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In reality Colbert likes....Guess who?

Shakesify says...

"So without sucking up to this audience..."

followed by

"every 4 years south carolina I think shapes the presidential election more than any other state."

I know he's saying for Colbert to not suck up...but I just find it funny.

Anyone else notice how either the pundits or candidates have said at each state that THIS state is the one that shapes the process more than any other? Gotta love it.

In reality Colbert likes....Guess who?

Ricky Gervais 2012 Golden Globes Opening Monologue

dannym3141 says...

I thought he was funny. People complain that he wasn't insulting enough but given the range of people that were presenting he'd be a bit hard pressed to insult half of them cos they're the nice end of the hollywood spectrum - banderas, portman, etc. they're hardly flamboyant or selfish or anything. Got a few really good insults in, made a fool out of depp and depp loved it, got elton thank god, and a REALLY good insult about the lavishness of the affair during a recession which for me made this the best speech of all he's done; great statement from a man who has enough money to pay no attention to the hardships of a recession.

Just look at that miserable fat fucking flamboyant diva cunt elton john. Miserable twat, i felt my soul start to drain as soon as the camera centred on his jowly podgy churchill cheeks. He's like a fat, old, ugly, slightly camp dementor sucking up the joy everywhere he goes and depositing misery in its place. I've never seen an old man throw a temper tantrum like a 6 year old girl until him. Cos that's what he is. Old. And a D-list celebrity.


Romney: Anyone Who Questions Millionaires Is 'Envious'

Porksandwich says...

It's really not envy. It's people tired of having a small portion of people suck up more and more wealth each year while they themselves can't even get a cost of living raise yearly.

It's been shown time and time again, on the whole the majority of people make less now than they did 20 years ago because they haven't gotten cost of living increases.

They marginalize your job by whatever means they can, and glorify for their positions so much so that not only does their salary not compensate them for DOING THEIR JOB but they also need yearly bonuses that exceed your 10 year income.

And then when times are tough, they continue to take those bonuses and salaries and cut out the jobs that haven't gotten a wage increase in years maybe even decades. Certainly not enough to keep up with inflation 99/100 times.

It's a silly way to operate, but they are backed by both politicians and the major money holders in the nation to enforce this weird dichotomy we have. Where even though they will tell you your job is worthless to the never completely disappears...they just move it as close to poverty as they can and still get someone "satisfactory" in the position. Then move onto the next position and repeat it. After they've made their rounds, then they have to offshore as much as possible to continue the downward spiral that allows them to bring in higher and higher profits and pay out increasing bonuses.

And soon you'll see they have to outsource and offshore to other countries (from the ones they are in now) because people eventually figure out that it's fucking nuts to let these guys put a stranglehold on them like they are. Slowly tightening and tightening until it becomes more sustainable to not work versus the cost of clothing, commute, extended hours, health detriment, etc.

If they didn't have everything locked up for 50-100 years via patents and monopolistic deals, we could have small businesses spring up in our country to compete that might actually force them to pay competitive wages if they want to keep customers by providing quality service and quick repairs. But they continue to run "satisfactory"...and satisfactory standards get lowered each year. People get paid less, less people work there.....they pull in more money per employee by providing less service. And never grow or maintain their operations to stay modern (look specifically at cell phones and ISPs for this), but charge increasingly more each year for less service.

How can you envy that kind of behavior? The money they gain is coming from directly fucking over their employees and customers. The "more successful" ones are just better (more ruthless) at fucking people over.

Neither party wants this kind of behavior to end, that's why none of them actually bring all this bullshit to the forefront and call out specific businesses (especially the TOO BIG outfits) for their behavior. FCC blocking AT&T + T-Mobile merger is what they exist to do, and they are getting slapped on the back for doing it after months and months of information gathering on it, when the layperson on the street could tell you one less provider equals more being fucked as a consumer like they aren't getting fucked enough as is.

I wish they would start revoking the charters of corporations for negligence and malfeasance. They are like parasites feeding on the population at this point, and not mutualists that are good for the human body and in turn the population. And they are parasitic in more than one way, services rendered with their rising costs, and workforce shrinkage with it's decreasing wages and total amount of jobs.

America's Problems: All Secularism's Fault

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I watched half of this debate, and it was creepy seeing these candidates fall all over themselves trying to suck up to the hardest of hardcore Christian whack jobs. It was a complete hate fest and Newt was easily the most hateful. I guess it paid off for him, as he rocketed passed Romney to take the lead the next day.

15October Protest in Madrid

dannym3141 says...

>> ^bareboards2:

I went to post this and it was already here. The person who told me about it said it was half million. Have no idea if that is accurate or not.
These crowds are looking like the protests leading up to the Iraq War -- those kind of huge numbers.

No one gets angry/protests like the spaniards.

I may whinge about them sucking up EU funding just so they can have a tomato throwing national holiday, but i do love that about them.

The Truth about Police Brutality on Wall St. and in America

Margaret Cho- These Christian Groups Have Lost Their Minds

Steve Coogan tears into The News Of The World

radx says...

The folks demanding more regulation after the financial crash, they were Johnny-on-the-spot back then, just like now. Maybe you can even get the same regulators, they did do a wonderful job after all.

What happened back then? Fuck all.
And what's going to happen now? Fuck all.

Some enforcement would be nice, but even old Maggie knew that you cannot hold an office without sucking up to the yellow press.

Shameless, Craven, Unprincipled, Partisan Hackery

quantumushroom says...

Part of your writing is about what happened and the rest is about what you believe. Are the rich universally callous a-holes who care nothing about their employees? Some are like that, others ain't. Capitalism is like a military tank; it's better to be riding in the turret than getting caught under the treads.

Historically there appears to be more misery when taxocrats run the show than repubs. Why, what's stopping His Earness from announcing he loves socialism and implementing a carbon copy of the European model (have you see Greece lately)?

Not that I have much stake in defending them, but the wealthy pay the most taxes in America, despite the cheaters, that's fact. The bottom 50% don't even pay income tax but suck up plenty of "free" goodies.

There's a moral basis for making others pay a fair share of taxes, but not the lion's share.

>> ^RFlagg:

Let me tell you about "Employers". My former employer, just prior to the Presidential election sent out a memo saying that if Obama won the election and put his tax plan into effect he would have to fire 300 some people. Obama of course won, and even before Obama took the oath of office, they fired on the order of 380 people and told the rest that we wouldn't get a raise that year because the cost of living went down so much. He then went out and bought a private jet and another mansion in Glenmoor (a high end gated Arnold Palmer designed golf community) to add to the one he already had there (the second largest in Glenmoor) and his place on Miami Beach among others. A new year for the companies health care plan rolls around and the rates were supposed to go up 22% (the same amount as last year, but this is not mentioned the memo) but they held the line at only a 5% increase (again just like last year but not mentioned in the memo); the very next sentience of the memo about the health care cost increase goes to say how the company disagrees with Obama's costly health care plan as if it had anything to do with the insurance rate increases that year (one should note it is deceptive stuff like that which they put in their marketing which is why they can't do business in FL, PA, CA and a few others). Then when the Ohio governorship is up for election he sends another memo out talking how under Ted Strickland the company lost 380+ jobs and that we should vote for John Kasich. John Kasich wins and the owner fires 230+ people and once again no raises for anyone. 600+ people out of work but guess who still has his private jet. And it isn't like he is a rare case. Aside from the memos of voter intimidation he is typical of the rich and what they think of their employees. He has been given huge tax credits and incentives from the state, county and cities, but he still hasn't hired many people, and as a matter of fact fired over 600 people (far exceeding those hired by several hundred still) and pocketed the savings so he could get a jet. So don't believe or spread the lie that if we give the rich tax breaks or more money it will eventually help the working class. 30 years of trickle down economics has proven that doesn't happen. Of course you Republicans won't let facts stand in the way of robing the working class to support the rich, and using the media to tell them it is for their own good... sadly too many of the American public is too brain dead to realize they are being coned.
People like that guy is who the Republicans are all about rather blatantly, at least the Democrats pretend to care about the working class even if they don't have the balls to stand up to the Republicans or the rich. Some of the more caring Democrats have a plan that would balance the budget 10 to 20 years faster than the Republican plan, all without cuts to essential services to the working poor. If the Republicans really wanted to balance the budget as they say, and cut spending as they say, then they would go with the People's Budget, but since that cuts into Republican funded things like Tarp and cuts the military budget and raises taxes on the upper 2% they won't have it. Of course Obama and the majority of the Democrats are too chicken to support it themselves...

Billionaire Complains About Having To Pay Taxes

MaxWilder says...

The dude is a fucking liar. I will call him out right now.

If you make that much money in a year, then you live wherever the hell you want. Because you can afford to.

If he wanted to live on the north poll like santa claus, he would. And he would bitch about the cost of importing all his supplies, but he would live there.

If he moves to a different state, it's because he feels like a change, and can afford to move wherever he wants. There are probably a lot of other reasons he moved to Florida besides the tax situation. The weather for instance. Maybe he has an ailing parent who needs the climate. Or maybe even for the politicians that will suck up to him like he's the second coming. Whatever it was, there was some other reason.

Well, unless he's a certifiable plutomaniac. I suppose that's possible. But then he would be wearing second-hand clothes and things like that.

I'm not enjoying the trolling on the Sift. (Horrorshow Talk Post)

Stingray says...

Normally I wouldn't be posting in this discussion, but I feel like I got semi-dragged into it by a video I posted a month ago and was essentially called out into this.

I don't generally get involved in conversations around here because I learned a long time ago that you're not going to win any prize for proving your point on the Internet. People are always going to believe what they want to believe, because everyone feels they are right on the matter, and reading words on a screen (usually written in anger) is not going to change their minds.

I visit VideoSift for videos, not discussion. If I like a video or think it's funny, I'll upvote it. Most videos I disagree with, I will never even watch to begin with.

When I posted the topless chair jousting video (, I basically figured it was a fun, stupid video that people would find funny. The women in the video are not being forced to do that against their will and appear to be having a fun time. They also have padding and helmets on to protect them from any injury.

As is common in television and radio, sex sells... and that's no different on the Internet. Videos that "shock and awe" people will get huge votes. I figured, if people don't like my video, they can downvote it. However, since the way VideoSift is driven is by its members, and the members with more star points have more power, then is it wrong of me to "sell" my videos to get more upvotes and star points?

That video sat around for a full month in my p-queue with no one voting on it, even with the words topless and blatant thumbnail showing breasts. No one cared because no one saw it, until today when it was seen and promoted.

My own opinion on this matter and on VideoSift in general is this:

If you don't like it, downvote it. That is the way the system works. VideoSift is much like the free world in general. You can post what you like, provided it doesn't break any rules... sometimes people post things for fun, others post for a cause.

I have already walked away from VideoSift twice before. I needed to take a break... I was sucking up too much of my time into competing for star points and not taking care of things in my life outside of the Internet. I came back slowly and I generally just lurk in the background.

I infrequently submit videos I find. Sometimes I see a video and think to myself "Wow, this video is great! Lots of people will upvote it!" or other times I see a video with subject matter that I care about and think it is worthy of a greater showing and submit them, even though I know they're just destined for my p-queue because no one will even bother watching them.

The point is, I've come to accept the fact that I just lurk in the background and I know that any videos I may post about what I may really care about probably won't get seen by anyone here. I also already know that at least half the people reading my post right now have already tuned out and don't really care what I have to say to begin with.

Obama releases full birth certificate, now STFU idiots. PLZ?

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

It's because they have seen this guy's outlandish, anti-American behavior and just plain do not see Obama as "American".
Heck, even Obama doesn't see himself as an American really. He keeps going on and on about how great China is, and how great some other country is, and how wonderful Hugo Chavez is, and how great Islamic dictators like Amadinijad & Asad are, and how fantastic it is to bow to the Saudis, and I'm just getting warmed up. The guy can't open his mouth without saying how great everywhere ELSE is, while the same time whining about how Americans are stupid, gun-totin', bible thumpin', fuel burnin' jerks every time he goes anywhere. Not to mention his downright anti-constitutional behavior domestically with his czars, and ramming laws through, and ignoring court orders, and ignoring laws Congress passes, and NOT enforcing laws that already exist because he doesn't like them... And his constant arrogance and hypocrisy when he insults people (like Ryan) while in the next breath saying how everyone else has to stop being 'mean' (I could fill pages with lists of his double-speak jerky hypocritical arrogance). Add that to his crazy-@$$ pastors, his ties to terrorists like Ayres, his fanatical secrecy in hiding his past, his criminal tie (Rezko) and ON and ON and ON and ON and ON.


Ok lets see the transcript or video where Obama explains how great Amadinijad or Chaves is. and yeah, I remember seeing some photos of a US president sucking up to the saudis, holding hands, kissing etc, but it wasnt this one. Obama may have greeted someone with a ceremonial bow, but he didnt cuddle. And when exactly did Obama whine about how Americans are stupid, gun-totin', bible thumpin', fuel burnin' jerks?(shouldnt be hard to find evidence of this, since he does it EVERY time he goes anywhere, apparantly)

Yeah, and what about all that fanatical secrecy in hiding his past, does he really think he can get away with writing just 2 books about it? I heard he even went AWOL for the booze, hookers and coke, and his daddy had to pull some strings.. oh fuck.. wrong president... oh, well. And yeah whats up with those crazy ass Pastors, eh? I hear he even has weekly calls with Ted Haggard ... Oh, that wasnt him either? Oh, I see, some priest in a church he went to said something really stupid.. oh, theres a shocker from the people who thinks crackers turns into the flesh of 2000 year old dead jewish zombiegods when you mumble latin to them. Saying stupid, unbelievable shit is their job. unfortunately, every president lately seems to like them anyways.

What Real Indians think of Sarah Palin's Visit to South Asia

quantumushroom says...

Obama is conservative as fuck. He's worse then Bush.

"Fact" and opinion. Both wrong.

More warrantless wiretapping.

Same if not a minor decrease in torture.

Sold us out to Big Pharma Banks & Military Complex.

For fuck sake, he cutting community organization budgets and heating assistance for low income groups.

Just proves my point about the leftmedia. If they'd done their job you would've known he'd turn out this way. It's too bad this Obamian "conservatism" you speak of stops well before low taxes, free markets and the rule of law. And not bowing like a serf to foreign kings and the mayor of Tampa, Florida for fk's sake.

What the fuck else do you want to happen to prove that Obama is in no way liberal or progressive or whatever pejorative label you have for left leaning ideology?

How bout that whole POS unaffordable socialized medicine scheme 26 states have now filed lawsuits against? Remember that? Remember the failed scamulus? TARP? Bailouts? And yes Bush is also to blame, but only for starting crap that a "conservative" Obama would've tried to stop. But as we all know, NO ONE outspends taxocrats and by gosh, they'll prove it! Ever stop and wonder why crony capitalism looks so much like socialism?

The entirety of United States politics has shifted more and more to this crazy neo-conservative free-market less government-but-we-still-want-govern-who-you-marry-&-force-you-to-have-babies mentality since 2000.

Really? Abortion is still legal. Civil unions are recognized by many states. Government is an ever-bigger gorilla with a machine gun. Taxes will go up and the 'crats know it: "someone" has to pay for all this indolence and the 50-fucking-percent of Americans who pay NO federal income tax but suck up plenty of government entitlements.

The entire world is owned my wealthy bankers and war profiteers. They all favor the "conservative" mentality you hold because it makes them more money.

Wrong and wrong. You're prejudiced against the wealthy because you believe that life is a zero-sum game. In other words, someone has to "lose" at economics so someone else can "win". You believe that life is a lottery and those who have money have simply been "fortunate" without doing anything to earn it. If the liberal phantasy of giving everyone an equal share of $$$ (by force) were to come true, as long as markets were allowed to work, by the end of the week the poor would be poor again. You've been brainwashed by 12 years of government schooling followed by indoctrination at 'kollij'. Where do you think all those otherwise unemployable 1960s marxist dinosaurs are hiding from reality? The universities. No one busting their ass in the real world to survive only to hand over 40% to the federal mafia believes this BS. Yeah, life is unfair and freedom is hard. And BTW, no, I am not rich, and I don't believe I have a "right" to plunder my neighbor's wealth.

You're too narrow-minded and indoctrinated to understand that.

I hope you don't have kids. I would feel sorry for them.

You undermine your "devastating" talking points with personal attacks. I would hope you own a library card. And use it.

p.s. - Obama is Political Science Major who taught Constitutional Law.

Palin majored in journalism.. yet can't name any newpaper or magazine she reads regularly.

The "scholar" who doesn't understand America and is a total ingrate for the opportunities he received, now reviled as a clueless idiot by all except the diehards and the leftmedia VERSUS the "dumb" beauty queen who loves America and recognizes American Exceptionalism, and thus so terrifies the left they're still attacking her.

Now you can continue your point about who is more qualified as a president.

It's done. I would vote for this over the dangerous crypto-marxist who believes in unlimited federal power.

The Japan tsunami filmed when it was 5km out at sea

Payback says...

It's my understanding videos are not dupes if they show sigificant, different information. This is practically an edited version of the other video. The cameras are not even 10 ft apart. In both, as the ship crests, you can hear the same guy saying (in japanese) "Whoooooooaaaaa!"

That being said, I say let this suck up the votes it can before isduping.

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