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Ozzy Man Reviews: Destination Cucked! - Cybertruck Fails #2

newtboy says...

Maybe so about the parts ordering, I can’t find that, still wouldn’t sit well with me that my car could order it’s own parts in my name…and I would expect abuse, especially considering the company owner.

I don’t have one to read the warranty directly, but not covering any damages incurred off the pavement even on flat level dirt roads or driveways is not normal for a truck, especially a 4x4. Fords come with an off road package and do not exclude damages/failures that happen on maintained dirt roads or flat level grass (maybe excluding potholes)…and they don’t get stuck on either!

I feel I can safely say no other truck voids the warranty for “exposure to sunlight, wind, or water”, listed on the “warranty”.

Tesla is well known for covering nothing off dry pavement including damage from puddles or mud (neither of which should damage a truck, and don’t damage Fords).

visionep said:

The parts thing only happens when vehicles and replacement parts are under warranty. @newtboy If you can find the source showing the warranty is voided driving a Cybertruck in the grass then I'll find the same language in the warranty docs for Fords.

This stuff is funny and Tesla doesn't deserve any leeway since their CEO has apparently gone"fact free" lately, but pushing easy to discredit "facts" seems like it distracts from the real issues with these vehicles and the company as a whole.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

lol. So delusional. “Even cnn” has meant diddly squat since the first time you said it months after cnn went far right, firing multiple popular centrist and left leaning hosts and hiring dishonest maggots…which if you had 2 brain cells you would know because you’ve been told a few dozen times with proof, but you don’t, or is it pure dishonesty that has you continuing to attempt to mislead? No surprise you continue to say it, you are incapable of learning or thinking, even when a thing has been proven conclusively with citation and indisputable evidence.

Not sure what you think exonerates Trump there, but you are wrong. “Trump’s “fixer” was a skumbag” is hardly the “gotcha!” You seem to think. Trump was quite public that he was proud he had a criminal thug lawyer working for him, fixing his reputation and helping him not pay bills over and over and over and over through illicit payoffs, perjury, threats, frivolous lawsuits, etc…all for Trump. I know you don’t remember, but look at how he and Cohen acted before 2017.
What’s hilarious is he was apparently honest about this on the stand when asked, continuing to testify honestly about crimes he did when he worked for Trump in a criminal organization surrounded by other criminals…and you think it’s a shocker that he did crimes to benefit himself too!?! lol. You are so silly.
What you missed is he admitted lying about how much REIMBURSEMENT was required for (is it Redfinch, the poll fixing/faking company?), and Trump thinks he’s got him cornered because he paid that inflated reimbursement in full….FORGETTING HIS DEFENSE IS HE DID NOT PAY A REIMBURSEMENT! 😂

Even his legal team says conviction is a certainty if there isn’t a Trumpist on the jury prepared to vote against conviction for purely political reasons. The prosecution has thoroughly proven through evidence Trump’s direct total involvement in the scheme to hide his payoff to the porn star he cheated on his mistress with after cheating on his wife with her (McDougal) for nearly a full year (a story Pecker “caught and killed” to help the campaign with more criminal campaign fraud and massive unreported campaign contributions), hiding the payment through business fraud to help his campaign, which made it campaign fraud too.
Cohen just fills in the details, he doesn’t prove the crimes, mountains of documentation including recordings do. If you think a few minor details like the precise timing of a phone call from 8 years ago
(Edit: uh-oh. Photographs of Trump and Stiller together at the exact time of the call were just entered into evidence. So much for that lie.)
or the biased accusation of tangential crimes totally inconsequential to the crimes Trump committed impeach his corroboration of the documentation in evidence, documentation that proves Trump’s direct personal involvement, or that that somehow might tank the entire case, you are as dumb as I think you are.
This only gives reasonable doubt to someone searching for any excuse to vote against conviction despite all the evidence, someone who was never going to convict under any circumstances. We know there’s at least one, hopefully an alternate.

If you missed it, Friday Trump left court saying his NDA with Daniels must be the only illegal NDA ever, all others are legal but his is determined to be illegal…now stupidly admitting he had an NDA with her, something his lawyers and he have been arguing absolutely never happened.
Again, his press conferences can be admitted to the record and only Trump can contradict them on the stand…which will be his end if he testifies and his end if he doesn’t. Either way his own words are going to hang him.
Again, since you missed it, part of what Cohen was repaid for was paying the company who falsely inflated Trump poll numbers online…yes, PAYMENT TO FAKE POLL NUMBERS. I’m certain you will ignore that, then forget it before reading this sentence, because salient facts don’t matter to your ilk, only ridiculous minutiae you can distract your gnat brain with.

Keep dreaming. How many times have you said that, only to watch your exoneration dissolve in the sunlight? You will never learn though, and will believe anything good for Trump and ignore or deny anything bad or evil…which leaves you 100% divorced from reality living in Trumpist fantasy lie filled world. That’s why your predictions absolutely never come to fruition, they’re all based on a fantasy. It would be sad if you didn’t deserve it.
Keep cut and pasting…The pigeon english is almost too dumb to reply too.
“Even cnn CAN hide this…” !?!
“You orange man bad dream going up….”!?!
I’ve known people with severe brain trauma fresh out of a coma barely able to speak with better brains than yours. 😂

bobknight33 said:

\ Even CNN can hide this fact of Cohen stealing from Trump.

You orange man bad dream going up in SMOKE!

Pranking Humans - Ozzy Man Quickies

cloudballoon says...

"Hey hey kid, looky here, look at how white my teeth is? It's whiter than my never-seen-a-sunlight stark white skin! ... ... Oh, oh, where are you going? Don't you brush your teeth like my caretaker does to me everyday?"

The Biggest Science Story of the Week

newtboy says...

*doublepromote someone else finally noticing global dimming as a significant factor in global warming.

Global dimming from excess sulfur dioxide may be responsible for cutting the current excess anthropogenic heat in the system by between 15% to 50% depending on the study.
What this means is, if we stop polluting tomorrow, the CO2 and other greenhouse gases will continue to warm us at the same rate for decades to centuries, but the sulfur dioxide that has blocked between .25 to 2 degrees Celsius temperature rise will be gone almost immediately, and a significant sudden rise in temp will be the result kicking off or feeding more feedback loops.

While it may seem he’s onto some global warming solution…just put more sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere…that ignores the lower growth rates and lost solar production it causes by deflecting a significant percentage of sunlight, both adding to net CO2 added to the system.
The incredibly scary part is the whitehouse and other international governments are actively researching ways to inject sulfur dioxide into the upper atmosphere despite knowing it has so many issues.

There’s no easy fix.

Judge Locks Up Parkland Shooter for Life, Throws Away Key

newtboy says...

Good job….except that means paying to house him for life.
Death would be kinder and cheaper….especially if it’s at his own hands.

Odd posting from @bobknight33, since MAGA still insists this was a false flag operation, no one died, no one injured, and only crisis actors who were trotted out as a reason to take yer guns.
Marge Green went so far as to chase some of the surviving children,screaming and spitting at them in her rage over their existence and their nerve to want stronger gun regulations after nearly being murdered.

I’m glad at least a few photons of sunlight might finally be seeping in, but I’m not hopeful that the darkness won’t drive them out.

Fox Is Right?!?

luxintenebris says...

yeah. fake.

fake like a 10-year-old rape victim.

must be exhausting. trying to shepherd one's own sheep of thoughts from straying into fields of lush reality. like the examples in this video, all those finely financed fabulists frantically deny the undeniable thus cringing from the credible. they hide from honesty like vampires from sunlight. vain vapid vampires.

'fake news' is Scientology's 'S.P.'; Amish's 'English'; JW's 'worldy''s an ever closing circle. like a garoutte.

99% of Humans Simultaneously in Sunlight

newtboy says...

There’s not a strict definition I’m aware of in common English…but “in sunlight”, in my mind, implies DIRECT sunlight….since that’s not what they mean I find it easily confusing if not deceptive.
“In visible sunlight” is more aptly descriptive, but granted, loses some of the punch.

Also…I see the moon in full daylight, sometimes at noon on sunny days (then I might see an eclipse), and sometimes planets rise just after sunrise or just before sunset…in full sunlight. Come again?

noims said:

If I can see the moon or any of the planets I'm as much in visible sunlight as if I'm indoors. I don't think there's a good strict definition.

99% of Humans Simultaneously in Sunlight

noims says...

If I can see the moon or any of the planets I'm as much in visible sunlight as if I'm indoors. I don't think there's a good strict definition.

newtboy said:

Fudging the definition of “in sunlight” is cheating.
They should have gone with “in visible sunlight”.

99% of Humans Simultaneously in Sunlight

The Vitamin D Paradox in COVID-19

newtboy says...

So if you synthesize your own through exposure to sunlight, you’re good? Or at least better off?
Is it possible that it’s not the delivery method, but the systems that use vitamin D being healthy beforehand vs being supplemented after the fact? Maybe it takes a while to get those systems healthy, and supplements don’t help with that.

Edit: Maybe, since the same receptors are used to metabolize vitamin D as to infect a cell with covid, those receptors being “full” might be what’s stopping infections, and dosing with vitamin D after infection doesn’t magically replace the Covid with vitamin D? Not really about vitamin D or why you need it, just about the mechanism the body uses to use the vitamin D? Biology is intricate, and why things work and how is not always clean and simple.

Melatonin? Then why aren’t people with more melatonin, people of color, nearly immune? Why are island nations like the Virgin Islands still having outbreaks today? Why were Southern states hit just as hard or harder than northern states? Many questions here.

His explanation seems to confirm this. If your cells produce vitamin D efficiently, they are less prone to infections, if you artificially add artificial vitamin D, it helps with the cellular functions, but the processes that should be producing it are still suppressed, possibly more because your body isn’t triggering them due to low vitamin D levels. It’s less about overall vitamin D levels than about having healthy systems that properly produce and utilize it….at least that’s my takeaway.

It’s not just about’s about diet, overall health, sleep, etc. biology is complex, and we always want a simple solution. There isn’t one most of the time, and our attempts to simplify only make things worse. Eat well, sleep well, get some sun, get some exercise, and you’ll be as safe as you can be naturally….then try supplements in addition, not instead.

I get plenty of sun, and my windows are from the 50’s. It definitely makes me feel better to get sun, but there’s a limit. Don’t just go sunbathe in Arizona, use your brain.

The Vitamin D Paradox in COVID-19

eric3579 says...

If you have been under the assumption that raising Vit D levels by supplementing will help with covid outcomes, you should watch this. TLDW it seems it has nothing to do with vit D levels , but everything to do with another spectrum of sunlight (near-infrared). *promote

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

SNOWBOARD PRO TINY HOME - check out the sun dial!

CrushBug says...

Very cool, but that whole "get up with the sun, go to bed when it sets" has to be very latitude dependent. Dead of winter here, we only get about 7-8 hours of sunlight, so I can't get 16 hours of sleep each day.

Trump's Covid 19 Plan, Get Cancer Then Poison Yourself

wtfcaniuse says...

He's on record saying exactly that. If you bother to watch his explanation about it he essentially repeats himself about using sunlight and disinfectant "on the inside". Mind you it's hard to tell what he's talking about 99% of the time because he's an incoherent gibbering fool who constantly changes the subject mid-sentence.

bobknight33 said:

Only fools think Trump suggest injecting disinfectants like bleach and rubbing alcohol might be a good treatment to kill Covid,

Shit load of Fools on the sift.

It's Not Okay

newtboy says...

I agree with not accepting their usurping common terms and gestures, but I cannot accept ignoring what them mean by them. Just because I don't mean anything racist when I use the OK hand symbol, I'm not going to pretend the white supremacist assholes flashing it behind the black sports announcer wasn't blatantly a racist move. Thankfully, neither are the stadium owners who banned those people for life.
Recognizing their racist intentions is not the same as condoning their racist usurpation of language. Ignoring their racist meaning and usage is condoning it. I will call them out when I think they're being racist, which these people undeniably are. "It's ok to be white" is a slogan used EXCLUSIVELY as a racist taunt, not a factual statement of equality.

Don't ignore racism in an effort to deny it power, that doesn't only allows it to fester and grow. Bright sunlight is the best disinfectant.

greatgooglymoogly said:

If you're keeping track, the hashtag/pound sign is now a nazi symbol as well.

This will never end, stop accepting their reality.

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