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Star Trek: Legacy

Soap tips

Skiing Everything But Snow

World's Best Party Magic Trick - Zach King

poolcleaner says...

Tough crowd, I got laid a couple times simply making the salt shaker go thru the table. Simple teleportation, but this guy creates biological life out of plastic! Gosh.

Noam Chomsky on Trump and neo fascist similarities

shagen454 says...

I find it... grotesque, that many of the "disenfranchised" men voted for Trump, even though he is only going to line the pockets of the few. That is what Trump does, he is only in this for himself and/or people like him; he is a cult of personality & a greedy businessman completely disconnected from reality. How he actually connected with such a vast ocean of morons is mind-blowing - 1) Fuck the two party system 2) Fuck the Electoral College.

I like that Chomsky points out that these people don't like being talked down to. But, if they would have opened their fucking ears - they would have heard Sanders talking about the MIDDLE CLASS, over and over and over again. Sanders actually wanted to do something for the majority ---- along with these IDIOTS --- that voted in Trump. Whom, yes, is going to get them temporary coal jobs and natural gas jobs...

Is that what they really want? Some shitty job that will ruin the environment so badly that their children will be living in a glass bubble with Amazon teleporting breakfast, lunch & dinner as they look out across black skies, thinking the images of the world they see on Google are a fantasy?

artician (Member Profile)

WeedandWeirdness says...

Awe, I feel so loved!! Lurgee and I think we need to crowd fund teleportation devices, that way we can chill with any sifters from any location, anytime!!! Sucks it hasn't become a thing yet!!! Hope all is well with you doll!

artician said:

Yeah, I totally thought of you when I was typing that.

Dear Future Generations: Sorry

newtboy says...

Well, you do have a point....but I think 10 billion Nepali would still overburden the biosphere. It probably would only take <2 billion Americans (or far less, I'm just blind guessing) to overburden it. Given my druthers, we would have a total population under 1 billion, and make it so those wanting >3 children have to commit suicide to let their baby be born, essentially stopping population growth permanently.

Yes, solving food waste without massive expense could go a long way....but how? Most food waste is a factor of transportation cost. If it costs more to ship the food than it's 'worth', it will be allowed to rot. Figuring out a distribution method for getting excess food products to the needy for free is going to make someone billions of dollars if it's ever done. Unfortunately, without energy free teleportation, I don't see it happening on a large scale. Small scale local solutions (such as ) can have impact, but won't solve the problem completely.

oritteropo said:

It doesn't require changing 99% of people's habits, only the top 9%. Our respective corners of the world are nowhere near the average. I agree the planet can't afford 10 billion north Americans, at least as they are now, but 10 billion Nepalis would be just fine with fairly minor changes.

In any case solving the 30% of food waste goes quite a long way, no riots required.

lucky760 (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I went with mom, dad, and my grandmother. We flew to Washington and drove from there.
It was a neat trip, but I expected more from the expo. With a few exceptions, it seemed like it was done on the cheap, compared to what I had seen in old footage. I expected to ride in a hover car, watch hologram movies, ride moving sidewalks, ride monorails, see some early teleportation, etc. Of those, I got a holographic movie, so I was somewhat disappointed. What do you expect from a 16 year old though?

Posted the other 2 videos in the comments of that one. Feel free to sift them if you wish, I won't be posting them for real.

ant said:

Actually, that video is good quality for a home recording! Hey, post the other parts. Good flashbacks. My family, friends, and I were there too!!

Bill Nye's Answer to the Fermi Paradox

newtboy says...

Well, first you must determine the average lifespan of a species...impossible until we survey the entire universe.
Then you must determine the average distance between populated planets.
Then you must determine the 'lifespan' of all possible transmission technologies (on average). (how long 'they' emit that kind of transmission)
Then you must determine the maximum range and speed of any transmissions, and what form those transmissions are in, which is what most of this video is about. Now we're looking in 2 small ranges of possible wave form communications for the first time. Subtract any with a maximum range lower than the distance from transmission to us (another unknowable).
Then you must determine how many ranges of not just wave form energy are we ignoring, but how many other forms of communication/emission/energy might there be that we aren't looking for or even conceiving their existence (another impossible question to answer)?
Only once ALL those (impossible) questions are answered (and I'm certain more that are unknown but important variables) can you do even preliminary calculations to determine how statistically likely it should really be to 'find' evidence of extra-planetary species/civilizations, and that number is almost definitely tiny by any standard.

To think they might be 'here' already, you must either assume they are a space fairing species (which would also indicate a species that 'raids' planets and moves on, not one that settles and/or trades, so lets hope not) or you must assume they have much faster than light travel, which if true, should mean one would expect to see aliens 'teleporting' everywhere, and likely some crazy looking evidence of the transportation method. If neither of these are true (space fairing or faster than light travel) you would not expect to ever hear or see them.
Since technology evolves, so do the types of transmissions that technology produces. To think that in the time frame a single type of transmission is used somewhere in the universe (+ travel time) we'll be searching for exactly that type of transmission form would be such an INSANELY unlikely coincidence that many would see it as proof of god (because it couldn't statistically happen naturally, like a babble fish).
What this means is, unless we become space fairing raiders ourselves, or find faster than light travel ourselves, we'll likely be alone forever, even if there is other intelligent life out there.
There's just too much to search in too many ways over too long a time span, like looking for a single protozoa in the entire ocean, when you don't know what it looks like or even what a protozoa is, and the protozoa only exists for one random week in your life time.
That's where I think they are....unfindable.

robdot said:

He is understanding it, the paradox is, the earth is billions of years old,Our modern society is only a few hundred years old, but there should be civilizations out there who are millions of years old,its not that we should be "hearing' them ,but that they should be flying around..they should have populated the galaxy by now..There should be many, many civilizations which are millions of years old..and they should be readily identifiable by the many signals filling our galazy....where the fuck are they?

bronx man beaten and arrested on video for no charge

scheherazade says...

How is it not surprising that the problem sees no problem?

You say : "I don't see people getting beat up, or shot, or assaulted, or arrested for no reason"
So, those that were "beat up, or shot, or assaulted, or arrested", were for a good reason, right?

Ever consider that those reasons are often made up?
Ever consider that the stories you heard around the water cooler were simply B.S., and it was in fact the police simply preying on innocent people?

Just what exactly does LE do for me, or anyone?

Do police have super powers and spidey senses?
Will they magically teleport to someone getting raped, and prevent it?
Will they magically teleport to someone getting run over, and prevent it?
Will they magically teleport to someone getting beaten, and prevent it?
Will they magically teleport to someone getting robbed, and prevent it?
The answer is : no.

Police can't actually /help/ anyone.
They can only show up after the fact, and ask you what happened, and if you know who did it.
If you don't know who it was, tough shit. Sucks to be you.
Unlike on TV, there is no in-depth investigation. The most they do is tell you to call them if you remember something else. (This is speaking from experience)

What if you're not around to even tell them anything? Almost every murder committed by an unrelated stranger without witnesses or video goes unsolved.
Why? Because all police know how to do is ask friends/family where they were, and if everyone has an excuse, police got nothing.

At least when a normal person [that you can identify] harms you, you /can/ call the police, and maybe, just maybe, if they feel like it, they will round them up after the fact.

(They often don't. We've had people dumping trash on our land : police didn't respond. We've had people hunting [strangers shooting guns] on our property : police didn't respond. Brought evidence of a fraud to the police station, with account numbers, names, addresses : we won't investigate. The only time they ever came was to talk with my mother after she reported her credit card number was being used by a stranger - LOL, of all the things, they bother coming for /that/?)

But if the police harm you, you've got nowhere to turn to - but them. And they care more about each other, than some stranger.

Heck, I've been tailgated by a cop, on a multi-lane road, so close his headlights weren't even visible over my trunk. He could have gone around me any time. After miles, when I finally sped up - BAM. Ticket.

I've pulled up to a roadblock by my house, and asked if I could go by. The guy was so incensed that he detained me for hours, and told me I was threatening his life, reckless driving, and not wearing a seatbelt.

I've been threatened by a cop - because I interrupted her chat with her girlfriend to ask for directions around a road they were closing off.

I've been pulled over with gun drawn, for trivial speeding (well below reckless).

Seriously people, every time you get pulled over, you are at risk of getting shot, because someone is trained to be suspicious and paranoid, and they saw something shiny.

Just look at how they behave. Cop shoots his daughter in his own garage, because he thought she was a burglar.
What, too much to ask just to look at the person to see if they're even a burglar? Shoot first ask questions later.

Every year there are multiple cases of police raiding a house and shooting people - only to find out it was the wrong house. What, too much trouble to be a decent human being and just knock first, and ask for whoever they need to come out?

Oh, but that might put them at a greater risk. And we all know that police take MINIMAL risks themselves, and instead risk the lives of the citizens. (Why not approach with gun drawn? At least you're ready to shoot the suspect. And if you accidentally shoot the suspect, oh well, just say they 'attacked'. No biggie. Why take the risk.)
The biggest risk they take, is the one they dream up for when they want to take credit for being the heroes they never were.

Look at the friggin VT shooting. Swarms of cops surrounding a building. Man inside, could be killing more people by the moment... and the cops just camp out and wait for him to kill himself.
Worst part, is if it were my family inside, and I tried to go in and stop the shooter, the police would just shoot me for trying to enter.

(And no, police don't deserve heroic praise. They deserve the _pay_check_ they signed up for. If that's not enough, they should take life more seriously and really think about what it is they're getting into, before they do it. Take responsibility, like an adult should.)

The police are a liability. They're armed. They're selfish. They're paranoid and suspicious. They're jumpy.
IMO, the best thing to do is keep away from them, don't look at them, don't talk to them. Stay away, and stay safe.

Oh yeah, and the police are also immune form the constitution's equal protection clause. "Because interpretation".

Look at the numbers. You are less likely to be arrested or go to jail in NORTH KOREA, than here in the U.S. of A. By a factor of 4 last I checked.
What the heck is going on here?

1 in 18 men is either in jail, on parole, or somewhere in the process of going to jail.
Most of the countries in Europe have smaller populations, than the people that we have 'in the system'. And most of the people we have 'in the system', never even harmed another person. They're just arrested for 'behavior crimes' - simply doing things that are not allowed. This is madness. The system is mad, the police are mad.

You don't end up with videos of a gang of police acting like gangsters, if it's a matter of 'a few bad apples'. They all have to be in the same frame of mind.
If they weren't all of the same frame of mind, one would do something bad, and the others would say "whoa there man, you're out of line".
But instead, they all do it. Because there are no 'bad apples'.
There is 'bad training', and 'bad culture', and it permeates the profession.

And when I say bad, I don't mean that "they are trained to be thugs".
I mean that the police don't see suspects as 'citizens (members of the state) that the police are on the side of'.
Whoever crosses their path is dehumanized. Some kind of "other", that the police need to protect society from. Not realizing that those people /are/ society, and /they/ need protection.
The kind of behavior that I see in these kinds of videos, it's simply treason. Betrayal of the state.

If the laws of this country were written to provide restitution to victims - and there were no laws to simply tell people how to live, and if the police spent their time providing restitution to victims, then I would have nothing but the greatest appreciation for the police.
As it stands, there's very little nobility around this profession. Majority of the job is simply picking on people - sometimes because they did harm, but usually because they mind their own business in an unapproved of way, or for kicks.


lantern53 said:


In my 30 yrs of LE experience I don't see people getting beat up, or shot, or assaulted, or arrested for no reason.


You Probably Don't Need to Be on that Gluten-free Diet

Save Net Neutrality - Sen. Bernie Sanders

Porksandwich says...

Classified as common carriers and de-coupled from content production/sales.

If they remove the providing of access to internet from the same businesses trying to push their own content....we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Even as common carriers if they are still selling content, it's quite easy for them to just avoid upgrading their backbones and infrastructure AS THEY HAVE BEEN FOR YEARS to give false priority to their own content through purposeful neglect.

I really haven't seen this aspect discussed...just them making companies pay to not have their particular offerings throttled. Which is just a natural evolution of having both the delivery means and major content production under the same roof.

It'd be similar to having a major trucking company or two own all the roads and couple major manufacturers. Once they block anyone else from access to those roads or creating new ones.... They will only be interested in repairing and expanding the roads where the most profitable business is done........... And no one can do a damn thing about it because they have monopolies and basically what amounts to non-compete agreements everywhere with no minimal level of service. The only way in this circumstance to really drive down their prices and create real competition is if teleportation of goods became available and you could bypass their strangle hold on roads. Which in this case........would be wireless and satellite......which........they own too.

So when it comes to internet speeds....the only reason for them to upgrade it for the common man is if the content they sell is becoming too slow for people to consider.

That's how I see it anyway....they really aren't competing with other internet providers in the vast majority of the market...because there's only 1-2 in most.....and they sell content. They view themselves as content delivery businesses, not high speed internet providers.

Wolfenstein The New Order

lv_hunter says...

In this alternate history, BJ Blazkowitz was teleported away from his original objective, thus the germans werent stopped. thus able to win the war. He appears suddenly in a mental institution at the present day of this games timeline, and fights back. Thats what i've picked up atleast.

Jupiter Ascending -- new film from Andy and Lana Wachowski

shatterdrose says...

Because some people wouldn't have magic. For instance, you may not be able to teleport, so eventually automobiles would be invented, or trains etc. Making a fireball appear doesn't help you get from point A to point B. It also wouldn't stop industrialization, or the invention of electricity and lighting either. Of course, those who could levitate, or turn people into frogs would still be revered etc, but it still wouldn't take the place if an iPad Air, now would it.

ChaosEngine said:

It depends on what the "magic" can do. What would be your motivation for developing technology if magic could do the same job?

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