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McCain Concedes Loss to Obama

rgroom1 says...

>> ^SSIops:
I can't believe how rude some people were in the audience. I don't recall other concession speeches from years past being that way.

1. This is the Southwest, so if the stereotype holds true, they were all a bunch of rootin' tootin' Yosemite Sam cowboys.
2. This was more passionate of a campaign than most before, on both sides. These people had the same mentality of supporters of a World Series team

picture an obama-loss chicago
I have experienced the other side already
Walking through Five Points from class (ATL, boy was it a party) I was harangued by a few black men, asking "How does it feel to have a black president?!" I reminded them that we have a white president, but a black president elect.

Racism at the Palin Rally in PA

NordlichReiter says...

Welcome everyone to the big show
(Jake and Jack and the Dark Carnival)
Remove your hats or we'll cut off your head
(Show respect, youse amongst the dead)
Don't like bigots and richie boy fucks
(Ain't shit changed, bitch check us)
Detroit Southwest murderous, die
(The greatest spectacle under the sky)
5 cards came and made their mark from Moon Yugon down to Platon Park
Fuck your drum kit, xylaphone and cello, I'm a wicked clown, bitch, hello!?-

Insane Clown Possie Bring It On

Deregulating the market - case study: Enron & California

imstellar28 says...

"Some blame deregulation for the rolling blackouts, soaring spot market prices, and utility bankruptcies that sprang from the energy crisis of 2000 and 2001. But this anger is misplaced. California has never experienced true deregulation. The "deregulation" implemented in 1996 left price controls in place and created "artificial" markets ripe for manipulation and disparities between supply and demand.

By setting price caps below market prices, California limited the profitability of the industry. When wholesale energy costs increased, the price caps prevented energy producers from passing them on to consumers. Wholesale prices rose dramatically for a number of reasons: natural gas prices rose, hot weather in the Southwest increased demand, a relative lack of water in the Northwest minimized the production of hydroelectric energy, and pollution-control permits, which allow industrial companies that produce less pollution than allowed by regulations to sell the difference as "credits" to higher-pollution-producing companies, rose ten-fold, from $4 to $40.

The price caps additionally discouraged potential producers from entering the market and increasing competition, and they discouraged existing producers from investing profits in adding capacity, of which Californians were (and continue to be) in dire need. As a result of the price caps and pressure from politicians and environmentalists, the building of plants and transmission lines slowed dramatically and energy producers were not able to keep up with demand, particularly in the Silicon Valley, where the booming computer and "dot-com" industries led to even sharper increases in electricity demand."


Shit. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

MarineGunrock says...

>> ^Farhad2000:
Camp Virginia is to the North of Kuwait City in an area called Jahra, I guess it was the staging ground and crossing point for the maneuver warfare plan of General Mattis and coalition forces because it's the closest point to entry into Basra, Nassariya and the oil wells.
Camp Arifijan is to the South of Kuwait City, near the Ali Al Salem airbase and serves as a logistics base, motor pool, helicopter support base and repair base for any elements in the Southwest Asian Theater.
Camp Victory is located near the Baghdad International Airport, this is where most of USO come through, also features a Subway and Pizza Hut.
I wonder where they do deployments now. Makes sense to just shuttle people into Baghdad but I don't think that is possible logistically.

Hmm.. maybe it wasn't camp Victory. I was in Kuwait both before and after.

[edit] I'm pretty sure it was. I see Victory closed in 2006. I was there in 2005.

Shit. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

Farhad2000 says...

Camp Virginia is to the North of Kuwait City in an area called Jahra, I guess it was the staging ground and crossing point for the maneuver warfare plan of General Mattis and coalition forces because it's the closest point to entry into Basra, Nassariya and the oil wells.

Camp Arifijan is to the South of Kuwait City, near the Ali Al Salem airbase and serves as a logistics base, motor pool, helicopter support base and repair base for any elements in the Southwest Asian Theater.

Camp Victory is located near the Baghdad International Airport, this is where most of USO come through, also features a Subway and Pizza Hut.

I wonder where they do deployments now. Makes sense to just shuttle people into Baghdad but I don't think that is possible logistically.

Secret Seats on Airplanes

New Testimony: WTC7 Survivor Barry Jennings Account

schmawy says...

That's a good image? That's the SW corner of the building, completely obscured by smoke. This is an important point. Key to the claim of global collapse is extensive damage of the South face, and the NIST report says on the last page...

Witnesses reported structural
damage to WTC 7 on its south face
and southwest corner from WTC 1
So, witness testimony is acceptable as this much lauded "evidence"?

Banned from Future Flights For being like, prettier...

Hillary Clinton "misspoke" about NAFTA too

choggie says...

jwray, talkin' about WalMart-sub-par gar-bage from China, most of it-Yur standards and mine, I suppose.....Drive thru ghost town after ghost town in the rural southwest, and mom and pop shopping at sam's club, you won't find-You will find vacant buildings along main street-the bustling agri-culture (small local farms) gone-I have nothing good to say about WalMart-people are lazy, plain and fucking simple-saem disease of eating what is available in the form of fast food, because you are either too lazy, or too ignorant of basic kitchen chemistry-Convenience Kills.

World Without Oil

10616 says...

Thanks, Fedquip, for submitting this video! It's talking about the WORLD WITHOUT OIL alternate reality game, a serious "What if??" game for the public good that won the Activism award at the 2008 South by Southwest Interactive conference. WWO punctured a lot of pollyanna balloons, which unfortunately includes scenarios such as nibiyabi's. For nuclear to replace oil, we would have to have started a huge number of nuclear power plants some years ago and begun a move to mass transit. Obviously, that hasn't happened in the US and I see no signal that it ever will - in advance of a crisis, that is.

Ofra Haza - Im Nin'alu

I Must Not Think Bad Thoughts- "X"

volumptuous says...

X is one of my favorite rock bands of all time, and captured the sound of Los Angeles (where I live) perfectly.

The combination of heartfelt blues-ey punk mixed with heaps of country melodies makes the ultimate soundtrack for a drive through the southwest.

middle eastern industrial rock music; Duoud - 'Zanzibar'

Solar Energy Technology Advancement

Best pre-flight safety announcement EVAR!

choggie says...

Southwest has always been an airline for employees-known a few fight attendants and pilots from SW in Dallas and Houston, and they all have very good things to say about the airline, as an employer.

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Beggar's Canyon