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Terry Gilliam criticizes Spielberg and Schindler's List

Terry Gilliam criticizes Spielberg and Schindler's List

Poltergeist - Steak / Bathroom Scene

Ramdust says...

Speilberg directed the film. It was his baby. He was only uncredited because of contractual limitations. From the Wikipedia entry...

A clause in his contract with Universal Studios prevented Spielberg from directing any other film while preparing E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. Time and Newsweek tagged the summer of 1982 "The Spielberg Summer" because E.T. and Poltergeist were released a week apart in June. As such a marketable name, some began to question Spielberg's role during production. Suggestions that Spielberg had greater directorial influence than the credits suggest were aided by comments made by the writer/producer:

"Tobe isn't... a take-charge sort of guy. If a question was asked and an answer wasn't immediately forthcoming, I'd jump in and say what we could do. Tobe would nod agreement, and that become the process of collaboration."

Shameless self-promotion (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

blankfist says...

Just thumbing through the list, there are some good movies there. I was looking for a foreign film called Man Facing Southeast, didn't find it, but came across A Man Escaped on there. Classic! While watching it, think about how Speilberg shot the adults in ET (without faces and heads). Bresson does the same in this movie (obviously his version came first), and it works well to make the Nazis faceless automatons.

I know it's not on the list, but you should certainly check out Man Facing Southest if you can find it. Come to think of it, that's a metaphoric story of Christ very much like ET. Well look at that! Two movies with similarities to ET in one post. Ain't I cool?

Bangarang: Techno/trance music using sounds from movie Hook

spoco2 says...

It pains me that Speilberg has pretty much stated that he doesn't like the movie anymore. It's a shame, because I really do like it.

It's a little painful that a really British tale had to be Americaned up with Baseball etc. but other than that it is a charming tale with great performances by all involved.

Eagle Eye: dumbshit pie (spoilers ahead) (Blog Entry by dag)

gorgonheap says...

It seems like TV has had some good sci-fi series in the past decade; (Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, to name a few). But really it takes another Kubrick, Hitchcock, or Speilberg. Someone who is a master of their directing element. There just isn't a good Sci-fi director out there right now.

Plus the Sci-fi era of film has ended. Heck in the 70's and 80's there were countless numbers of sci-fi 'B' movies. Out of the many there were a few gems. But now days sci-fi is passe, and the only directors that will take it on are the ones who have producers with deep pockets and an endless supply of crappy scripts.

Here is my prediction for the next crappy sci-fi:

Klingon vs. Wookiee. It's like AVP except more explosions.

South Park - How about the new Indiana Jones movie?

Oatmeal says...

A list off the top of my head of various things that were wrong with this movie:

- Fucking Russians invading a U.S. Nuclear Weapons Facility on U.S. soil, that right there set the tone for this being a poorly thought out film.
- The Gophers, Shitty cgi cute animals have no place in an Indy film.
- Now Indy is A former CIA Opperative as well? WTF!?
- Surviving a nuclear blast by hiding in a fridge. The kind of fridge that killed kids by latching from the outside. If a nuclear blast wouldn't tear this super-fridge appart, how the fuck can Indy just kick the door off?
- The motorcycle chase scene with Mutt. Apparently you can just slide sideways under tables on a motorcycle. Speilberg saw the Indian move with a horse sliding under a truck and thought it would some how make more sense with a bike.
- The entire script. Too many examples to list here.
- The crazy ninja natives that blast out of the rock in the tombs. Some how these primitve peoples have incased themselves in the walls and ceiling of this crypt and lie in wait for adventurers. Absoultuely stupid.
- Shia Laboeuf Swinging through vines with monkeys.
- Monkeys that are naturally hostile to Russians. Shia is swinging away with the monkeys in the jungle and having a great time, but when the monkies see russians, they go into crazy attack mode.
- Billions of flesh eating ants.
- Interdimensional Aliens. WTF was George Lucas thinking? If somebody told me that the plot for the new Indy movie involved psychic Russians, Nuclear explosions and aliens, I would have not believed them for a second.

The thing that really pisses me off about this movie is that the Indiana Jones franchise was so awesome before that, during the planning, I'm sure Lucas and Speilberg agreed that the plot didn't matter at all, Everyone will pay to go see an Indy movie, its pure gold.
The plot was shit, and the move made a ridiculous amount of money. There is nothing to stop this from happening again.

Goonies - best of Chunk & Sloth

I just saw Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

EDD says...

Ok, I've been a really big, nerdy Indiana Jones' fan and trust me when I say, my expectations were really, really low. Despite all that, I found myself agreeing with everything that's written below. It's a rant/review by another Indy fan which I found via imdb boards. In a nutshell, if I have to sum the film up in one word: meh. And a weak 'meh' at that.

This is probably (most likely) (pretty sure), the last time we will ever be able to see our childhood hero Indiana Jones in a new adventure. After years of waiting and wishing; after all the excitement, we get "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull". The last chance for a new adventure and this is the waste we recieve. Digital prairie dogs, digital monkeys, and digital fire ants. I feel like I watched a cross between Caddyshack, Jumanji, and Close Encounters. Nothing can begin to describe how retarded this movie is.

The only thing epic about this film is it's fail. EPIC FAIL!!! Somewhere, someplace, some fan boys are killing themselves. This rant is coming from somebody who was quick to desregard nay-sayers and detractors of this film before it's release.

From a die hard Indy fan who honestly set his expectations low for this film, nothing could even begin to compare to how low expectations need to be for this film to be enjoyed. George Lucas should be ashamed and Steven Speilberg now strikes me as a man past his prime making movies just to kill time because he has too much money and nothing better to do.

When the flying saucer takes off, if Jar Jar Binks showed up in the window waving good bye, I would have expected it. At least it would have been satisfying to know that the film was just a big joke to begin with.

Spielberg Talks About ET videogame

Remembering Stanley Kubrick .... Steven Spielberg

CJ7 Trailer

Seth MacFarlane on why WGA Strike is for the "Little Guy"

blankfist says...

I'm not sure I get your point, spoco2, but I can certainly say you seem passionate about it. Which is good. You deserve a comment upvote for that. I'm not an elitist by any stretch, so I apologize if my rant sounded that way. I am actually a filmmaker, to be honest, and a lot of my friends have been affected by the strike here in LA, so I do have a pretty keen perspective of what's going on outside of the occasional YouTube fanfare which highlights the writer's perspectives only. I've also worked as a programmer, so if that puts me in a "highly skilled industry", then I'm afraid I cannot safely say I've ever (dare even wanted to) look upon the [ahem] rabble below and think them to be thankful for what they have.

I never said Hollywood is the only place with unions. I was trying to point out their sense of entitlement, which maybe I failed at. Sorry. Unions typically are formed to protect workers from egregious work conditions such as long hours and low pay, et cetera. But what separates Hollywood unions from these other unions is this: name another union except those in Hollwyood where the members can stand to make several million a year. Who needs protecting now? And, before you start in on me saying "not everybody makes that much in Hollywood" yaddi yaddi yadda, let me stop you there and point out that my original point was that Hollywood isn't a place where people come because it's the last chance they have at making a career for themselves. No. they come here because they want to be the next Terry Rossio or Steven Speilberg or whoever. No one moves to Lorain, Ohio to be the next Adam Smith who works the blast furnace all day. Make sense?

I believe in people negotiating their own contracts in business. Period. If the market is over saturated with workers, then the workers shouldn't be trying to hold the business owner's feet to the fire in order to take a better cut. If they want a better cut and they cannot negotiate it due to the over abundance of competition, then they have to do what everyone else does and find capital to open their own business, et cetera. [sigh] It's just basic business.

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