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Enough Is Enough

newtboy says...

Downvote a road kill eating, vaccine denying, brain worm suffering, parasite ignoring, science denying, dead bear pranking crazy person having any say whatsoever in your health care.

This crazy guy (who sold out 100% to the felon he called dangerous and fascist for some power) is poised to COMPLETELY DEREGULATE the FDA if the felon is elected. He is not planning to ADD REGULATIONS to get this stuff out of food, that’s an outrageous complete and total lie, he’s going to let them take it off the labels.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump promised worm brained RFK “control of the HHS, CDC, FDA, NIH, USDA, and also a few others”.
USDA…the guy who got brain worms and multiple other parasites from eating road kill in charge of food safety?
NIH…Who doesn’t believe in science? Who says all vaccinations are worse than the diseases they prevent?
FDA…does he believe in pharmaceutical medicine?
CDC….so the next pandemic will be guaranteed and worse with the leader suggesting take your chances, get the disease intentionally, there will be no vaccine.
I thought he would just be running the NIH….disastrous enough, but holy shit.
Remember what he said about RFK jr just a few months ago? Now he wants him in charge of 1/3 of government!?

Meanwhile, Elon has admitted what every single economist has said, that he and the felon’s economic plans will almost certainly destroy the economy in short order leading to a depression next year but don’t worry when the market crashes and you lose your job, 401k, home, social security, and Medicare…they will rebuild in MAGA’s image…just like Russia did when it gave all its wealth to oligarchs and now has 50% poverty rates.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yet more corroboration, 13 of the felon’s cabinet members have all signed a letter backing up Kelly, saying they are personally aware and witnessed the felon constantly praise Hitler in the Whitehouse and he is absolutely a fascist by any sane definition or assessment, with more coming.

Yet another fake “disproving” with no actual even disputing the growing mountain of evidence, much less disproving anything.

You have made yourself into such a ridiculous joke.

I still can’t understand why you fantasize about fantasy cat piss. Just like you said you like sticking your dick INTO urinals like you would a woman (if any would let you)…That’s weird, you’re a real weirdo.

ERMERGERD! I hadn’t heard that he now plans to put bat shit crazy brain worm riddled, flat meat sandwich aficionado and science denier RFK jr “In charge of our health”. Get ready for no more health care in America if it happens, he doesn’t believe in it….he thinks you should eat road kill to be healthy and ignore the brain eating parasites.

Oops- JD reminded his crowd that “pissing on my wife’s sister, I’m a black Nazi” Mark Robinson is 100% Trump’s guy, totally his hand picked candidate that he full throatedly endorsed deep, long and hard as his kind of guy, a great guy, a trump-like guy. Another Nazi.

bobknight33 said:

Yet another fake and disproved story.

You are truly stupid and gullible.

I can only imagine the smell of cat piss in your house.


SpaceX Booster Catch

SpaceX Booster Catch

The moon's orbit probably isn't what you think

The moon's orbit probably isn't what you think

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I won’t imply, I will state implicitly, the frequency and strength of this storm was man made, the second “once in a lifetime” storm in the area this decade. There’s another building right now that might hit you again next week, and insurance companies are leaving the coastal states, but sure buddy….You, who has gotten every bit of math and science you’ve attempted in the last 15 years embarrassingly wrong know better that millions of scientists and analysts.
You are just such a blathering idiot.

What would one expect from a fool who listens to a man cry to the heavens that his opponent’s rhetoric is too violent as he goes out to tell his people he wants “one really violent day” when police can purge the nation of “thugs” (read anyone who votes against him), cut down the criminals in the streets (but not the multiple convicted felons, just the misdemeanor petty theft criminals) and fails to see the hypocrisy? I expect exactly the kind of stupid blather we get from you, and I’m never disappointed.

Scientific illusion

noims says...

It's a nice enough illusion (if old), but... "according to science an illusion has been created that will blow your mind."

Did science determine that it was created or that it will blow my mind? Was this outcome published and peer reviewed?

According to science hyperbolae is extremely annoying and detracts from a nice simple concept. Bitches.

Only girls can do this!

Worst parts about the Apollo moon missions

Worst parts about the Apollo moon missions

This is why mercury is not allowed in an airplane

What Does It Mean To Be Dead?

What Does It Mean To Be Dead?

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