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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Another total Santos style fraud, MAGA Republican Andy Ogles. Look him up.
His entire bio is pure fiction, just like Santos/Devolver and Trump.
This IS MAGA. MAGA has always been a fraud by con men.

Shocking…and exactly what I told you at the time…the righty talking heads that sold you the election fraud fraud and set the stage for Trump’s failed coup NEVER believed the lies, but knew you were stupid, ignorant, and gullible enough to believe anything they said as long as they accused and abused liberals.
They suckered you bigly. You ate every lie they fed you with relish. You will never admit it or apologize, because you aren’t a real man.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

That’s all there was. The only censorship was at Trump’s request, obvious since he ran the government during the time in question, and only the government can actually censor.

What did you get? I bet you the dinner you still owe me whatever you say is the big problem isn’t actually in there. I know for certain you didn’t read it and just accept what liars told you about it.

More projection. Don’t act the fool because you’re frustrated every talking point you repeat is proven to be a lie.
There’s absolutely no question among readers here which of us has cranial rectosis, which is narrow minded, and which is a pinhead….hint, it’s the same one who said BLM staged Jan 6, Mr Pelosi had a lovers spat with his MAGA boyfriend not a violent political attack, and Covid is totally fake news, just a cold, no need for any action at all.

Goo goo ga ga waaah!

FYI, MORE stolen classified documents found at Trump’s properties…..gets better, this classified information was copied to a Trump aid’s laptop…another MAJOR felony, and indicator that not only does he STILL have MORE stolen classified state secrets, he’s clearly STILL not keeping them secure as required by law even if he had them legally, which he does not…and has definitely sold/traded some with foreign powers like he tried to with the national archives.

bobknight33 said:

Wow Thats all you got out of the twitter files?

Please take you head out of you ass, wipe that shot off your face and look around.

Such a narrow minded pinhead.

22 Problems Solved in 2022

newtboy says...

I see….they have a much different definition of “solved” than I do.
I think that word indicates the completion of a solution to a problem.
They mean simply beginning to address the problem, sometimes just agreeing there IS a problem.
Don’t get me wrong, all these are *quality steps in the right direction, but very few were actually solutions by any stretch.

For instance….#18 is a local concern.
This is far from the first time Klamath River dam removal has been scheduled for “next summer” only to be delayed time and time again. This has stretched out for so long that a few species of salmon the removal was supposed to save are no longer detected in the river. Multiple drought years and heat waves paired with mismanagement and neglect have spawned multiple full river toxic algae blooms making the water poisonous even for swimming, lots of dead dogs, lots of dead and sick wildlife, millions of dead fish.
It wouldn’t surprise anyone if new challenges to removal are started based on that alone, further delaying removal until all strains are gone.
20 years ago the Klamath was a world class salmon river, today it’s often closed to fishing even for native tribes that subsistence fish to survive.
I hardly consider another new projected project START date for the multi year 4 stage removal project to be “problem solved”. After that part is finished, massive river long restoration STARTS. If that can be successful at all, it takes decades and mountains of cash.

Sorry to be a Debby Downer.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Once again….
Nearly shot for his cane. Arrested for contempt of cop. Still in jail over a day later, no charges made public. Don’t be surprised when he’s found dead in his cell, he pissed them off by not waiving every civil right they violated.

You’re right it was poorly planned, MAGA can’t make a decent plan to wipe themselves during a bowel movement, but it was absolutely heavily armed with everything from knives and spears to military firearms, bombs, and Molotov cocktails, and with truckloads more firearms and explosives staged for deployment nearby. You’re just lying, again, as usual. People without valid arguments tend to do that.

bobknight33 said:

Sadly justified at any color. Don't fuck around with cops and you wont get shot.

If Jan 6 was truly an insurrection it was poorly planned and un armed.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today’s MAGA election fraud news, Eastman’s emails show the fraudulent plan was to lose cases in Georgia, lose in the 11th circuit, and get Thomas to hear their fraudulent voter fraud cases and issue a stay before Jan 6 as a ploy to convince more Republicans to go along with the coup, reject the vote, and (clearly) to encourage the rioters.

They were certain, thanks to Eastman conspiring with his wife, that Thomas would go along with the plan. Somewhat astonishingly, he didn’t jump on it fast enough and the full court rejected the case….good thing they didn’t shop it to Comey or Kavenaugh.

Also, Trump and his lawyers clearly perjured themselves dozens of times in their silly filings and are facing charges in multiple courts.

Bonus- reports are an indictment is in the works because Sydney Powell organized and paid for the fake “raids” on a Georgia election office where election data was stolen by people given access by MAGA operatives (all on security video they thought was off) including some of the fake electors staged in DC as part of the failed Jan 6 coup. Others gained access to steal (and change?) raw election data by impersonating federal agents and threatening workers with arrest if they don’t hand over all data.

Wow, that’s enough today to cover the rest of the weeks daily MAGA fraud reports, see you next week.

Failed Assassination Of Pelosi/Husband Attacked In Home

newtboy says...

Fake news….your evidence? Retracted tweets!?!

Posted at your request, dumbshit. Do you think you just pulled a fast one or something? Did you really just ask me to post a video just so you could parrot “fake news” because you read something different on twitter? Yes … yes you did.

My evidence….His Facebook, twitter, and truth social accounts, blogs, likely others. His voice heard by 911 operators, police, emts, etc. Also the weapon and zip ties he brought to the home invasion. Did you not listen to the video? Was it not OAN so no fact could penetrate your anal shield to your ears?

Funny, it’s the police saying all these things. Not reporters, police spokesmen. Are you saying they make up stories about innocent people so regularly that they would do it in this public of a case? Evidence? Of course not. Just more baseless denial of reality.

Glass breaks in and out when you break it. It also breaks out during struggles inside, or when you rip a glass door open violently. Are you seriously suggesting this is staged, some false flag attack, and Pelosi’s husband is so committed to this lie he smashed his own skull in?
It’s clear from photos and videos that the vast majority of broken glass, and the wood/vinyl cross member are inside the house.

Um….now onto baseless silly gay slurs and accusations because you have no information, no way to contradict the FACT that he’s a MAGgot moron that believes every conspiracy theory you do and worships the same ochre ogre.

I never knew you were into eating men’s asses, but if you say so, you must be.
I never knew that’s what MEGA meant, no wonder you sissies changed it but wouldn’t explain!
Be careful, lots of diseases you can get from eating shit, but it’s clear that’s what you’re into, you’ve been doing it here for over a decade, you probably know all the pitfalls well by now. Then again, your mantra is

Edit: thinking about it, this is your last question until you can answer just one. You never can, you just ignore them every time.
Since I know you’re incapable of answering questions, that means you’re done asking me any. Until then, the answer to any question you pose is “Ashley Babbitt”….it should be “what charges came down for Clinton”, another claim you refused to back up. I haven’t forgotten many questions you dodged.

bobknight33 said:

@newtboy Posing fake news.

Tell me about this "intruder" and how he is linked to MEGA or such.

Sure the report is slanted and indicated so but where is the proof?

When does an intruder brake glass "out" onto the outside?

Looks more like a lover spat gone horrible wrong.

No MEGA going on here.
Unless you are using MEGA as:
M Men
E Eating
G Gay

Pelosi gets under Trump's skin in the most brutal way

newtboy says...

Clinton did.
Her big brass balls swinging hard. Stood up to the whining accusatory bitches repeatedly. So much more of a “man” than the TDE coward. Of course, she had the unfair advantage of not being guilty.
They couldn’t pin a thing on her in 10 partisan kangaroo hearings, she showed up every time, because she’s no sniveling cowardly criminal like castrated baby eunuch Trump.

Only Americans and Allies to America care. Only proponents of democracy care. To your ilk, that’s no one because you are anti American and anti Democracy and you claim non cultists aren’t real people.
Trump denied the certified election results, his plan from the start because he knew he wouldn’t beat Biden. Republicans are doing the same this cycle before voting started for the same reason, you can’t win fair elections.
Trump himself personally invited armed terrorist groups to his rally on Jan 6 that was “going to be wild”, it sure was. His administration coordinated with the terrorist militias in the planning stage, and the militias say they acted on direct White House orders, and they have the texts to prove it.
Trump invited the armed militants into his crowd that he riled up and sent to the capitol to “stop the (fake) steal” by force, not legal methods.
Trump incited a riot/coup.

Your ridiculous denial is only more proof it’s true, you are so consistently dishonest and oppositional to reality that it’s always a safe bet to just assume reality is 100% diametrically opposed to whatever nonsense you spout daily. I could spend a week just opposing every word you say without a stitch of research without a hint of worry I might be wrong even once, just take Bob’s position, reverse it, and you’ll have reality every time. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

Who would show up to an improper 1 sided kangaroo hearing?

No one cares about this BS. Trump did nothing wrong . didn't incite any riot.

Murdering Cops Murder Cyclist For Crossing The Street

newtboy says...

Thanks for being consistent if not sane or rational…consistently inconsistent.
You say that invariably when it’s a non white victim, but consistently defend the citizen if it’s a right wing white person violently attacking the cops like on Jan 6 or the Bundys….consistently inconsistent.

You consistently justify this hyper escalation to murder for any color except white MAGA color. When you guys murder cops, permanently disable cops, and try to overthrow democracy, you think there should be absolutely zero consequences. Not for stabbing them, beating them, pepper spraying them, trampling them, nothing is bad enough to require prosecution of your group, nothing minor enough that deadly force isn’t required for others. Consistently.

Again, we’ve seen hundreds of innocent victims and bystanders shot in the back, some while sleeping in their own homes, but there’s nothing you won’t excuse deadly force for….unless it’s against a Maggot. Recently police fired dozens of shots into a crowd of unsuspecting victims trying to shoot one man who was unaware of their presence and not fighting or being a danger to anyone, and they shot at least 5 innocent victims. Calling 100% bullshit on “ Don't fuck around with cops and you wont get shot.”, many many victims are shot not fucking around….just last week a kid was shot with a full clip for moving when a cop asked for his ID, a white kid in his parent’s car, not a car thief the cop just assumed he was. This is not abnormal, it happens almost daily. The ex-cop is facing attempted murder and a dozen more charges.

Jan 6 was heavily armed, with bombs, Molotov cocktails, tons of guns (from pistols to AKs, verified by secret service before the coup), knives, spears, gas, pepper spray, fire extinguishers, and literally truckloads more guns staged nearby, some of which was intercepted, the rest blocked from deployment by DC police. You really are intentionally ignorant as fuck, bob. This is proven public knowledge admitted to in court by Trump’s racist militias (proud boys etc).
It was poorly planned by MAGA morons who think themselves great tacticians but are really total incompetents…thank Jebus.

Jan 6 was an attack on democracy by the ex president in an effort to take control of America by force. It cannot be overhyped, and has not been.

Democrats want Trump to run in 24, because it would be a lock for Democrats across the board. He’s a loser, bigly, and would be a loser again. He has no independent votes, and no Bernie boy vote, and the Republican Party has shrunk significantly. Also, he’s clearly committed multiple crimes that invalidates him as a candidate, and will likely be in prison and court for the rest of his life….you can’t lead from solitary.

Trump is a bad joke, a feeble old con man that decimated America, destroyed the robust economy, deferred any infrastructure maintenance, is responsible for over 1 million American deaths by negligence, destroyed any faith in law or validity of the courts, and created a rift between Americans so wide that one party now includes dissolving the American Union as part of their official platform (your party). I know you would vote for him in 24….twice….and still lose….again.
Yes, I would absolutely would vote for Dank Brandon again if the choice is him vS Trump or a Trumpster which is any Republican left. I would much prefer Buttigieg given my druthers.

Now, let’s hear you answer @bcglorf, coward. Hypocrite. Liar. I know what you said for months after she was shot in self defense. I expect you will just slink away again and ignore your own blatant hypocrisy, like normal….but get ready to be asked again and again until you admit your racist hypocrisy.

bobknight33 said:

Sadly justified at any color. Don't fuck around with cops and you wont get shot.

If Jan 6 was truly an insurrection it was poorly planned and un armed.

Jan 6 is over hyped just to continue to jump on Trump hoping to not to run in 2024 or at least not have the votes.

Biden is a Joke, feeble old man.

Would you would vote for him in 2024?

Chaos erupts at LA City Hall as council votes to ban homeles

newtboy says...

And again, today California/Newsom announced another new program aimed directly at helping the mentally ill homeless called the community assistance and recovery act (CARe) designed to stabilize them mentally, , get them services, and get them off the streets. Stage one is $63 million to serve 7-12000, with $1.4 billion to train businesses on how to safely employ them once they’re stable, housed, and off street drugs. No new tax required, the advantage of Democratic policies making us the strongest and largest economy in America by far.

What has your legislature done to help the homeless there?

bobknight33 said:

Why can't California build space for these people or facilities for those with drug addition/ mental illness . Just add another gas tax or such.


Fed charges four officers in death of Breonna Taylor

newtboy says...

I think that’s totally wrong….
For instance, stopping the murder of George Floyd was worth another crime of assaulting (or killing) a police officer. Avenging that murder was worth another crime against police….it still is. All 4 deserve to be killed with their offspring. No vendetta for them.

Police staging/preparing to shoot up another house also is worth another crime of deadly defense against the murderous gang members.
There are many crimes cops commit that are worth killing or disabling them…daily. They aren’t worthy of consideration and their lives are worthless so long as they cover for their criminal gang.

Conversely (and I think this is what you were saying), there is no crime a citizen committed in the past that excuses police committing murder…including murder. There’s no crime ever that excuses police shooting innocent bystanders, which they often do. As authorities, they have a much higher duty. As a murderous criminal gang, their lives have much lower value than real humans.

luxintenebris said:

…after reading how a cop carelessly discharged his weapon into the head of a sleeping child - no crime is worth another crime.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

For your edification…..

This is Miller, telling Trumpists one thing on far right media, that Trump staged 20000 national guard troops that were never requested…and the complete opposite under oath, that he never requested any national guard or police even as everyone who spoke to him begged him to deploy the guard….that’s another reason you aren’t hearing the fantasy side of the argument….Trump’s people aren’t prepared to be caught lying to congress, and they know pretty well that congress has documentation and records that might prove they lied, so they’re being more honest than they are normally. This is why you have everything wrong and backwards, the people you listen to are prepared to outright lie to you every single day. They told you more than once directly and publicly that they have no obligation to tell the truth to the American people if they aren’t under oath.

I’m telling you the facts, the cold, hard, uncomfortable facts. The “other side” is just making it up as they go.

BTW, convicted and disgraced Steve Bannon just called for 4000 shock troops to deconstruct the government brick by brick, and for killing Biden’s entire administration in the crib, a clear unambiguous call for violent murderous insurrection against the US….again. Not sure how that’s not a direct death threat against the president on air….expect Bannon to go away longer than the 2 years he’s facing.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Remember all those cities you (falsely) claim burnt to the ground in 2020? More and more, those fires turn out to be set by moronic Trumpsters like this one.

Can you imagine being so dumb you think BLM supports ANTIFA (hilarious fail on the anarchy symbol too) and both together support Biden? Oh wait, you do think that, don’t you? 🤦‍♂️

Just one more in a long, LONG string of Trumpists caught doing damage in the name of the left, blaming the left, and trying to profit from the destruction they caused. Typical, and caught dozens of times. LMFAHS!

Master Mentalist Lior Suchard

newtboy says...

It’s usually done by having everyone on stage just pretend it’s not all preplanned when it is. That, and a little slight of hand (like swapping the airplane as he folds it) can look amazing…if you don’t think about it too much.
He did do it fairly well, for what this act is.

eoe said:

Wow. I am seriously impressed. How the fuck did he do that?

Some parts are guessable. The long scroll of Instagram actors and actresses may have only been like Jessica Biel (though the one right before Jessica Biel was... the Black Hole?).

But wow.

Video Of Republicans Giving Tours To Insurrectionists

newtboy says...

You are so stupid you think the accusation is that violence took place during the planning stage on Jan 5th as they cased the joint in preparation for the planned assault against America and democracy the next day?

Wow, I never gave you any credit for intelligence, but that’s just brain dead sluggery. If you were capable of shame, you would be feeling it now.

What was Benghazi if not dumping on Clinton to try to keep her from running in 2016? Don’t start whining now, snowflake.

The difference is there’s an actual investigation, a bipartisan one at that, going on here, not just baseless accusation, and actually evidence of a plot to subvert democracy and stage a violent coup, where the charge against Clinton was indecipherable and without fact or evidence, and multiple investigations and hearings that SHE didn’t hide from proved it.
Trump tried to stage a coup, but is a loser so he failed. He wants another try, and you want to give it to him despite 2/3 of the country despising him and refusing to go along.

Edit: I wonder, if these tours were so innocuous, innocent, and just normal families….why did Loudermilk spend so much time vehemently denying they ever happened….then more time denying there were no more than 4 people including 2 children, eventually admitting he gave tours to up to 22 red hat Maggots that took photos of back hallways, stairs, security posts, representative escape routes, routes to Democratic representatives offices, etc? False denials are indicators of guilt, and he gave denial after denial that he eventually admitted were lies.
Asking for pardons is also an admission of guilt….who asked for them again?

bobknight33 said:

People walking around peacefully.

Such violence.

All this dump on Trump just to try to keep him from running 2024.

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