled, nothings being dropped or slow walked. Why do you insist on making yourself a laughing stock with these just dumb lies? It’s just so dumb…we aren’t as ignorant as yourself…when you make up nonsense and lies we all know it, dummy. It’s pretty easy…if you say it, it’s guaranteed to be wrong, and 99% likely to just be another lie. PS-Trump appointees are overseeing his case, not democrats.
Are you even aware that Biden could pardon Hunter at any point and all charges would be moot? Do you think Trump would have waited this long, or would he have pardoned his children before charges were filed? We all know the truth, I just wonder if you can admit it.

Every charge is a serious felony, every charge will be proven conclusively. These aren’t the kinds of charges the right makes where you make up some nonsense and just insist it’s true with no evidence just sour grapes…these charges come with mountains of proof….not 17 phantom recordings and the word of hostile spies, but PROOF.

41 counts 19 defendants, 30 unindicted co conspirators (who have all likely turned or would be indicted)…and RICO, so if one committed a crime, they’re all guilty. Many of the 30 have admitted their crimes, and apparently 1/3 of those indicted are looking for a deal to turn. There’s a literal paper trail, email correspondence setting up the multiple crimes, video proof, coconspirators testimony admitting they arranged, planned, and committed crimes at Trump’s direction….he’s absolutely toast. Because of the RICO charge, I f any of them are convicted of just one charge, they’re all guilty and Trump will die in prison because no one can pardon him from charges in Georgia. 😂

Cry more MAGA tears, friendo. Your hero the rapist is going to prison, not the whitehouse. Your cult is ending. Better stock up on flavorade, the time is coming soon when you’ll be called on to force feed it to your family before you chug it for Trump. I know you will when he asks, so get your affairs in order. The time is coming soon.

bobknight33 said:

IF you haven't figured it out perhaps your the bewb.

Odd that the left is gunning full speed to file charges against Trump all the while they slow walk or dismiss charges for Democrats like Hunger and Hillary.

41 counts and most are probably just BS to rack up numbers for fools like you to drink up.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You are correct. 😂
The rapist Trump has used over $55 million of campaign donations for his own legal woes, he pays his family $60k per minute from campaign donations to scream on stage, he claims he pays hundreds of thousands of dollars from political donations for Melania’s hair, he took donations from Russians and Ukrainian separatists, his daughter took tens of millions from the Chinese to curry favor during trade talks, his son took two BILLION from Saudis for selling state secrets and looking the other way as they murdered American journalists, he stole from his charity for disabled veterans and is barred from participating in any charity now, he ran a fraudulent school, he paid millions for redlining at his properties, Jr met Russians to trade favors for dirt on Clinton. AND DON’T FORGET HE’S OFFICIALLY A RAPIST! The rapist Trump’s family are a megalomaniac crime family with a delusional cult funding them.

They are unlike Biden or BLM that both produce results for the small donations they receive from American citizens. I know of no accusation of Joe using campaign funds for personal or family expenditures….Trump does it as a matter of course.

Not just excuses, grift, baseless accusations, and moaning for billions in foreign bribes, but results like major economic recovery/boom and actual meaningful police reform for an alleged few million or less in American dollars (or in Joe’s case, for a small salary).

The Trumps sold America to China and the Saudis.

This is verifiable fact.

You only have baseless just stupid accusations against Biden, like the brainless accusation that Hunter took billions from China….where is it then? Where’s the paper trail? The evidence? Even the “whistleblowers” had absolutely nothing to say that helped impugn either Biden. Not a single thing found in years besides tax evasion, Trump’s favorite crime besides maybe rape…no banking trail, no bribery, no espionage, no election fraud, no sedition, no rights violations, nor a single rape between them either! 😂

Such delusion…. you know all this, but still pretend the rapist Trump isn’t a criminal and Dark Brandon is. 😂 😂 😂 How’s that working out?

bobknight33 said:

BLM leaders are more like the Biden family, not Trumps.

Biden sold out America

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bwaaaaaahahahaha!!! Well, Trump got his wish to delay his treason trial (the stolen top secret document one, I know, there’s so many it’s impossible to keep track). Smith had requested a Dec 3 2023 start date, Trump requested no trial date but a meeting after the election to see if there will be any trial at all (because he assumes he will be able to just pardon himself) and Trump friendly judge Cannon delayed the trial like Trump requested….to May 20, 2024! Perfect timing for it to be the headlines all summer during the campaign. Good luck running a campaign from the defendants table!
Remember, he said being under investigation is a disqualifier. Expect to see that in ads all summer as he “defends” himself against 7 treason cases (expect defenses like he tried in Carrol’s case….absolutely none.). 😂
He also lost his ploy to transfer his NY criminal cases to federal court…so no escaping those 34 serious felony counts. The federal judge actually said there’s substantial evidence that Trump committed these cover up crimes in NY state trying to hide his payment for sex with porn stars while Melania was pregnant. That case also set for next year! Enjoy!
Also we found out the topics of the upcoming charges for Jan 6…1) conspiracy to commit offenses against or defraud the United States 2) witness tampering 3) deprivation of rights under color of law. All 3 serious legal violations with dozens of felonies included under each topic, each carrying serious prison penalties. Smith is no sucker, if he said these are the topics of the crimes he’s investigating, he already has more than enough evidence to convict. Enjoy another slam dunk case about massive Republican election fraud and an attempted coup in late summer 2024 that also heavily implicates every sitting Republican in congress …coming fall 2024. 😂

Oh….and don’t forget in 2024 there should be something like 7 new seats in the house, all from newly created Democratic or minority led districts from red states like Alabama and Louisiana that have already been”convicted” of having violated the voting rights act to disenfranchise their minority populations and minimize their political power by gerrymandering (and some from NY too) and 32 more redistricting cases from red states like Texas and N Carolina that blatantly violated the federal Voting Rights act by intentionally minimizing and dissolving minority districts as much as possible, but they haven’t lost in court…YET.

This is America WINNING!!

surfingyt (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Could that be Hunter, the DC DA and the Georgia DA that all are now ‘sposta file charges…because reports are all 3 have begun that process.

She sent the same revenge porn in a non age gated newsletter to her constituents in Georgia, sending porn directly to children and posting revenge porn…two crimes in one.
That’s industrial level child sex grooming from the cuckholding manly tranny Greene. 😂

Georgia law- Revenge porn is an aggravated misdemeanor if the offender posts the photograph or video on any other electronic means. This offense carries a prison sentence of up to 12 months and a $5,000 fine. Repeat offenders face harsher penalties as second and subsequent revenge porn charges become felonies. In that case, repeat revenge porn is punishable by one to five years in jail and/or a fine of up to $100,000.

The second offense in one day, so it’s already into the “subsequent charges” phase. She sent it over 100000 times, she could get the longest sentence in history, 100000-500000 years just for Georgia! Holy shit!

Also Georgia law- (e) (1) A person commits the offense of obscene Internet contact with a child if he or she has contact with someone he or she knows to be a child or with someone he or she believes to be a child via a computer on-line service or Internet service, including but not limited to a local bulletin board service, Internet chat room, e-mail, or on-line messaging service, and the contact involves any matter containing explicit verbal descriptions or narrative accounts of sexually explicit nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, or sadomasochistic abuse that is intended to arouse or satisfy the sexual desire of either the child or the person, provided that no conviction shall be had for a violation of this subsection on the unsupported testimony of a child.

(2) Any person who violates paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than ten years or by a fine of not more than $10,000.00; provided, however, that, if at the time of the offense the victim was 14 or 15 years of age and the defendant was no more than three years older than the victim, then the defendant shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.
Another 1-10 years for every minor that got her newsletter!

DC law- If the sexual image is shared with 6 or more persons through “publication,” either directly or by uploading to the Internet, then the offense is First-Degree Unlawful Publication of a Sexual Image. This is a felony offense punishable by up to 3 years in prison and/or a fine of $12,500.

Because this is a crime, not legislative activity, and transmitted both in the form of an electronic newsletter (uploaded to the internet) and statement to the press, she has no immunity….specifically listed in the speech and debate clause as exemptions to immunity.

Hunter also has civil cases in both DC and Georgia worth tens of millions each. Bye MTG. 😂

Not to mention the federal laws she broke by publishing the documents she swore under oath to not share or publish before she could see them.

surfingyt said:

suck it @bobknight33 bobby boy. yaboylost! LOL

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

🤦‍♂️ the pigeon English is painful. Learn fucking english you anencephalitic baboon!

1) Hunter is a private citizen….she’s weaponizing the federal government to attack a private citizen over his sex life.
2) The laptop was proven to have been tampered with repeatedly before being turned over, nothing on it is evidence. Try again.
3) posting revenge porn of naked people is a felony, and disgustingly ugly. If that’s what you have to stoop to, criminal revenge porn, you already lost every argument and admitted it. Facebook knew revenge porn is illegal and disgusting so they, on their own, banned it well before any mention of Hunter’s laptop, testimony AND EVIDENCE bear this out, not “one guy said another guy heard a third guy said this”….that’s not even hearsay, but it’s all you’ve got. 🤦‍♂️

Laptop may or may not be real, the data on it is not. Proven conclusively again when one screenshot from it included Hunter’s avatar as a picture taken in 2022…impossible if it was real data. The attempted laptop smear attack was fumbled too badly, nothingburger delux. Try again sucker.

Only cultists believe the laptop nonsense….and worse it’s meaningless even if every accusation was true because there’s nothing on it about Joe. It might have hurt Joe just like a doctored photo of Trump fucking Ivanka might have hurt him (but probably not, you would say she’s hot, so go for it), but it’s a fraud, another MAGA fraud, proven conclusively. Try again.

Disgraced paid actor fbi agents may or may not have said that, that’s not evidence dumb shit. MAGA whistleblowers have ALL been thoroughly exposed as liars, frauds, seditionists, spies, and ghosts, their braying is nothingburgers on a plate. If you wanted your whistleblowers to have weight, you should have not hired spies from China, disgraced agents you paid to testify, and convicted seditionists to testify. 😂 Try again.

Evidence is the receipts. Records that the fbi knew the laptop and the data it contained is real and corroborated, two things conspicuously absent in the pony show (pun intended) because the official report said the exact opposite, it said clearly that the data had been tampered with by multiple parties on multiple occasions before it was turned over to them, but Alex Jones didn’t tell you that, did he? Try again.! 😂 you’ve got to be kidding. Sucker. Thought I wouldn’t look up who they are? “Greta and Woke Companies are Weaponizing AI Against MAGA”. Not exactly unbiased or sane. 😂. Try again.

Are you counting factual losses?…because you overestimated mine. Onbrand, like a spoiled two year old throwing a tantrum, make up some fantasy scoreboard where you’re winning these debates because the reality, that 97/100 times you slink away in silent dejection when proven an idiot, is too painful. Go have your ba-ba and a nap and try again.

Sucker. You really think any of this matters to people outside the rapidly shrinking cult. You only continue to debase yourself in the failed efforts to impugn Joe. Ready for the unflattering nudes of Don Jr, or Ivanka? How about a shot of Trump nude? (No, that violates the Geneva convention.) We already have the nudes of Melania, soft core porn star that she once was. 😂

bobknight33 said:

She was point out crimes of Hunter.
The data show from his own laptop .

The laptop is real and the FBI knew it. This information would had sunk Sleepy Joe from winning.

"During a transcribed interview with the House Judiciary Committee, an FBI official revealed that at least one senior agent, along with potentially others, who had alerted social media companies about a potential “hack and dump” operation before the 2020 election, were aware of the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop.

As the House Judiciary Committee’s official Twitter account noted, “Testimony reveals the FBI knew the Hunter Biden laptop was authentic, but when asked by a social media company about the laptop’s authenticity the FBI said ‘no further comment’.”

The FBI official, Laura Dehmlow, participated in discussions between the FBI and Facebook prior to the social media platform’s decision to censor the story related to Hunter Biden’s laptop before the 2020 election. Furthermore, The Intercept has indicated that Dehmlow was also involved in the Biden administration’s endeavors to suppress and censor content on social media platforms in relation to misinformation."

Bobnight 61 Nutboy 2

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


Donald Trump’s former press secretary Stephanie Grisham has admitted under oath and in interviews to witnessing Trump unlawfully showing people without clearance highly classified top secret documents on multiple occasions.

Ruh-roe. Another “never Trumper” I suppose…another RINO? Odd how many never Trumper worthless crazy people Trump appointed, isn’t it? 😂

Oof…. Stephen Miller, one of Donald Trump’s top immigration advisers, allegedly advocated using U.S. predator drones in 2018 to blow up migrant boats full of unarmed civilians suggesting they were not protected under the U.S. Constitution because they were in international waters, so could be killed by the military legally, according to an upcoming book by former Trump Department of Homeland Security appointee Miles Taylor, and had to be repeatedly informed that the plan violated international law and was a war crime. Not proof it happened, but 100% believable.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The Supreme Court just ruled that Trump’s attempted legislative coup (the fake electors) was completely illegal. They ruled that state legislators don’t have the final say on elections (so can’t just send a second set of electors), courts do, and courts can strike down or overrule laws or rules legislators put in effect. This kills the “independent state legislation” theory. This decision also declared your state, N Carolina, must let the court review and approve redistributing maps (meaning Republicans can’t gerrymander there anymore and will lose more political power).
Not good for his Georgia trial where his defense was the legislature had the ultimate power to decide elections unbound by votes…now there’s no defense…again.

They also declared Alabama’s districting maps blatantly racist and illegal, and started looking At Louisiana when they ruled. Both redistricted illegally in order to minimize the power of their huge minority populations for 2020 and 2022 elections, blatantly violating voting rights laws. Now it sounds like two more democrats will be seated from new districts in Alabama and Louisiana, and more will likely win elections in 24 with the playing field slightly less prejudiced. You guys were cheating hard all over the South and still losing, the next election may be Republican’s last. Libertarianism is becoming more popular! 🤦‍♂️ 😂 thanks Trump.

D’oh! Sounds like he just admitted to making copies of classified documents/“different plans” in a recent Fox digital interview. He says “what was said was absolutely fine and very perfectly”.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

My “I boy”? You’ll have to explain this conspiracy speak. I don’t speak Qnutjob.

McCarthy got a smack down as I understand it, losing control of the house completely to have this kindergarten revenge vote even taken, his expression shows it. He’s not going to last.

Big smack down. The hypocritical moronic liars say he lied…officially by 4 votes on party lines. They are open that this is pure retaliation for leading a investigation into Trump’s campaign and Russia, an investigation that uncovered an insane amount of previously unknown Russian interference in the 2016 election all to benefit Trump from social media trolling campaigns to actively hacking Trump’s opponents repeatedly and publishing the stolen data directly at his public request, numerous unreported financial ties to Russia through his campaign, meetings in person with Trump and Russians at his home (Trump tower) specifically to gain “dirt” on Clinton in some secret international information for favors trade, the campaign involvement in Russia/Wikileaks, Flynn’s illegal negotiations with Russia before Trump took office and his lies about those negotiations, and I forget how many convictions over these charges against high ranking administration officials. He takes it as a badge of honor.
There are no legal or financial consequences that come with a reprimand or censure, and it won’t negatively affect his electability one whit….it might help. Pretty much just like the big win against Hunter. A nothing burger.
Yes, he will probably lose some committee seats like Greene (actually reports say not, he keeps his seat and powers 😂). Nothing the house passes will pass the senate anyway, no huge loss.

Precedent set, be prepared to lose all committee seats in 25 when the right loses their last bit of power.…no whining. (I know you won’t be able to help it). Every Republican has misled the public and house, every Republican has violated ethics rules. They should all be censured. Turnabout is fair play.

For you

You must be proud your “team” has worked so hard to get this important legislation passed…no…I mean has uncovered this anti American plot in congress…no…I mean has struck a serious blow in their culture wars….no…I mean passed this silly infantile resolution that would be embarrassing from a first grade school government. They must have decided the President, country, and government are doing fine, no need to actually legislate anything. Time for playground fighting (Boebert and Greene didn’t get enough and started their own curse laden playground fight on the floor over who gets to try to impeach Biden next and who copied whose articles of impeachment). 😂

Ever heard the term “pyrrhic victory”?

bobknight33 said:

Your l boy gets smacked down.

Orlando Police Believe They’re Above The Law

newtboy says...

I really would agree….but only if that goes for everyone. No need to ever do a high speed chase or felony stop if you have the license and a photo of the driver….but that’s not how they operate.

Guaranteed if that wasn’t a cop, gun would be drawn, hands would go on, cuffs would go on, and in most cases feet would go into belly too for disrespecting their authority and trying to run. In no world would they be as calm and non confrontational with the public. I got all but the foot in the belly because a cop read my license plate wrong once, couldn’t tell a “5” from an “S”, then threatened me with unspecified retaliation if I complained…he said remember he had my address now if I cause him any trouble over this.

My point is the “good cop” gave the bad criminal cop treatment he never would give a citizen…if he did he would lose his job. It’s the preferential treatment I’m upset about. Criminal cops should be treated like the worst, most violent and vile criminal, because they are. Instead, they’re treated with kid gloves, given every benefit of a doubt and then some, and are given free vacation time on those few occasions they have anything at all happen for violating the law and the public trust. It’s an incredibly rare thing when the entire department doesn’t stand behind, and in front of shielding blatantly abusive criminal cops and attacking/harassing any accusers, which is chilling for any that might want to be “good cops”.

Why wouldn’t it be the right thing to do to let a violent aggressive and reckless speeder (in this case he was guilty of reckless evading, a felony) who is armed just scream at the cop and drive away? Because that’s shirking their duty to enforce the law. Have you ever heard of them doing any such thing (when it wasn’t one of their own)?

BSR said:

I think he handled it right. He had all evidence on camera that he needed to avoid a situation getting out of hand. No reason to start creating a more dangerous situation

Look Both Ways

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


He’s a drag Queen. She’s a cheating man/woman that violates her oath to god constantly without a thought, but claims to embody white Christian values.

Nothing you’ve said even attempts to claim otherwise.

“You only have him on video in a dress in public twice, loving every second of it and promoting a drag show” is hardly a defense if wearing drag where children can see it and promoting drag to children is grooming, which is 100% your and their position. 😂

All drag is theater, honey. I’m pretty certain you know that from personal experience…it seems to hit WAY too close to home for you.

You are so easy to trigger…just show you how hypocritical your positions are, you instantly devolve to kindergarten style argument. 😂 keep it coming. You know full well if this was AOC’s boyfriend you would be screaming bloody murder about how it proves she’s unfit and a child molesting groomer. We all know it too, sweetheart.

Those tears, so yummy you guys. You gotta try ‘em. Mmmmmm…yum!

PS- I like how defending Greene’s newest boyfriend is more important to you than addressing Gaetz admitting publicly that his plan is to hold the economy hostage until he gets everything he wants, and the negotiations are a sham, they aren’t negotiating at all. I suppose because the party line on how to address that scandal hasn’t gone public yet, so you don’t know how to answer.

bobknight33 said:

Wow [2] times and at least 1 for a theater plug.

Good lord you are a fool.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


“Your”. “Says”

You know it’s true since Chris Licht took over, which was exactly when you started posting CNN videos with the caption “even CNN something something” as if it wasn’t common knowledge they tried to become a right wing outlet to capture Fox viewers, destroying any credibility they once had and tanking their ratings which you celebrated.

But of course you’ll pretend you don’t know that, just like you don’t know about the “southern strategy”. Just like you pretend you don’t know Ashley Babbitt is a catch 22 for you that completely destroys one or more narratives you hold sacred, which explains your absolute refusal to ever even acknowledge her existence anymore.

Only far right anti Biden outlets would host hour long free campaign commercial Trump softball “interview” events packed with only supporters and infomercial level questioning, and Trump only goes on far right outlets. Proof enough for those not blind that they’ve sold their soul.

If anyone cared to look, they pre-labeled upcoming hearings as “democrats attack whistleblowers” before the hearings even started….”whistleblowers” when talking about the disgraced paid activist actors/ex FBI agents that are 100% not whistleblowers by any definition of the term, which was clearly determined by the courts when they applied for whistleblower protection from being fired for insane violations of duty, clearances, and the law including stealing secret FBI data, refusing to serve warrants, lying to protect Jan 6 defendants, threatening other agents, refusing direct orders from superiors, etc. and who the courts clearly determined aren’t whistleblowers, but now far right CNN calls them “whistleblowers” anyway, bowing to the MAGA crowd’s factually incorrect nonsense once again. Sure sounds pretty far right to me….excuse me if I trust my proven ability to determine facts over your proven inability.

This proves once again that you are incapable of comprehending anything that doesn’t fit your narrative.
To be clear, you are only worth listening to because you expose the complete insanity MAGgots are telling each other annd which propaganda outlets they come from, offering an opportunity to investigate myself and learn facts to contradict their baseless claims and projection with. You are an unwitting tool for me. Without you I would be ignorant of so many MAGA crimes, lies, and schemes. Thanks.

bobknight33 said:

You text from below say it all.

CNN = Far Right Anti Biden

That is how fucking stupid you are.
That finally proves that you are not worth listening too.

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