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Issykitty (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Hey, I take sifting seriously, as well as proper color identification. That's just the way I roll. Call me crazy. That's what my psychiatrist does.

In reply to this comment by Issykitty:
Jesus, Kronos! NOW you're threatening violence on other sifters???
I don't even know you!

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Remember when the Ice Man was the shiznit? Me neither.

BTW, I'm pretty sure that's a sparkling silver and kelly green astronaut suit. I hate to split hairs, but I find you're remark an affront to my distinctive sparkling-silver-and-mint-green-astronaut style. However you're new here, so I'll let it slide. But if you call it mint green again, I'll kill you.

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

Issykitty says...

Jesus, Kronos! NOW you're threatening violence on other sifters???
I don't even know you!

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Remember when the Ice Man was the shiznit? Me neither.

BTW, I'm pretty sure that's a sparkling silver and kelly green astronaut suit. I hate to split hairs, but I find you're remark an affront to my distinctive sparkling-silver-and-mint-green-astronaut style. However you're new here, so I'll let it slide. But if you call it mint green again, I'll kill you.

Arsenio Hall interviews Vanilla Ice

kronosposeidon says...

Remember when the Ice Man was the shiznit? Me neither.

BTW, I'm pretty sure that's a sparkling silver and kelly green astronaut suit. I hate to split hairs, but I find you're remark an affront to my distinctive sparkling-silver-and-mint-green-astronaut style. However you're new here, so I'll let it slide. But if you call it mint green again, I'll kill you.

Big Super Happy Fun Fun Game!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'simpsons, trailer, mr sparkle, wtf' to 'simpsons, trailer, mr sparkle, wtf, most disrespectfuru' - edited by Spiff

Fletch (Member Profile)

Ron Paul on Homosexuality

honkeytonk73 says...

My happy happy invisible imaginary friend who loves everyone says non-believing non-religio-conformists must burn in the lake of fire! So.. either join us, or meet your magical destiny. By the way. Jesus loves you. We are a peaceful.. as long as you are white, Texan, and evangelical.

By the way.. please don't ask me how fire can be in the form of liquid in a lake. Its PLASMA ok? Its superheated compressed plasma, because hell is deep underground where pressure is exceedingly high as well as the temperatures.

But.. as we are sucking so much oil out of the Earth, often replacing the space with water, we are slowly reducing that temperature.. thus hell is going to 'freeze over'.

Praise the magic-man sparkly shiny sparkling magic shooter man who can make the sick well, urinate wine, and defecate gold bricks. All in the name of the meek and poor. As you see.. there are no homeless or sick 'believers' in the world. Yeah. Thats the ticket.

Moloko - Sing It Back

djsunkid says...

I *so* used to date this girl, back in 1999.

Actually, no I didn't. I dated a girl who looks nothing like this girl. But somehow.... she sparkled and shined, and danced, and had this psychedelic appeal like this girl. Total upvote.

Disco Star Wars, Now with more Sparkle!

Choggie Wields the Diamond!!! (Sift Talk Post)

S W A M P the D I A M O N D (Sift Talk Post)

Ricky Gervais shows the WORST way to chat somebody up

160 Tons of Sunshine

silvercord says...

From YouTube:

This video was created from footage from 1920s silent film about astronomy and physics called "Heavenly Bodies". The music, from Otherwise Orange is gentle and spacey; a mind sparkling journey through the Great Cosmic Dream.

Trippy and hypnotic - strangely Floydian

Growth of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Shimajiro - Squatter Style

choggie says...

ohheiee, manyata!

©Mr Sparkle meets Mr. Hanky! HAHAHHAHHHAHYAYAHHHAYAY!©

©*Oh shit, the Mr. Sparkle Simpsons Viddys a dead stick
....©boo and© hoooo©, to© assholes© who© hang© on© little© bullshit© issues© like©copyright© infringement©-pleeeeghh!©

"Matt, if its you, ya sorry sumbitch, ....Aren't you rich fucking enough???!!Q!"©

is this a virtual lie, due to the fact that there is indeed, in someone's reality, no copyright on these remarks???

Oh, no, there isn't I Did Not Say I......."dOH!©

Another fun use for your Hookah!!

LadyBug says...

no need to get all alarmist there, joe! co2 is actually being used in studies as a potential treatment for sleep apnea! co2 is virtually harmless ... as anyone knows, a pound of dry ice sublimates into 8.3 cubic feet of co2 ... those boys used no where near one pound of dry ice.

further more ... carbon dioxide pellets when submerged in ethanol-water solution undergo rapid sublimation, releasing gaseous mixture of aerosolized ethanol with the sublimated co2 acting as a submersion medium. Subsequent inhalation results in diffusion across vascular membrane and direct uptake of the ethanol.

oh no .... we better all stop drinking carbonated bevers such as soda and beer ... sparkling wine .... even pop rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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