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High School Senior Takes Book Banners To School

luxintenebris says...


how well are her kids doing?

removal? 'cause you find her 'wacko'? you are here?

if you take dares - go on some of these international sites and try to explain to Europeans why pledging alliance to a flag is okay.

bet they have more compelling reasons not to.

would agree w/you IF you said people shouldn't post every f'n thing on the 'web. hard to understand putting personal/private thoughts w/one's face attached to it (no that's not me, it's an avatar - not even my cat). like they're celebrities or have no friends to share goofy thoughts with (don't start).

RATHER tell the woman advice similar to this: shut off the phones. don't post private shat. do who we do. grouse w/folks you don't personally know, or where they live, or could fire y'all.

bobknight33 said:

And lets not forget the wacko teachers that should be removed.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ruh-roe….the Durham report on the “Trump-Russia witch hunt” is FINALLY coming to light….remember, the special investigation into the Steele dossier and other whistleblowers that made accusations of Trump criminality…turns out it DID become a criminal investigation just like far right propagandists reported gleefully…but they were claiming falsely it was the whistleblowers and leftist politicians’ criminality…turns out it was actually Trump that was being “investigated” for international bank fraud and money laundering in Italy, but Barr hid the “investigation” and the facts while outright lying to the American people to support and protect Trump, again.

This WAS the investigation into the “weaponization of the federal government” and “RUSSIA-RUSSIA-RUSSIA” collusion “hoax” impeachment Barr started in 2019 that completely failed to find any fraud or hoax, failed to vindicate any of the dozens of Trump administration convicts, failed in prosecuting anyone, and only found criminality from Trump which they covered up and never referred for prosecution.

Now the Republican house intends to waste tens of millions more trying the exact same investigation again because they can’t accept proven fact.

Expect similarly self accusatory results from insurrectionist MAGA morons. The weaponization of the federal government was a Trump administration feature, if they actually look that’s what they’ll find (and try to hide).

Side note- to prove how serious they are about ending corruption, Republicans seated the total fraud and criminal “Santos” on the small business committee that oversees the PPP loan program, a program abused to the tune of billions by mostly right wing “business owners” including some Republican representatives that individually took millions and never paid a dime back but cry we can’t afford school debt relief.

Putting the fraud Santos in charge of this often abused program is 100% proof positive the Republicans plan to defraud it further and steal billions more from the treasury.
But you don’t care, he wears a red tie.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I’m shocked you haven’t “both sides” the classified documents found at Biden’s old office.

Could it be you know the similarities with Trump’s intentional document theft and sales are minuscule?
Could it be you know any comparison would just look like intentional treason, perjury, blackmail of the federal government, and unsecured handling and sale of stolen highest level classified state secrets to foreign powers in secret back rooms with party support for the right and like an accidental infraction with no chance of dissemination, immediately self reported from the left?
Could it be that you foresee any punishment suggested for Biden should be applied >100 fold against Trump?

Kids Try Exotic Fruits

cloudballoon says...

Not directed at you, more like pointing out the mentality of the video producer(s). If you're offended, I apologize.

Although I'm less sure of this now -- you can call it borne out of stereotyping/cliche -- but Asians (where most of these so-called "Exotic" fruits featured here are regularly seen & consumed) typically don't go gaga over EVERTHING. Similar to the way British don't typically do standing ovation for every live performance. Easy rewards cheapen everything, as that's especially insulting/disrespectful to the real achievers that put in hard work.

I'm taught to don't just only say nice things... Positive reenforcement is not a bad thing, but gotta earn it, and never go over-the-top. You know, call a spade a spade, constructive criticism and all that probably worth more in the long run, and more illuminating. We don't raise snowflakes in my clan.

BSR said:

When I was a kid my mother used to tell us, "If you can't say anything nice, don't fuckin' say anything at all."

Domestic Terrorists Burn Themselves Committing Arson

The way my jaw dropped

Raccoons attacks little girl

luxintenebris says...

not judging but am more amazed than amused.

the poise of the woman to get her daughter into the house, while handling a rabid animal biting her - THEN stopping in mid-toss to warn a neighbor BEFORE she tossed it (not a bad toss either) - found it similar awe-inspiring.

not to say folks might not rib her for a few days afterward...

"jack's been looking for a bouncer, why not give him a call?"

"suddenly, around 7 AM every morning, we're having all sorts of small animals running by the house like they're afraid of something. isn't that the time you take your kid to school?"

"bet now when you tell your daughter to clean her room or your husband to pick up his socks - THEY LISTEN!"

"gonna call you the next time one of those missionaries stops by the house. would be worth money to see someone hammer-toss a mormon."

of course, she might be like...

Khufu said:

I have a small daughter and live in nature so this is scary but... am I the only one that can't stop laughing?

1974 Rocket Car Jump

noims says...

When I saw what they were trying to do I immediately thought of the trailblazing Ron Obvious, with the assumption that the result would be similar...

The Queen's sense of humour remembered...

noims says...

I disagree. That bear is well known for going off-script and doing things his own way... it's the main reason for most of his wacky adventures. Similarly, Bond is a notorious improviser.

I just pity her security detail around a bear and a guy who tends to shoot first and ask questions later. Remember the Frank Drebin debacle?

cloudballoon said:

The Queen did have a sense of humour. But there's no way the Paddington skit wasn't scripted (the Bond bit too, probably). Shouldn't include it here.

SpinLaunch Engineering Doc - Throwing Satellites into Space?

noims says...

My intuition says this could never work, but Brian McManus lends a hell of a lot of credibility to it in my book.

If it does work out, then hopefully lots of cheap small payloads in similar orbits won't cause too much space debris.

How One Powerful Family Destroyed A Country

newtboy says...

Sounds incredibly similar the Trump family.
Nepotism to the extreme, massive borrowing, huge financial ties to Russia and China, huge corruption and theft problems at the top, completely ignoring the plight of the quickly growing poor populace, relying on questionable at best future earnings to repay massive overspending wasted on useless wasteful projects, living lavish lifestyles as the country dwindles, printing money to pay for internal projects, causing massive inflation, refusing to leave office, ….

This could be America if Trump gets a second term. Good find, Bob.

Good parenting

newtboy says...

Are they disrespectful? Yes.
Is their behavior acceptable? No.
Will it hurt their future if not corrected? Absolutely.
Is that why I think YOU chose to post this particular video? No, I believe it’s because you think it reinforces your world view that includes sentiments like the one you quoted above….” I'm baffeled as to why people insist these creatures can live on equal terms with humans.”…you actually said you just think that MIGHT possibly be racist, it’s “iffy”, but I think you agree with the idea, and the others I listed above that you somehow inexplicably don’t find at all racist too.

There is a similarity in the people you single out as “the problem” vs those you excuse for similar actions…it’s not their behavior, it’s their skin color. It’s too consistent that you use non whites as examples of criminality and excuse whites for similar or worse actions to be coincidental. I think you really believe all non whites are just born criminals, and white criminals are mostly framed. I think you wear blinders that won’t let you see anything else.

Bad parenting….explain. Because their parents may need 3 jobs to pay rent and feed them, and they’re unsupervised?
Sounds like government sponsored daycare might be something you would support….but I bet you don’t.
Sounds like funding a variety of after school programs would save tons of money and stop crime, but I doubt you support them either.
Both together are insanely cheaper than police, prisons, and high crime.

@kir_mokum hit the nail on the head. You vote and advocate to remove all pathways to advancement then blame the needy for falling behind.

bobknight33 said:

I know that they are disrespectful.
You and @newtboy find this acceptable.

They will grow up and end up like this kid. All due to bad parenting.

Apparently you like this kind of behavior .. Your ok with it?

What Do You Know About Female Anatomy

newtboy jokingly says...

I say “b” is the “right” answer as it’s more inclusive and includes “c”. Always choose the correct answer with the larger set. (Unless the instructions say choose the CLOSEST answer)
Sometimes in similar cases I would write in “E) both B and C” and be prepared to debate it.
If the teacher refused to consider both answers were correct, I would take it to the administration and get credit (and an apology).
This happened more than once to me in school.

cloudballoon said:

Haha, I KNEW you're gonna say that. I replied it that way because it reminds me on an argument I had with a math teacher way back when which I want to tell.

It's was a math question but the answer is in multiple choice. The (simplified) question was like: What's 10-11? (I remember the exact answer is -1) but the choices were:

a) 21
b) < 10 c) < 0 d) none of the above
I chose b) because you can't lose against c) & d) right? WRONG! According to the math teacher, c) is the right answer because "c) is closer to -1"... I was in no mood to even argue with her on the conundrum of including d) in the choices by her logic, so I just sneered and slowly moonwalked away...

Irish Politician Mick Wallace on the United States

noims says...

There are a couple of Irish EU Parliamentarians that act the wise fool - the court jester that is allowed to speak truth to power in the guise of eccentricity.

It's similar to the way the best real American commentaries on politics come from comedians, because the information comes packaged in entertainment, rather than much of the press who are forced to pick one or the other.

British Intel Advisor, Obama Born In Kenya - Extended Cut

newtboy says...

Just a reminder to everyone that Bobknight33 is a birther…the racist movement to lie about Obama’s birthplace to claim he was not the REAL president.
Similar to the vote fraud fraud so they could deny Biden is the legitimate president.

Funny, coming from a group that has only won the popular vote for president once since 1988.

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