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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You should meet yourself.

You don’t post those anymore (you used to until I beat you up over ridiculous lies and suppositions about Biden with proven facts about Trump, once again proving the accusation is an admission) because there’s absolutely zero evidence of any such thing, but tons and tons of payoffs, multiple unreported hidden secret foreign Trump “bribe me here” accounts including but not limited to unreported accounts in Azerbaijan, Brazil, Canada, China, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Grenada, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Mexico, Panama, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Qatar, South Korea, Saint Martin, Saint Vincent, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom, actual trades and offers to trade personal payments/favors to Trump/fam for stolen top secret classified documents PROVEN against Trump, and multiple actual trials against him for criminal abuses of office, absolutely nothing against Biden besides ridiculous whining liars, like you.

I would say you should stop looking stupid, but you are what you are…with you it’s not a “look”.

Everything I posted is fact, court filings and actual reporting of what those involved said (with no opinion added).
Remember, you recently posted gleefully about the one Democrat ACCUSED of having child porn…no conviction there…why jump the gun? Why can’t you ever wait until news is “real”….or is the definition of “real” or the “rule” different for you than everyone else…or can you dish it out but are way too thin skinned to take it? *ding ding ding ding

Tell me what isn’t legit. I double dog dare you….can’t call you a tool, tools are useful. You are a fool, and a willing one.

I know you wish I would stop rubbing your party’s constant, unbelievable, history making criminality in your face daily…but more is prosecuted and more are convicted daily, more top Republicans are convicted in $60 million bribery schemes, more go on the run from the law daily, more terrorist Maggots are fleeing to Belarus and Russia to avoid extradition daily. Certainly you want to know what your team is up to/dragging you into.

bobknight33 said:

You are the most gullible person I know.

Biden /China/ Ukraine payoffs are more legit story. I dont post those because nothing has yet to come of those.

Quit looking stupid and just wait for reality to catch up to the fake news --- IE post when news is real.

Till then just stop begin a blind tool.


newtboy says...

Good find, even if just from the YT comments. Now changed from learn to *debunked

Not just plausible, I expect it would be worse today if we still prosecuted insider trading and “finance violations” (what we used to call “bribes”), but those actual crimes are now considered “momentary lapses of ethics” at worst and are completely ignored, because even the expectation of ethics has been abandoned.

fuzzyundies said:

According to numerous comments, this was from a sermon given in 2010 using an article published in 1999, and the research firm which compiled the stats never released the names. Apparently, in 2013, the stats were debunked.

But it's still so plausible.

newtboy (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, The Sharrow Propeller™ EXPLAINED, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 388 Badge!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

That’s all there was. The only censorship was at Trump’s request, obvious since he ran the government during the time in question, and only the government can actually censor.

What did you get? I bet you the dinner you still owe me whatever you say is the big problem isn’t actually in there. I know for certain you didn’t read it and just accept what liars told you about it.

More projection. Don’t act the fool because you’re frustrated every talking point you repeat is proven to be a lie.
There’s absolutely no question among readers here which of us has cranial rectosis, which is narrow minded, and which is a pinhead….hint, it’s the same one who said BLM staged Jan 6, Mr Pelosi had a lovers spat with his MAGA boyfriend not a violent political attack, and Covid is totally fake news, just a cold, no need for any action at all.

Goo goo ga ga waaah!

FYI, MORE stolen classified documents found at Trump’s properties…..gets better, this classified information was copied to a Trump aid’s laptop…another MAJOR felony, and indicator that not only does he STILL have MORE stolen classified state secrets, he’s clearly STILL not keeping them secure as required by law even if he had them legally, which he does not…and has definitely sold/traded some with foreign powers like he tried to with the national archives.

bobknight33 said:

Wow Thats all you got out of the twitter files?

Please take you head out of you ass, wipe that shot off your face and look around.

Such a narrow minded pinhead.

newtboy (Member Profile)

High School Senior Takes Book Banners To School

newtboy says...

Better, I want to watch him explain to Europeans why, after years of zealous hyper-nationalistic flag worship, the GOP are trading their flag pins for AR-15 pins.

luxintenebris said:

if you take dares - go on some of these international sites and try to explain to Europeans why pledging alliance to a flag is okay.

bet they have more compelling reasons not to.

A Definitely True Message From George Santos

newtboy says...

No, you say both sides because you can’t admit your “team” has a problem that isn’t ubiquitous.
Again, I show you dozens of individuals intentionally voting multiple times, dozens of campaigns and the party itself engaging in ballot harvesting and other schemes that together equate to hundreds of thousands of stolen votes, you answer “both sides” with absolutely not a single case on the Democrats side (besides the one entrapment case I handed you)….and pretend you won’t provide examples because they’ll be dismissed not because you have none….being dismissed doesn’t stop you from posting all the other propaganda. Knowing you will dismiss the verifiable facts I present you hasn’t stopped me from posting them in contradiction to your baseless propaganda.

I admit Democrats self deal, do insider trading, and sell their votes to deep pockets….but on a scale that’s microscopic compared to the complete lack of ethics and morals on the right. The right was significantly less honest, more money hungry, more corrupt than the left BEFORE Trump….after Trump it’s comparing the Mediterranean to an Olympic sized pool. Technically both have water. Comparatively the pool is completely insignificant….but you only want to focus on what happens in the pool.

Trump and family made literally BILLIONS selling favors. Never been a bigger crook in any office in the land. Greene went from pennyless to a multi millionaire in 2 years. Same for Santos who is a total fraud in every way, a fugitive, and supported by your party…apparently made millions from his campaign. You’ll be hard pressed to find any Republican that hasn’t made millions in office by ignoring ethics completely. You won’t find ANY trying to get big money (bribery) out of politics…only the left is interested in that, the right wants MORE bribery legalized (citizens United was their case, proving Republicans fight for MORE corruption in politics while Democrats fight to end it), the right refuses to divest, and opposes any strengthening of ethics rules EVERY TIME Democrats push for more/stronger ethics rules/laws.

Of course I’ll dismiss your hyper biased, unthinking, no fact idiotic claims, especially since they NEVER have references (because everything you believe is partisan nonsense and lies). It’s not worth the time because it takes no time at all to debunk your constant consistent lies and pure fantasy. If you had any actual facts it would be worth posting them, but you just don’t. You don’t bother to post lately because the stupid lies have gotten dumber and are being debunked as fast as you guys can lie them. It’s past the point where it’s safe to simply deny anything you say as a partisan lie with no investigation at all….chances are 99.96% you are lying or repeating lies any time you type. You never have facts or even references to show where your lies came from….which is totally intentional because you know that only makes debunking them much easier.

In congress….98% of corruption, 100% of child molestation, 100% of treason, 100% of calls to rescind the constitution, voting, and democracy and become a dictatorship are on the right. You call that “both sides” and pretend it’s really mostly a problem on the left with a very few outliers from the right….ignoring the facts….as usual.

You know the old saying….
“To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.” -Thomas Paine

You sir abandoned fact and reason well before the Traitor Trump rode his golden escalator of lies into your heart. I don’t argue with you except as practice, you have no actual argument to offer, only the far right party lines. I simply tell you the verifiable facts. You then argue with the facts and pat yourself on the head in congratulations. Silly boy.

BTW…have you grown up enough to discuss Ashley Babbitt yet? The treasonous traitor who violently attacked the capitol with an armed gang of thugs trying to overthrow democracy at Trump’s urging and got what they all deserved….your hero.
No, I’m sure you’re still just too embarrassed of how idiotic supporting domestic terrorists is and just hope everyone will forget you stand firmly with the treasonous terrorist traitors against democracy, law, and order.

bobknight33 said:

I say both sides because it is both sides. You just so biased that you done even see it.

I dont bother to post because whats the point - you will just dismiss it an its just not worth the time.

You know the old saying..

“Show me a man that gets rich being a politician and I will show you a crook” Harry s. Truman

Republican Socialists

Sigil says...

Yeah, the Pandemic, China Trade War, and the Russian War had nothing to do with it. On that subject, your comment has nothing to do with this subject. You have not addressed the Republican hypocrisy on this subject. They publicly vote against help, but privately ask for help.

At least you admit that it was already in a downward spiral.

bobknight33 said:

Joe and his party has accelerated the American economy on a downward spiral.

This has been decades in the making.

Trump spent a lot, but so did Obama and Biden.

The question is whats being done now to to correct the economy?

What is the answer?

Higher interest rates are not helping, not at the rate of change that has been put forth.

Republicans Hate Dark Money Until They Love It

luxintenebris jokingly says...

bob & i are on the same page.

not the 'all are corrupt' twang but agree on dark money - or big money. it needs to be culled to foster irreproachability in our government halls.

not sure how to do this, but bet the Red & Blue could come up w/a purple solution (if the Red aren't so f'n' far gone). would also like all the insider trading to be nixed. for the good of all of us/the US.

go w/Truman's belief: “honest public servant can’t become rich in politics.” like to believe most go w/good intentions 'tho noxious weeds grow in unattended gardens - & parking lots.
("Fifth Risk" is a good read on the subject.)

* * * did 33 offer up tax funding for social good? we are having a good effect on him hanging w/good company can save souls * * *

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Um….have you heard, Trump’s new lawyer that he had to (illegally) pre pay $3 million from his “Save America PAC” just to take his case, Chris Kise, has turned out to be a registered foreign agent for the government of Venezuela?
He has already demanded he have access to all documents taken from Maralago including the highest level classified top secret nuclear documents.
I guess you see no issue with actual hostile foreign governments having access to our top secret documents, a must if he’s going to defend Trump.
More anti American actions daily.
Also Trump fully embraced Qanon at his last weekend rally.

P.S.- according to a new book, Trump floated “trading” Puerto Rico for Greenland because he thought he owned the island, and saw it as a commodity, not a territory full of American citizens.

Why Geography Makes The US Insanely OP

newtboy says...

More Right wingers go to congress as millionaires, spending their money to get the job than leftists. Trump is a prime example of spending millions intending to abuse his presidential power for personal familial gains in the billions….then repaying himself with campaign donor’s money. Also, it’s the right that refuses to consider campaign finance reform and consistently fights for more big money in politics. The left tries to close corruption loopholes, like requiring complete divestment instead of fake “blind trusts” like Trump who had his son do his insider trading while joined at the hip and called that a blind trust. 🤦‍♂️

Trump is fascist, his politics fit the definition nearly perfectly….had the military abandoned their duties and followed him into despotism as he expected it would be perfect. (He was ever so pissed his generals didn’t follow him blindly like Hitler’s generals, because he’s so ignorant he doesn’t know Hitler’s generals tried repeatedly to assassinate Hitler)

Is this finally an admission it was Trumpists committing treason by trying to overthrow the government with a violent coup on Jan 6, not ANTIFA or BLM? How long will that last I wonder. You just admit(ed) that this is true.

Again, because you never remember, 1 million Americans needlessly died from a vacuum of leadership encouraging them to ignore all public health as a divisive political move, and the right would have doubled that number of dead given their druthers.
I would also remind you a huge portion of the arsons in 2020 at BLM rallies were right wing false flag operations trying to blame BLM for Trumpist’s crimes, exactly like you did with Jan 6.

I would point out that one week of the Trucker blockades at the Canada border cost $360 million per day in lost production/undelivered goods alone, totaling over $2.5 billion in losses for the first week of that right wing nonsense that lasted weeks-months then traveled the nation disrupting business for almost a year. Jan 6 cost well over $500 million. All BLM damage (including the false flag damage) is ESTIMATED to eventually reach UP TO $2 billion in insurance CLAIMS, not actual losses and damage, not payouts.
Right wing riots are more costly by far, and the causes are ‘being viciously murdered by police’ on the left, and ‘having to wear a face mask’ on the right (often when there’s no mask mandate in place).

bobknight33 said:

Like I said all governments are corrupt, even ours. Democrats and Republicans are corrupt. Why would anyone spend millions just to get a 200K $ /yr job?

Trump is not Fascist, just has a large following.
Jan 6 was 1 day of that went sideways.

During Trump years the left burned looted killed many more. The Left are the dangerous side, inciting violence, anti free speech.

You just admit that this is true.

Beau schools on schooling: why 'FREE' scares Biff & Babs

spawnflagger says...

I think there should be free Community College for anyone that wants to go, but I also think college isn't for everyone, and Trade schools should also be free (I've seen plenty of plumbers that charge hourly rates more than lawyers).

As far as other colleges, there should be merit scholarships for anyone who does well at Community College can transfer to those for years 3 & 4.

I had a merit-based scholarship for my undergrad, but it was conditioned on maintaining a 3.0 GPA (B average or higher). If it went under 3.0 for two semesters, scholarship gone. Also required finishing in 4 years, so I had to take 15-18 credits every semester. I also worked part-time during semester and full-time in summers to pay down the loans (that the grants & scholarship didn't cover), so graduated debt free. I also can see I'm an exception rather than the norm.

I wouldn't begrudge anyone getting higher education. I also think some people who drop out when they are 18-22 years old, could go instead when they are older and more mature and totally succeed, so don't force it immediately after high school. Part of that is pressure from being allowed on your parents health insurance if you're in school up to a certain age... universal health care coverage (public option) would fix that and should be a higher priority than universal college. I voted for Bernie.

Bidens Border mess

newtboy says...

Such nonsense. Biden tried to remove the disastrous stay in Mexico policy, but was forced to keep Trump’s border rules until under three fucking weeks ago, dumbshit. He sent more back home to places like Hati than Trump did too. Derp.

Trump’s $40 billion fence hasn’t slowed immigration one percent, as expected. $40 billion more funding to border patrol would have been hundreds of times more effective….but not a monument to Trump.
Not using the border patrol to do useless, expensive political stunts instead of their job helps too.
Good BS blaming someone else. Republicans saying the borders are open is the number one reason people in South America believe it…that’s what THEY say, and why they’re coming now. This lies at least in part at their feet.

Funny how absolutely nothing was the president’s responsibility Jan 2017-21, but now everything in the country is his fault….except the things getting better like unemployment, wages, gdp, covid, the economy, gas prices recently, etc.

Bullshit. Trump never had any program to combat gang violence. Stop lying. His best plan was round up all Mexicans and you’ll get a lot of gang members too, but that’s a horrific and outrageous (and impossible) way to achieve that goal.

Calling them criminals invading is EXACTLY the point of this video, dummy. No one is barging into your house, most aren’t in the drug trade, for the vast majority crossing a line is the only crime they ever committed, and if our immigration/asylum policies were functional they wouldn’t have committed that crime. Just more nonsensical babbling from a ridiculous tool.

Funny how minor crime to save ones life is outrageous to you, but severe treasonous crimes for personal enrichment is a nothing burger. Stupid is as stupid does, and holy shit do you advocate for some stupid shit.

Denying asylum seekers entry was a crime when it started. Do it the right way or you are committing a crime every time you deny one. That’s Trump policy, no problem when he breaks the law, right? You don’t care a whit about law or crime, only about what you can pin on your rivals. Proven time and time and time and time and time and time again. You see no crime ever on the right, and fantasize about non existent crimes from the left, constantly.
Again, Barr lied and obstructed justice to protect Trump who lied and obstructed justice, court findings, but still not a crime because the statutes of limitations expired, right? No crime if they criminally slipped out of legal jeopardy….right?
And you also can’t see the hypocrisy. 🤦‍♂️

Answer this (I know you won’t, you are incapable of ever answering questions unless fed the far right answer, while I address every point you try to make every time)…how much has Abbot wasted on this stunt that hasn’t moved 1/2 days worth of immigrants out of state? Wouldn’t that money be better spent stopping crossings rather than with meaningless political stunts like this and the $10 billion waste of money with his border inspections that didn’t find a single stowaway or drug caches?

bobknight33 said:

Trump working on it, But this administration deiced to stop and keep the doors wide open.

You get what you vote for.
Highest OD rates thanks to Biden's administration.

And so much worse.

Good BS blaming everyone else. Biden administration is the enforcer of the border . This lies at his feet.

Trump was gathering up MS13 member but liberal cites were blocking and hindering.

Democrats like this. You gt what you vote for.

" @bobknight33, with the exception of the crime of illegal entry, undocumented immigrants commit crimes at levels much lower than citizens. "

That not the point I walk into you house sit on the couch and eat your food.. No crime Right???????

Come in the right way else you are committing a crime.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Bidens Border mess

newtboy says...

Wasn’t the wall, that Trump said was finished, supposed to slow immigration? Seems like it failed 100%.

I suppose blue city mayors should send bus loads of recently released gang members to San Antonio and Houston….to share the pain…since Texas is sending what it claims are all drug smugglers.

It’s not the numbers, it’s the intentional disruption of services by dumping them without notice in large groups to intentionally overwhelm social services. It’s a stunt with meaningless results that’s costing Texas money much better spent on border security. For the money, they could have stopped ten times as many from entering (but not been a snide dick to NEW YORK CITY! (somebody get a rope).

Texas is incapable of doing anything meaningful about immigration or smuggling because they’re a failed bankrupt state with ethically bankrupt leadership that do nothing useful, only exorbitant stunts costing billions for zero results, so they want to share their failure. Turnabout is fair play, send 6000 MS13 members to Houston and ask “why are you complaining?”, or how about 10000 Afghan refugees in trade? Hilarious that a state that prides itself on standing on its own two feet, never wanting any federal involvement, pawns 100% of blame on the fed for not fixing their failure to secure their border.

I like how the theory is “one day when they have all the levers of power the left will make the illegal immigrants into voting citizens to grab the levers of power”, not realizing the mistake in the “logic”.

@bobknight33, with the exception of the crime of illegal entry, undocumented immigrants commit crimes at levels much lower than citizens. This is historical and statistical fact. Why isn’t Fox screaming bloody murder about the white gangs selling fentenal, or their own members sex trafficking, hiring illegals, and organ harvesting!?

Why it's hard to be Republican w/a mind and heart

newtboy says...

Talk about being delusional. Trump HAD nuclear secrets (and/or other national secrets of the same highest possible level secrecy classification and danger levels never to be kept or read outside secure facilities designed to safeguard such sensitive information.) kept them unsecured in publicly accessible areas of his public club filled with foreign nationals…and thinks it’s fine he stole and exposed them. That’s delusional.

If he still any, he should absolutely be shot for treason at first sight by any and every patriot regardless of party, right?

What can’t he hold? Anything not actually officially declassified on Jan 20, 2020.
This includes all top secrets and nuclear secrets he cannot declassify himself, and 700 pages of classified documents he did not declassify before stealing them on his way out the door. His claim “anything I took was automatically declassified” is nonsense. That’s not how declassification works at all….you know that.

Where can’t he hold it? In boxes in the hallway outside the unlocked basement in his club where foreign nationals are allowed to wander freely, where Chinese and now Russian spies are KNOWN to have penetrated carrying bags of surveillance and recording equipment, spyware ready to install, etc. Even frat boys have just wandered in off the beach to these areas. It makes Clinton’s server look like Fort Knox. For the highest classification documents, they can only be kept at hardened secure locations designated for that purpose…not a closet, basement, hallway….not even a fire safe.

There’s no enlightening you. You prefer to live in the dark. It’s easier to make up lies and convince yourself of nonsense if you never look at reality. Any facts you dislike you simply discard, thinking your magic mantra, “fake news”, protects you from reality. Any lies you find comforting you simply believe and absolutely refuse to consider reality. It’s a serious mental issue, and if Reagan hadn’t defunded national mental health care, you would be institutionalized, but the right prefers the insane to be among us because they tend to vote Republican.

This answer has nothing to do with the Majestic Spaghetti Monster….I don’t know what you mean….

…but stupid elitists are on the right, they’re the ones who took millions in ppp loan forgiveness (often for fraudulent ppp loans for employees they didn’t have) but claim $10k to poor people trying to become educated will ruin the nation, turn us communist, bankrupt us, etc.. It’s fine if billionaires get handouts of multiple trillions, not a peep of concern then, but not those struggling with crushing debt from fake schools like Trump’s that stole their money for a completely worthless piece of paper and zero education….the same millionaires up in arms over the poor getting $10k took hundreds of thousands to millions despite making the equivalent of over $250k (and millions if they cheat, which the ALL did, insider trading is the norm from the right).

Elitist?! 😂 again, we live with 2 people on under $40k in California….near poverty level. Hard to be elitist and in poverty at the same time. Elitists are people making $250k, another million in insider trading profits, and $3 million in forgiven loans who complain poor people shouldn’t get $10k rebates, but they should get more tax breaks. That’s an elitist stupid answer, it came directly from your Republican representatives like MTG.

I’m not rich, I’m stable. We have no debts, property taxes of only $1250, and I grow over 50% of our food. We live better than most middle class, including international vacations almost yearly, 4 cars, all the top notch organic produce we can eat, a swimming pool size koi pond, Solar, an orchard, no government handouts, etc. all on poverty level income. I’ve never shirked a debt, not once. I’ve never even walked away from an obligation. If you were capable of taking in new information, you would know all that because I’ve told you repeatedly.

bobknight33 said:

Talking about being delusional.. Trump has nuclear secrets..... That delusional.

Exactly what documents can't a EX president hold personally ?

Please enlighten me witty you stupid elitist MSM answer.

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