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"Ah-ha. Ze laser fields. Well..." - from Ocean's Twelve

"Ah-ha. Ze laser fields. Well..." - from Ocean's Twelve

"Ah-ha. Ze laser fields. Well..." - from Ocean's Twelve

lucky760 (Member Profile)

Throbbin says...

Ahh, thanks man!

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
>> ^Throbbin:

Hey @<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since May 2nd, 2006 @ 13:01:45" class="profilelink"><strong style="color: rgb(0, 68, 255);">lucky760 something went wrong here. Both the original and the backup were youtube embeds, and both had embedding disabled. Did I invoke the backup wrong? Do Metacafe backups not work? What gives?

Yes, you invoked incorrectly. The syntax is *backup=[...snipped...] but you skipped the square brackets.

"Ah-ha. Ze laser fields. Well..." - from Ocean's Twelve

lucky760 says...

>> ^Throbbin:

Hey @lucky760 something went wrong here. Both the original and the backup were youtube embeds, and both had embedding disabled. Did I invoke the backup wrong? Do Metacafe backups not work? What gives?

Yes, you invoked incorrectly. The syntax is *backup=[...snipped...] but you skipped the square brackets.

Office Space - Micheal Bolton raps

Scarface - Push it to the limit

sexyandsex (Member Profile)

Geico Commercial - Piggy

"Ah-ha. Ze laser fields. Well..." - from Ocean's Twelve

"Ah-ha. Ze laser fields. Well..." - from Ocean's Twelve

Should Jon Stewart remove the beard (User Poll by cybrbeast)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

This poll is admittedly borderline - but we have a he'll of a lot of Daily Show videos on here - so I thought it would pass.

In a related whinge- must we always run the precedence test against anything posted? My kids are always ferreting out potentially impartial or unjust parental decisions. Maybe it's human nature.

>> ^Throbbin:

Very good point Tymberwulf. Awhile back I tried to start a poll about who the most influential person in world history was, and @dag removed it because it didn't fit guidelines or something.>> ^Tymbrwulf:
Ah, so the poll can also be used for useless sensationalist polls? Duly noted.
Next week's poll.
"Do you think Lindsey Lohan should go to jail?"
Followed by
"Is Brad and Angelina's relationship going to last? Have we seen the last of Jennifer?"

JFK - The Trial of Clay Bertrand

dag (Member Profile)

Throbbin says...

I guess that makes sense. TBH, just wanted some more discussion on the variable speed of light. I don't fully understand the implications of it - but I'm sure some folks around here would.

Leaving on a jet plane on Wednesday, probably not going to be around too much after that, so I'll take this opportunity to thank you for creating this thing. I spent way too much time here, but it's a great place. I'll drop you a line if I ever get down under.


In reply to this comment by dag:
Well - the thing is, we don't want it used often. Being on the top of the front page should be a Big Deal - not something to be done lightly. I see where you're coming from though.

In reply to this comment by Throbbin:
Hey Dag. Would you be open to a review of the frontpage invocation? 4 PP's is pretty steep. Not sure if there was already a discussion around this (if there was I missed it).

Throbbin (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Well - the thing is, we don't want it used often. Being on the top of the front page should be a Big Deal - not something to be done lightly. I see where you're coming from though.

In reply to this comment by Throbbin:
Hey Dag. Would you be open to a review of the frontpage invocation? 4 PP's is pretty steep. Not sure if there was already a discussion around this (if there was I missed it).

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