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enoch (Member Profile)

All thats "right" in one network?

dystopianfuturetoday says...

>> ^blankfist:

If this was a pro-Democrat video promoting the Left Channel and quantumushroom tagged it terrible and fail, the community would be asking for his head on a spit.
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Washed up sitcom personality pimps a network which intends to broadcast original programming based on the partisan politics of the republican party? That's textbook terrible. I'm surprised you don't agree.
Check out the promos on the channel, which include republican reality shows, republican comedy showcases and another show where republicans play poker. It's a goldmine of fail

I can't speak for all democrats, but I generally prefer artistic merit over partisan politics in my television Hulu/Netfix programming. If the democratic party were to produce a themed political TV network which featured scripted partisan poker games, I'd be the first to tag it terrible.

In fairness, the Democrats would never need to make a channel like this, because artists, authors, directors, actors, musicians and other thoughtful creative types are overwhelmingly liberal (hmmmm..), and there is no shortage of liberal themes (love, forgiveness, compassion, fairness, cooperation, sacrifice, social justice) in modern cinema, music, television, print, theater, etc. - It's probably tough to make a compelling drama about tort reform or denying health care to poor people.

RightNetwork appears to be another failed attempt at emulating the popularity and success of The Daily Show. What conservatives don't understand is that the Daily Show succeeds because it prioritizes entertainment value over politics. I love the politics of TDS, but I wouldn't watch it if it weren't consistently smart, funny, engaging and unpredictable. When the right figures this out and creates something that isn't terrible, then it won't have to be worried about being called out for what it is.

All thats "right" in one network?

blankfist says...

If this was a pro-Democrat video promoting the Left Channel and quantumushroom tagged it terrible and fail, the community would be asking for his head on a spit.
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Washed up sitcom personality pimps a network which intends to broadcast original programming based on the partisan politics of the republican party? That's textbook terrible. I'm surprised you don't agree.
Check out the promos on the channel, which include republican reality shows, republican comedy showcases and another show where republicans play poker. It's a goldmine of fail

All thats "right" in one network?

longde says...

They could be trying to build upon the success of the Fox News Network, but I think that the entertainment tastes of that demographic could already be fulfilled by USA and TNT. I mean, there are only so many hours of Murder She Wrote and Matlock episodes to show.>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

>> ^blankfist:
It's not from the 'Left' so it's terrible?
From the channel: Videos of terrible, awful What-Were-They-Thinking commercial/pop-culture products/releases. Terrible music videos, movies, TV show clips, toys, etc. Things that some corporate exec decided to actually give a green light. The sorts of things that you watch, and think "SOMEBODY should have known better that to release that". The stuff that's so bad, you can't help but share.

Washed up sitcom personality pimps a network which intends to broadcast original programming based on the partisan politics of the republican party? That's textbook terrible. I'm surprised you don't agree.
Check out the promos on the channel, which include republican reality shows, republican comedy showcases and another show where republicans play poker. It's a goldmine of fail

All thats "right" in one network?

dystopianfuturetoday says...

>> ^blankfist:

It's not from the 'Left' so it's terrible?
From the channel: Videos of terrible, awful What-Were-They-Thinking commercial/pop-culture products/releases. Terrible music videos, movies, TV show clips, toys, etc. Things that some corporate exec decided to actually give a green light. The sorts of things that you watch, and think "SOMEBODY should have known better that to release that". The stuff that's so bad, you can't help but share.

Washed up sitcom personality pimps a network which intends to broadcast original programming based on the partisan politics of the republican party? That's textbook terrible. I'm surprised you don't agree.

Check out the promos on the channel, which include republican reality shows, republican comedy showcases and another show where republicans play poker. It's a goldmine of *fail

Bush Wipes Hand on Clinton's Shirt After Greeting Haitians

Judge Judy - Awesome Ending?

shagen454 says...

This proves to me that Judge Judy is just another Hollywood sitcome. The girl is clearly acting, "I'm a musician... so... the... days... just blur together." Get the FFFFFFFFFFF out!

Two and a Half Men with a "groan" track.

IQ's Just Went Up

choggie says...

>> ^dag:
I could see that being a good system. But I'm too susceptible to crap. I was a TV addict. Crappy 70s sitcoms are my crack. Get me in front of a One Day at a Time marathon and I'm frozen for the next 8 hours. Internet video is like methodone- it gives me what I need, but lets me turn it off too.>> ^deathcow:
I use a DVR and look through a week of programming on about 100 HD channels. I pick out what I like, it records it for me. There's a lot of killer crap coming off the shatellites these days. I have a yellow button that skips all the commercials in about 3 seconds.

My crack was movies on the late late late or Saturday afternoon......i would get the TV guide to see all the movies for that week, and schedule accordingly-
And UltraMan and Kung Fu Action....And Gumby and Davy and Goliath or anything claymation.....that shit used to trip me the fuck OUT! And Mutual of Omaaha's Wild Kingdom, Python and the Goodies...

IQ's Just Went Up

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I could see that being a good system. But I'm too susceptible to crap. I was a TV addict. Crappy 70s sitcoms are my crack. Get me in front of a One Day at a Time marathon and I'm frozen for the next 8 hours. Internet video is like methodone- it gives me what I need, but lets me turn it off too.>> ^deathcow:
I use a DVR and look through a week of programming on about 100 HD channels. I pick out what I like, it records it for me. There's a lot of killer crap coming off the shatellites these days. I have a yellow button that skips all the commercials in about 3 seconds.

schmawy (Member Profile)

SCIENCE & ISLAM 1/6 | The language of science

Zach Galifianakis warming up 2 watch "Ellen" in the audience

Taxi Driver with a Laugh Track

asd (Blog Entry by campionidelmondo)

Sagemind says...

Ummm, I wonder if you are watching the same ALF sitcom we all watched in the 80s. I'm thinking your description is a little off. Hilariously funny, self-absorbed, cat-eating alien is stranded on earth and takes refuge with a caring family, who takes care of him, while hiding him from the authorities as he plots unsuccessfully to get home. I especially liked the Christmas mas special where he learns all about the meaning of giving at Christmas. I also still repeat one of his catch-phrases when ever I tell a joke that no one laughs at but I find hilarious. "I kill me!"

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