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Chris Matthews Freaks Out At Obama After Debate

shinyblurry says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^shinyblurry:
It's no wonder liberals are melting down; President Obama couldn't have done worse last night. It was pretty shocking. I personally didn't expect Governor Romney to do very well. To my surprise, he looked way more presidential than the President did. The fact is that President Obama has been in a bubble the last four years, and I think this was an the emperor has no clothes moment. The press certainly hasn't done him any favors by coddling him and throwing him softball questions this entire time. He's never had to justify himself or his policies to anyone and this was a day of reckoning for him.
I also think this one debate has undone all of the negative advertising about Governor Romney that had come before it. The reason being is that he didn't even remotely resemble the person Democrats have been trying to define him as. People got to seem him unfiltered and unedited by the mainstream press, and he came across as a strong and competent leader who cares about them and has the skills and experience to be the President. I expect there will be more fireworks at the next debate.

Apparently we weren't watching the same debate. What I saw was two candidates talking about essentially the exact same policies. They were both Center Right...and one was more smiley and UP. So does the smiley guy win it for being smiley?
Whatever, they've still got a couple more "Games" left and when all is said and done whomever wins won't implement whatever ideas they expressed during the debates anyways. GOOD Game all! GO TEAM GO!!!

I think the fundamental difference between liberals and conservatives in policy is that liberals want government to be their God. There were definitely differences between the two candidates on that specific topic. I don't subscribe to the team mentality; I cannot in good conscience vote for either candidate. I think America is getting the leaders it deserves, and these two candidates are a reflection of that. You reap what you sow.

Chris Matthews Freaks Out At Obama After Debate

Yogi says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

It's no wonder liberals are melting down; President Obama couldn't have done worse last night. It was pretty shocking. I personally didn't expect Governor Romney to do very well. To my surprise, he looked way more presidential than the President did. The fact is that President Obama has been in a bubble the last four years, and I think this was an the emperor has no clothes moment. The press certainly hasn't done him any favors by coddling him and throwing him softball questions this entire time. He's never had to justify himself or his policies to anyone and this was a day of reckoning for him.
I also think this one debate has undone all of the negative advertising about Governor Romney that had come before it. The reason being is that he didn't even remotely resemble the person Democrats have been trying to define him as. People got to seem him unfiltered and unedited by the mainstream press, and he came across as a strong and competent leader who cares about them and has the skills and experience to be the President. I expect there will be more fireworks at the next debate.

Apparently we weren't watching the same debate. What I saw was two candidates talking about essentially the exact same policies. They were both Center Right...and one was more smiley and UP. So does the smiley guy win it for being smiley?

Whatever, they've still got a couple more "Games" left and when all is said and done whomever wins won't implement whatever ideas they expressed during the debates anyways. GOOD Game all! GO TEAM GO!!!

Chris Matthews Freaks Out At Obama After Debate

shinyblurry says...

It's no wonder liberals are melting down; President Obama couldn't have done worse last night. It was pretty shocking. I personally didn't expect Governor Romney to do very well. To my surprise, he looked way more presidential than the President did. The fact is that President Obama has been in a bubble the last four years, and I think this was an the emperor has no clothes moment. The press certainly hasn't done him any favors by coddling him and throwing him softball questions this entire time. He's never had to justify himself or his policies to anyone and this was a day of reckoning for him.

I also think this one debate has undone all of the negative advertising about Governor Romney that had come before it. The reason being is that he didn't even remotely resemble the person Democrats have been trying to define him as. People got to seem him unfiltered and unedited by the mainstream press, and he came across as a strong and competent leader who cares about them and has the skills and experience to be the President. I expect there will be more fireworks at the next debate.

Ted Koppel: Fox News 'Bad for America'

shinyblurry says...

There's a reason America doesn't trust the mainstream media anymore and it not just one organization:

Yes, Fox has an obvious conservative bias and most of the other networks have an obvious liberal bias. If you want proof of a liberal bias, watch the Univision forum interview with President Obama:

Contrasting it to the softball interviews he usually gets, it's amazing to watch the president get grilled like that. Amazing because if you've been relying on the mainstream press for your information, you have forgotten what real journalism looks like. It's also proof positive of the free ride that President Obama has been getting since 2008. Yes Fox News is guilty of the very same thing on the other side of it.

But it's almost criminal when you consider how the mainstream press has been carrying water for President Obamas narrative about the video being the cause of the Libyan embassy attack, when it was obvious from the start it was a terrorist attack. I think they've been suppressing the story so as not to damage his re-election chances. What I mean by that is they didn't want to tread on the campaign narrative of President Obama being some kind of foreign policy giant, and that he had the Muslim problem solved. Obviously he hasn't solved that problem, and killing Osama Bin Laden didn't defeat Al Qeada. His systematic withdrawal of American influence from the region has left a power vacuum that groups like the Muslim brotherhood and Hezbollah have been more than happy to fill. Coupled with the Iranian nuclear threat and the failure of the sanctions to stop them, you have an unmitigated disaster on foreign policy, but out of the mainstream press you hear not a peep. If any of this happened under Bush the press would have murdered him but in this case they are running defense because they want to keep their guy in office. Considering all of this I don't think they have much credibility left.

Guy Thrown From Moving Car & Walks Away - (No.2)

ghark says...

>> ^Morganth:

Looks like his head hit the curb. Walking away means he lived, but it doesn't mean he'll be okay. I had a buddy get hit in the head with a softball that bounced off his glove. He got up, said he was fine, and went on...then his brain swelled from the bruising on both sides. It took years to recover, but some of the damage is permanent.
Yes, walking away is wonderful. It means you lived. But it doesn't mean you're alright. Wear your fucking seatbelt.

Sorry to hear about your friend, hope he's coping ok.

Guy Thrown From Moving Car & Walks Away - (No.2)

Morganth says...

Looks like his head hit the curb. Walking away means he lived, but it doesn't mean he'll be okay. I had a buddy get hit in the head with a softball that bounced off his glove. He got up, said he was fine, and went on...then his brain swelled from the bruising on both sides. It took years to recover, but some of the damage is permanent.

Yes, walking away is wonderful. It means you lived. But it doesn't mean you're alright. Wear your fucking seatbelt.

Softball Team Wins Canadian Election

Softball Team Wins Canadian Election

Have A Very Topless Christmas

Salon Attack on Ron Paul Refuted

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Ron Paul is a dream candidate for the corporate state. He is a true believer who need not be bought. He benefits them by bringing an air of populist morality to the more cutthroat aspects of modern capitalism. He champions trickle down theory, tax cuts for the 1% and deregulation of the financial sector despite all the troubling failures these concepts have brought about over the last few decades. Check out his platform, it's a deregulatory and tax money give away to our corporate wardens.

For all the complaints I hear from right libertarians, from what I've seen, the media has treated him well. They've given him 1) plenty of air time (far more than Hunstman who is similarly in single digits when it comes to national polling) 2) softball questions in the debates, and 3) no political pile ons of the type we've seen with Cain, Bachmann and Perry. The other candidates have also been very kind to him both publicly and in debates. He even gets polite write ups in Koch funded corporate media outlets like reason and cato. If he is such a threat to the status quo, why does he face so little adversity?

Anyway, I think the salon article is fair.

Decide for yourself:

100 pound ball sac--he wants it gone with $1 million surgery

Sagemind says...

Im not a doctor - but this was my first thought/prognosis

Elephantiasis (/ˌɛlɨfənˈtaɪ.əsɨs/ el-i-fən-ty-ə-sis) is a disease that is characterized by the thickening of the skin and underlying tissues, especially in the legs and male genitals. In some cases the disease can cause certain body parts, such as the scrotum, to swell to the size of a softball or basketball.[1] It is caused by filariasis or podoconiosis.[2]

Victoria Jackson Goes to "Occupy Wall Street" - Part 1

wormwood says...

I can't figure her out. The editing shows her giving super-cliched softball questions/talking-pooints to better-than-average articulate people who effectively shoot her down every time (IMHO). I'm sure she could have shown interviews with rather more incoherent protesters that might make her seem at least a little bit more clever. That seems like a technique of someone doing satire (of Dennis Miller?), but might also be the technique of someone without a clue in the world. I've seen clips of her spouting Tea Party rhetoric before and again wondered if it was satire, but combined with this I am leaning on the side of her expressing her actual views (without a clue in the world). What is that Internet rule about extremist opinion being indistinguishable from satire?

The Neoconservative Base Attacks Ron Paul

dystopianfuturetoday says...

More recently than February, the far right has been rather kind to Ron Paul. They let him into the FOX debates without protest and tossed him nothing but softballs. There have been no attack ads against him and they've given him a lot a face time on FOX. Even Ann Coulter has said nice things about him. At the end of the day, he's still another millionaire politician looking to give himself a tax cut at the expense of the working poor.

Girls On Bikes Fail Compilation

Trancecoach jokingly says...

it also helps to have testes.>> ^Yogi:

I'm sorry girls...but if boys weren't forced to do this stuff at an early age they'd be falling all over themselves too. It's like the girls who play soccer who have never played softball...when the ball goes waaaaayyyy up in the air the girls stumble around looking at it having NO IDEA where it'll land. Boys have to catch things all the time since they're little sooo they can track balls really well. It seems innate, it's not really it's just practice.

Girls On Bikes Fail Compilation

Yogi says...

I'm sorry girls...but if boys weren't forced to do this stuff at an early age they'd be falling all over themselves too. It's like the girls who play soccer who have never played softball...when the ball goes waaaaayyyy up in the air the girls stumble around looking at it having NO IDEA where it'll land. Boys have to catch things all the time since they're little sooo they can track balls really well. It seems innate, it's not really it's just practice.

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