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"An internal server error occurred. Please try again later." (Sift Talk Post)

ant says...

>> ^lucky760:
We've discovered it appears to be thanks to Googlebot. It seems angry and out to destroy Siftbot for some reason.
It's been hitting old sifty from many dozens of different IP addresses repeatedly every second and every once in a while siftbot gets knocked down for a minute and that's when the dreaded "An internal server error occurred" message appears.
We're not sure of the reason or exactly how to stop Googlebot at the moment, but we're working on it. If any electro-whiz gurus have any ideas, feel free to toss them in our direction.

Robots.txt but then VS won't be indexed. Can you contact Googlebot about this issue?

Murdoch vows to take all of Newscorp websites out of Google

Sam Harris makes a joke and a point

westy says...

The jew is making an argument from ignorance. never a good argument.

"Do you love someone? Could you prove it? Guess you dont love that someone then "

Love exists as an subjective exsperance Within the next 50 years through science we will be able to understand the roots of that subjective exsperance in the mind. that's fine

Religion Exists as a subjective exsperance and no doubt we will be able to prove the roots of that fealing as will in due course.

The important thing to note is just Because you have a sertain fealing because you belive in a concept dose not then make something else exsist in reality , Because i feal a sertain way when i think about the concept of religoin dose not then Prove that A God Exsists ore that what is written in a religious txt is true. In the same whay that just because i love sumone or feal love dose not then mean that Choculet tasts nice or that there is a factory that produces love in tin cans.

In my mind religion is a false explanation ( not based on any fact) that was developed to describe feelings of wonderment that you can get in varouse situations or the feelings you get when you meditate.

You use science to help check that the explication you give for a certain observable thing is true , Religion,s r normally unfalsifiable and this is why they are like a cancer (literally a thought cancer) thay r simply useless to the development of human understanding.

The Future? - Nokia Mixed Reality

While I was Away

deathcow says...

> the one message where she confesses that she cheats on
> him you can see clearly that she was typing the txt message
> while drunk because many things are misspelled and out of order

yes, so realistic

While I was Away

Thumper says...

Goes to show how little some women listen. Judging by the one message where she confesses that she cheats on him you can see clearly that she was typing the txt message while drunk because many things are misspelled and out of order. My guess is she is a social butterfly and drinks often or "goes out" so she probably heard it from him a few times but was either not paying attention or slightly drunk. I picture her as the type of gal where everything has to be about her or she throws tantrums.

Difference in Education Among Voters (Blog Entry by JiggaJonson)

NordlichReiter says...

Yes, greed fear, and ignorance are the main tools of the business that is politics. I am just over 2 years of college, with a bachelor of arts. I voted independent. My main reason is that I distrust both parties. I believe that each election is a show, reality TV only its reality.

I think free market is excellent so long as the participants are ethical, and currently all of the US systems are lacking in ethics.

The current problem with the Systems of the world are the Incentives to take action, whether that action be evil, good, or neutral.

I urge all of the US citizens, who see this comment, if you take nothing away from here then take this: how many of you know what the Office of Government Ethics or Federal Office of Special Counsel are?

Please see:
FAA Whistle blowers fired and defamed. The client serving culture costs the Consumer.

Take for example, the cure of HIV :

Little publicity? Incentives! The big names didn't find the "cure" so they stifle the little names. We see the same thing when it comes to politics, wars, freedom, and traffic laws. HIV is treatable. Yet the public still thinks that it is not?

As to your question JiggaJphnson, allow me to quote Göring from the Nuremberg trials.

Göring: Why, of course, the people don't want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.
Gilbert: There is one difference. In a democracy, the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.
Göring: Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

Rick Steves travel show in Iran (aired Jan 2009)

curiousity says...

>> ^westy:
Where did I say that if your not religious you don't have the potential to still be racist ?

You didn't, but neither did I ever say that you did. Please make an effort to respond only to the things I actually say. It's funny that you insult my logic abilities and yet you failed to use basic logic to see this point.

>> ^westy:
If you are folowing a racist / idoitic religouse TXT then you are going to be racist and idotic to some existent and unable to change this view point because that would be arguing with god.
if you are not you could still be racist and idiotic however there is allso the posablity that you wont be, this is because You have chosen not to base your morality on some dogmatic txt that cannot change.
so person basing life on racist idiot txt = Always racist idiot
person not basing morality on racist idoitc txt = non racist / could be racist

the point is if you are following a religion that is fundamental racist / iratoinal/ bult of ideas from 5000 years ago . then you will be racist , ethor that or you are not following the religion or you are picking and choosing what you believe which in alot of religoins is against the fundimental rules of that religoin and in the end if you belive it to be gods word why would you pick and choose? unless your compleatly incapable of basic logic and consistency.

You seem to have a fundamental lack of understanding about religion. Either that or a much over-simplified concept of it. This combines with a knowledge shortage of human psychology leaves you in an awkward position. Really, all you've done is add substance to my feeling that you are acting like an irrational teenager focusing on the subject they love to insult.

I'll try to explain for you. My explanation will be based from a Christian / Roman Catholic viewpoint because that is the one I'm most familiar with.

Most Christians don't believe the bible is the literal truth. A minority does and I think that we might be able to find some common ground in thinking those people are mainly illogical and fearful. Honestly, I don't have a problem with fundamentalists in principle as long as they don't try to push their ideas upon other people or run for vice-president. But that is a small minority. For the Roman Catholic Church, there are a small set of core beliefs and the rest are up to personal exploration. You try to create this picture of a very rigid religion that doesn't bend at all and you completely miss the reality of the people that follow the religions. You've missed the forest because you are focusing so intently on the trees.

And again, you try to draw false choices. If people do A => B. Life isn't binary or so simple. You are looking at one set of circumstances (looks like a personal grudge) and focus on that while ignoring a whole host of other environmental variables. I'm sorry, but you can't explain life with two to four variables and then lump everyone into that equation.

Two-thirds of the way there... *beg

Rick Steves travel show in Iran (aired Jan 2009)

westy says...

Where did I say that if your not religious you don't have the potential to still be racist ?

If you are folowing a racist / idoitic religouse TXT then you are going to be racist and idotic to some existent and unable to change this view point because that would be arguing with god.

if you are not you could still be racist and idiotic however there is allso the posablity that you wont be, this is because You have chosen not to base your morality on some dogmatic txt that cannot change.

so person basing life on racist idiot txt = Always racist idiot
person not basing morality on racist idoitc txt = non racist / could be racist

the point is if you are following a religion that is fundamental racist / iratoinal/ bult of ideas from 5000 years ago . then you will be racist , ethor that or you are not following the religion or you are picking and choosing what you believe which in alot of religoins is against the fundimental rules of that religoin and in the end if you belive it to be gods word why would you pick and choose? unless your compleatly incapable of basic logic and consistency.

Rick Steves travel show in Iran (aired Jan 2009)

westy says...

Yes I did watch it and I have lived in multiple cultures speaking different languages .

If you are fowling a religious txt that is racist/iratoinl then you will end up being racist and irrational unless you abandon the religion/ stop folowing it. unfortunatly most religoins are racist and iratoinal as the ones that havent died out are commonly thousands of years old with a sum what squed seance of morality written into them.

"Did you watch it? Your comment comes off like an angry teenager lashing out at their favorite thing to insult.

How exactly dose it come off as an angry teenager ? maby you can explain what's wrong about my comment ?

I think Its more "teenage like" to argue that sum one must be young rather than atacking there argument.
also I see nothing intrinsicy wrong with angry teenagers if there argument is correct who cares how old sumone is.

Rick Steves travel show in Iran (aired Jan 2009)

curiousity says...

>> ^westy:
Lol if your going to struggle to be understanding if your religion takes its TXTS literally. or you base you morality on something written 4,000 years ago.

Did you watch it? Your comment comes off like an angry teenager lashing out at their favorite thing to insult.

I understand your point, but I think the struggle to be understood consists of so much more than the religious aspect. Every culture has it's own quirks. I live in the Northwest section of the United States and it amazes me the difference in culture just within the US. I've been very lucky in life and have had the opportunity to travel to several places. I traveled to the USSR and Lithuania in the early 90's. Wow - what an eye opener for a high school student! Later I was able to travel to Australia, several countries in South America, and the Middle East. It is amazing how different cultures are. I firmly believe that the best thing for any person, for personal growth, is to be placed in a foreign country either by themselves or in a very small group. Suddenly they are the weird ones not conforming to the normalities of the culture they are visiting. A whole new world of empathy opens up and you realize why statements about turning the "whole Middle East into a glass parking lot" are infantile and ignorant.

Rick Steves travel show in Iran (aired Jan 2009)

14 yr old girl Tasered in the Head by Police Chief

JiggaJonson says...

I contend that we need to seriously reconsider the use of tasers by our police force. They should be used under the guidelines that a lethal weapon would; the taser would be a last resort and the lethal weapon would be THE last resort.

Right now, based on a seeming spike in incidents, police are using them on a whim. I think their intention is not to injure anyone (their chief concern is not injuring themselves) but people who get tasered are sometimes injured fatally:

"As of March 7 [2007], Amnesty International lists 220 people who have died since June of 2001 in the United States after Tasers were used on them, said Mona Cadena, San Francisco deputy director for the western region of that organization."

I'm sure, besides death, other injuries occur (I have a huge fear i'll face plant and break off my front teeth if i'm ever tasered - unlikely but probably as unlikely as a 14 year old getting it in the brain) So why do police seem to use tasers with increasing regularity?

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

blankfist says...

My MBP is pretty awesome, though. It works like a charm. My MacBook Air can have the occasional minor hiccup here and there, but it, too, works to be expected: as an overpriced tiny laptop that surfs the web adequately.

On my MBP, I do most of my work as a programmer on the XP partition. I'm sorry, but there are a number of things you can do on a PC operating system you simply cannot do easily on the Mac OS. Even basic shit like... for instance, on a PC open a txt document and past in a YouTube embed code. Now save that txt document as an html file. Now open it in a browser. Alas, the video appears!

Now do the same thing on Mac. WTF!

Man in the Mirror -w Michael Jackson Montoge - 6-25-09

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