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KGB tactics used on B. Manning unAmerican & unconstitutional

honkeytonk73 says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^honkeytonk73:
So when was the US a real Democracy? Certainly not in my lifetime. Plutocracy. Yes. Kleptocracy. Yes. Democracy. No.

Are you arguing that that's a good thing?

Not at all. Unfortunately I run into so many people that still fall for the 'Freedom' schpeal as they send their kids to war for corporate profits.

KGB tactics used on B. Manning unAmerican & unconstitutional

KGB tactics used on B. Manning unAmerican & unconstitutional

ShakyJake says...

Did you watch the video? "Who said it?" The video did, right there at the end...

>> ^eric3579:

Did anyone say it was? You are obviously surprised enough to comment about it. Let's give them a metal for not doing a completely douchie story.
>> ^bobknight33: So how was this unfair and or biased?

KGB tactics used on B. Manning unAmerican & unconstitutional

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

What if the Tea Party Was Black?

NetRunner says...


What if the tea party was black
Holding guns like the Black Panther Party was back
If Al was Rush Limbaugh and Jesse was Sean Hannity
And Tavis was Glenn Beck would they harm they families
If Sarah Palin was suddenly Sistah Soaljah
Would they leave it with the votes or go and get the soldiers
Yall know if the tea party was black
The government would have been had the army attack

What if Michael Baisden was on ya FM dial
For 3 hours every day calling the president foul
Would they say free speech or find evidence how
To charge him with treason like see he’s unamerican now
What if Minister Farrakhan prayed for the death
Of the commander in chief that he be laid to rest
Would they treat it as the gravest threat or never make an arrest
Even today he’s still hated for less
What if President Obama would have lost the election
Quit his job so he could go talk to the left and
Bash the government for being off of direction
Fraught with deception
And told black people they want all of our weapons
And we want our own country and called for secession
Would he be arrested and tossed in corrections
For trying to foster aggression
Against the people’s lawful selection
Our questions

What if the tea party was black
Holding guns like the Black Panther Party was back
If Al was Rush Limbaugh and Jesse was Sean Hannity
And Tavis was Glenn Beck would they harm they families
If Sarah Palin was suddenly Sistah Soaljah
Would they leave it with the votes or go and get the soldiers
Yall know if the tea party was black
The government would have been had the army attack

What If black people went on Facebook and made a page
That for the death if the president elect we prayed
Would the creators be tazed and thrown in a cage
We know the page wouldn’t have been displayed all these days
What if Jeremiah Wright said that everybody white
Wasn’t a real America would you feel scared of him
If he had a militia with pictures that depict the president as Hitler
They would kill and bury that
What if Cynthia McKinney lamented the winning of the new president
And hinted he wasn’t really a true resident
With no proof or evidence
Would the media treat it like a huge press event
They would have attacked whatever group she represents
They would have called her a kook on precedent
And any network that gave her due preference
Would be the laughing stock of the news so our question is

What if the tea party was black
Holding guns like the Black Panther Party was back
If Al was Rush Limbaugh and Jesse was Sean Hannity
And Tavis was Glenn Beck would they harm they families
If Sarah Palin was suddenly Sistah Soaljah
Would they leave it with the votes or go and get the soldiers
Yall know if the tea party was black
The government would have been had the army attack

Ellen Comments on Family Feud Category About Her

raverman says...

Gay + Media = Unamerican Communist... everyone who watches the fair and balanced fox news show knows that's just a simple fact.

I'm just waiting for instructions from Fox on what the appropriate way to treat such unamerican traitors is...
I'm guessing they'll lean toward probably something like the Rwanda massacre...
After all it's not like their real people - apparently they're all going to hell anyway.

Wikileaks - U.S. Apache killing civilians in Baghdad

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^ToKeyMonsTeR:

So how do you go about stopping things like this? Whenever I speak up about these types of things people just blow me off as missinformed or unamerican or some crap

You show them videos like this, show them the hard hitting gore. That's the only way to do it. No one understands words anymore, you have to show them the raw, gristly, crimson spray.

Wikileaks - U.S. Apache killing civilians in Baghdad

So, what should Democrats do now? (User Poll by NetRunner)

rougy says...

>> ^Farhad2000:
Scott Brown has the ability to centralize every issue around himself now, as the representative that 'mericans are sick of Obamanazim.
I think the democrats fold. Unless Obama brings out something that has popular domestic support as a dues ex machina, something the GOP can't sling poo at without risking losing it's own people. I mean they still would because they are GOP, who strike me the kind of people who'd tell any democracy president that they wipe their ass the unamerican way.
Still fold. Demos have no balls to filibuster nor do they have any cohesive strategy that unifies them as much as the GOP.

If the Dems had love like the Cons have greed, we might stand a chance.

So, what should Democrats do now? (User Poll by NetRunner)

Farhad2000 says...

Scott Brown has the ability to centralize every issue around himself now, as the representative that 'mericans are sick of Obamanazim.

I think the democrats fold. Unless Obama brings out something that has popular domestic support as a dues ex machina, something the GOP can't sling poo at without risking losing it's own people. I mean they still would because they are GOP, who strike me the kind of people who'd tell any democracy president that they wipe their ass the unamerican way.

Still fold. Demos have no balls to filibuster nor do they have any cohesive strategy that unifies them as much as the GOP.

What it Takes: Phoenix Anarchists face down NAZIS (NSM)

Dennis Kucinich Raises a Valid Point on Health Care

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Yet, as it was pointed out, the total cost of Mass Health, was $88 million. The editor said this was 5/8ths of 1% of the total bill.

This needs to be addressed because of the spectacular degree of truth and common sense it curbstomps. It staggers the mind that there are people out there with the gall to parrot it. This doesn't even rise to the level of basic common sense.

What about this article that says the program 'cannot be sustained...' and that it is '33% more expensive than the national average' AND 'is spending $595 million MORE THIS YEAR on its health insurance programs than in 2006'?

Or perhaps THIS article that says that MA government spending on health care in 2008 was 1.686 BILLION? And Mass Health alone was $642 million?

What you're talking about is the fact that some accountant somewhere with a political axe to grind is discussing the cost of Mass Health in very specific terminology. Who knows what gyrations he had to perform with the numbers to arrive at this stupid $88 million figure? But the facts clearly indicate that Mass health 'costs' far more than $88 million. Costs in Massachusetts are spiking far higher than the national average and are being passed on to consumers to prevent to program from failing completely. To discuss Mass health as if it only 'costs' $88 million is not just bending the truth. It is a full on, flat out pile of steaming BS and an insult to anyone's intelligence.

This health care bill, is said to be $980 million.

The bill that passed the house is 1.3 trillion - which increases the federal budget by almost 30%. Try again.

Conservatives, have forgotten what it means to be an American.

No - you sir do not understand what it is to be an American. You don't want to be an American. You want to be a European. America was founded on the principle of FREEDOM and SMALL GOVERNMENT and RUGGED INDIVIDUALISM. National health care attacks the core of all three of those things. It is incredibly, uniquely UNAmerican to want government to take care of your health. Only a person who was a total NON-American would want such a thing. The founding fathers fought a war to avoid such big government garbage. Conservatives alone are the ones who are staying true to American principles here. Liberals are the ones who are turning their backs on American, spitting on the Constitution, and desecrating real American values.

You can care for people, donate to charity, and help out your fellow man WITHOUT having a massive, corrupt, inefficient government boondoggle program. National health care is not necessary. It is certainly not 'American' by any definition. You've got it 100% backwards there, mate.

TDS: From Here to Neutrality

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^MaxWilder:
Actually, there is a part of me that says: If they own the lines, why shouldn't they control what goes over it however they want?
Of course I know all the reasons for net neutrality, such as encouraging innovation and preventing large businesses from stifling small startups. But if I owned parcel shipping service, I wouldn't want the government to tell me I couldn't charge extra for priority service. You could apply the same metaphor to any number of other services. Some amusement parks allow people to buy expensive VIP tickets that cut to the head of lines. Direct flights might cost more than a flight with a bunch of connections, and the concord was really pricey. All those examples make sense.
Why does the same thing not apply to internet service providers, except for the fact that we are accustomed to net neutrality and will be pissed if things change? I'm actually a little torn on this issue.

That's because you seem to be confused about the issue.

To take your parcel service analogy and put it into the correct context, think of it not as charging an individual more for different teirs of shipping priority, but more like charging one rate with next day delivery, and the same rate and shipping everything ground.

When I see things like Net Neutrality being fought so hard against by the cable and telephone companies, I really start to think that if any industry needs to be taken over by the government it's them. Some countries have gone so far as to make unrestricted internet access a right of their citizenry, pushing prices down and bandwidth up. But I forget we can't do that in the US, that'd cut into the massive corporate profits and that's just plain UNAMERICAN!

Family Guy - Disney Universe

ponceleon says...

I think it will be pretty hard to prove that he was as rabid an anti-semite as urban legend will have us believe. As some have stated, he definitely came from a MUCH less un-pc time than now, you just have to look at the portrayal of minorities in the older Disney flicks to see that they are certainly dated (not necessarily racist unless you choose to judge them by TODAY'S standards). Along these lines, one could easily say that it is likely he probably would not be 100% Kosher so to say...

... That said, he was rabidly anti-communist, to the point of having testified in the "unamerican" trials. He was one of those who "named names" and such.

So in summary, I'm sure Disney was an asshole if nothing else, whether a true anti-semite or not, it will be hard to prove since I doubt there are no accurate records of his private conversations which would make us think so...

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