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Ron Paul: A New Hope

rougy says...

I'd have to second putting Paul before any of the other republicans.

I don't like some of his views, but he is outspoken against the war, where the rest of the cons are sucking up to it.

"Mr. Giuliani - do you like ice cream, and is your shoe untied?"

Giuliani: "9/11" - blah blah blah - "9/11".

A Poem for the P's (Sift Talk Post)

Pat Condell - Why Does Faith Deserve Respect

callistan says...

>> "I think the new "aggresive atheism" or whatever you want to call it, is just as bad as religious intolerance. It's religion intolerance. It's not better, just different. You're being just as bad as those you hate. Congrats"

Sorry if we're not sucking up to authority hard enough for you. Why don't we all just get along, give abstinence education a chance, accept that we have to unconditionally support Israel or Jesus won't come back, make it impossible for non-ideologues to hold public office, and generally contribute to the fucked-up status quo?

Ruffling a few feathers is obviously the real crime.

Giant Anteater and Baby on its back

pyrex says...

So, since the anteater uses the snout to lick/suck up ants, judging from the video it also seems to use it as a nose to inspect its environment. Does it serve a dual purpose, or does an anteater go around discreetly licking everything?

New Features... again (Sift Talk Post)

Out of the Goodness of Your Hearts... Little Help for a Noob? (Sift Talk Post)

Sifters Training Event: Sarcasm 101

Time to acknowledge some VideoSift friends (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I know there are a lot of other sites out there that contribute to VideoSift - and I hope you don't feel like I'm excluding, or sucking up to the big boys. Maybe we need a blogroll.

Accused-of-gay-affair Pastor Ted gay bashes in "Jesus Camp"

pho3n1x says...

this guy is just a self-hater, sucked up in the corporate side of the religious world, and he got caught. he's admitted to some, although not all, of the allegations.

i'm sure, even though it doesn't explicitly say in the bible, that doing meth is a sin in the christian world. but then he's not so much being called out for the meth, as he is for the alleged sexual relations.

Marine speaks out about Iraq

Enzoblue says...

As a former serviceman I think this is a cheap way for ant-war establishments to get their point across. I've done many missions with no clear objective and never asked for one. It simply isn't a serviceman's job to know and the disciplined do not to ask.

I know this may sound simple and even evil, but that's what our servicemen are trained to do. If you want to change their course, go after the guys who sent them, don't ask them to turn against their superiors.

I fully hope they get sent home and I fully disagree with this war, but I find Oblermann's sucking up to this kid circumspect and the anti-war groups support of this very cheap in nature.

Fletch Posted This Idea.... (Sift Talk Post)

Krupo says...

I agree with the egalitarian ideas of that fellow with the pretty red gemstone....

[my comment is probably is several hours too old to be funny but I couldn't resist]

In all seriousness, I also agree that the goldie system effectively acts as an automatic mechanism to allow people to gain moderator powers and it's nice b/c it's basically based on merit (ability to sift 50 vids) - on other sites, you either have to suck up to the admins, or... well, I think that's the only way you can pull it off at other sites.

The other crucial distinction is the fact that people with moderator skills don't let it go to their heads b/c if they act like jackasses, people may (silently) ignore their vids, so there's a powerful social code to be civil without actually jumping down people's throats (too often, anyway - once in a while things pop up but they generally get resolved within a day if not sooner). Along with that, most people seem to automatically notice that certain things are gauche, such as reviewing people's voting histories and using them to attack others. It's happened a few times, but the person who committs that social faux pas is politely/sternly informed it's considered impolite and civility reigns again. I really should sit down and codify these unwritten rules in case anyone hasn't picked up on them or cares.

Videosift and member behaviour could be a goldmine for psych/sociology students, or many other academics studying media and human nature, IMHO.

Amazing Physics - Someone explain this please? (no sound)

How they tow your car in England

Steve Jobs addresses Cupertino City Council regarding the purchase of land to build a new campus for Apple Computer.

Krupo says...

Not a huge Jobs fan, but it's amusing to see him speaking so candidly to such a small venue. I really don't understand how the applause sounded so loud with what looked like an empty room.

Interestingly enough, it looks like you could totally have a drinking game from this video.

Take a sip every time he says "Cupertino" or "land".

Two sips when he scratches his belly or rubs his neck.

And a shot every time someone sucks up to him.

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