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Russiagate Was A Hoax! Says Justice Dept’s Durham Report

newtboy says...

Liar. Every word you write these days is a lie.
Jimmy Dore is not a Sanders supporter. He’s a failed comedian turned Trumpist pundit.

That’s not what the report said by any means. It said one FBI agent slightly misrepresented one email that was a tiny part of the reason for the warrant against Page that ended up finding so much Russian collusion and so many unregistered foreign agents working in the Trump administration, they were convicted.
It did not discount those serious crimes against the United States those officials committed and were convicted of (many them pardoned by Trump).

None of those convictions for administration officials being unregistered foreign agents was a hoax.
That meeting in Trump tower with Russians to trade favors for dirt on Clinton wasn’t a hoax.
That recording of Flynn illegally colluding with Russia on Trumps behalf before Obama was out of office wasn’t a hoax, neither was his conviction for outright lying about all of it under oath because he KNEW it was illegal collusion with a hostile foreign power and knew it was a serious crime he’d been caught committing for Trump….those weren’t hoaxes.
Those dozens of cases of administration officials laundering cash donated by Russians to Trump weren’t hoaxes.

Only the claim that “Russia/Trump is a hoax” is a hoax. 🤦‍♂️

All the Durham report really showed is the Trump DOJ acted wholly inappropriately by acting as Trump’s personal lawyer and PR machine, spreading lies and hiding evidence for him, not acting the nations top cop but actively working against national interests and justice to protect one criminal.

No convictions from Durham, not one. No recommendations, no crimes. More millions wasted on fake culture war nonsense rehashing 5 year old crimes for the sole benefit of criminal himself. Another failed MAGA propaganda attempt they’ve been too stupid and too incompetent to put together, but continue to lie about. A big 5 year old undercooked nothing burger served cold and plain. You enjoy that.

Keep trying bob. All this whining and crying brings me so much joy.
Every time another MAGA “investigation” falls apart, another Victoria’s Secret transexual model gets their wings, unintentionally making MAGA more trans positive that Ru Paul.! 😂

Take your idiotic lies elsewhere, dumbshit. You belong on Toth Senchal where readers anre delusional enough to accept your claims…and daddy Trump needs you there, his numbers are shit.
Or is this a masochism thing…you post this stupidity here because you honestly love being told how idiotic and delusional you are constantly, then having it proven with verifiable facts? Yep, that’s the only rational explanation.

The FBI Has Lied To Congress

newtboy says...

Still rehashing the Carter Page stupidity bob?
“ the Mueller Report concluded that the investigation did not establish that Page coordinated in Russia's interference efforts, but did establish that the Steele dossier was right about Page attending high-level meetings with Russians, even though he denied doing so.”

Pretty sad, especially considering all the convictions of administration officials for crimes against the US…Russian collusion/unregistered foreign agents …that came from it. Edit: Recall, Trump DID have secret meetings with Russian officials about Clinton at Trump tower during his campaign that he then lied about, and was only not prosecuted because the prosecutor said he was too stupid and ignorant to KNOW it was illegal so he couldn’t convict him…but it definitely was an attempt at illicit collusion with Russia that he admits to.

This investigation was thoroughly investigated and the actual investigation did not find what he claimed. Sorry.

Trump’s weaponization of every federal department is public record, from the DOJ acting as his private counsel and jack booted thugs to the IRS directing local police to label any protester an ANTIFA agent unless proven otherwise and hiring violent convicts to “infiltrate” BLM and instigate violence, to Trump repeatedly denying disaster relief to states that he lost in the election, to withholding military assistance to blackmail a foreign leader into investigating and accusing Trump’s political rival’s family, all verified and codified.

These hearings are a total joke, the weaponization of congress, and a pure, totally not serious, rehash of the Durham report that found absolutely nothing actionable, only a very few clerical errors, zero convictions. Republicans simply can’t accept reality. Such a fool you are, buying every lie and ploy, absolutely NEVER removing your blinders.

To summarize- from the Page investigation, if memory serves, there were 36 officials CONVICTED of hundreds of crimes, most involving hiding their strong financial ties to Russia…from the Durham report investigating that investigation came 3 charges that were all tossed out of court for insufficient evidence….nothing burger. Now the idiot Republican house is trying again with the same (lack of) evidence because you can’t accept that you are LOSERS!

When Trump weaponized the federal government you cheered and clapped. You only care because that extreme righty weaponization is ending.

How to read Prague Astronomical Clock - SHORT and EASY

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

Not very smart of Trump to attack the judge hearing his NY case while that judge is considering who will essentially take over the Trump organization, stopping it from fleeing the state with its assets before they are all forfeit.
I feel like that might bite him in the ass….hard.
In the order, the judge noted persistent misrepresentations in every one of the financial disclosure documents reviewed, which was every one from 2011-2021 and is installing the independent monitor to “ensure there is no FURTHER fraud or illegality..” and “defendant’s other arguments (are) unavailing and non dispositive” (another way to say they’re nonsensical bullshit and overruled). Not good when the judge has decided already that there are absolutely criminal acts this early in the case….I guess he should have offered a defense.

Also not so bright to not offer any defense at all….but there really is no defense for the unprecedented bank, wire, and tax fraud the case has proven conclusively Trump committed repeatedly with no contradiction of that fact.

It was very bright to settle the lawsuit this week that had been brought by peaceful protesters from during Trump’s first campaign who were beaten up by his security outside of Trump tower about 7 years ago. It sounds like the jury was picked and his “lawyers” realized they all hated Trump and might award hundreds of millions. The settlement isn’t public yet, but it was enough for all plaintiffs to accept it immediately, and it’s another admission of guilt by Trump, who’s losing so much we might get tired of him losing (not likely).

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Mark McCloskey, remember him? The terrified snowflake that pulled out guns and threatened peaceful marchers in the street walking past his house? Now running for senator, guess which party. Only one party thinks menacing peaceful protesters with death is something to applaud.
Well, he’s in trouble for claiming to be endorsed by Vanilla Ice and Yang Yang Twins (because of course he isn’t).

This you guy? This yor best? Thuggish violent liars prepared to say or do anything for power. It’s all the right has left.

How you liking Cruz showing off how anti military the right is by celebrating withholding earned medical benefits out of pure spite on the senate floor? Their “excuse” is utter nonsense lies, claiming that the bill was once discretionary spending (meaning at the whim of the current president) and has been CHANGED to mandatory spending. It’s a lie, not one word changed since they voted FOR it in June.

How about Trump chumming up to the Saudi Royal family, now saying no one knows if they were involved in 9/11 (he had no doubts in 2016 whatsoever, but now they’ve invested hundreds of millions into Trump companies). He was outraged Obama didn’t release the classified 9/11 report, then when he had the secret report detailing their involvement Trump kept it secret (for favors and investments), Biden released it and Trump now pretends he’s never heard of it, doesn’t know if the Saudis are involved, protects them when they murder Americans, and is more than apply to help them try to destroy an American sports league miles from where the towers once stood. Must make you so proud as a patriot.

Fascism, theocracy, and anti Americanism has actually become the Republican Party platform. Only the TrueType totally insane could possibly see their actions, support them, and still think themselves as American patriots. History will judge you harshly, your families will too. Your legacy is treason.

Just to rub it in how much more competent Biden is, today ended the reign of al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri with no civilian casualties, something Trump promised and completely failed to do…so badly he gave up and agreed to surrender Afghanistan unconditionally.

Just to show how anti American and pro terrorist the right is, your talking heads like Carlson are trying to spin the killing of the mastermind of 9/11 as a bad thing that somehow makes us less safe, and are trying to blame Biden for Russia attacking Crimea and Ukraine.

Trump hosts the sponsors of 9/11 while Biden eliminates the perpetrators. Thanks Biden.

Good Liars are really sorry - really, they are :)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ruh -roe!

Trump’s all encompassing NDAs are invalid. As usual, he overreached, tried to control everything his subordinates said forever. It forced them to, using the judges words, “never say anything negative about Trump, his family, his businesses, or his administration for life”. The judge called it unenforceable, and since he made them all sign the same NDA, they’re all void. He can still sue any who talk, assuming he can find a lawyer dumb enough to work for him, but he’ll lose.

Expect tons of new revelations about how he operates, none good. Of course, he’ll attack any who does as a piece of shit, just like over half of his “best people” he had working for him….running the government while he watched tv. Crazy how many of them he now says are horrible, inept, self centered, disloyal morons who couldn’t do their jobs….almost like he’s projecting his estimation of himself on any ex employee.

Wasn’t his claim to fame that he hires only the best people? Doesn’t that make him an abject failure at the one thing he seemed to do well…hiring competent people to run his affairs?

Expect another round of massive lawsuits to come shortly, lawsuits he can’t defend against because no lawyer will go near him, they like to be paid for their work and Trump is famous for stiffing everyone but especially lawyers.

Edit: Also, he’s off the Forbes 400….not that he ever belonged there. They originally took his worthless word for how much he was worth….a number exponentially larger than the one he gave the IRS, btw. Now even he can’t lie enough to appear to be in the richest 400 people in America. Better, if he had divested from his properties instead of using his office to illicitly steer business to them (business that stopped after Jan 20 when there was no longer a reason for foreign powers to bribe him by, say, renting out floors in Trump tower that went unused for 4 years, or villas at his golf clubs)….if he had taken his money and invested in S&P 500 he would have made billions instead of losing billions. He’s a horrific businessman.

People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it

So this float showed up at the Popcorn festival/ parade

newtboy says...

The "someone" who thought this was a good idea is the Valparaiso GOP.
Asked for comment on the backlash, the chairman said "I think we hit it spot on", "they all liked it".
Talk about tone deaf. You hit the towers spot on, eh? That's definitely what your float is about.

This seems a lot more like celebrating the attack than remembering the victims.

Community's movie references, a side by side comparison.

eric3579 says...

Timestamps and films

0:00 28 Days Later
0:35 The Matrix
0:50 The Terminator
1:04 T2
1:09 Predator
1:12 Die Hard
1:25 Face Off
1:30 Predator
1:45 Die Hard
1:55 Rambo (not sure which one)
2:08 Die Hard
2:18 The Professional
2:35 Captain America: The Winter Soldier
3:22 Star Wars The Phantom Menace
3:28 Star Wars A New Hope
3:37 Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back
3:43 Die Hard
3:44 Platoon
3:46 Invasion of the Body Snatchers
3:56 Aliens
4:10 Highlander
4:44 The Right Stuff
5:14 Minority Report
5:19 Disclosure
5:38 2001 A Space Odyssey
5:56 Blade Runner
6:15 Patton
6:29 A Few Good Men
6:43 The Breakfast Club
7:06 Rain Man
7:20 Ghost
7:42 An Officer and a Gentleman
7:55 My Dinner with Andre
8:14 Sixteen Candles
8:18 Lost in Translation
8:23 Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back
8:35 Good Will Hunting
8:58 An American Tale
9:08 The Shinning
9:20 LOTR: The Two Towers
9:43 MTV- The Real World: Seattle
10:04 House Party
10:09 The Color of Money
10:14 Pulp Fiction
10:22 The Breakfast Club
10:26 Zardoz
10:29 Blazzing Saddles
10:32 MIB
10:34 Hook
10:36 The Beastmaster
10:41 Wallstreet
10:44 The Shawshank Redemption
10:51 The Fugitive
10:55 Pulp Fiction
11:10 The Ring
11:12 Vertigo
11:14 National Lampoon’s Vacation
11:35 Animal House
12:31 Good Will Hunting
12:44 Dead Poets Society

Viral How Much Did Your Divorce Cost

StukaFox says...

I don't agree with you on this one, Bob.

My wife and I have been together since 1995. In that time, we've both dealt with issues in our lives that might have lead to the deaths of either one of us had we not been together. We've been through hell and kept each other on our feet when we felt like we couldn't walk another step. We've been there for each other in the absolute worst moments of our lives.

On the other side, my favorite memories always include her: the first time we saw the Eiffel Tower together; hiking together in Henry Coe State Park; nights in Mendocino and dinners at Brouwer's. A thousand thousand little things where she's brought happiness into my life. How much joy I experience just holding her hand!

Men lose everything? Have someone look at you when you feel like absolute human shit -- like you're the tiniest speck of worthlessness in the universe -- and say "I love you." Someone who doesn't just rescue you from yourself, but lifts you up into the pure light of happiness and joy, is the absolute affirmation of goodness in the human heart.

I say this with all honesty, with no malice and no sense of superiority, just one human being to another: if something happened to you that makes you feel the way you do, if someone hurt you that bad, then I wish it were within my power to lift that from your heart and soul. No one ever deserves to have love turned to hate, least of all you.

bobknight33 said:

Marriage is a win win for the woman.

Lose Lose for the man.

Woman have nothing to lose. Men lose everything.

BSR (Member Profile)

Little lad tells his dad he will upper cut Santa

Tower distructtion

lucky760 says...

Valid, but more so if it was Buddhists who built that tower.


BSR said:

I think the point here is, to enjoy the moment and know that nothing is forever. The destruction is part of the creation.

Tower distructtion

crotchflame says...

I love that the tower went down in a free fall at the end.

I was gonna make some 911 truther joke here about explosives but the election's tomorrow and I don't have it in me.

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