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calvados (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

lullaby_lune (Member Profile)

Deal or No Deal: Queen of Obliviousness

moonsammy says...

Some people really need to have their license to breathe taken away. Not permanently, just for... I dunno... a half hour or so.

Wait, we don't have those? Crap. Ok, how about we just whack her in the head with something? Suitcase 21 looks good to me.

calvados (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

HistNerd (Member Profile)

HistNerd (Member Profile)

Deano (Member Profile)

doremifa (Member Profile)

Behold, the new $3 bill (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

schmawy says...

I don't know which video it was, but some gangsta rapper was rolling down the street in his Bentley with a suitcase full of EUROS! The nerve.

There is a common feeling in Europe that the Euro is highly inflated and unsustainable.

i will make the first move (Blog Entry by smibbo)

Totalitarianism In America: Vaccinate or Go To Jail

Constitutional_Patriot says...

"because smallpox was eradicated by a vaccine."

If you think smallpox has been completely eradicated, think again...

"In Joe Esposito's lab, at the Centers for Disease Control, there was a test going of a biosensor device for detecting smallpox. It was a machine in a black suitcase. It could detect a bioweapon using; the process called the polymerase chain reaction, or P.C.R. -- the same kind of molecular fingerprinting that police use to identify the DNA of a crime suspect. The suitcase thing was called a Cepheid Briefcase Smart Cycler, and it had been co-invented by M. Allen Northrup, a biomedical engineer who founded a company to make and sell biosensors. He was there, along with a cluster of other scientists.

Esposito, the official guardian of one half of the world's official supply of smallpox, handed a box of tubes to a scientist in the room. Two of the tubes contained the whole DNA of smallpox virus but not live smallpox. The DNA drifted in a drop of water; it was the Rahima strain. Two other tubes contained anthrax. The samples were snapped into slots in the machine.

Northrup turned his attention to a laptop computer that nestled in the machine. Northrup is a chunky man with a mustache and reddish-brown hair. He tapped on the keys.

We waited around, chatting. Meanwhile, the Cepheid was working silently. It showed colored lines on its screen. In fifteen minutes, the anthrax lines started going straight up, and someone said, "The anthrax is screaming." Finally, one of the smallpox lines crept upward, slowly. "That's a positive for smallpox, not so bad," a scientist said. Emergency-response teams could carry a Cepheid suitcase to the scene of a bioterror event and begin testing people immediately for anthrax or smallpox. The machine is priced at sixty thousand dollars.

Afterward, Joe Esposito went around collecting the used tubes. The smallpox-sample holder -- a plastic thing the size of a thumbnail-had been left on a counter. I picked it up.

Esposito wasn't about to let anyone walk off with smallpox. "Leave me that tube," he said. "You are not allowed to have more than twenty per cent of the DNA."

Before I handed it to him, I glanced at a little window in the tube. When I held it up to the light, the liquid looked like clear water. The water contained the whole molecules of life from variola, a parasite that had colonized us thousands of years ago. We had almost freed ourselves of it, but we found we had developed a strong affinity for smallpox. Some of us had made it into a weapon, and now we couldn't get rid of it. I wondered if we ever would, for the story of our entanglement with smallpox is not yet ended."

It might return sooner than you think thanks to bio-weaponized technology... also a few cases have popped up since 1977.

Read this full article at:

I found this from a link on the website while searching smallpox.

Source: Hardcopy The New Yorker, July 12, 1999, pp. 44-61. Thanks to Richard Preston

IRAQ,a genocide that threatens to outstrip the horrors of Rwanda in the numbers killed and displaced (Blog Entry by eric3579)

choggie says...

So obvious to most this play by play with color, (from your hand eric3579 ?), is yet another statement of true, false, or meaningless, as it relates to the current paradigm. What changes the hind-brained nature of mankind from epoch to epoch and gives the planet Utopian pockets of clear light, that flourish and or disappear, only to bring the world back to a point of critical mass?? Who knows. Go ask an Atlantean or Lemurian. One thing that can take an individual outside of him or herself, to accomplish selfless goals or manifestations, is a near-death experience, or personal epiphany. Some folks are imprinted that way, others born that way.

Any event that would solidify the world's population outside of some deprived and limited interpretation of some scripture or grimore, is always welcome, be it alien invasion, or suitcase nukes.....How about free energy tomorrow, allowing the world to abandon artificial apparatii?? It's all good. You can not know joy, without suffering-funny thing, most of the people who have the luxury of opinion, education, and creature comforts, would know shit about true suffering, or true joy.....I find that the most ineffectual creatures, are people bound by their own limitations, and obligations......The world is a slave to disinformation, and to her keepers, fellow humans in high towers.
Drag the motherfuckers out, and destroy them, or play according to the rules you allow them to impose, and enforce, or shut the fuck up.

A truly free agent, will be the person who can sit in the center of the shit-storm, and take care of ten other people apart from him/her self.....if you can't do this now American...Brit...Aussie.....then you spend too much goddamn time masturbating on the computer, working to pay yer credit card bills, or some other time-honored, head-up-the-ass endeavor.

If everyone volunteered their services to the less fortunate, or to public service, for one day out of the year, and on that same day spent no money whatsoever, but instead offered a service to a fellow man for free, the world would be's all about power and money, and what you choose to follow-

Pretty soon, the planet will be able to blame China for all its fuck-ups-and the folks who made it happen??? They will still have their empires....some never die.

Guinness Tipping Point (commerical)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'dominos, suitcases, cars, flaming bales of hay, beer, stout' to 'dominos, suitcases, cars, flaming bales of hay, beer, stout, rube goldberg' - edited by maatc

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