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Genius Boardgame Idea Teaches Kids Climate Change Awareness

Yogi says...

There's nothing in here that's inaccurate according to about 97% of scientists. Heck there's less consistency on most history lessons, should we stop teaching history?

I get that you're conservative and you've been brainwashed by powerful corporate interests. At least try to provide some evidence when you sarcastically dismiss other people though.

bobknight33 said:


History Channel's "The Bible" ~ In Under 10 Minutes

A10anis says...

You sarcastically say say; "Sure, why teach something that has had more effect on history than any other?"

You are correct. Teach kids the place ALL religions have in history. The barbarity, genocide, torture, subjugation of men, woman and children and It's role in wars. Of course, also teach its influence on architecture, the written word and music. But teaching Religion as a tenet is - thank God (pun intended) - finished. And education is the key. Is it a coincidence that the more backward and ignorant the culture, the more it believes these myths? Is it a coincidence that the more enlightened and educated a culture, the less it believes in nonsensical, man made gods? The quicker the last of the man made "faiths" are consigned to history - like the thousands that already have been - the better off humanity will be. Let them be gods slaves on their own time, and in private, like all the other cults.

lantern53 said:

Sure, why teach something that has had more effect on history than any other? We need to be teaching kids how not to chew their poptarts into gun shapes.

Sméagol performs a haunting rendition of "Mad World."

kceaton1 says...

I'm really not sure how in the hell this hasn't ended up in *comedy yet... Sure this thing is dark, but it's sarcastic with a damned exclamation point. I mean for hell's sake the guy on keyboard is playing in a suit for crying out loud. How do you miss sarcasm when it's screaming at you? So odd...

The Soup - Meow with Brian Williams - Cinnabon Pizza

Puppy Determined To Get On Treadmill

Payback says...

That's ok. I forgive you for being unable to disagree with someone without resorting to ad homs.

Not being even remotely sarcastic.

(edited out "immediately" cuz, after all, it wasn't immediate, it took you a few seconds, at least)

A10anis said:

... In fact, sorry to be personal, but you're an idiot, so any further explanation is pointless, I'm done.

Immovable Object vs. Unstoppable Force - Which Wins?

TYT - 5 Shot at "Gun Appreciation Day" Celebrations

EvilDeathBee says...

Are you being sarcastic? A gun's primary purpose and design is to kill (through means of a explosively propelled projectile), just like a bow and arrow, although a bow and arrow doesn't accidentally go off when simply holding it. The fact the vast majority of people in the States for simple target practice is so utterly irrelevant I'm surprised you brought it up. They are lethal weapons, and people need to handle them with some goddamn respect or it will kill you or others.

harlequinn said:

A firearm is not designed to kill. It is designed to accelerate a projectile out the barrel. It is used most often (by an order of magnitude) for paper target shooting. It is also used to kill animals. There is an obvious difference between design and use.

TDS: There Goes the Boom - ATF

James Madison clarifies the American right to bear arms

Hanover_Phist says...

dude... relax. I was being sarcastic.

Fletch said:

Where does it say that? And what rights are being stripped? Good luck with your coup. I think you should all start immediately. Those digital camos, face paint, and Maxpeditions full of ammo and MRE's should serve you well against drones, gunships and HD satellite imaging. I'm sure Ted Nugent would be willing to bravely lead you all into battle, like he did during Vietnam.

Reminds me... got into an argument with a guy at work who thought the right to bear arms was an inalienable right. He didn't know what he was talking about either.

More Faux Rage from Ann Coulter

Yogi says...

"Gun control is placebo policy at best, and autocracy at worst."

How do you know that if you haven't done a study on it? We haven't tried a lot of things in the United States, yet everyone says it won't work.

I particularly love the sarcastic twats that say "We should ban crime and then we'd be safe." Really moron? Really? Because that makes any sort of sense. People are stupid and they need their guns taken away. If they prove they're responsible and smart they can have their guns back.

bmacs27 said:

She wasn't arguing for that. She was saying that with private ownership (hopefully not advertised in keeping with these maps) there would be fewer home invasions in the UK.

Full autos are pretty heavily regulated. Lots and lots of red tape. I'm not sure I've heard of any crime being committed with fully automatic weapons. If there is any, it's minuscule compared to the homicides committed with handguns. Generally speaking though homicide isn't a major concern to me. I'm more concerned about general health, accidental deaths, etc. Gun control is placebo policy at best, and autocracy at worst.

Last Resort Active Shooter Survival Measures by Alon Stivi

Raveni says...

I know you said it sarcastically, but the National Counterterrorism Center's own report calls it "open source reporting", so good luck on finding a real answer. However, it also says that "most were victims of attacks in Iraq".

aaronfr said:

Do those 800 students killed by 'terrorists' in 2007 include those that the US bombed in Afghanistan and Pakistan or Israel shot, shelled, or bombed in Gaza? Because there's nothing like some self-defense training to help you prepare for fire raining down from above.

Gun Control, Violence & Shooting Deaths in A Free World

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Why do the "individual histories" of these countries only come into play now that you are on the defensive? Why is my sarcastic use of loaded terms less acceptable than your sincere use of loaded terms?

Our government will never outlaw all firearms in the same way the Japan's government will never outlaw all rice. Those kinds of stories are made to frighten Texans into voting for Republicans.

Guns, Paranoia and The American Family

Quadrophonic says...

I cant understand american pro-weapon people. I was in a sport shooting club (is that how you call it in english?) for a few years, I dont say that shooting weapons isn't fun and can be great sporting competition and exercise.
But as a european (or lets just say sane) person, the thought of guns allowed in the public or even a gun in my own home, scares the shit out of me.

Probably these weapon-nut-jobs are just a minority (are they? i dont know)... but still, your laws don't seem to change. Thats sad and will only ensure that there'll be more tragic events. And the media will focus on it once again and once again nothing will change.
I would write the first phew words of "America, the beautiful" here... but that would be too sarcastic.

TDS 12/10/12 - Mitch McConnell's Self-Filibuster

alcom says...

What makes no sense? The point here is that Mitch McConnell attempted to pass a bullshit, sarcastic bill as an insult to Democrats. By itself, this is a foolish, immature waste of time. But when called to task, he sheepishly backtracked. I was hoping since there is no danger of Obama being re-elected in 2016, then these filibuster games would end and your representatives could go back to work on real bills for the next 4 years. Sadly, the games go on. Hey look, I agree! It makes no sense.

quantumushroom said:

Makes no sense. Just let the taxocrats have their tax increases. Make them OWN the failures they create. The 2016 obama depression is on the way and not even the King's loyal thugmedia will be able to blame Bush then...

Amazing Ship Transporting Ships!

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