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White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

Briguy1960 says...

I do place CNN and Fox in the same category.
That is how low CNN has sunk and how much better Fox has become in my experiences watching what amounts to garbage reporting on a whole.
Trump did this today blah blah blah but yes he still lusts after his daughter.
He is actually saying she is just a really hot looking young woman as he works in that business but lets go there anyway.
Fox is not pure propaganda.
You don't watch it enough to see the right people to know of what of you speak.
I don't simply watch what appeals to me or justifies my point of view which too many people like you are doing with the rise of the internet.
Relying on late night comedy shows who never show Fox News or Trump saying anything good is useless too.
Shep Smith, Bret Baier and Chris Wallace are pretty decent at giving you the news.
Yes Fox is a joke at times and seems to be in Trumps pocket but there is good reporting on there and some good reporters.
You just have to skip the garbage like Hannity a lot of the time and the judge jeannie idiot all of the time.
Laura Ingram seems to be there just to act the asshole.
Tucker can be good sometimes looking at the current insane trends.
I watch several sources everyday to get an overall view on how things get reported and it is eye opening.
I never liked what the Republicans and Fox did to Obama but 2 wrongs don't make a right and after all Fox News is just entertainment right?
CNN has been around how long?
It was once very respected.
You don't seem to be grasping my point.
I don't like most of how Trump does things.
Even when he is doing something good he ruins it sometimes by the way he words it.
I think he is being led by people and could have been a lot more palpable to the left but they have pulled the strings and yanked him back most everytime.
The birther thing showed how low class he will always be despite his money and gross looking home with all the ugly so called appointments.
I am saying he is playing the media and it is suffering as a result and the media by acting unprofessionally is playing along.

newtboy said:

Sticking Fox in there as well shows you aren't serious. Fox is pure propaganda to the extent their top rated hosts (they don't have reporters) actually went on the campaign trail with Trump and spoke at his about agenda.

Trump's actions and words are 98% negative, it's who he is. Reporting on him in a negative light IS honest reporting....for Christ's sake, he repeatedly lusted after his under age daughter publicly, how do you report that as a positive? "He has the fortitude of character to not act on his incestuous least publicly."? Can't say the same about his friend's wives or work subordinates, though.

The day of the synagogue shooting, which was targeted specifically because Trump said repeatedly that Jews are paying dangerous illegal aliens to invade the country, and with more bombs still in the mail, Trump again shirked any responsibility for his rhetoric and blamed the media for his named enemies (including the same media) being targeted by people who quoted his words in their manifestos, and again called the news media enemies of the people, the words that triggered the right wing terrorists in the first place. You argue that, by reporting his complete lack of civil leadership and his targeted threats that are being acted on, they are the problem and the one's taking jabs?! Trump didn't hold off media bashing for a single sentence, his call for unity and his blame and attack were in the same opening sentence of his remarks.

Trump is the leader of the free world, but he never once has he lead towards civility, and excessively rarely honesty or rationality. You expect cable news anchors to be the moral compass of the nation, and completely excuse president from that obligation?! *facepalm
Trump ran on being insulting and derisive of any non Trumpian coverage, Jim is just his latest target by proximity, it would be someone else if it wasn't him. Baby needs a bad man to spit up on.

If this behavior warrants removing credentials, Fox, Breightbart, and Alex Jones would have been permanently barred over a decade ago, but they're all more than welcome....largely because they were constant rude assholes to Obama and had zero respect for the office when he held it.
Good luck demanding professionalism and civility now, after 8 years of birtherism that ship sailed with Trump at the helm. Whining about it now like a thin skinned 3rd grader only makes Trump more ridiculous and hypocritical.....which is astonishing as he had already raised the bar of hypocrisy into orbit.

BSR (Member Profile)

BSR (Member Profile)

Shep Smith Shuts Down Sean Hannity's Lies And Propaganda

Janus says...

I continue to have a great deal of respect for Shep Smith, and I continue to be surprised that Fox News still haven't gotten rid of him after all this time.

RT -- Chris Hedges on Media, Russia and Intelligence

newtboy says...

Here's the rub....
Shep Smith on Fox does some good work, and also some awful work for his propagandist bosses either spreading their lies or remaining silent in their face.
Maddow on MSNBC also does some good work, and also is incredibly biased and slanted and gladly omits or glosses over important facts if they don't fit her narrative.
CNN-I honestly don't know, I don't watch them either, but I gather they are also quite biased and guilty of lies by omission.

Hedges had other options. He was not relegated to RT, he chose to work there. Granted, they may be his most profitable option, they are not his only option.

Is RT a Russian propaganda channel, yes, absolutely. Does that mean Hedges is a Russian propagandist...yes, yes it does. He doesn't have to spread their lies and tow their line to be one, just his presence as an attempt to give their propaganda machine validity means he's a valuable tool they are using to spread lies. Let's see him do a story that accuses Putin or Russia of malfeasance....won't happen. That makes him a tool, even if he never lies for them.

enoch said:


RT -- Chris Hedges on Media, Russia and Intelligence

enoch says...


think we are talking about two separate issues,with a only a subtle overlap.

i totally agree that when it comes to russian politics,and/or state sanctioned military operations,RT tends to lean in favor of the russian state.

but in my opinion this does not detract from the works of hedges,or hartman or even abbey martin.who used to have a show "breaking the set" and "empire files".

we can view american corporate media through the same lens.

FOX=republican message of the day
MSNBC=democrat message of the day
CNN=the american state message of the day.

taken in aggregate,these corporate media outlets are all propaganda/misinformation machines.

but..taken singularly...

shep smith on FOX does some good work.
while personalities such as o'reilly,cavuto and carlson are simply demagogues.

or rachel maddow on MSNBC.
who does an excellent job of disseminating the politics behind a lot of republican shenanigans.sadly her show is incredibly biased and while i LOVE her analysis..i realize that it is a tad bit biased and slanted.

i do not watch CNN.except when i want to know what bullshit excuse the american government may be focused on.

so i get where you are coming from,and i agree for the most part.
i simply refuse to outright ignore someone like hedges,with his credentials,because of the venue he has been relegated to in order to express his criticism.

is/does RT sometimes promote russian propaganda?
yes..of course.
does this equate to chris hedges being a russian propagandist? does not.

and i am also not necessarily disregarding your discernment and discrimination towards hedges.
we all have a metric we use when discriminating.
yours is simply different than mine.
this does not equate a moral right nor wrong,just different.

but you and i may disagree on some things,but i would like to think we have both earned each others respect.

so when you post a comment.i read it with that respect dictating the lens with which i view your words.i know that you consider your words carefully,and i think it polite to give those words the same consideration that you gave them when writing.

we can disagree,and have,but i always walk away with at least understanding WHY you may feel a certain way.

Cavuto: How does it feel to be dismissed, CNN?

enoch says...


"You just bent because you you team is finally getting called out for what they are. Biased and fake ."

have you met me?
or is your account used by multiple people,and this particular bob is one i have never engaged?

reread my comment.
GO..i'll wait.

notice anything?
that maybe i accused CNN of the very same partisan fuckery as FOX?

this is just a house negro who sold his integrity years ago for his own personal gain.who pretended faux outrage in order to appeal to the politically unsophisticated so he can buy a BIG house,and drive an expensive car and rub shoulders with the powerful.

but bob,you view things in such a binary and limited way that if i
criticize an opinion pundit,a cable celebrity,who makes his cookies by undermining journalism and promoting propaganda,and just happens to work at FOX.then i MUST,therefore,be rooting for the other "team".

there is no fucking TEAM bob.
there is simply the truth,and those who whore themselves for personal gain,while fucking the rest of us over.
neil cavuto is a dirty little whore slut.

does this mean that everyone on FOX is like slutty cavuto?
of course not.shep smith does some good work.
and the very same accusations can be leveled at CNN,or MSNBC,or CNBC.

the majority of cable news have all adopted the FOX model,because it makes money.a LOT of money,and as long as they are populated by dirty little whores like cavuto.who are willing to sell their integrity for safety and financial security.the amercian people will always suffer those fuckheads selfish hubris.

one of the greatest things to come out of this surreal and absurd election cycle is that the american people have begun to "get it".they have come to the slow (and infuriating to me) realization that cable news is not news at is is opinion by way of presenting as "news".

and ALL the big players are guilty.
they all have their own celebrity demagogues.
pushing their own agendas to their own little,easily manipulated fiefdoms.

so stop projecting bob.
i have no interest is self righteous moralizing predicated on inadequate information and even worse politics.

i KNOW who the real enemy is,and cable news is the mechanism in which they spread their divisive and warped ideologies.

you appear to continue to buy into their bullshit.
that this is somehow a right vs left,or dem vs repub.
american liberals are not the problem.
american conservatives are not the problem.


the two party duopoly,the two party dictatorship.
THAT is the problem.
this is about power vs powerlessness.

and little whores like cavuto do NOT serve you!
he,and his ilk,serve power.

it is time for you to choose a side bob.
which side on you on?

*edit:oh shit,just realized you were talking to newtboy.
my bad bob.../chuckles...
sighs..guess i was looking to scrap a bit.
bad enoch..baaad.

Shep Smith: GOP on "Wrong Side of History" on Gay Marriage

skinnydaddy1 says...

>> ^Quboid:

Anyone else not seeing any video? I don't know if it's dead or what, but it won't play or show a preview frame.

Its one of those that you have to disable Adblock or it will not play. Being such, I now no longer have any interest in it. Just say no to hostage content.

NetRunner (Member Profile)

Shep Smith: GOP on "Wrong Side of History" on Gay Marriage

Shep Smith: GOP on "Wrong Side of History" on Gay Marriage

Shep Smith: GOP on "Wrong Side of History" on Gay Marriage

Shep Smith: GOP on "Wrong Side of History" on Gay Marriage

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

speechless (Member Profile)

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