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Dan Savage on the Rights of Sex Workers

yourhydra says...

did a presentation in my high school law on this so here's a lil breakdown for ya'll-

Prostitution is a legitimate business and it needs to be legalized to stop unnecessary crime and spread of disease in the community and to enforce the human right of fornication to its extent.

Why Legalize?

When you make something illegal, whether it is drugs, guns or Prostitution, it goes into the underground. Circuits of black market trade and illegal activity are formed. Plainly, when something is illegal, it becomes dangerous instantly for anyone in contact with it. The reason that prostitution does spread disease and murder is only because it illegal.

1. When prostitution is illegal, there is no way of controlling the spread of HIV, AIDS and STDS. Prostitution only accounts for the spreading of 3-5% of STDs while 30-35% is teen-related. Making Prostitution illegal increases the number of the disease’s victims. If a prostitute is infected with AIDS, and she does have 868 partners that year, without a condom that is 868 new cases of AIDS, only further to be spread. Although this is very unlikely since most prostitutes use condoms. The issue of pregnancy also occurs, since AIDS will be passed on directly. With the legalization of prostitution this problem will be wiped out entirely and the number of HIV, AIDS and STDS will go down significantly. All brothels mandatory check their clients monthly, sometimes weekly, and mandate the use of condoms.

2. Again, making prostitution illegal makes it extremely dangerous for prostitutes to work. Prostitutes are the most targeted female group for violence. If a prostitute is raped or violently abused, she cannot go to the police. Prostitution fatality rates are extremely high and the homicide rate for female prostitutes was estimated to be 204 per 100,000. Perpetrators include violent clients, pimps, and corrupt law-enforcement officers. Serial killers also target prostitutes since the authorities will show less effort to solve the case as apposed to the murder of a schoolteacher or secretary. Jack the Ripper is said to have killed at least five prostitutes in London in 1888. In a recent US study of almost 2000 prostitutes followed over a 30-year period, by far the most common causes of death were homicide. The homicide rate among active female prostitutes was 17 times higher than that of the age-matched general female population.

3.Will eliminate all other illegal infusion such as drugs, gun crime and violence.

4. Will eliminate pimping completely

5. Will help stop the underground child sex slave trade and sex trafficking.

6. The fear of being prosecuted will not exist. This will not prevent prostitutes to go to authorities when needed. Men whose intention is violence or a combination of sex and violence can then be stopped.

7. Most women who prostitute have no previous work experience and live in poverty. Legalizing prostitution will provide prostitutes with a safe work environment and a legal, beneficial job. In result, poverty rates will drop.

8. Less accidental pregnancies causing women to go onto further poverty taking that child down with them.

9.”It costs $2,000 per case to arrest, court, and jail a prostitute. Cities spend from $1 million to $23 million dollars, for an average of $7.5 million dollars, on prostitution-control. Despite the expenses made trying to prevent prostitution, it hasn't been prevented, but only driven underground to places where prostitutes are in the greatest danger of having their rights violated by pimps, clients, and cops. Instead of spending an average of $7.5 million trying to prevent prostitution and arresting prostitutes, cities should spend that money preventing rights-violations against prostitutes, and punishing those who commit crimes against prostitutes.


Prostitutes have existed in every human civilization knows to date. It is only recently that a 180 was done in its regard. Throughout 1910 and 1915 the Woman’s Christian Temptation Union strongly influenced the ban of Prostitution. This was the same time as the alcohol prohibition. In 1949 The United Nation released an act that stated that prostitution is against human morals and should be abolished. Since then it has been, in many countries, especially the U.S, which is supposed to be the land of the free.
Prostitution is said to be the oldest female profession. It was one of the only way for females to do gain money throughout most of history, since they were greatly oppressed by men. Mind you male prostitutes did exist and still exist. In Greek and Japanese societies, prostitutes were held on a higher level then most other women. They had an excellent income, were respected and influential figures and admired throughout the community. They were called Hetaeras and Geishas. Although Religion is the main reason prostitution is currently illegal, it was actually a main supplier and benefited of prostitution throughout history. Cyprus and Corinth temples were in charge on thousands of prostitutes. The bible also contains prostitution. King David’s grandmother was one. In the middle ages, the Catholic Church was the main supporter of brothels and gained more wealth and power from it. Augustine of Hippo claimed that Prostitution is a necessary thing, in order to stop greater sins such as masturbation, rape and sodomy.

World Prostitution and Criminal Code

Muslim Countries- Death Penalty
Thailand-prostitution is illegal
New South Wales, Australia- any person over the age of 18 may offer to provide sexual services in return for money.
Victoria, Australia- a person who wishes to run a prostitution business must have a license. Prostitutes working for themselves in their own business, as prostitutes in the business, must be registered. Individual sex workers are not required to be registered.
Germany, Switzerland, New Zealand, Netherlands- prostitutes are tax-paying and unionized professionals and brothels are legal
Bulgaria and Sweden- outlawed pimping, legal prostitution
Japan- vaginal prostitution is against the law and fellatio prostitution is legal
Turkey- street prostitution is illegal. There are government-run brothels in most cities, which house sex workers. Private brothels must have a license.
Brazil and Costa Rica- prostitution per se is legal, but taking advantage or profit from others' prostitution is illegal
United Kingdom-prostitution is not formally illegal, but several activities surrounding it are outlawed such as pimping, brothels, street and car prostitution
America- Nevada and Rhode Island have legalized prostitution. In all other states it is illegal. A Prostitute can be sentenced up to 15 years in prison.
Canada-prostitution itself is legal, but most other activities around it are not. Pimping is illegal and it is illegal to negotiate a sex-for-money deal in a public place. Section 213 of the Criminal Code states that communicating for the purpose of prostitution is a summary conviction offence. Summary offenses are considered "less serious", carrying a maximum six-month jail term, a $2,000 fine, or both.


One prostitute may have 868 partners a year. This is knows as a under reported number.
16% of 18-59 year old men have paid for sex (arguably also under reported)
Per a hundred thousand people, 23% are Prostitutes.
1 in 3 women in jails re arrested for prostitution
15% of all suicide victims are prostitutes, 59% of prostitutes have thought of committing suicide, compared to 61% of non-prostitutes.
77.8% of arrests are women, 22.2% men. In larger cities, 20-30% of prostitutes are male

There is a president place for the US constitution to support prostitution.

In 1965 the Supreme Court in Griswold vs. Connecticut found a right of privacy that covered the right for couples to use birth control.
1973 that right of privacy was extended to abortion in Roe vs. Wade, which later extended to Laurence very Texas to same sex conduct.

Based on this principle Prostitution should therefore logically extend to encompass the right of consenting adult to procure fornication part of a monetary transaction. The hidden agenda is social control.

It is a human right to have sexual intercourse whether it is free or paid for
Prostitution is said to victimize. If a woman willingly provides sexual services to a man who is willing to pay money for it, there is no violation of human rights.
Catholic and Christian group’s word cannot hold a strong meaning since their religions have been the top benefactors of prostitution throughout history
It is hypocritical for the government to say they are banning prostitution with people’s well being in mind when it is the ban that provokes thousands of deaths related to prostitution.

If Legalized

Brothels would be completely legal with guidelines of monthly health checks and security.

Private prostitution would be legalized with a license. A mandatory course would be required for education on health risks, contraception, prostitute rights, smart and careful choice of customers and advertising recommendations.

Street prostitution would not be made legal because 80% of prostitutes are killed on the street and although with legalization this number will improve, I consider it still dangerous. A 1500$ penalty and community hours will be enforced instead of imprisonment.

Rachel Maddow Show: You Can't Handle Evolution

entr0py says...

Exactly ElJardinero, I don't buy the explination that distributes have failed to pick it up because they're afraid they might receive too much free publicity.

It certainly couldn't be any more controversial then Religulous, which had a US distributor LAST YEAR. Or Dogma, or The Last Temptation of Christ, or The Life of Brian. Even The Da Vinci Code was more heretical then this.

This Place Has Been Amazing, But It's Time To Leave :) (History Talk Post)

Ornthoron says...

I sure hope this is just temporary, and that you will come back to us in a while. If not, I will miss you terribly. I'm sure you won't resist the temptation to come by and look at the videos, at least.

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

burdturgler says...

I have bigger problems in life to worry about, so I'm not going to really stress out over this, but if you think calling me a nigger is a joke, you have a lot to learn. You don't know me, and just because I tried to be nice and extend a hand of friendship and understanding to you, it does not mean that you have the right to even jokingly call me a nigger.

In reply to this comment by JiggaJonson:
shut up nigger faggot

In reply to this comment by burdturgler:
I'm sorry that you and I locked horns Jigga. Honestly, I think we both agree on 99% of things. I know I find myself constantly agreeing with you. I'm certain there has been some misunderstandings. Anyway, I hope there are no hard feelings.

Don't sweat it chief. I think that being in the classroom has given me perspective on talking/dealing with people who you disagree with, mostly because as a teacher you really have to try to be as objective as possible (ideally, some of my colleagues, eh). I'm only a first year teacher but i've learned that getting people to understand your perspective takes a huge amount of restraint on your part. You have to try to 'fight the good fight' so to speak by sticking to your guns and resisting the STRONG temptations to fling shit. It's a good time, arguing. I mean, two people come together and try to figure something out and bother are better because of it.

One instance where that process gets interfered with however is through personal attacks. My dad isn't going to want to hear what I have to say if i call him an idiot or something similar because he calls Obama a nazi. Now, he does the same thing to me, (throws personal attacks and other logical fallacies I wont get into here) but I think he does it to stop the conversion. Either way, we have a rule here, and I just wanted some kind of consequences laid out. Calling someone a cocksucker isn't going to further our discussion and I think you'll agree.

All that being said, I'm sorry if I misrepresented myself through post editing. It didnt happen as often as you accused me of but it was a difficult medium to converse in. I think we would have been better off in the siftlounge or something, I would post something but then see that 4 other people had posted in the time i was writing, so that made me want to change what i'd said-gah what a mess.

Anyhoo it's all behind us now, lets get on with spreading the word on these morons roaming the streets. I didn't post this but I really wish i had (the bastard beat me by like 2 hours):
Take care of that cat!

XBOX 360 Project Natal: No Controllers required

Deano says...

It will take ages for the system to become available and I'll be amazed if it works as seamlessly as depicted. It would be very exciting to see good voice and face recognition.

Clearly the main idea is to make inroads into the Wii audience who are completely oblivious to the 360.

It will be very interesting if this add-on will work with the 360 or is eventually integrated with it's successor. I'd bet on a new console since if the temptation is to leave it on a quiet and power efficient device would be preferable.

They'll keep the existing controller (btw making them compatible with the next console would be smart) and use this for system control and Wii-style games. I definitely can't see anyone playing a racer with their hands held up for several minutes though.

Hand-eye coordination cat catches food

Mormon Man Can't Pray The Gay Away

spoco2 says...

A fantastic demonstration of the hurt that 'religion' does.

That's not to say that having a personal belief in some higher power is wrong, but basing your entire life around some book (or books in this case) and not questioning their words is madness.

'Teachings' like 'if you are tempted by something, put yourself out of situations where that temptation exists' is just insane.
a) If it's actually a really bad thing (like being an alcoholic) then you need to be able to be able to handle being exposed to that temptation unless you're going to be a hermit for the rest of your life.
b) Most of the things that they say you shouldn't be tempted by are natural, perfectly fine things to begin with. (same sex attraction, sex before/outside of marriage, questioning faith, believing there may be no god etc. etc.)

Bloody hell, 44 before you accept that you're gay? So, so sad.

To echo the others, poor woman. I mean, poor both people really, the church have robbed them of so many years where they could have been happy with people of the correct sex

My utter disbelief is that they can still be Mormans after all of what they've been through. How can they think 'Righto, well they were completely wrong on this point, but I reckon they are right on the others still... yep, don't see any issue there'

Bob Dylan - It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)

vairetube says...

Q: What's it like to grow up?


Temptation's page flies out the door
You follow, find yourself at war
Watch waterfalls of pity roar
You feel to moan but unlike before
You discover
That you'd just be
One more person crying.

An Exercise of Willpower for Children with M&M's.

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'candy, willpower, children, temptation, delayed gratification' to 'candy, willpower, children, temptation, delayed gratification, dilley, sextuplets' - edited by sometimes

An Exercise of Willpower for Children with M&M's.

swampgirl (Member Profile)

Should the 2 day delay for dead videos going to the dead pool be changed? (User Poll by jonny)

NicoleBee says...

I'm strongly for at least some measure of buffer time, otherwise I worry it could be used abusively for someone to get power points. I'd just as soon not have the temptation there, unless the invoker is still restricted for a while?

Libertarian Reluctantly Calls Fire Department (Onion) (Blog Entry by dystopianfuturetoday)

NetRunner says...

I think dag's question about how firefighters are paid makes me wonder how privatized EMT's get paid for today.

I know if an EMT actually takes you to a hospital, you're charged for the service. But, no one asks for your credit card beforehand, or ascertains your ability to pay. I doubt this is a simple matter of business contract -- I bet it's forbidden by law. Furthermore, if it turns out the person cared for is completely unable to pay, what happens then? If I take politicians' word for it, the state winds up paying the bill.

I don't see any reason why firefighting couldn't work the same way (with a mix of government regulation and private service providers), but I think I'd rather go the other direction.

See, if your house catches on fire, the fire dept will put out the fire without charging you a direct fee of any kind. You pay tax money that funds them, but there's no added penalty-costs for having the fire dept put out the fire in your house. That leaves you without a temptation to do something irresponsibly selfish, like not call the fire department if you think your house is a total loss anyways. It also means the cost-risk gets spread amongst the entire community, instead of having to be shouldered entirely by those who have fires break out on their property.

I want health services to work the same way. The sick shouldn't have to worry about shouldering the costs alone, nor should they have a cost-incentive to avoid checkups, or worse still avoid treatment for illness or injury.

Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve

yaroslavvb says...

While formally The Fed is a "private corporation" in actuality it's a public agency. It's actions are controlled by the board of the governors which are picked by president and confirmed by the Senate. The Congress audits the Fed and can amend it's activities by a statute.

When the elected representatives have direct access to the printing press, like you are suggesting, there's too much temptation to pump out extra cash before the elections to give economy a temporary boost, and let the successors deal with the long term harms of inflation.

A look at the stability of dollar in the last 80 years compared to some currencies where the government would "print money on their own" (Argentina in 2001, Russia in 1998, Zimbabwe now) would show you that a "private corporation" can do a better job managing money supply than elected officials

*money invoked! (Money Talk Post)

paul4dirt says...

*And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

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