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Best pre-flight safety announcement EVAR!

Halon50 says...

Southwest has had announcements like this for several years (like a decade or so) -- or maybe it's the same male attendants who are still with the company and still flying

The important information was still given, as Arvana says. It's just wrapped up in comic delivery intended to keep you focused on what he's saying. I can't tell you how many flights I've taken where I just ended up tuning out whatever was going on pre-flight because it was the same monotonous tone and delivery every time.

Best pre-flight safety announcement EVAR!

Best pre-flight safety announcement EVAR!

Canadian marijuana activist faces USA life imprisonment

videosiftbannedme says...

The idea that marijuana is still criminalized in the US is ridiculous. It is not a "gateway" drug; alcohol can take that mantle. And the real reason is was made illegal was to give a reason for law enforcement to deport undesirable illegal aliens in the southwest. Well, we so how much good that did, huh?

Stop listening to the political machine and investigate the matter for yourself. Even if you're against pot, that's fine. But do some investigation and critical thinking for yourself about the subject and stop listening to those who can count on you for being a sheep.

Wanna Get Away? - Southwest Airlines Spoof

Solar Air Conditioning

rougy says...

"Solar power cost way the hell too much, takes up way the hell too much room and it takes decades before you regain you investment.

As to the cost, I think that has more to do with the current production quantity and methods; the more solar energy alternatives we produce, the more likely the cost will lessen and the methods grow more efficient.

As to the space, I think a slab of solar cells on the roof of every house would be as efficient as the common driveway.

The greatest obstacle to solar energy is that it will allow each building to generate its own energy, which is money out of the pocket of the power company.

If every home in the Southwest of America can generate its own electricity, there will be no more need for companies like Xcel.

My two cents.

Remember what it was like before southwest airlines?

choggie says...

Remember as a kid, flying from Dallas Love Field to H-town, lusty hot-pants stewardesses on Southwest, va va VOOOOM! M'ma had 2 friends that worked for the airline, so I would see these gals at the house, in just those uniforms.....

Too Sexy To Fly?

Bear Grylls's "Man vs. Wild" = Phony

RIPed says...

Come on guys, I live in the Southwest US. I once saw a man vs. wild that took place in the "dangerous" territory of Copper Canyon down in Mexico. The only thing I could think was, how were they going to cover up the safety rails that line the entire canyon? How were they going to cover up the resort that overlooks the south end of the canyon? And most importantly, how were they going to make such a safe and relaxing place look like a survival-show worthy destination?

This dude is the striving definition of a poser.

Would like to know where everyones from (Sift Talk Post)

9/11 Mysteries-Fine Art of Structural Demolitions

cryptographrix says...

interesting site, Mr. Rick.

I can pick apart different details about their various "debunking" of 9/11, but it looks like they're using just straight civ sources for their information - like the Pentagon's anti-aircraft weaponry. It's quite well known, within the military, and especially to those who frequent Fort Meade often, that the Pentagon has it's own anti-aircraft system, but yes, like they state - it IS quite classified, and for good reason, too. Various officials in the Pentagon even deny it's existence, and also - for good reason.

While I agree that Alex Jones is as much of a tool as Bush, I can't help but think that all of the bickering we see on various websites is also just that - tools. Nobody is really doing anything about this - there are way too many odd "coincidences" surrounding 9/11 for the story that various government agencies and the single "independent" investigation into 9/11 provided to be entirely true, but nobody has any solid facts - neither the 9/11 Commission Report nor the NIST report tried to apply basic principles of physics to what happened on 9/11.

I'm still awaiting an explanation on WTC7 - if you actually read through the whole document at the debunking911 website, you too should be able to come up with a couple questions on your own. For instance - if the southwest corner of the building was as damaged as the site says it was, why did the east side fall first?(by their own admission, even)

I have a number of questions for the people who made this website, just reading through all of the documents on the website(and printing them out), but like I stated above - the very fact that there are no solid facts about what happened on 9/11 ought to give some credence to both the 9/11 "Conspiracy Theorists" AND the "Official Story Conspiracy Theorists," as both "sides" may have various points that they are correct about. Ultimately, I think this type of discussion should be welcomed, but unfortunately is not, and I think that people should start to actually take action, rather than just bicker like we do on the various forums online.

By taking action, I suggest petitioning for a new, independent, investigation into the physical facts, and financial information known about 9/11. Why did the towers fall so fast? Why did X amount of Y stocks have large amounts of put options placed on them in the days prior to 9/11(apparently 95% of which was from an unnamed single source, as per the 9/11 Commission Report)? Why did WTC7 fall, even though so many other buildings closer to the towers, that were much more damaged than WTC7, did not fall? If it is claimed to have fallen as a result of fire, what caused the fire when no other buildings in the area caught fire as a result of the debris from the WTC 1/2 collapses?

There are too many questions concerning 9/11, and that has bothered me right from the start. If the questions were small and not noteworthy, well, that's one thing, but the amount of questions concerning 9/11 tends to grow as more information is known, even when the information is meant to answer other questions.

Iran is outraged over 300 the movie

raven says...

Yes Wumpus, it is, technically difficult to say that the film is specifically anti-Muslim as you have pointed out it takes place before Islam was even a twinkle in Mohammed's eye...

But you have to keep in mind that this "clash of cultures", this East vs West grudge match, has been a long standing issue, one that keeps playing out over the last three millennia with different peoples, religions, and political entities replaying the same mistakes of our ancestors over and over and over again. That the film is technically about "Persians" (who were by definition the elite people of the Persian Empire, which was an amalgamation of Eastern peoples (as you well know)), is just a detail when looked at as an overall history of conflict... just because the film is not literally Spartans vs. Muslims, or Iranians, it's pretty explicit that these cinema Persians, are the ancestors of the axis-of-evil headliners.

Given that fact that we are currently in the grips of another cycle of this age-old conflict, it is understandable that the Iranians feel they are the target of a hollywood style smear campaign. Having seen the film, I can only say that they have every reason to be pissed, the more I think about it the more I realize that the overall tone of this film aimed to reiterate this this cultural conflict by appropriating history.

That is one of the reasons that chuckle-head at :31 pisses me off so much. People need to start realizing just how much of an impact the respresentation of history has on current political/cultural affairs.

If you need more evidence of this fact and similar controversies, I suggest you look into the current problems between Greece and Macedonia over who has the 'right' to actually be called 'Macedonians', or the various problems in identifying cannibalism at archaeological sites, especially those in the American Southwest. The portrayal of ancient peoples and cultures does have a direct bearing on current attitudes, and one cannot simply write this film off as a good bit of bloody fun.

Worst Special Effects Ever?

Peyote Visions

sometimes says...

As some of the other youtube commenters pointed out, that's ayahuasca.
The people are south american, not north-american southwest peoples. The snakes are constricters (i.e. jungle instead of desert rattlers), and all the other plants/animals are pretty much tropiucal/rainforest critters. Ayahuasca is D.M.T. in an orally active format, as it contains a MAO inhibitor which allows it to be ingested orally without being rapidly metabolized. in non ayahuasca forms, DMT is often smoked. It is a very powerful hallucinogen.

Essentially, dude got himself Shpongled.

The Real Story: Iraq Video

theo47 says...

Nice call on the comedy tag, but I still can't upvote Glenn fucking Beck.

In fact, I don't watch CNN or visit their website anymore precisely because some douchebag thought hiring him would be a good idea.

I'm quite sick and tired having to acknowledge the religious/conservative South and their backward bullshit. The Republicans have barely eaked out two White House victories with the full support of the redneck community, and when the Dems go after the Midwest and the Southwest states, they can ignore the South forever and win the White House time and time again.

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