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How To Open A Locked Suitcase With A Pen

United Breaks Guitars' singer turns down cash from United.

demon_ix says...

>> ^ForgedReality:
Wait, who the hell is this guy and what the hell is this even about? O.o The title on this video is for some reason extremely awkward grammatically and is confusing the fuck out of me.

He's a guy who flew on United, and had his guitar broken in the process. After his futile attempts to receive some sort of compensation from United over the incident (the guitar was quite valuable) he wrote a song named "United Breaks Guitars" to get people to know the story, and mock the crap out of United in the process.

And as someone who has had a few dealings with airlines over luggage issues (suitcase took a vacation in Hawaii without me), I salute him for not backing down and taking their STFU money.

The Art of Tipping (Money Talk Post)

moodonia says...

I dont know if I'll ever get the hang of tipping.

When I was in Chicago, I had to buy luggage. Went to luggage shop and the guy behind the counter had to go down to the store room to get a wheelie-suitcase for me. Should I have tipped him? Is that considered a service like wait staff or something? Could he have been molesting a voodoo doll of me for the last five years?

I just tipped my taxi driver, the fare was €8 (for about two miles) so I gave him €10. I thought that was generous.

Torture- Never Say Never? (Philosophy Talk Post)

quantumushroom says...

It's easy to understand why the "liberals" feel the way they do about torture when you take the number of innocent people that were tortured and you put yourself in their situation. You're minding your own business and you get picked up, without habeas corpus being extended to you, and are interrogated ruthlessly for information that you do not have. Not only is this wrong and archaic, it may "make" enemies that were indifferent before. If you were picked up by a bunch of Muslim extremists, would you not be willing to do whatever it took to get back at that group? Now imagine if your only education told you that every Muslim extremist represents the ideals of a certain country. You'd wanna want to be a part in hurting that country.

You (and Holder) forgot one small detail: only three of the Gitmo captives were waterboarded. If we were waterboarding for "our pleasure" in inflicting torture, we would've done it to every last one of them.

I accept the risk of picking up innocents in the pursuit of potentially saving the lives of millions. The recidivism rate of Gitmo scum who were scum before being captured and after is far higher than that of supposed innocents turned into extremists.

For those that think there will never be a suitcase nuke scenario: computers once took up the size of whole rooms, now they fit in a palm. It may take 80 years or more, but creation of a nuke even the size of tackle box is certainly viable. It's not a matter of 'if' but 'when'.

I challenge you to provide ANY evidence to the contrary. Lots of psychological studies have been done on false confessions and truth telling under duress, please give us a reference that even suggests that your entire premise is not a load of bullshit.

Sorry. I respectfully disagree. Can't hide a proposed moral stance behind secrets of national security. I could be wrong, but when the communocrats threatened to release sensitive info on Gitmo "torture", Cheney urged them on, possibly because there is evidence waterboarding works. When Obamarx was threatened with having to tell the whole story, he dropped the issue.

Suitcase cat is gettin ur penz

GITMO Guard "I Felt Ashamed Of What I Did"

joedirt says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

It's not some alien we're dealing's people. So I don't know why you act so surprised when humans follow their own nature to feel hatred when they're mistreated.

I understand the "feelings" of Gitmo detainees and nothing they do surprises me. Go to any prison in America and you'll find plenty of the same resentment, since every one of those guys is ALSO not guilty! They'll tell you so! They were set up!
Why do liberals act surprised that there is real hatred towards jihadist animals sawing off heads, homicide bombing, beating women, honor killing, etc.
Liberals are always angry and ashamed of America first and "the oppressed" last. They just don't see this, the way a fish can't see the water. Maybe they're too fking far gone to notice, who knows. NYC could be suitcase nuked tomorrow and they'd use Gitmo to justify it.

QM, you always have been a coward. I've been telling you for years to enlist. Also, show me proof that any of the people held in Gitmo did anything more then be freedom fighters in their own country. If you mean all muslims (even in secular Iraq) should be treated as if they were some "jihadist animals".. well, that's really what you are saying.

Iraq was secular before the US invaded. In fact, it was one of the most "western" Arab states being ruled by a US trained former CIA asset. So if you now view Iraqis as animals who beat women and honor killing and sawing off heads.. You can thank Mr. Bush.

Also, what about Americans who beat women or kill in the name of their fundamentalism?

GITMO Guard "I Felt Ashamed Of What I Did"

quantumushroom says...

Ya know what QM? You will never be a highdileeho.

My karma is different from his. I respect his decision to serve and he has to live with his life decisions like everyone else. Same with Corporal Twinkie, who is doing his brothers and sisters a grave disservice, even if he is sincere. If any of you think the war against this SCUM is anywhere near over, guess again. Jihadists don't give up until they're dead. Or you're dead. Or both.

He put his life on the line for his country, and will never have the same bloodthirst that you spout here.

My "bloodthirst" is mostly limited to jihadist fktards who want to kill Americans and other civilized peoples. That's the price I gladly pay for not being a moral relativist: recognizing there is real evil in the world, and that this world has real consequences for appeasement stupidity.

I'm a non-combat, I don't know if that meets the high standards liberals set for everyone but themselves, and I've never had to shoot anyone, but the US GOV could've sent me into the fire and I would've gone. Unlike in Congress, military oaths to defend the Constitution mean something.

- Article 3 of Geneva conventions requires humane treatment of all persons held. Furthermore on June 12, 2008, the United States Supreme Court ruled in Boumediene v. Bush that the Guantanamo captives were entitled to the protection of the United States Constitution. International and American rights apply to them.

Well, guess what, the dumbshts in the legal system have been wrong plenty of times before. They tried this bullsht with captured Nazi spies, that is, attempting to give them Constitutional rights, but the country was more sane in the 1940s and instead they were dealt with properly.

"The ones that have been released quickly rejoin [...] their jihad."

National security expert and CNN analyst Peter Bergen, states that some of those "suspected" to have returned to terrorism are so categorized because they publicly made anti-American statements, "something that's not surprising if you've been locked up in a U.S. prison camp for several years." If all 18 people on the "confirmed" list have "returned" to the battlefield, that would amount to 4 percent of the detainees who have been released.

Ah, so that's acceptable to you, those "small" numbers? How many a-holes did it take to bring about 9-11? Oh, that's right, that doesn't count, because the 9-11 jihadist scum were from Country X and not Country Z. Brilliant reasoning, libs.

The US looked for legal loopholes to justify its detention program at Gitmo, nor could it trail them as it had torture testimony which is inadmissible in a court of law.

Well, given the choice of calling this a real war against a real enemy or "Bush's Game" I'll gladly err on the side of real war. Let the animals run wild and free over some "clever" legal ACLU wrangling and before long you won't have a society to defend.

Wouldn't you rejoin? I mean if this group of jihadists captured you and put you in a shitty hole with crappy accommodations, when you were released wouldn't you come running back and join military...well you wouldn't cause you're a pussy, but somebody with balls would...


It's not some alien we're dealing's people. So I don't know why you act so surprised when humans follow their own nature to feel hatred when they're mistreated.

I understand the "feelings" of Gitmo detainees and nothing they do surprises me. Go to any prison in America and you'll find plenty of the same resentment, since every one of those guys is ALSO not guilty! They'll tell you so! They were set up!

Why do liberals act surprised that there is real hatred towards jihadist animals sawing off heads, homicide bombing, beating women, honor killing, etc.

Liberals are always angry and ashamed of America first and "the oppressed" last. They just don't see this, the way a fish can't see the water. Maybe they're too fking far gone to notice, who knows. NYC could be suitcase nuked tomorrow and they'd use Gitmo to justify it.

Opel P-1 - 376 Miles Per Gallon Car in 1973!

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

If the high-efficiency BMW prototype 3-wheeler (the one that leans into turns) was sold in the US, I would buy one. As fun as a motorcycle, but much more practical (safer, can drive in rain/snow, has luggage space)

That kind of vehicle does not apply to the market as a whole. Americans like larger cars for good reasons. Americans travel further than Europeans. Americans have larger families. Americans typically have more 'stuff' to carry around. A 1-passenger BMW motorcycle bubble that can carry the equivalent of a tiny suitcase is not a practical solution to the needs of the average US car buyer who has a spouse, 2 kids, and needs to haul around groceries, & use the car for work related purposes by hauling frieght.

So while a bubbled motorcycle might be an OK solution for YOU personally, it is not an acceptable solution to the greater needs of the larger marketplace. You're asking the consumer to essentially need to DOUBLE the number of vehicles they own... Vehicle 1 is a 'family' car they use only when they need to carry around the kids or haul stuff (which is most of the time). Vehicle 2 is a 'single person' Eurocar for single person travel.

If the 'single person' vehicle only cost maybe a thousand dollars then it might be an OK concept. But the average Eurocar costs as much (or more) than the average American car - so it ends up being a ridiculous proposition when presented to a buyer. "Why would I pay for ANOTHER car? I don't NEED another car because THIS car carries my family and does all the stuff I need already." See?

The only persons the Eurocar really can satisfy are single people with no family. College kids and no-family career types. Pretty narrow market...

Irony at its finest (7 seconds)

Drachen_Jager says...

Well at least one line of the Alannis Morisette song is definitely ironic (and funny because most people who accuse her of not using the word properly use it as an example).

"Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly
He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye
He waited his whole damn life to take that flight
And as the plane crashed down he thought
"Well isn't this nice...""

Not ironic because he was afraid to fly and died in a plane crash (the commonly cited reason why this line is not ironic), ironic because he thought "Well isn't this nice..."

I Love My Cat

Interventionism and Democracy (Blog Entry by Farhad2000)

NetRunner says...

I agree with all of you, except for wishing for an alien attack, since if they have the technology to get here, they'd also have the technology to mash us like bugs.

About the U.S. sharing anti-missile tech, the problem then would be whatever some other country comes up with to defeat/avoid them, like say, a stealth nuclear missile, or suitcase nukes, or bioweapons.

I do think we need to have more international cooperation, especially amongst the major powers. Unfortunately, while I'd like for them to do things like enforce a global ban on genocide, I think it's much more important that they police the proliferation of "WMD", though we've kinda lost our credibility on that front for maybe a decade or two.

Personally, I'll just be happy if the United States could unite again.

How it all ends

9058 says...

Well QM though I think I see your simplified point, going back to the video you gotta weigh the risks and set priorities. The possibility of a suitcase nuke going off in a city compared to the possibility of complete global disaster. Both are catastrophes and both deserve action just in case they happen but if the latter happens the former will just seem like more shit thrown onto an already overloaded pile.

How it all ends

quantumushroom says...

Do you believe the earth's temperature rising one degree and the sea level rising about a foot during the next 100 years is a "crisis"?

When you remove the hysteria and junk science, that's what you're looking at.

It's a hell of a lot more likely some jihadidiot will try to detonate a suitcase nuke in a major world city in the next 50 years before the seas rise one foot and "drown the world" in a hundred.

The VideoSift iTunes Game. (Music Talk Post)

eric3579 says...

Also did what DJ did.

Groove Armada - At The River
The Police - Man In A Suitcase
Kansas - Closet Chronicles
Saul Williams - Talk To Strangers
NOFX - Please Play This Song On The Radio
Peter Gabriel - Family Snapshot
Mindless Self Indulgence - Bring The Pain
Indigo Girls - Closer To Fine
They Might Be Giants - Your Racist friend
Ben Folds Five - Army

MycroftHomlz (Member Profile)

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