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Extended Stayer Inc - Weekly Hotels

chicchorea (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...

Coprolite Retention Managed:

...all you got liar, coward, felon?...pitiful.

Here is a teaser for you...

"little...thing" = choggie



...did I say I had everything already copied? All your words and dribblings...none of your empty lying BS. FACTS!

You should have backed off...or better yet never have started...but you can't help it...gotta keep on...your over compensatory, lying, self loathing, twisted, vacillating, vulgar, bullying has worked with so many others here... letting you delude yourself into...well, as I said....

...every lie, at least, even remotely connected to me and what I have asserted...copied, dated and time stamped....

Keep poking the hornet's nest, Stupid., get to deleting, ie., wiping up your dribbling trail. Won't work.

chingalera said:

Yeah, anal retention managed for your own public masturbatory aside-Happy to accommodate as you litter your profile with your own tripe-What do you expect to accomplish copper? Civility?

chicchorea said:
chicchorea says...
Retention Managed:

...see...that's what I mean...funny....

...and you said is was not "little...thing,"...I understand...hard keeping the lies straight. Don't fret, "little...thing," I saved them for you and ....

chicchorea (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...

...retenttion managed....

...and barely worth the copy and paste....

You have couched your harrassment of members of this community in numerous self serving ways and that is well established and evidenced by your history here.

As for the assertions that you hypocritically dribbled your filth in my direction as well as that you are a admitted felon I have offered repeatedly to provide irrefutable evidence. You have only offered feeble and empty denials and deflection. Your "filth filled tracks" here and derivable from here provide the proof.

Admit your transgressions and offer some albeit most probably empty assurance to me and the community to curb your self loathing vitriol toward others with whom you disagree and this matter may be tabled barring further eruptions of your pathologies. Notice, no apology is mentioned as I have no faith in your capacity to,,,,


Call me out on the proposition I can fully support my assertions.

chingalera said:

Oh, he'd "like to say welcome instead"...Yeah right.

Hiatus over...... and message to you of a new and improved mission: To post personal apologies to all who care to wonder why they were unilaterally banned with glee, regardless of yer paltry, after-the-fact entreats and meager apologies or admissions as to why, and offer to post the banned self-linker's viddies or whomever the fuck in spite of your masturbatory coptitudeinal penchant, to fah fah fah fah...fuh fuh fuh fuh ..k cah kk cah cah ewe ewe ewe like ya been fucking the fuck outta who??!..Paste that on yer profile page and smoke it, troll-trollmaton.

chicchorea (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...


...laughing with a head slap at your moronically ridiculous deflection....

I really prefer to believe you are not THAT STUPID in favor of more transparent antics...but I will withhold judgment in the face of the evidence.

You have couched your harrassment of members of this community in numerous self serving ways and that is well established and evidenced by your history here.

As for the assertions that you hypocritically dribbled your filth in my direction as well as that you are a admitted felon I have offered repeatedly to provide irrefutable evidence. You have only offered feeble and empty denials and deflection. Your "filth filled tracks" here and derivable from here provide the proof.

Admit your transgressions and offer some albeit most probably empty assurance to me and the community to curb your self loathing vitriol toward others with whom you disagree and this matter may be tabled barring further eruptions of your pathologies. Notice, no apology is mentioned as I have no faith in your capacity to,,,,


Call me out on the proposition I can fully support my assertions.

chingalera said:

I'll try again at a point-by-point answer for yas but geez man, you seem thicker than most.

I CHOSE to pester your banning-manner repeatedly because you were cold-hearted and in-general, the matter-of-fact un-welcomingly rude person to potentials who obviously either had some language-barriers some of them, while others simply did not read the long-winded faq-sheet buried in that un-intutive portion of the site map (notwithstanding, MOST of the fuckers you ban are spamtacular and obviously not giving a damn an anyhow....GOOD JOB. ATTA-BOY. Clean the place up, not slighting you for that aspect of your fun here).

Your didactic reasoning supports your hollow assumptions (if such feeble tripe could be called that) and here in these latest and repeated insults and accusations concerning myself all we see are petulant forays into your own limitations in the realm of deductive reasoning at best, or 180 degrees off-kilter at their crudest and worst. MEANING, your assumptions of my legal status and sexual proclivities in particular, as you struggle at what seems justification for your delusional rants. You're basically unilaterally seeking to defame my personal integrity and character because you feel bad about me having poked you so much about yer ban-user fun here.m Real simple. Not too much thinking required, and you are over-thinking to stroke your own, knight-in-rusty-sheriff's-badge honor, plain and fucking simple.

I tried the last comment to show you your misinterpretation of meaning by using the definition of 'haitus', the same which has no fixedm limitation other than that of the will of the vacationer. Read a fucking dictionary maybe, with a view to meaning rather than the view of how it suits your own confabulation?

I didn't say did I, that I was taking anything but a hiatus, which could be long or short....and if you know me at all you know I won't stand for insolent crackers who in my absence, with a personal hard-on to burn me and shit all over my work and time logged here on this site, one of which I have been on since near it's inception, ya thick lump?. Did you think I'd let the place pull a kronospissant on me again? From the likes of who?! You may want to get a fucking clue.

You need some some growin'-up there fatwa (look it up) if ya think my skin ain't thicker than yer skull.

You take shit to pedantically literal to be hanging your shit in my store and expecting me to take you anything more than a seriously misanthropic humanoid.

Tired of being polite with you chicco, yer obviously in need of some quality human interaction and maybe some therapy to deal with the Aspberger's, unless yer dysfunction be something simpler to counterman. I am unqualified to determine such as, "I Am Not A Mental Health Professional."

Ain't 'private' anymore either, your shit screams abuse of the site, for all to see.

Malaysia Airlines MH370 missing flight Preacher predicted p

chicchorea says...

@chingalera...again for the cheap seat....(rare wall of words of my own, feel special?)

chicchorea said:

"Confusedly talking to yourself...again, or lying to yourself...again.

...took me about five minutes here on the Sift, on Google, and HC District Clerk online to prove it out.

Where would you like me to post the six steps to or your Profile Pages of Shame, under which alias', aka sockpuppets, banned pseudonommes?"

"little...thing," going to leave another of these unanswered? Or perhaps you were just going to promote this again,...or shall I for you?

...or are you going to slink to a weeks old closed one and leave some feeble bleet in the dark...again?

...or pick another to take a cheap shot. For someone who doesn't like banning you did enough...even without justification but your felon's excuse for blatant discrimination against attorneys. Was some DA mean to you? Awwwww.

You had to keep poking. Seeking me out as another foil for your own self loathing. Someone else with whom to feign some pitiful involvement in another of a long tenured list of vain attempts to feel some self worth at the expense of someone else and deriving what empty little you could eke because few to none others would stoop or squat to your level.

So now, pitiful "little...thing",...put up or shut up and I will do the same. Except, in my case, I have everything I need to back up my assertions, felon, bitter grapes banner, etc. And where did I get it all? I got it from you,...your dribbling trail of filth you leave behind you here and everywhere else.

...that enough attention for you? Or are you feeling hollow now?

chingalera said:

*promote and FYI to Captain formulaic. Not even close to being a felon.....yet.
Your information being as hollow as your script.

Self-loading Horses!

chicchorea (Member Profile)

chingalera says...

Sir...lower than low and you can't tell the real from unreal-I am a musician and a friend to humanity and all you want from me is to see me burn-You are sadly mistaken in your assumptions and have dealt me a personal disservice,

I mean you no personal ill-will and have seen this before from other abusers of this site.

Cut and paste and declare the righteous of humanity unworthy based on nothing but your own delusional fantasies of right and wrong.

I have no history here of anything but calling shit when I see it and you sir, are THE epitome of the dregs of the worst of humankind.

You place yourself in a false position of a 'holier than thou' saint and read into my jovial and playful banter nothing but hatred and an unforgiving soul, some vile pervert....I assure you, I am so very far from some pedophile, no user of women, on the contrary-You have no idea the depths to which your own delusion has brought you and the entire site in declaring me in your self-righteousness some petty piece of human garbage as to accuse me of such a thing.

There are more than a few people here who can attest to my kindness and sincerity towards the women of this place, on YT when so many complete douchebags offer-up their vile words to young people trying to interpret music and are derided by those who hate themselves so much that they can only criticize, berate, and belittle the efforts of sincere people trying to share their love for music and humanity with the world only to have idiots and assholes insult their efforts.

My "request" to you was a joke directed at your persona here of enforcer, of resident cop hell-bent on finding any way possible to undermine anyone who comes here as a new user under the guise of following protocol-I have treated you as a friend and equal always and now....with evil intent and a sincere and violent hatred for me as a person you would have me thrown to wolves.

I had absolutely no indication that someone would or could, stoop as low on this site but as it is with people who don't even know who or what they themselves are, I am once again surprised and bewildered at the depths to which humanity can sink, when all is exhausted but ego and self-loathing.

If you would care to post this to the sift-talk arena and have tenured and long-time users here who know me, who trust me to be who and what I say I am I would be honored to show you and the entire site, even if it mean a permanent ban from this site of myself, just how completely wrong you are in your knee-jerk assumptions and delusional accusations.

I can have at least 3 adult, female users of this site who I and the community trust to be straight-up moral and ethical and righteous attest to my honesty and to a friendship that endures on and off this site.

I have no reservations about anything I have said or done here to foster love and community and it is YOUR delusional self-righteous anger and self-hate that has brought you to your retarded and vile accusation and assumption.

I agree with you one one thing, that this particular issue need not be a private matter but one that the entire site's users need see.

SO here we are once again, letting the community of users here let a few delusionals decide the fate of a sincere human being.

SO be it, I should have known better than to walk bearing my heart and soul into a small den of feral creatures and expect them to be able to see beauty and a sincere love for all of humanity.

Your accusations again, are unfounded and completely left of field, and you are dead-wrong in assuming that I am some perverted, hind-brained animal that would take advantage of a complete stranger.

That poor girl who sang that Beatle's tune and was banned had a lovely voice and whoever posted her video here I am sure, had no intention of doing anything but promoting her confidence and and sincere love for the music she was trying to share with the world.

I was going to go to her you tube page and apologize on behalf of myself and the site for her offering having been dashed-to-bits on the rocks of petty rules and a declaration of her unworthiness through some crap system of votes and regulations.

I feel very, very sorry and pity the type of person who can't discern the truth from a lie or see someone for what they are in their essence.

All the power-points I garner from maintaining the site's embeds, have you noticed??
I give them away to the underdogs, to the talented sifters who find beauty and joy in what they offer to the community. My usual criteria is to promote ignored offerings or to promote when I read a description in an embed of how much they personally enjoyed a video or that it touched them in an emotional way lending to joy or happiness. I resurrect dead videos in order to immediately give points and another chance to people with a view to raiding their spirits and status on this site.

I tend to promote music quite a bot and to DOWN-VOTE embeds people place here in order to insult another's ideologies or philosophies OR, when i see an inordinate amount of embed form a user that showcase human-tragedy for the sake of entertainment .

I care about life and truth my friend, not fantasy, death, pain, or lies with a view to self-promotion.

You are dead wrong in your assessment of my character, and I seek to prove you so before this entire community or be run off this site for the very last time.

I am keeping a copy of this response to my joking message directed again, at your joy in watching users get banned of self-linking which I posted to you with a view to pointing-out a character flaw, so that you won't twist my words and use them to satisfy your personal mission to see me gone form here.

chicchorea said:

(Copied from my profile page)

chicchorea says...

Really...a 13 year old to be kidding....

Low, sleazy, and slimy...schmarmy, even for ....

...and monumentally clueless besides....

This is unworthy of "private" status.

Questions for Statists

chingalera says...

dissenting voices on this site? Pshaw! Always met with hatred, derision, and accusation tinctured with self-loathing...

enoch said:

no conspiracy,
no anger,nor shame or guilt.

the community has spoken.
the discussion is over.
yourhydra self-posted.

you are my friend but your rage is mis-directed.
what does it serve to call names to those you disagree?
what will be the end result in this constant tug of war?
and whom are you tugging against?
who is on the other end of that rope?

is it @chicchorea?
is it @dag?
is it me?

WHOM are you railing against?
/hands his friend a mirror

be at peace.
there will be another day and another opportunity my friend.
this chapter is over.

Cops using unexpected level of force to arrest girl

chingalera says...

@ messenger-The solution lies in a combination of radical reform of policy, and that can only happen if people stop following the programming of the people who pay for elections firstly. Then, you educate the hell out of people at a grass-roots level of just how deep the rabbit hole goes i.e., the insidious cabal of those who would profit from incarcerating more and more people to prop-up their money-making scam of larger and stronger law enforcement infrastructure, the inhumane prison industry which is billions of dollars annually. Profiteers who breed future criminals in prisons, and ghettos. It takes people actually giving a fuck about their society instead of thinking that they are safe ans secure with more police.


Police are made-up of dangerous, self-loathing and damaged individuals who are recruited for the sole purpose of building the infrastructure I described with protecting and serving very, very low on their not-so-hidden agenda.

The power-keepers and their fanatical putsch should be glaringly obvious to anyone with a TV, the internet, and an I.Q. above 100.

"They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."-Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanac.

Heed the words of a brilliant statesman and thinker, and of similar, modern contemporaries.

I don't have much hope for it, I have expatriation written all over my forehead in big red letters. Hardly a place to go anymore, the entire world is jumping on board to the 'occupy everything with police and military' route.

Cops are criminals, plain and simple. Continue to believe to the contrary and watch how fast the shit gets non-linear.

Stephen Fry Confesses 2012 Suicide Attempt

cluhlenbrauck says...

wow a "tl;dr you are insecure" is going to save me time from reading your wall of text.

At no point did I say I have no weaknesses or flaws. I love this guy and repeatedly watched his videos on this site.

he explained having goals is a dumb thing to do. This guy knows he has bi-polar takes medication. Why didn't he look into setting a goal for a healthy life style? research some shit.

seems to me you are all distracted by his accent and posh look into self loathing and suicide.

artician said:

But he didn't kill himself. He's discussing what causes one to pursue such a thing. He knows it's a despicable weakness in human nature, and admits to succumbing to it himself.

If he were truly a weak person, he'd be dead. A strong person understands their shortcomings, failures and weaknesses, and can discuss them openly without feeling vulnerable or insecure.

An insecure or weak person will attest to having no weakness or flaws, and often dismiss or disrespect those who do because they feel better about themselves.

The especially insecure often do that on public discussion forums where they're safely anonymous.

Homeless Man With A Talented Moustache!

spaceman says...

Believe it or not I know this man personally and as awesome as this video may make him seem, he is way more awesome in person. His story is sad and enduring, despite it all, he is one of the most outgoing, optimistic people you will ever meet. Backwards as it may seem, he has managed to raise my spirits on multiple occasions during times of self loathing using tricks like this one here.

The Morning After - Featuring Jenna Marbles

spoco2 says...

Sorry, but that's a downvote.

I hate Ms Marbles' usual shit, and this was right in line... stupid, lame sexual fantasy crap followed by shit Nickelback joke.

Man she isn't funny.

on any level

And seems to have quite the level of self loathing from her other videos.

Media Have Become an "Enemy of the American People"

Yogi says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

When Chomsky said, "the stupid masses", he was characterizing an elite point of view. (I looked it up) He wouldn't be the Noam Chomsky we know and love if he had that much contempt for his species. If you agree with that sentiment, then you identify with the elites Chomsky was criticizing. Chomsky may be cynical, but he is no nihilist. He is a humanist. (and so are you!)
If the human race is truly stupid, then there is no point in seeking positive change, and we are all doomed to suffer whatever cruel horrors fate has in store for us.
Underinformed? Sure, that is fixable.
Stupid? Fuck that kind of collective self loathing.
We are all we have. Everything that happens to us -short of an apocalyptic act of nature- , good or bad, will be a result of human action. If we think ourselves stupid, then stupid we shall be. If we loathe ourselves, it only makes it that much easier for the rich and powerful to dominate us. If we think ourselves elite in a world of fools, it just makes it that much easier for the real elites to divide and conquer (yes, I'm looking at you, rightwing libertarians.)
We need to start a humanist revival. White tents. Gospel music. The whole nine. And we are going to need some rebel preachers. Are you in?
disclaimer: dft has a strong pro-human bias and should probably not be trusted.

Public Opinion by Walter Lippmann

Chomsky is getting some of his quotes and ideas the elite have of "the bewildered herd" from Walter Lippmann. His (Lippmanns) contempt for people is pretty shocking and it actually really bothers me reading it. The idea of course is that people can't be trusted and must have decisions made for themselves. I disagree of course but there's some things I wonder about. How the elites use it though is to attack other countries and that I will never agree with.

Media Have Become an "Enemy of the American People"

enoch says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

When Chomsky said, "the stupid masses", he was characterizing an elite point of view. (I looked it up) He wouldn't be the Noam Chomsky we know and love if he had that much contempt for his species. If you agree with that sentiment, then you identify with the elites Chomsky was criticizing. Chomsky may be cynical, but he is no nihilist. He is a humanist. (and so are you!)
If the human race is truly stupid, then there is no point in seeking positive change, and we are all doomed to suffer whatever cruel horrors fate has in store for us.
Underinformed? Sure, that is fixable.
Stupid? Fuck that kind of collective self loathing.
We are all we have. Everything that happens to us -short of an apocalyptic act of nature- , good or bad, will be a result of human action. If we think ourselves stupid, then stupid we shall be. If we loathe ourselves, it only makes it that much easier for the rich and powerful to dominate us. If we think ourselves elite in a world of fools, it just makes it that much easier for the real elites to divide and conquer (yes, I'm looking at you, rightwing libertarians.)
We need to start a humanist revival. White tents. Gospel music. The whole nine. And we are going to need some rebel preachers. Are you in?
disclaimer: dft has a strong pro-human bias and should probably not be trusted.

totally agree my man.
guess i should have paid more attention to how my comment may have been misconstrued in regards to chomsky's quote.
"manufacturing consent" is the book that started it all for me and the more time that passes ...the more it seems chomsky had it right from the get-go.
the man is brilliant and i have the utmost respect for him and his work.

and if you took the metaphysical aspect out of my worldview,what you would have left is a secular humanist.
i feel very strongly that my fellow humans have been utterly and thoroughly duped into believing that their happiness is tied to what they do or what they own and that somehow their success/failure resides solely in their ability to "pick themselves up from their own boots-straps".

this paradigm is utter bullshit of course.
it was a creation.
specifically designed to create good consumers.
the carrot on the stick.
you are not smart enough...
you are not pretty enough...
your skin is too light...
too dark...
nose is too big..
too small..
everything you wanted or desired is just inches out of are so close you can almost taste it.....
if you purchase this skin cream,or that pair of sneakers..
this make/model car..or home...
YOU can achieve happiness and everyone will love you and you will be so popular and content.
so buy NOW!operators are standing by!

the irony is that the very companies selling you this happiness are the very people who created your own discomfort in your own skin.
its the great flim-flam and it has worked brilliantly.

what were we talking about again?

Media Have Become an "Enemy of the American People"

dystopianfuturetoday says...


When Chomsky said, "the stupid masses", he was characterizing an elite point of view. (I looked it up) He wouldn't be the Noam Chomsky we know and love if he had that much contempt for his species. If you agree with that sentiment, then you identify with the elites Chomsky was criticizing. Chomsky may be cynical, but he is no nihilist. He is a humanist. (and so are you!)

If the human race is truly stupid, then there is no point in seeking positive change, and we are all doomed to suffer whatever cruel horrors fate has in store for us.

Underinformed? Sure, that is fixable.
Stupid? Fuck that kind of collective self loathing.

We are all we have. Everything that happens to us -short of an apocalyptic act of nature- , good or bad, will be a result of human action. If we think ourselves stupid, then stupid we shall be. If we loathe ourselves, it only makes it that much easier for the rich and powerful to dominate us. If we think ourselves elite in a world of fools, it just makes it that much easier for the real elites to divide and conquer (yes, I'm looking at you, rightwing libertarians.)

We need to start a humanist revival. White tents. Gospel music. The whole nine. And we are going to need some rebel preachers. Are you in?

disclaimer: dft has a strong pro-human bias and should probably not be trusted.

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