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Who's on top? Sex fight.

Miley Cyrus' Video Without the Music is Some Crazy Shit!

Iceberg collapse in Bay of Exploits, Newfoundland, Canada

Comcast customer service nightmare 

eric3579 says...

Also this because I hate Comcast:

"I say it as a loyal Comcast employee for almost a decade, if you have Comcast - get out now, you're just wasting your money. They're going to increase your bill 3-5% twice a year, it's part of the annual budgeting process even though our costs actually go down. The internet business (as in, high speed customers) is almost purely profit, and it's turned down on purpose like everyone here already knows. Comcast has DOCSIS 3 capabilities and the infrastructure to support it in most major areas (this means gigabit speeds, by the way) - it can be activated simply by pushing the proper bootfiles out to the modems. This can be evidenced anywhere they have competition, they can respond overnight."

Kittens With Swagger

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'kittens, DJ Snake, Lil Jon, turn it down for what' to 'kittens, DJ Snake, Lil Jon, turn down for what' - edited by Payback

Kittens With Swagger

atara (Member Profile)

All That Remains to be Said in Hip Hop Music Videos

DIY X-MEN WOLVERINE fully automatic claws

rich_magnet says...

Dear Child! Turn down the volume! It's doing to opposite of it's desired effect (which, presumably is giving the viewer a nerd-boner in sympathy with Mr. Enthusiastic). Still a cool build, however.

Huckabee is Not a Homophobe, but...

Hanover_Phist says...

My analogy has nothing to do with accepting the job and backing out, it has everything to do with WHY they refused these clients service. These people were turned away because of their sexual orientation. That was the photographers own words, it's not contested. 'We don't want to shoot your wedding because same sex marriage is against our beliefs.' That's discrimination. It's really quite simple. If you turn down customers on the basis of sexual orientation you are discriminating. You pay a fine.

Huckabee is Not a Homophobe, but...

Hanover_Phist says...

The key difference that you are ignoring is that this photographer told the client the reason they refused them service was because of their sexual orientation. If the photographer told the client that they had different artistic views, that would be different, but they didn't. New Mexico's anti-discrimination law forbids for-profit businesses from turning down customers on the basis of sexual orientation. I believe that's a good law because I believe discrimination is bad.
I don't have hate in my heart "dude", it's indignation.

Darkhand said:

If a wedding photographer said YES I will do your photoshoot and then showed up to the wedding they still have to do the shoot. Its their job to perform the shoot because it's not fair to the couple to have NO photographer once the wedding starts.

I have creative pursuits. If someone told me to make a song about hating cats I'd be like "sorry I can't I love cats".

It's not about hiding behind religion for me it applies to anything I don't believe in or like or whatever. As an artist I shouldn't be forced to do something with my pen, camera, note, paper, whatever I don't like or agree with.

You seem to have a lot of hate in your heart dude.

Open Letter to Ellen Degeneres: Don't Promote A Psychic

Shepppard says...

Definitely would.. if only she hadn't turned down the offer to take the Randi test.

From Wiki:

"In 2012, the James Randi Educational Foundation awarded Caputo a Pigasus Award for being, in its view, the "psychic" performer who fooled the greatest number of people with the least effort in the preceding year. A Pigasus award was also given to TLC for continuing to air the show.[59] In an article published by Wired Magazine the organization's founder James Randi explained why he believed shows like Long Island Medium were deceptive and potentially harmful to its participants:

Why do these pseudo-psychic spectacles bother those of us at the James Randi Educational Foundation? First, and foremost: They are not true. [...] But much more importantly to us, such performances seem to prey on people at their most vulnerable moments — those who have suffered the loss of loved ones — and these mediums use such grief to make a buck. Psychologists tell us this keeps the grieving stuck in their grief, rather than going through the natural stages of acceptance that are healthy.
—James Randi[1]

In June of that year, Caputo appeared in a commercial for in which she portrayed herself "connecting" with the late Priceline Negotiator character previously played by William Shatner.[60] However, this commercial has sparked controversy, since the commercial appears to make light of the Native American belief of smudging.[61] JREF President DJ Grothe issued a statement decrying "It is difficult to watch the show and not feel heartbroken for those who are desperate to hear from the departed... and even more so if they are being manipulated by a charlatan." Grothe urged the organization to have their new spokeswoman take the James Randi Million Dollar Challenge and prove her paranormal claims."

lurgee said:

James Randi would have fun with her.

What happens if you reverse sex roles in advertising?

scheherazade says...

I assume you mean 'professional' jobs, because staff labor usually has a set income that doesn't change much from day 1, and everyone starts at the set pay.

In professional positions, every employee negotiates their own salary.
Men aggressively job hop to build up a resume and then capitalize on it.
Men are more aggressive about asking for large incomes, being 'ok' with being turned down multiple times in order to land a sweet deal.
The majority of men I know that are in professional positions deliberately behaved like this to build up their income as early as possible.

I don't know a single woman that job hopped. All of them got a job, and sat on their hands. When job hunting, they kept looking for large 'stable' employers, where they can chill for a while.

Truth is, once an employer has you for $X amount, they have no reason to give you more. Other than a pittance raise to track inflation and make you feel happy at the end of the year (so they can keep you). Which is a joke, since changing jobs can bump your income 30% per flip (30% is me amortizing. My first flip was on the order of 100%. But subsequent flips raise the bar less and less, up to the industry maximum. So I just picked a 30% ball park figure.).

Basically, the income argument bugs me, because I (and others like me) go through the [disruptive to one's life] effort of building up a resume to leverage for negotiating a good income, and other people expect the same income to just fall into their lap.

In any case, what Thumper said is true. Women have the ability to capitalize on their looks, because men provide a demand.
Women provide a weak demand for men's looks, so men can't capitalize to the same extent.
If you're a good looking girl, and you wind up broke and hopeless, you can always become a stripper, pay the bills, and turn your life around.
If you're a man, regardless of how you look (or a low-digit woman), and you wind up broke and hopeless, you simply don't have that kind of reliable way out.


JustSaying said:

You poor man you, maybe you should join a christian support group for the discriminated. Or better, tell someone at FoxNews about the injustice you have to suffer.
Quick, name all jobs where women get paid more than men and then start naming all (yes, all of them) where men get paid more.
The only ones where women make more I can name involve sex. They do because men (like me) are pigs and, unlike women, are willing to spend huge amounts of money on it. That's why models get a lot of cash, men like to look at their well formed, half or more naked bodies.
And before I forget...
Never bed a man who won't bed self-respecting women - he's weak.

Transforming Formula One: 2014 Rules Explained by Red Bull

oritteropo says...

If there is a button the the steering wheel that gives an extra 100hp for overtaking by whatever method, I'm willing to call it push to pass. I expect that hitting the button would switch the engine to a high power torque mapping, use the MGU-H to spool up the turbo faster, and give a MGU-K boost exactly like last year's KERS button. I would also expect that not every team uses a steering wheel button for this function, but if Williams called it "push to pass" over the radio, I expect that they do. You could also have a separate engine mapping to do the same thing, and I expect that probably some teams do.

The RBR infringement was a bit more complicated than that. The FIA sensor was giving them inaccurate readings (it was reading high), and the FIA told them to apply an offset to the sensor values. They chose to use another method to ensure they weren't exceeding the 100kg/hr limit, and were excluded on the grounds that they had not sought permission from the FIA to do so and that it is not within their discretion to run a different fuel flow measurement method without the permission of the FIA.

I expect their appeal will be on the grounds that they did not in fact exceed the limit, and gained no advantage from their actions... and despite Christian Horner's level of confidence it could go either way. The last report I heard was that although they have lodged their intention to appeal, they have not yet actually tabled the appeal (but have a few more hours to do so).

Actually Mercedes were warned about the same issue. They chose to turn down their engines a bit to avoid the problem.

Formula one has been about getting around the rules at least since the 80s, and RBR have been very good at it. The camera mounting is very much in the category of satisfies the letter of the law, but very much goes against the spirit. I like the approach of using the camera mount as an extra wing actually (is it only the one team who did this?).

CreamK said:

What they meant by this is to use all power available. They got 100l of fuel to go full 1½h race. The fuel flow is limited to 100l/h. That means they need to use around 67l/h on average, this of course decreases during braking and is almost at max during acceleration. Also energy recovery and the release of that energy has some leeway to be used in different ratios, it is limited to 33s per lap. How that energy is divided, is up to the team.. So they will have the full boost of 160hp from ERS and full 100l/h fuel flow when using "push to pass" button but it's nowhere near the common definition of that function. Traditional push to pass is high boost, on 2014 F1 it means few percentages of power. The correct term would be "overtake mode".

RBR infringed fuel flow rule and no other team had been even warned, FIA has guidelines that teams should calibrate with enough margins to void minor differences between sensors. RBR refused to do this and counted on FIA not counting that marginal change. FIA had stated pre-season that in no case there will be extra fuel flow allowed, it's almost zero tolerance policy.

They've done this before, made a marginal rule infringement and got away with Charlie Whitings slap on the wrist:"change it to the next race".. Their camera mountings is already one of those little things that is technically legal and at the same is not.. It all depends if the TV crews can find a suitable camera. If they say "no", the rules are clear: they need unobstructed view.. That small hole hardly allow high quality picture, the only lens that could even remotely suffice is fisheye lens with a mask: it is not their standard equipment.. RBR most likely will have to change those too (imho, so should merc camera pods and mclaren parachutes too). Compare that to Williams 360 camera pod and it's pretty clear what FIA means by "enough room to fit camera" means.

Last year they had holes on the floor in monaco: ruling was, change them to the next race.. Then there was the TC scandal, RBR used illegal engine mappings.. They used them last year too when there was a ban of feeding fuel to exhaust during zero throttle to feed the blown diffuser: RBR chuckled and used them anyway.. They still have the duct inside the nose, it violates the intention of the rule but is legal technically. Of course the severity of the punishment is a clear sign: FIA just showed that no more of that bullshit, RBR has to start respecting rules.

All That Remains to be Said in Hip Hop Music Videos

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'turn, down, for, what, lil john, DJ snake, boner of steel' to 'turn down for what, lil john, DJ snake, boner of steel' - edited by eric3579

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