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What if Star Wars Episode II Were Good? (Belated Media)

AeroMechanical says...

Almost anything would have been better. To my mind, the single biggest flaw with the prequels was that the originals focused on a small set of largely likeable characters who were generally together having adventures in space. The Prequels were just all over the place and there weren't really any likeable characters, and... and... for the sake of brevity, let's just say they suck in every way.

Also, for the love of god, George Lucas should not have been allowed to direct. He is a terrible, terrible, terrible director. Everyone knows that. Everyone has known that since the first one, and George should have known that too. He isn't a great artist in any sense of the word. I'd say the prequels are a textbook example of why the role of director is so important. How can such an accomplished cast deliver a performance barely better than what you'd expect from, say, "Sharktopus."

I think the next three will be decent. They don't have to be great (and really, the original three weren't *great* per se, they were just novel fun, imaginative, and hit a sweet spot. I think JJ Abrams will do fine.

Anyways, this guys plot would have worked. So would have a lot of others though.

Star Wars Medley - Lindsey Stirling & Peter Hollens

Yogi says...

Still love the music, once again the video leaves a lot to be desired. Lindsay needs to drop whoever the hell directs these cause they suck.

Russell Brand on MSNBC Mocking Media

Tony Parker Dishes Out an INCREDIBLE 18 Assists

TYT: GOP Takes on Big Bank CEOs?!

chingalera says...

Republicans!!.........DEMOCRATS!! CEO's, bankers...(watching the world burn and editorializing on the spectacle with in-eloquent, imitated verbiage, through smudged, mud-encrusted goggles.)

TYT claim to fame (using newsspeak) making a name off of the opinion of their fawning press and how peeps REACT to anything completely out of their control, AND LAUGH AT YOU WHILE THEY SUCK AT IT!! I maintain as always, TYT yet another iteration of the same fucking tools, designed to render helpless those who may not be capable of using a simple implement.....saaaay, a shovel or mallet.

Unions Assault On Camera

Yogi says...

Oh yeah I totally agree they're idiots for attacking him. Some people are not good with confrontation at all. I've been a referee for half my life, this guy couldn't bait me into a fight with anything and I'd calmly explain how he is a complete douchebag to him and his mother all day if he'd like me to. Other people though, like some players I ref, are not right in the head. They go INSANE if something goes counter to how they believe it should go, and they'll get violent easily.

People are people, and they suck. So best for them to organize and the bad people to get sat down by the good people and told to pipe down.

probie said:

I don't doubt the guy is a complete joke. If the guy is a douchebag stirring up trouble and looking for attention, than you ignore him. Quickest way to get rid of those seeking it.

I'm commenting more on the fact of human nature and people immediately resorting to violence rather than engaging in rational discussion when confronted with a differing opinion.

The above video's probably a bad example anyway due to lack of context and editing.

4.5 hr flight from London to Sydney

Jinx says...

>> ^deathcow:

They must be talking about using space to get from Europe to Australia, as friction is a real bitch otherwise.

Possibly, although I think its somewhat more likely they'd just be flying at very high altitudes where the atmosphere is very thin.

From what I read on wiki it seems the engine is basically rocket/turbine hybrid. They use liquid hydrogen as fuel but instead of storing oxygen they suck it out of the air. The problem the cooling fixes seems to be related to supersonic airflow. Turbine engines need subsonic airflow to work properly so they use a ram, a cone on the front of the turbine, to slow the airflow before it enters the engine. This heats the air entering the engine up a lot, hot air takes up more space and so its difficult to get enough oxygen to the hydrogen fuel. Cooling the air after it passes over the ram lowers the air pressure and allows more air to pass through the engine. Scramjets approach this problem a different way in that they can operate with supersonic airflow, although they have the limitation of not working subsonic.

Anyway. Its quite fascinating. I don't think we'll be seeing commercial aircraft using this technology anytime soon though. I'd be pretty nervous about flying on something that is basically rocket powered. Space tourism maybe? If it can fly to high altitudes with the turbine and then switch seamlessly to using onboard oxygen it could be a much more efficient way of getting into space without using onboard oxygen the whole way up.

Oh, and RIP Concorde. I used to go to school under their flightpath out of Heathrow. 11am on Wednesdays they used to rattle the windows passing over.

Hilarious Parody! What Makes you Beautiful - One Direction

Revolution - Trailer

Porksandwich says...

What about Americans afraid of aliens?!?!?! and bears?

Looks like it could be a good show. Wondering what the reason will be, stopping chemical reactions in non-living things or virus permeating non-living things (I really hate virus story lines, especially inanimate affecting strains).

Don't think nature would take over the world so much in just 15 years as they show in a few of those clips, especially urban paved areas. Nor would a car be a complete rust bucket in that same amount of time.

If it ends up being good, it will be canceled. Sci-Fi and non-family oriented comedies don't make it past season 1 much anymore, or spend the rest of their seasons continually being threatened and budget cut until they suck enough to take off the air.


Im with dag on this though, I like these types of topics. But I don't hold much hope for television anymore to produce sci-fi or fantasy shows that aren't kid oriented. They were bound and determined to end Fringe, I am shocked it got one more season. Game of Thrones....just waiting to see what they do to ruin it.

TYT - Abused Wife Faces 20 Years In Prison

chingalera says...

Where's the outrage coming from TSC TYT in viable suggestions/solutions/alternatives to the subject matter of ANYTHING they regurgitate, please??! Asshats! Shut down your slanted boudoir of misinformation!

To quote the last line and beg a question-"...and that's what we're seeing here is southern justice."
"What the fuck does that mean you complete tool??!"

Mind you, my question does not necessarily preclude taking any side on this issue save the sane one. Obviously there is a glitch in this state's law that has put them in the shit storm they are finding themselves in of late and the woman should be given a medal for scaring the holy fuck out of a piece of abusive garbage: My problem is with the inflammatory method TYT uses as a means to disseminate information. They suck at any form of objectivity in reporting (editorializing) and whine like children. No Pulitzer prize for news in their basement organization's future without taking a 101 in anti-rabble-rousing. This is no different than watching CBS, NBC, or ABCDEFG.

These wrinkles in bad legislation will even themselves out as soon as people learn to read again! Eternal disappointment in these offerings from those anti-Otttoman yellows who would use sticks to fight an oppressive empire. These wannna-be journalist kids need to buy some firearms.

Neil Degrasse Tyson answers a 2nd grader's amazing question

spoco2 says...

>> ^Trancecoach:

seems like Tyson is explaining it in a way that's still a bit over the kid's head... dumb it down, will ya? the kid's 7 years old!

I don't think so. Sure the kid may not get everything. But the kid was asking about black holes colliding with each other. He obviously understands enough about black holes that they suck in everything around them. You don't want to fall into the trap of talking down to a kid, kids can be smarter and more able to comprehend than you may think.

Yeah, you can spend a bit more time along the way asking whether they 'get' a certain thing you're describing to make sure they're keeping up, but don't talk down to kids.

Everything Burns

Yogi says...

>> ^CaptainPlanet:

>> ^budzos:
But Joker doesn't care what anyone thinks or feels. Not even Batman. He only cares for his own amusement and he's mostly amused by people dying .

each reboot has brought with it varying interpretations of these characters. the unequaled cruelty and sadism portrayed in TDN makes ledger the most memorable villain of all (to me)

Yeah sometimes people seem to get all tangled up in the analyzing and defamation of one iteration of a series or another. It doesn't ever bother me, I just watch what I want to watch and I either like it or don't. I didn't really like the American version of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, but only because it changed a character dynamic that drew me into the series in the first place. I still think it's a good movie, it's just not for me...the difference is I'm not going to go around telling everyone how it's shit and they suck if they don't ONLY like the Swedish versions.

No one has done that here I'm just saying, it's something people do that annoys me...particularly with the Star Wars movies.

wax66 (Member Profile)

tyrellmojohnston says...

Totally agree!

In reply to this comment by wax66:
I don't like Newt, wouldn't vote for him if you paid me tons of cash.

However, this isn't as bad of an idea as it may seem. You don't mandate it, you ALLOW it. Allow students to sign up for janitorial duty, pay them a decent minimum wage, even give them an hour during school with which to perform their duties, or an hour before or after school. Allow the head janitor to also fire them if they suck, and hire outside help if resources are low. Make it a maximum of 5 or so hours a week per student.

I see nothing wrong with this.

Newt Gingrich wants child janitors?

wax66 says...

I don't like Newt, wouldn't vote for him if you paid me tons of cash.

However, this isn't as bad of an idea as it may seem. You don't mandate it, you ALLOW it. Allow students to sign up for janitorial duty, pay them a decent minimum wage, even give them an hour during school with which to perform their duties, or an hour before or after school. Allow the head janitor to also fire them if they suck, and hire outside help if resources are low. Make it a maximum of 5 or so hours a week per student.

I see nothing wrong with this.

Zero Punctuation: Catherine

kceaton1 says...

I've played this game all the way through. While the sliding block puzzler is fun (and challenging too boot), this game has one major flaw. It teaches you one important fact, err, I mean... opinion. Men SUCK. They suck even if they were to be the greatest person/human that has happened to ever live in this planet's history; i.e. a man that has solved world peace, stopped starvation dead in it's tracks, cured cancer, got the world economy to function perfectly,and also got republicans-Christians-liberals-socialists-democrats-Buddhists-the 1st world vs. the 3rd world-Laker fans vs. Celtic fans-any fundamentalists-libertarians-dogs vs. cats-and lastly the tea party'iers to all see eye to eye. He would still, somehow, be scum.

This game almost made me stop playing at the sure ridiculousness of the cookie-cutter reactions that all the males spouted out. They also never stuck up for themselves and were all complete "tools", especially Vincent, the main character (he's so bad that I'm certain we could upgrade him to power-tool status). There wasn't even one man in the story that had the cajones to just tell the offending (trust me, there is an opposite of a misogynist in this story, many of them--the opposite side is called misandry, BTW) opposite sex conversationalist to just: SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Still a fun game if you enjoy puzzlers; especially challenging ones.

Warning: You may want to kill the main character at many points in the game due to his utter and complete toolishness...

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