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Your Brain On Shrooms

shagen454 says...

Thank goodness we have someone else here on the Sift (other than myself) that truly understands both the molecular structure AND the experience itself! I think "walls breathing" with a slight "therapeutic effect" would result in a Shulgin rating of 1 - where as the correct dosage with the right strain could very well end up with a Shulgin rating of 3 /5 potentially 4 - so the spectrum is vast. To reach those states on mushrooms I would say is potentially dangerous - due to duration and effects - if that is the state one wishes to see - I'd highly recommend smoking straight up very small doses of 5-MEO-DMT (which is potentially dangerous past say 7 milligrams so start small and actually weight the dose) or NN-DMT (up to 25 milligrams - which is not dangerous at all - one could smoke 200000000000000000000 mg and it's safe, "breakthrough" experience usually occurring somewhere in the 20mg-50mg range). I don't promote "breakthrough experiences" like the poet, mycologist & ethnobotanist + ultimate source of knowledge on the subject (Terence Mckenna) did - I think it's a lot crazier than any person can realize is possible but what I recommend is starting small and working up from there.

kir_mokum said:

yeah, you def. didn't do enough and/or the right strain.

Incredibly precise archer ... in slow motion

Sycraft says...

I imagine not much, because he isn't making any outlandish claims. He is doing, by his own claim, "exhibition shooting" meaning trick shooting. He's doing some very precise skill trickshots and doing them extremely well. He's not claiming to have rediscovered some long lost art, or that his shooting is the One True Way(tm).

In particular you'll notice that he is shooting at targets thrown more or less straight up at a reasonably close distance, presumably of his choosing. Between an amazing innate ability and presumably tons of practice, he can pull off amazing shots. However he's not claiming he can do it from horseback, or that ancient archers did this shit all the time.

He claims to be a top notch exhibition shooter that can hit virtually anything you throw, and indeed he is and can.

ravioli said:

Nice. Let's see what the archer lady has to say about this guy now.

Our Women Should Not Be Allowed to Drive Lest They Get Raped

ChaosEngine says...

Hate speech, cute.

I'm not "defending" anything, nor am I saying the issues with women in Islam are anything trivial.

What I am doing is calling you on your ignorant bullshit.

I've done more than my share of criticising Islam, but you're crossing the line from attacking the ideology to pretty much straight up racism ("sub human animals" etc).

Most Muslims, like most Christians, Jews, etc, are decent people who are probably embarrassed by the stupid shit said and done in their name.

gorillaman said:

What are these trifling issues with women in islam? Could they be the result of following a cult founded by a habitual rapist and misogynist and his holy book that endorses rape and misogyny, and commands muslims to follow strictly the example of their prophet, the rapist and misogynist?

Choose a better cause to defend. How do you think these animals can go on television to talk such nonsense? Muslims are fundamentally broken; they can't reason. They're not alive in the same way humans are alive.

Unbelievable Hammer Tricks

poolcleaner says...

We used to do this stuff in high school. And it didn't always end up well...

For example, if you're across the classroom and you're holding a large container of salsa, you would give a quick heads up to someone in on the weird little social bonding experiment, and then throw it at the person. Sometimes they caught it, sometimes not and salsa every where.

However, if everyone was exceptionally well in their reflexes (throwers included), we would take the object (whatever it may be) to the strong man's competition, where we went into the school theater after hours and threw the object straight up into the air, in an attempt tap the vaulted ceiling. Then you take rounds having someone else catch the returning object.

The game ends when the object hits the ground, exploding its contents upon the ground.

So I have to give it to these guys for having an impressive talent rather than destruction in mind.

Poltergeist (2015; Remake) Official Trailer

kceaton1 says...

I don't know about this... It looks like a wait and see. Some of those scenes look like they are trying too WAY too hard; essentially they are trying to scare us using all of the extremely stupid ideas that have been used in all horror films since 2000...

Poltergeist was inventive, and awesome. Not only was it NOT a rated R film, but it STILL imposed a sense of dread that you don't get from many horror movies--because they all rely on two things: the "gotcha" scenes where something unexpected happens too fast for your senses to comprehend...thus it creates fear; and second, make something normal look absolutely not normal (the little girl in the closet for an example).

I hope they can pull it off, but it looks to me like they failed to grasp the reason WHY the first film did do so well. The beginning of the show was hard to even tell it WAS a horror film, and when things start to happen, the family was more in awe and ready to experiment with first (and other signs were passed off as natural phenomena).

This looks like it is straight up: horror. I really hope that is not the case. Poltergeist spent a long time to setup it's scary moments, many of it's most scary moments are actually psychological--because you can see them coming, they never jump out at you (except when things go crazy at the very end). I hope they realize this at least...but as I said, it sure looks like they didn't.

BTW, anyone with the info on it, who is writing it, producing it, and directing it? Otherwise I'll go look it up (and see how bad it is; it already said it was from the producers of Evil that is something to be proud wasn't a good remake...).

Conflict in Israel and Palestine: Crash Course World History

bcglorf says...

I never said weak nations 'should' be invaded, but instead that they would, it's a distinct difference. I very much disagree with what human nature leads to more often than not, but I won't deny it is as it is. If a nation has anything valuable and isn't willing and able to fight to keep it, any nation that is willing and able to fight to take it will take it the moment they judge that the taking will gain them more than they lose fighting for it.

I think it is important also to note that the original fighting in 1948 was not Israel vs. Palestinians, but instead a civil war between Jewish Palestinians and Arab Palestinians. It was a war over land and rights. It was a war both sides thought they could win. When the UN proposed a two state solution, the Jewish side declared it's independence and accepted the borders. The Arab side though gained the backing of every neighboring Arab state who all jointly committed to driving the Jews into the sea. This was in 1948, just after the holocaust, and each Arab country badly outnumbered the newly declared state of Israel. Israel none the less triumphed in the war. Some of it through straight up fighting, but most of it was simply agreement with the neighbouring states of Syria, Jordan and Egypt to simply not try and fight to protect large portions of Palestinian territory along their borders. As in, Syria, Jordan and Egypt happily seized and picked up portions of land for themselves at the expense of the Arab Palestinians too.

The relationship between Israel and it's neighbours is layered beyond belief. I still stand by the observation that they absolutely do face a life/death decision in maintaining military superiority. They must walk the line of having enough ability and will to fight to make it simply not worthwhile for it's enemies and neighbours to try and attack it. To suggest or claim otherwise is simply absurd and in contradiction to all of human history.

newtboy said:

If Israeli attacks weren't fully funded proxy attacks from larger nations like the USA, you might have a point.
If Iran and Syria had not 'supported' Hezbollah, there would be no Palestinian area today, only Israel.
The reality is that if "Palestine" could defend itself like any other nation, Israel would be 1/2 it's size and not constantly expanding, and there would be hundreds of thousands more Palestinians who had not been killed by Israel and the isolation/starvation they caused.

It seems you're saying that any nation not busy expanding into it's neighbors is 'weak' and should be invaded? Maybe I read wrong?

Stripping the paint off a car with a 1000 watt laser

AeroMechanical says...

Neat. Does the entire system *draw* 1kw, or does the beam actually deliver 1kw (seems unlikely)? Either way, it must require massive off-camera cooling equipment. I've seen arrays of LEDs used for welding before and that was impressive.

It must be a prototype because the company that makes it doesn't list this model, and don't give much information on the models they do list. And, of course, it doesn't look remotely practical, awesome as it is.


After a bit more reading, maybe it does emit 1000 watts. Also, look at this thing from their webpage:

That is a straight up proton accelerator if I've ever seen one (okay, maybe photons, but close enough) and I damn well want one. I promise to use it responsibly and never cross the streams.

World's Simplest Electric Train

dannym3141 says...

I'm going to assume that this is the Lorentz force, because it's the principle that involves magnetic and electric fields. But there are setups that can use subtleties of magnetic and electric fields, it can be very complicated. Any physicist rather than astronomer might be able to explain this better... or spot subtleties.

If you notice, it only starts moving once the back magnet has touched the wire. Which i think means that the wire is used to carry the current from the battery, with the magnets providing the magnetic field for the Lorentz force to drive the train. Effectively the force is felt by the electrons travelling in the wire (F = q(E + v x B), x being vector product, cross product), but there is an equal and opposite force to be felt by the 'train'; so it travels along. If you watch, it does look like the wire is responding - i'm pretty sure the small track would have shot off to the right if he hadn't held it, and it moves as the train approaches in the longer track.

So, circuit is set up by the the wire contacting between battery terminals, current flows in a circular fashion (mostly, assuming adjacent loops don't short). Magnetic field will emanate out from the battery on average radially, i assume (this is a simplification but a reasonably safe one), so the resulting cross product - and therefore direction of the force - acts along the remaining perpendicular direction to those, ie. straight up or down the loop depending on which terminal is leading.

If you want to see how that works, you can use the right hand rule. First finger is the direction of the electron's velocity (which is traversing loops so constantly changing in a circular manner), middle finger the direction of magnetic field which always comes out radially from the middle of the coil or track, thumb F the resultant force always points along the loop - make your first finger point in all directions of a circle, keep your middle finger pointing radially out relative to your first finger, and you will notice your thumb always points the same way, no matter how v changes circularly.

It is reasonable to assume that other factors are involved, probably a current is induced into the coil as the battery moves - the battery carries a magnetic field cos of the magnets, so we then have a moving/changing magnetic field in the presence of a wire; it should induce a current which would create a magnetic field in opposition to the field of the magnets.. and so on. But i think the Lorentz force is what provides most of the motion.

10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman

SquidCap says...

You start by introducing yourself, probably with the words "excuse me miss" first. if you think that the best way to meet new people is to straight up going for "daammmmmn", you have a lot of courtesy to learn.

Of course this all looks incredibly invasive to me. I'm from Finland, from Ostrobothnia. We do not talk to strangers and even less in this part of country. You can have 60 people in the same room with no one is talking to each other. It is considered rude, why would i talk to a stranger that i have never met and i'm never gonna meet again, i have nothing to say except empty small talk that is actually just a nervous tick, not actual communication... Just shut up, sit straight and mind your own business.

scheherazade said:

So, as a practical matter... how do you approach a stranger on the street when you're interested in them?
Or is it simply that people 'out and about' are categorically off limits to approach?

I get that this looks bad - when you condense a day's worth of calls into a few minutes. But she prolly passed 100k people in that day just walking around.

(There were 3k kids in my high school, it didn't look like a lot when you see them all together at a rally. It isn't hard to imagine walking past 30 high schools worth of people on busy streets like NY has in a 1 day period).

All this video makes me think is that Indian women are onto something with that forehead dot business. Marking yourself as available/unavailable would not only spare yourself the pointless calling, but would also not waste the men's time on approaching women that have no interest in being approached.


Canadian Sergeant-At-Arms back on duty the next day

Krupo says...

I was going to sift that @eric3579 so I just did.

I'd disagree with placing this in the waronterror channel mainly because I'm characterizing the shooter as a sick sick person rather than a straight-up terrorist, but I won't start channel reassignments because "eh".

NEWNESS is better than HOTNESS ! (Sift Talk Post)

speechless says...

Yeah, I feel the same. That's why I went for newness. But every time I did it was not sorted right (so I thought). I didn't notice unsifted (maybe because it's called 'upcoming'?), but even with that you still have to change the view order from the default (which includes some special hotness sauce) to actually get the newest queued videos, which I thought I was going to get by clicking 'newness'. The whole thing feels unintuitive, or at least worded badly. Sorry to criticize. There's also a 50/50 chance that I'm just straight up functionally retarded.

buzzfeed women drinking whiskey for he first time

buzzfeed women drinking whiskey for he first time

Metalachi: 'Crazy Train' mariachi style

Real Time with Bill Maher - Racism in America

Kerotan says...

Straight up yes, just because your skin colour is white, doesn't mean you will be treated as a prince, I never intended to insinuate that at all, just look at the position of women throughout history, oppression works through many levels, class, sex, race, nationality, the list goes on, and I was only referring to race, and I should have really been writing in a manner which acknowledges intersections of oppression, so my bad, and good job chaos engine for calling out this failing.
This next thing is what bothers me, despite the anger and the vitriol expressed in this thread, all seem to agree with my central thesis of "don't diminish oppression which you don't experience" and "don't get your underwear in a twist when someone generalises about an oppressive group"

for example, I am English, and I will never try to diminish the perception of oppression that Irish faced, and still face today at the hands of the English. What's more if an Irish person says to me that the English treat them terribly, I would have to agree, throughout history and now, we have.

And this is the real crux: if an oppressed group says that another group that you belong to is oppressive, the proper reaction isn't go "OH I'M NOT LIKE THE OTHERS, PLEASE GIVE ME A GOLD STAR MR. OPPRESSED, ALSO SAYING THAT IS ACTUALLY RACIST/NATIONALIST/WHATEVER". The proper response is listen, so you can treat that person better, and hey if you are one of the good guys that stands up for oppressed groups good for you!, be happy with the notion that you are a good person, and not unhappy because you didn't get a pat on the back from said oppressed groups

ChaosEngine said:

I'm back!!!

Slaves? Yep
Job discrimination? Hell yeah/
Depiction of victim as criminal? You bet your goddamn arse

We done yet?

Don't get me wrong, racism, particularly against blacks, is still an issue in the US (and other parts of the world). But maybe next time read a history book or two before spouting such utter drivel.

And if you really want to get into an oppression contest...
African slavery started a few hundred years ago.
The Irish have had EIGHT HUNDRED YEARS* of oppression by the English, and I haven't even touched on the godawful misery the Jews have endured for thousands of years.

But that's a meaningless pissing contest and it only leads to idiocy.

* I am culturally obliged to write that in all caps. Sorry, it's an Irish thing.

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